Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Human Rights Council (HRC)

The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the key intergovernmental body within the United Nations system responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. It holds three regular sessions a year: in March, June and September. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is the secretariat for the HRC.

The HRC works by:

  • Debating and passing resolutions on global human rights issues and human rights situations in particular countries

  • Examining complaints from victims of human rights violations or activist organizations on behalf of victims of human rights violations

  • Appointing independent experts (known as “Special Procedures”) to review human rights violations in specific countries and examine and further global human rights issues

  • Engaging in discussions with experts and governments on human rights issues

  • Assessing the human rights records of all UN Member States every four and a half years through the Universal Periodic Review

Learn more about the HRC

AWID works with feminist, progressive and human rights partners to share key knowledge, convene civil society dialogues and events, and influence negotiations and outcomes of the session.

With our partners, our work will:

◾️ Monitor, track and analyze anti-rights actors, discourses and strategies and their impact on resolutions

◾️ Raise awareness of the findings of the 2017 and 2021 OURs Trends Reports.

◾️Support the work of feminist UN experts in the face of backlash and pressure

◾️Advocate for state accountability
◾️ Work with feminist movements and civil society organizations to advance rights related to gender and sexuality.

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Love letter to Feminist Movements #3

Love Letter to Feminism

By: Marianne Mesfin Asfaw

Scrapbook envelopes that say Love Letters to Feminist Movements. The envelope on top says From Marianne Mesfin Asfaw

I have many fond memories in my journey with feminism, but one in particular that stands out. It was during my time at graduate school, at a lecture I attended as part of a Feminist Theory course. This lecture was on African feminism and in it the professor talked about the history of Pan Africanism and the ways in which it was patriarchal, male-centric, and how Pan Africanist scholars perpetuated the erasure of African women. She talked about how African women’s contributions to the anti-colonial and decolonial struggles on the continent are rarely, if ever, discussed and given their due credit. We read about the African feminist scholars challenging this erasure and actively unearthing these stories of African women led movements and resistance efforts. It seems so simple but what stood out to me the most was that somebody put the words African and feminist together. Better yet, that there were many more of us out there wrestling with the complicated history, politics and societal norms in the various corners of the continent and we were all using a feminist lens to do this. I came out of that lecture feeling moved and completely mind-blown. After the lecture three of my friends (all African feminists) and I spent some time debriefing outside the classroom. We were all so struck by the brilliance of the lecture and the content but, more than anything, we all felt so seen. That feeling stood out to me. 

Falling in love feminism was thrilling. It felt like finally getting to talk to your longtime crush and finding out that they like you back. I call it my crush because in high school I referred to myself as a feminist but I didn’t feel like I knew enough about it. Was there a right way to be feminist? What if I wasn’t doing it right? Attending my first Women’s Studies lecture answered some of these questions for me. It was thrilling to learn about stories of feminist resistance and dismantling the patriarchy. I felt so affirmed and validated, but I also felt like something was missing.

Deepening my relationship with feminism through academia, at an institution where the students and teaching staff were mostly white meant that, for those first few years, I noticed that we rarely had discussions about how race and anti-blackness show up in mainstream feminist movements. In most courses we had maybe 1 week, or worse 1 lecture, dedicated to race and we would usually read something by bell hooks, Kimberly Crenshaw’s work on intersectionality, and maybe Patricia Hill Collins. The following week we were back to sidelining the topic. I dealt with this by centring race and black feminism in almost all my assignments, by writing about black hair and respectability politics, the hypersexualization of black women’s bodies, and so much more. Over time I realized that I was trying to fill a gap but didn’t quite know what it was. 

Encountering and learning about African feminism was a full circle moment. I realized that there was so much more I had to learn.

Mainly that my Africanness and my feminist politics did not have to be separate. In fact, there was so much that they could learn from each other and there were African feminists out there already doing this work. It was the missing piece that felt so elusive during my exploration of feminism throughout my academic journey.

