Protection of the Family
The Issue
Over the past few years, a troubling new trend at the international human rights level is being observed, where discourses on ‘protecting the family’ are being employed to defend violations committed against family members, to bolster and justify impunity, and to restrict equal rights within and to family life.
The campaign to "Protect the Family" is driven by ultra-conservative efforts to impose "traditional" and patriarchal interpretations of the family, and to move rights out of the hands of family members and into the institution of ‘the family’.
“Protection of the Family” efforts stem from:
- rising traditionalism,
- rising cultural, social and religious conservatism and
- sentiment hostile to women’s human rights, sexual rights, child rights and the rights of persons with non-normative gender identities and sexual orientations.
Since 2014, a group of states have been operating as a bloc in human rights spaces under the name “Group of Friends of the Family”, and resolutions on “Protection of the Family” have been successfully passed every year since 2014.
This agenda has spread beyond the Human Rights Council. We have seen regressive language on “the family” being introduced at the Commission on the Status of Women, and attempts made to introduce it in negotiations on the Sustainable Development Goals.
Our Approach
AWID works with partners and allies to jointly resist “Protection of the Family” and other regressive agendas, and to uphold the universality of human rights.
In response to the increased influence of regressive actors in human rights spaces, AWID joined allies to form the Observatory on the Universality of Rights (OURs). OURs is a collaborative project that monitors, analyzes, and shares information on anti-rights initiatives like “Protection of the Family”.
Rights at Risk, the first OURs report, charts a map of the actors making up the global anti-rights lobby, identifies their key discourses and strategies, and the effect they are having on our human rights.
The report outlines “Protection of the Family” as an agenda that has fostered collaboration across a broad range of regressive actors at the UN. It describes it as: “a strategic framework that houses “multiple patriarchal and anti-rights positions, where the framework, in turn, aims to justify and institutionalize these positions.”
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المقطع الأول
عندما كنت في السادسة من العمر، علِمت أنّ جدّي كان يملك داراً للسينما. أخبرَتني أمّي كيف أنه افتتحها في أوائل الستينيّات، وكانت هي حينها في مثل عمري، إذ كان عمرها قُرابة الستّ سنوات. تذكّرتُ أنهم في الليلة الأولى عرضوا فيلم «صوت الموسيقى».
Why did AWID choose Taipei as the location for the Forum?
AWID spent close to two years working to identify a Forum location in the Asia Pacific region (the Forum location rotates regions).
Building on initial desk research and consultations with allies that led us to rule out many other options in the region, we organized a thorough round of site visits to Nepal, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia and (later) Taiwan.
Each site visit included not just scoping the logistical infrastructure but meeting with local feminist groups and activists to better understand the context, and their sense of potential opportunities and risks of an AWID forum in their context.
In our site visits, we found incredibly vibrant, diverse local feminist movements.
They often expressed conflicted feelings about the opportunities and risk that the visibility of an event like the Forum could bring to them. In one, during the first 30 minutes of our meeting we heard unanimously from the activists gathered that an AWID Forum would be subject to huge backlash, that LGBTQ rights were a particular political hot-button and that fundamentalist groups would turn out in full force to interrupt the event. When our response was “ok, then you don’t feel it’s a good idea”, again the unanimous response was “of course it is, we want to change the narrative!”.
It was difficult to hear and see in some of these places how many feminist activists wanted to leverage the opportunity of a visible big event and were prepared to face the local risks; but our considerations as hosts of close to 2,000 people from around the world impose a different calculation of risk and feasibility.
We also grappled with questions of what it means to organize a feminist forum that is aligned to principles around inclusion, reciprocity and self-determination, when state policy and practice is usually directly counter to that (although officials in the ministries of Tourism work very hard to smooth that over).
We weighed considerations of infrastructure, with potential opportunity to tip momentum on some national level feminist agendas, and national political context.
In many of these places, monitoring the context felt like an exercise on a pendulum that could swing from open and safe for feminist debates in one moment to stark repression and xenophobia the next, sacrificing feminist priorities as political bargaining chips to pacify right wing, anti-rights forces.
The process has been a sobering reflection on the incredibly challenging context for women’s rights and gender justice activism globally.
