Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Young Feminist Activism

Organizing creatively, facing an increasing threat

Young feminist activists play a critical role in women’s rights organizations and movements worldwide by bringing up new issues that feminists face today. Their strength, creativity and adaptability are vital to the sustainability of feminist organizing.

At the same time, they face specific impediments to their activism such as limited access to funding and support, lack of capacity-building opportunities, and a significant increase of attacks on young women human rights defenders. This creates a lack of visibility that makes more difficult their inclusion and effective participation within women’s rights movements.

A multigenerational approach

AWID’s young feminist activism program was created to make sure the voices of young women are heard and reflected in feminist discourse. We want to ensure that young feminists have better access to funding, capacity-building opportunities and international processes. In addition to supporting young feminists directly, we are also working with women’s rights activists of all ages on practical models and strategies for effective multigenerational organizing.

Our Actions

We want young feminist activists to play a role in decision-making affecting their rights by:

  • Fostering community and sharing information through the Young Feminist Wire. Recognizing the importance of online media for the work of young feminists, our team launched the Young Feminist Wire in May 2010 to share information, build capacity through online webinars and e-discussions, and encourage community building.

  • Researching and building knowledge on young feminist activism, to increase the visibility and impact of young feminist activism within and across women’s rights movements and other key actors such as donors.

  • Promoting more effective multigenerational organizing, exploring better ways to work together.

  • Supporting young feminists to engage in global development processes such as those within the United Nations

  • Collaboration across all of AWID’s priority areas, including the Forum, to ensure young feminists’ key contributions, perspectives, needs and activism are reflected in debates, policies and programs affecting them.

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Christine Hayhurst


With over 30 years of finance experience, Christine has devoted her career to furthering nonprofit missions on a global scale. Her contributions extend to serving as Treasurer on the Board of an NGO. Christine joined AWID in 2007 as Controller and in 2023 took on the role as Director of Finance. During her spare time she enjoys traveling, gardening and hiking.

Director of Finance
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Ghiwa-Sayegh-visite guidee du festiva

Crear | Résister | Transform : 
visite guidée du Festival

Alors que le capitalisme hétéropatriarcal s’acharne à nous contraindre au consumérisme et à la conformité, nous constatons que nos luttes sont cloisonnées et séparées par des frontières aussi bien physiques que virtuelles.

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Liliana Bodoc

Liliana was a teacher, a weaver, and a well recognized writer from Argentina.

Her trilogy La saga de los confines received several awards and is unique in the fantasy genre for its use and re-imagining of South American Indigenous mythology.

Liliana’s commitment to feminism was expressed in the diverse, rich and strong women voices in her writing, and particularly in her extensive work for young readers. She also took public positions in favour of abortion, economic justice and gender parity.



Liliana Bodoc, Argentina


คุณสามารถคาดหวังว่าจะมีอุปกรณ์มาตราฐานสำหรับกิจกรรมและการนำเสนอเตรียมไว้ให้ ได้แก่ กระดาษฟลิปชาร์ท ปากกามาร์กเกอร์ โพสต์อิท รวมถึง โปรเจคเตอร์ อุปกรณ์ด้านภาพและเสียง อุปกรณ์เพิ่มเติมนอกเหนือจากนี้ถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้จัดกิจกรรม ฝ่ายโลจิสติกส์ AWID จะพร้อมที่จะตอบคำถามและให้คำแนะนำต่างๆ

Deya Bhattacharya


Deya es une organizadore de movimientos feministas, profesional de los derechos humanos e investigadore queer trans no binarie que basa su trabajo en métodos queer-feministas y participativos. Ha trabajado en el ecosistema del financiamiento feminista durante más de siete años y ha participado en espacios del movimiento feminista desde hace mucho más tiempo, ya más de 10 años. Su trabajo se ubica en la intersección del dinero con los movimientos. Antes de incorporarse a AWID, Deya se desempeñaba como consultore independiente para Mama Cash, Kaleidoscope Trust, Comic Relief, Global Fund for Children (Fondo Global para la Infancia), entre otros, donde estableció en conjunto procesos, espacios y mecanismos centrados en los movimientos para la dotación de recursos, programas e investigación. Posee una maestría en Justicia Internacional y Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroeuropea.

En AWID, Deya conduce la Estrategia de Participación y Apoyo a los Movimientos de la Iniciativa Financiamiento para los Movimientos Feministas, y brinda apoyo a movimientos feministas clave en sus esfuerzos de definir y promover agendas de dotación de recursos feministas. Fuera del trabajo, Deya se destaca en natación, adora la ficción literaria contemporánea y cuidar su perro.

Responsable, Participación de los Movimientos - Iniciativa para el Financiamiento de los Movimientos Feministas
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Clone of #6 - Sexting like a feminist Tweets Snippet FR

Toujours être volontaire à explorer de nouvelles expériences!