Feminism to me is the antithesis to social and political apathy. It also means once you adopt a feminist lens, nothing can ever be the same. My friends and I used to talk about how it was like putting on glasses that you can never take off because you now see the world for what it is, mess and all. A mess you can’t simply ignore or walk away from. Therefore my vow to the feminist movement is to never stop learning, to keep stretching the bounds of my empathy and to never live passively. To dedicate more time and space in my life to feminist movements and to continue to amplify, celebrate, document and cite the work of African feminists. I also commit to centring care and prioritizing pleasure in this feminist journey because we can’t sustain our movements without this.

OURS 2021 - Chapitre 1

Chapitre 1

Promouvoir les programmes féministes : principales avancées en matière de genre et de sexualité

Alors que les fondamentalismes, les fascismes et autres systèmes d’oppression se métamorphosent et trouvent de nouvelles tactiques et stratégies pour consolider leur pouvoir et influence, les mouvements féministes persévèrent et célèbrent leurs victoires nationales, régionales et internationales.

En lire plus

Claudia Montserrat Arévalo Alvarado


Claudia est Professeure en Egalité et équité pour le développement, psychologue féministe, activiste en faveur de la défense des droits humains depuis 30 ans et des droits des femmes depuis 24 ans.

Claudia, qui travaille au Salvador, est co-fondatrice et directrice générale de l’association Mujeres Transformando, et défend depuis 16 ans les droits du travail des travailleuses du secteur des maquiladoras textiles et de l’habillement. Elle a collaboré à la formulation d’initiatives législatives, à des propositions de politiques publiques et de recherches visant à améliorer la qualité de l’emploi pour les femmes travaillant dans ce secteur, en plus de travailler sans relâche au renforcement de l’organisation et de l’autonomisation des ouvrières des maquiladoras textiles et des couturières à domicile.

Elle participe activement à des actions de plaidoyer à l’échelle nationale, régionale et internationale pour la défense et la revendication des droits du travail de la classe ouvrière du Sud mondial d’un point de vue féministe, anticapitaliste, anti-patriarcal et dans une perspective de prise de conscience de la classe et du genre. Elle fait partie du Conseil d'administration de l'Initiative Spotlight et du Groupe national de référence de cette dernière. Elle fait également partie du Groupe consultatif de la société civile de l'ONU Femmes.

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How can I fund my participation in the AWID Forum?

If your group or organization receives funding, you might want to discuss with your funder already now if they are able to support your travel and participation to the Forum. Many institutions plan their budgets for next year early in 2023, so better not delay this conversation for next year.

Carta de amor a los movimientos feministas #5

Feministas sudanesas: «Una revolución dentro de la revolución»

«Mientras estaba en la primera línea de la protesta, fui sometida a violencia sexual, a lesiones físicas y a otras formas de violencia. Pero no me detendré hasta que logremos pleno gobierno civil en Sudán. Debemos impedir la militarización del Estado. Nuestros cuerpos no deben seguir siendo tratados como campos de batalla»

dijo Amal,1 una manifestante de 23 años.2 

Durante los últimos cuatro años, las mujeres lideraron la revolución en Sudán. Su liderazgo no fue solo callejero, sino que constituyó el poder que impulsó la resistencia constante en todos los niveles. Las mujeres y las jóvenes feministas se convirtieron en la conciencia alerta del movimiento de cambio y democratización sudanés. Desde la primera protesta del 13 de diciembre de 2018 contra el régimen anterior, en la ciudad de Aldmazein, en el área de conflicto del Nilo Azul, las jóvenes estudiantes fueron las voces que demandaron el fin de la dictadura de los militares y los Hermanos Musulmanes, que ya lleva treinta años en el poder.

Love letter to feminist movements from Your dramatically cloaked jungle nymph.