Our challenges in Asia Pacific led us to consider: would it be easier if we moved the Forum to a different region? Yet today, we would not be able to organize an AWID Forum in Istanbul as we did in 2012; nor would we be able to do one in Brazil as we did in 2016.
With all of this complexity, AWID selected Taipei as the Forum location because:
- It offers a moderate degree of stability and safety for the diversity of Forum participants we will convene.
- it also has strong logistical capacities, and is accessible for many travellers (with a facilitated e-visa process for international conferences).
- The local feminist movement is welcoming of the Forum and keen to engage with feminists from across the globe.
In organizing the AWID Forum, we are trying to build and hold space as best we can for the diverse expressions of solidarity, outrage, hope and inspiration that are at the core of feminist movements.
At this moment, we see Taipei as the location in the Asia Pacific region that will best allow us to build that safe and rebelious space for our global feminist community.
The fact is, there is no ideal location in today’s world for a Forum that centers Feminist Realities. Wherever we go, we must build that space together!
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Sainimili Naivalu
"He dado testimonio de la discriminación que vi en las calles, he sufrido burlas y abusos verbales ahí. También he hecho numerosas amistades y he conocido a mucha gente. Puede que haya peligros ahí fuera, pero soy una sobreviviente y aquí es donde estaré por ahora." - Sainimili Naivalu
Sainimili Naivalu fue una feminista y activista por los derechos de las personas con discapacidades de la aldea de Dakuibeqa en la isla de Beqa, Fiji.
Exigió a las autoridades políticas y a otras partes interesadas que proporcionaran políticas y servicios favorables a la movilidad de las personas con discapacidad, como la construcción de rampas en pueblos y ciudades para aumentar su accesibilidad. Sin embargo, las barreras físicas no fueron las únicas que Sainimili se esforzó por cambiar. Por experiencia propia, sabía que era necesario que se produjeran cambios más complejos en las esferas sociales y económicas. Muchos de los retos a los que se enfrentan las personas con discapacidad tienen su origen en actitudes que llevan a la discriminación y al estigma.
Como sobreviviente y luchadora, Sainimili contribuyó a la creación conjunta de realidades feministas que fomentasen la inclusión y cambiasen las actitudes hacia las personas con discapacidad. Como afiliada a la Asociación de Lesiones de la Espina Dorsal de Fiji (SIA, por sus siglas en inglés) y a través del proyecto del Foro para Personas con Discapacidades del Pacífico “Pacífico Habilita”, Sainimili asistió a la formación de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo "Inicie su Negocio" en Suva, lo que le permitió transformar sus ideas en su propio negocio. Fue emprendedora en el puesto 7 del mercado de Suva, donde ofrecía servicios de manicura, y también se encargaba del puesto del mercado de las mujeres de SIA, donde vendía artesanías, sulus y otros objetos. El plan de Sainimili era expandir su negocio y convertirse en una importante empleadora de personas con discapacidad.
Además de su activismo, también fue medallista y campeona juvenil de tenis de mesa.
Sainimili era única, con una personalidad vivaz. Siempre podías saber si Sainimili estaba en una habitación porque su risa y sus historias eran los primero que notabas. - Michelle Reddy
Sainimili falleció en 2019.
หากผู้นำเสนอต้องการนำเสนอเป็นภาษษมืออื่นๆที่ไม่ใช่ภาษามือสากล จะมีการสนับสนุนการล่ามในภาษษมืออื่นๆหรือไม่
หากกิจกรรมของคุณได้รับการคัดเลือกคุณจะได้รับการติดต่อจาก AWID ที่จะช่วยสนับสนุนและตอบคำถามถึงการล่ามและการช่วยในการเข้าถึงที่จำเป็น
Tributo: Recordamos a lxs activistas feministas que cambiaron nuestro mundo
En esta galería en línea, rendimos homenaje a más de 450 valientes feministas y activistas de todas las regiones del mundo y 88 países que ya no están con nosotrxs.
Lxs traemos a todxs a nuestra memoria colectiva y llevamos su legado de lucha como nuestra antorcha en los movimientos feministas y por los derechos de las mujeres.
Usa los filtros para refinar tu búsqueda
Вместе под Зонтом: Феминизм и Права Секс-Работниц/ков
Ассоциация «Права женщин в развитии» и Фонд «Красный зонт» приглашают Вас принять участие в диспуте-семинаре на тему феминизма и секс-работы.