Image of a tweet with the photo of American tv Host Steve Harvey. Text says - Me: Sir, have you tried pegging? Him: No, I haven't. Me: Think about it, cuz I would love to screw you the way the workplaces screw employees out of a livable wage.

Moi : Monsieur, avez-vous essayé le pegging?
Lui : Non, madame.
Moi : Pensez-y, parce que j’aimerais bien vous baiser comme ces entreprises qui baisent leur personnel pour un salaire à peine minimum.

Anna Campbell (şehid Hêlîn Qerecox)

Anna creció en Lewes, Sussex (Reino Unido) y se mudó a Bristol, donde se hizo plomera, luego de decidir que no iba a continuar con su carrera de Inglés en la Universidad de Sheffield.

Dedicó mucho de su tiempo a defender a las personas marginadas y sin privilegios, a participar de marchas antifascistas y a ofrecer apoyo a las mujeres de la Granja Dale cuando estuvieron bajo amenaza de desalojo. Vegana y amante de los animales, participó en sabotajes a partidas de caza y su nombre es honrado en el Monumento «Árbol de la vida», de PETA. En mayo de 2017, Anna se trasladó a Rojava llevada por su fuerte compromiso con el empoderamiento de las mujeres, la plena representación de todas las identidades étnicas y la protección del ambiente.

Murió el 15 de marzo de 2018, al ser alcanzada durante un bombardeo aéreo de fuerzas turcas a la ciudad de Afrin, en el norte de Siria. Anna cayó combatiendo junto a las Unidades de Protección de las Mujeres (YPJ).


Anna Campbell (şehid Hêlîn Qerecox), UK

Qu’est-ce que l’AWID ?

L’Association pour les droits de la femme dans le développement (AWID) est une organisation associative internationale féministe.

Nous œuvrons à renforcer les répercussions et l’influence des organisations, mouvements et défenseur-euse-s des droits des femmes sur la scène internationale et à amplifier leur voix collective, en vue de la pleine réalisation de la justice de genre et des droits humains des femmes.

En savoir plus sur l’AWID

Colectivo Morivivi Snippet ES

Colectivo Morivivi

Moriviví es un colectivo de jóvenes artistas mujeres que trabajan en arte público desde abril de 2013. Con sede en Puerto Rico, hemos obtenido reconocimiento por la creación de murales y de arte comunitario.

Visitar la exposición

Annaliza Dinopol Gallardo Capinpin

Annaliza était la présidente du Conseil de réforme agraire des pionniers de Mindanao, un groupe de coordination de la ville de Tacurong, aux Philippines.

Mère aimée de quatre enfants, sa communauté se souvient d’Annaliza comme de « celle qui dirige quand personne ne veut diriger, qui parle quand personne ne veut parler, qui a eu le courage d'aider les bénéficiaires de la réforme agraire à acquérir des terres ».

Annaliza a été abattue par des assaillants inconnus devant l'Université d'État de Sultan Kudarat (SKSU) alors qu'elle se rendait au lycée national Salabaca à Esperanza.

Sa famille a déclaré : « Naghihintay pa rin kami ng hustisya para sa kanya » (nous attendons toujours que justice lui soit rendue).


What issues does AWID work on?

AWID works towards the realization of gender justice and women’s human rights worldwide. We work to strengthen the voices and impact of women’s rights advocates, organizations and movements. Our main Priority Areas relate to themes that are closely linked to dominant global trends.

These themes reflect growing challenges that negatively impact women’s rights worldwide.

  • Economic Justice
  • Resourcing Women’s Rights
  • Challenging Religious Fundamentalisms
  • Women Human Rights Defenders
  • Young Feminist Activism

Find out more about AWID's Priority Areas

40 ans de la fondation de AWID: L'album | FR Snippet Home

40 ans de la fondation de AWID: L'album

En collaboration avec l'artiste Naadira Patel, nous avons créé un album qui met en lumière une sélection de moments marquants, représentatifs des quatre décennies de soutien de AWID aux mouvements féministes.

Benoîte Groult

Benoîte was a French journalist, writer, and feminist activist.

She published more than 20 novels as well as many essays on feminism.

Her first book “Ainsi Soit-Elle” (loosely translated as “As She Is”) was published in 1975. The book explored the history of women’s rights as well as misogyny and violence against women.

Her last book, “Ainsi Soit Olympe de Gouges,” explored women’s rights during the French Revolution, centering on the early French feminist Olympe de Gouges. De Gouges was guillotined in 1793 for challenging male authority and publishing a declaration of women’s rights (“Déclaration Des droits de la Femme et de la Citoyenne”) two years earlier. 


Benoïte Groult, France

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