El movimiento feminista, liderado por mujeres de entre 16 y 35 años, ha entablado una revolución dentro de la revolución en Sudán durante los últimos cuatro años de lucha ininterrumpida. Las potentes voces de las jóvenes que ocupan espacios en las calles, las redes sociales, la sociedad civil y las organizaciones políticas se elevaron lo suficiente como para reconfigurar la opinión pública y desafiar las normas sociales. Por primera vez en la historia de Sudán, las discusiones sobre violencia sexual y de género y sobre los tabúes de la violencia doméstica y los procesos de toma de decisiones dominados por los hombres se convirtieron en debates generalizados. Los equipos de fútbol de mujeres designaron voceras ante los comités de resistencia, y los sindicatos profesionales liderados por mujeres son parte de la expresión de la nueva ola del movimiento feminista de Sudán. El logro más importante es que las jóvenes se identifican como feministas en forma orgullosa y pública, en un país regido por el fundamentalismo islámico durante tres décadas. Los jóvenes varones que apoyan el activismo feminista -y se identifican como feministas- son otra señal de progreso notable.

Bajo el actual régimen del golpe militar, las jóvenes que lideran estas iniciativas y los grupos de mujeres que trabajan en el territorio no pueden mencionarse aquí debido a varios problemas de seguridad. Pero su resiliencia, su fuerza y su valentía serán incluidas en los libros de historia. Las audaces jóvenes que encabezan la resistencia en las calles y detrás de las pantallas, y que trabajan en diferentes profesiones y áreas de activismo están dando forma al futuro de Sudán. Las jóvenes feministas de Sudán están creando nuevos espacios para que las narrativas y los discursos feministas reestructuren la distribución del poder a nivel político, económico y social.

A pesar de la inmensa violencia, del resurgimiento del islamismo fundamentalista, de la militarización y de la reducción de los espacios cívicos, las activistas feministas de Sudán se mantienen arraigadas en su sororidad. Siguen siendo una gran inspiración para los movimientos feministas de todo el mundo.


Nazik Awad

1 «Amal» es un seudónimo utilizado para proteger a la joven activista citada.
2 Desde 2018, Sudán vive en una revolución constante. Una nueva ola opositora arrancó a partir del golpe militar del 25 de octubre de 2021.

Primer: Spot key groups and debunk their narratives


Spot key groups and debunk their narratives

Are you a UN policy maker and want to know the main anti-rights groups and discourses to look out for? Or a feminist looking for quick counter-arguments? This 8-page primer provides key information at a glance.

Get the primer

Abby Lippman

Abby était une féministe pionnière, militante des droits humains.

Ancienne épidémiologiste de l'Université McGill, Abby était réputée pour défendre les causes sociales et pour ses critiques perspicaces concernant les technologies de procréation humaine assistée et d'autres sujets médicaux. Plus précisément, elle a fait campagne contre ce qu'elle a appelé la « généticisation » des technologies de procréation, contre l'hormonothérapie substitutive et pour des recherches plus qualitatives et plus longues avant l'approbation de nouveaux vaccins comme celui contre le  papillomavirus humain.

À la nouvelle de son décès, ses ami-e-s et collègues l'ont décrite avec affection comme une « ardente défenseure » de la santé des femmes.



Abby Lipman, Canada

Ȃurea Mouzinho


Ȃurea Mouzinho is a feminist economic justice organizer and advocate from Luanda, Angola. Rooted by a pan-African, socialist and decolonial feminist politics and practice, in 2016 she co-founded and has since been a co-coordinator of Ondjango Feminista, a feminist collective working to advance a transformative women’s rights and gender justice agenda in Angola through consciousness-raising, mobilisation and advocacy. Her 10-year work history encompasses roles in research, project-management, grant-making, advocacy and movement-building primarily on issues at the intersection of women's rights, economic policies and social justice. She has written on the history and challenges for women's organising in Angola, the interplay between extractivism, militarisation and violence against women in Mozambique, and the contemporary economic liberatory practices of African peoples worldwide. Currently, Ȃurea works as policy advocacy and campaigns coordinator at the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ), leading the alliance's work on tax and gender. Ȃurea is a strategic advisor for Eyala, an alumni and regular contributor to FEMNET's African Feminist Macroeconomics Academy (AFMA) and has previously served as advisor for Sub-Saharan Africa for FRIDA-The Young Feminist Fund. She is trained in economics (University of Cape Town, Monash University) and has a Masters in Development Studies from SOAS, University of London.