Вместе под Зонтом: Феминизм и Права Секс-Работниц/ков
10 ноября 2020г. в 14:00 по UTC (сверьтесь с вашим местным временем)
В рамках данной сессии, сотрудницы (-ки) Ассоциации «Права женщин в развитии» будут делиться своими знаниями и опытом работы в условиях виртуального общения. Мы поговорим об основных сложностях и интерсекциональности в работе секс-работниц (-ков) и феминисток (-ов).
Подумайте над своими вопросами!
Для участниц (-ков) будет предоставлен перевод на испанский, французский и русский языки.
Кей Тхи Вин
Кей Тхи является секс-работницей и с 2007 года лоббирует вопросы здоровья и прав секс-работниц (-ков). За последние девять лет она участвовала в программе по предупреждению ВИЧ среди женщин, работающих в секс-индустрии, и мужчин, имеющих половые связи с мужчинами, в Мьянме. В настоящее время Кей Тхи является региональной координаторкой Азиатско-Тихоокеанской сети секс-работниц (-ков) (АТССР) и работает с партнерами по всему Азиатско-Тихоокеанскому региону.
Гитанджали Мишра
Гитанджали является соосновательницей и исполнительной директоркой организации CREA (Нью-Дели). Она феминистка и любительница кино, работала по вопросам сексуальности, репродуктивного здоровья, гендера, прав человека и насилия в отношении женщин на различных уровнях - в качестве активистки, грантодательницы и на директивном уровне.
Вера Родригез
Вера присоединилась к фонду «Красный зонт» в августе 2017 года в качестве сотрудницы по программам. Вера родилась в Испании, где окончила факультет журналистики Университета Сан Пабло в Валенсии. Последние 7 лет она является активной участницей организации «X-talk», очень вовлечена в работу Коллектива Стриптизерш (-ров) Восточного Лондона, а также является участницей съемочной группы «Опера секс-работниц (-ков)».
Заинтересованы в том, чтобы вскоре стать частью этого диспут-семинарa и других обучения?!
Angy Ferreira
كم سؤال في الاستطلاع؟
هنالك 47 سؤال في الاستطلاع، منها 27 سؤال اجباري* والعشرين الباقين هي أسئلة اختيارية. أغلب الأسئلة هي أسئلة متعددة الخيارات. ندعوكم/ن للإجابة على جميع الأسئلة.
Sylvia Rivera
Sylvia Rivera était une militante pour les droits civiques, travestie et travailleuse du sexe.
Connue comme la drag queen de couleur de New York, Sylvia était une infatigable et féroce défenseure des marginalisé·e·s et exclu·e·s au début des années 1970, alors que le mouvement pour les « droits des gays » prenait de l’ampleur aux États-Unis.
Dans un discours bien connu prononcé pour Chistopher Street Day en 1973, Sylvia s’est exclamée, parmi une foule de membres de la communauté LGBT :
« Vous me dites tous d’aller me cacher, la queue entre les jambes.
Je ne supporterai plus ces conneries.
On m’a battue.
On m’a cassé le nez.
On m’a jetée en prison.
J’ai perdu mon travail.
J’ai perdu mon appartement.
Tout ça pour la libération gay, et vous me traitez de la sorte?
C’est quoi votre putain de problème à tous?
Réfléchissez à ça! »
En 1969, à l’âge de 17 ans, Sylvia a participé aux célèbres émeutes de Stonewall en jetant, paraît-il, le deuxième cocktail molotov en signe de protestation contre la descente de la police dans le bar gay de Manhattan. Elle a continué à être une figure centrale des soulèvements qui ont suivi, organisant des rassemblements et ripostant aux brutalités policières.
En 1970, Sylvia a collaboré avec Marsha P. Johnson à la création de Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (S.T.A.R.), collectif et organisation politique qui mettait sur pied des projets de soutien mutuel pour les personnes trans vivant dans la rue, celles et ceux aux prises avec la toxicomanie ou en détention, et spécialement pour les personnes trans de couleur et celles et ceux vivant dans la pauvreté.
Refusant les étiquettes, Sylvia a incité les personnes du mouvement de libération gay à penser différemment, et ce, tout au long de sa vie. Elle a déclaré :
« J’ai quitté ma maison en 1961, à l’âge de 10 ans. Je me suis démenée sur la 42e rue. Le début des années 1960 n’était pas génial pour les drag queens, les garçons efféminés ou les garçons qui se maquillaient comme on le faisait. À l’époque, on se faisait battre par la police, par tout le monde. Je n’ai pas vraiment fait mon coming out en tant que drag queen avant la fin des années 1960. C’était vraiment la débandade lorsque des drag queens se faisaient arrêter. Je me rappelle la première fois où je me suis fait arrêter, je n’étais même pas habillée entièrement en drag. Je marchais dans la rue et les flics m’ont tout simplement attrapée. Les gens maintenant prétendent que je suis une lesbienne, parce que je suis avec Julia, ce à quoi je leur je réponds : « Non, je suis juste moi. Je ne suis pas une lesbienne. » J’en ai marre d’être étiquetée. Je ne suis même pas en faveur de l’étiquette de transgenre. J’en ai marre de vivre avec des étiquettes. Je veux juste être qui je suis. Je suis Sylvia Rivera »
Par son activisme et son courage, Sylvia Rivera a présenté un miroir où se reflétait tout ce qui n’allait pas dans la société, mais aussi la possibilité d’une transformation. Sylvia est née en 1951 et décédée en 2002.
Upasana Agarwal Snippet EN
Upasana Agarwal
Upasana is a non binary illustrator and artist based out of Kolkata, India. Their work explores identity and personal narratives by using a visual remnant or evidence of the contexts they work with. They are especially drawn to patterns which to them communicate complex truths about the past, present and future. When Upasana is not illustrating they organise and run a queer and trans community art centre in the city.
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Cynthia Cockburn
Cynthia Cockburn was a feminist sociologist, writer, academic, photographer and peace activist.
She explored the gendered aspects of violence and conflict and made significant contributions to the peace movement through her exploration of the themes of masculinity and violence as well as her local and international activism.
Cynthia brought a feminist power analysis to militarisation and war, and was among the academics whose writings and analysis clearly demonstrated how gender-based violence played a key part in perpetuating war. Working closely with peace activists in countries experiencing conflict, her findings covered diverse contexts including Northern Ireland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Israel/Palestine, South Korea, Japan, Spain and the UK. She helped bring in her research and academic writings, an understanding that violence was experienced as a continuum of time and scale and perceived very differently when seen from a gendered lens.
In her words, “Gender helps us to see the continuity, the connection between instances of violence.”
Cynthia bridged her research with the activism she did locally and internationally with movements for demilitarisation, disarmament and peace. She helped start the Greenham Common women’s peace camp, which advocated for universal nuclear disarmament in Britain and was part of establishing the London chapter of Women in Black.
Over the decades, Cynthia organized and participated in local weekly vigils and the political choir Raised Voices, singing in the choir, and writing several of the lyrics to the songs that have made up its repertoire. She was also active in the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), the European Forum of Socialist Feminists as well as in Women Against Fundamentalism.
“Cynthia shed feminist light, wove together feminist communities, sang songs of peace, listened, listened, listened, watched the birds – and stopped traffic. I’ll be forever and gratefully in her debt, the other ‘Cynthia’” – Cynthia Enloe
Cynthia was born in July 1934 and passed away in September 2019 at the age of 85.
40 Años de AWID: El Álbum | ES Snippet HOME
40 Años de AWID: El Álbum
En colaboración con la artista Naadira Patel, creamos un álbum que resalta algunos momentos de las últimas cuatro décadas de apoyo a los movimientos feministas por parte de AWID.
Ika Vantiani
Bunga or flower in English is something that is often associated with women in Indonesia. Meaning, a flower can also be associated with transgender women. Because transgender women are women. As beautiful, as strong, and they both lived not only waiting to be 'picked' but instead grew and bloom and died as they pleased. This work is a tribute to my transgender women friends on The International Transgender Day of Visibility.
About Ika Vantiani
Ika Vantiani is an Indonesian artist, curator and crafter based in Jakarta. Her works explores the idea of being a woman in today’s society with the intertwined between media and consumption. Ika uses the discipline of collage and expands it into workshop, installation, and street art. Ika is the member of artist collectives including Micro Galleries, The Collage Club and It’s In Your Hands Collective.