Ȃurea has a loud laugh, is a proud house-plant caretaker, and enjoys strolling the beaches of the Angolan Atlantic coast followed by slow evenings laying on her carpet. She occasionally tweets on @kitondowe.

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¿Cómo se conecta el Foro de AWID con espacios regionales y otros?

Estamos en comunicación con reuniones regionales, temáticas y de donantes planificadas para 2023-2024, para garantizar el flujo de conversaciones y conexiones. Si estás organizando un evento y deseas establecer una conexión con el Foro de AWID, ¡por favor contáctanos!

2024 Forum Announcement

An image with a purple to yellow gradient background and the words "AWID 2024 Forum Announcement" over it. In the background there is a faded photo of the audience during the 2016 Forum.

It’s time for the next AWID Forum in 2024!

When thousands of feminists come together, we create a sweeping force of solidarity that has the power to change the world. The AWID Forum will be a moment for us to rest and heal together, connect across borders, and discover brave new strategic directions.

The date and location will be announced next year, as soon as we can. We’re excited and we know you’re excited too. Stay tuned!

Make sure to follow us on social media and subscribe to our mailing list to stay informed!

Derechos en riesgo – Informe sobre tendencias 2017


Derechos en riesgo – Informe sobre tendencias 2017

El primer informe del Observatorio sobre la Universalidad de los Derechos funciona como un compendio de información sobre tendencias anti-derechos en espacios internacionales. Este informe permite conocer mejor a los principales actores anti-derechos religiosos, sus discursos y tácticas dentro de la ONU.

Acceder al informe

Winnie Madikizela-Mandela

Winnie has been described as a “militant firebrand activist” who fought the apartheid regime in South Africa.

She was imprisoned multiple times, and on many occasions placed in solitary confinement.

Ma’Winnie, as she is affectionately remembered, was known for being outspoken about the challenges Black women faced during and after apartheid, having been on the receiving end of these brutalities herself as a mother, wife and activist during the struggle. She transcended the misconception that leadership is gender, class or race-based. Despite being a controversial figure, she is remembered by many by her Xhosa name, “ Nomzamo”, which means "She who endures trials".  

Ma’Winnie continues to be an inspiration to many, particularly young South African women for whom her death has spurred a burgeoning movement, with the mantra: "She didn't die, she multiplied."



Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, South Africa

¿De dónde obtiene AWID su financiamiento?

El trabajo de AWID es posible gracias al apoyo financiero de una amplia gama de donantes, incluyendo agencias multilaterales y bilaterales, fundaciones privadas y fondos de mujeres.

Consulta la lista actualizada de donantes

Y aura-t-il un espace dédié aux jeunes féministes ? Un espace consacré à la justice pour les personnes en situation de handicap ? Un pôle numérique/technologique ? Des réunions- café pour les bailleurs de fonds ? Des espaces bien-être et thérapeutiques ?

Nous partagerons dès que possible les informations concernant le programme, les espaces et la manière dont vous pourrez vous impliquer dans leur élaboration. Vous pourrez également participer au développement de ces espaces dans le temps précédant le Forum et pendant le Forum. Restez à l'écoute !

Tres botes, un caballo y un taxi: feministas del Pacífico en los Foros AWID

Portada para el Estudio de caso 1 - Tres barcos, un caballo y un taxi: feministas del Pacífico en los Foros de AWID


Esta historia es sobre la manera en que un grupo cada vez más diverso de feministas del Pacífico se organizaron a lo largo de los años para asistir a los Foros de AWID, y el modo en que ese proceso lxs transformó en forma personal, como organizaciones y como movimiento a través de lo que aprendieron, descubrieron y experimentaron. Ilustra la importancia de los Foros como espacio que permitió que una región que tiende a ser marginada o ignorada a nivel global pueda construir una presencia sólida en el movimiento feminista, que luego es replicada en otros espacios internacionales de derechos de las mujeres.

Descarga esta historia

En sus propias voces: mira la entrevista con Virisila Buadromo & Michelle Reddy

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