Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Confronting Extractivism & Corporate Power

Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) worldwide defend their lands, livelihoods and communities from extractive industries and corporate power. They stand against powerful economic and political interests driving land theft, displacement of communities, loss of livelihoods, and environmental degradation.

Why resist extractive industries?

Extractivism is an economic and political model of development that commodifies nature and prioritizes profit over human rights and the environment. Rooted in colonial history, it reinforces social and economic inequalities locally and globally. Often, Black, rural and Indigenous women are the most affected by extractivism, and are largely excluded from decision-making. Defying these patriarchal and neo-colonial forces, women rise in defense of rights, lands, people and nature.

Critical risks and gender-specific violence

WHRDs confronting extractive industries experience a range of risks, threats and violations, including criminalization, stigmatization, violence and intimidation.  Their stories reveal a strong aspect of gendered and sexualized violence. Perpetrators include state and local authorities, corporations, police, military, paramilitary and private security forces, and at times their own communities.

Acting together

AWID and the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD-IC) are pleased to announce “Women Human Rights Defenders Confronting Extractivism and Corporate Power”; a cross-regional research project documenting the lived experiences of WHRDs from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

We encourage activists, members of social movements, organized civil society, donors and policy makers to read and use these products for advocacy, education and inspiration.

Share your experience and questions!

Tell us how you are using the resources on WHRDs Confronting extractivism and corporate power.

◾️ How can these resources support your activism and advocacy?

◾️ What additional information or knowledge do you need to make the best use of these resources?

Share your feedback

Thank you!

AWID acknowledges with gratitude the invaluable input of every Woman Human Rights Defender who participated in this project. This project was made possible thanks to your willingness to generously and openly share your experiences and learnings. Your courage, creativity and resilience is an inspiration for us all. Thank you!

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Marceline Loridan-Ivens

Nacida en 1928, Marceline trabajó como actriz, guionista y directora.

Dirigió The Birch-Tree Meadow en 2003, protagonizada por Anouk Aimee, así como varios otros documentales. También fue una sobreviviente del Holocausto. Tenía solo quince años cuando ella y su padre fueron arrestadxs y enviadxs a campos de concentración nazis. Los tres kilómetros entre su padre en Auschwitz y ella en Birkenau eran una distancia infranqueable, sobre la cual escribió en una de sus novelas más influyentes: Pero no regresaste.

Al hablar sobre su trabajo, una vez afirmó: «Todo lo que puedo decir es que todo lo que pueda escribir, todo lo que pueda develar, es mi tarea hacerlo».


Marceline Loridan-Ivens, France

Freeing the Church, Decolonizing the Bible for West Papuan Women

By Rode Wanimbo (@rodwan986), Jayapura, Papua Province of Indonesia

“Lord, we are unworthy. We are the ones who committed sin for Eve ate the fruit in Eden. We are just women who grow sweet potatoes, look after pigs and give birth to children. We believe you died on the cross to set us free. Thank you, In Jesus’s name Amen.”

This is a typical prayer of women I have heard during my visits to ministries in several villages. Even I said the same prayer for many years.

I was born and grew up in Agamua, the Central Highlands of West Papua. My father belongs to the Lani tribe and my mother comes from Walak.

In Lani and Walak languages - languages spoken in the Central Highlands - tiru means a pillar. There are four tiru (pillars) standing firmly in the middle of the Lani roundhouse (honai), around wun’awe or a furnace. Tiru is always made of the strongest type of wood called a’pe (ironwood tree). The longer the wood gets heated and smoked from the fire in the honai, the stronger it becomes. Without tiru, the honai cannot stand firm. West Papuan women are these tiru.

West Papua is located in the western part of the New Guinea island, containing some of the world’s highest mountains, densest jungle, and richest mineral resources. It is home to over 250 groups and has an incredible biodiversity. Due to its natural wealth, West Papua has, over the centuries, been targeted by foreign occupiers. Until 1963, we were colonized by the Dutch. However in 1969, after a manipulative political act, we were transferred from the Dutch to Indonesia. 

The first German missionaries arrived in Mansinam Island, Manokwari, in 1855. Then, in the 1950s, Christianity was brought to the Central Highlands of West Papua by Protestant missionaries of European descent from America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.  

According to Scripture in Genesis 1: 26-27, Man and Woman are created in the image of God. It means all humanity is made with the call and capacity to exercise dominion. Radah, the Hebrew word for dominion, means stewardship. Radah is not a call to exercise imperial power as declared by Pope Nicolas V, granting Catholic nations the right to “discover” and claim dominion over non-Christian lands. To diminish the capacity of humans to exercise dominion, is to diminish the image of God on earth (Lisa Sharon Harper, The Very Good Gospel).

The Evangelical Church of Indonesia (GIDI) was established as an institution in 1963. In the Sunday Service liturgy of GIDI, Women are considered unworthy to take any responsibility except collecting offerings. In 2003, after 40 years, the Department of Women was introduced within the structure of the Synod leadership.

In November 2013, I was entrusted to be a chairperson of the Women’s Department of the GIDI Synod.

Together with several other women leaders, we started a cell group that is committed to “decolonizing the Bible.” We learn together how to reconstruct the interpretation of biblical texts to champion women.

A feminist theologian named Elisabeth S Florenza calls it a feminist hermeneutic theory (Josina Wospakrik, Biblical Interpretation and Marginalization of Woman in the Churches of West Papua).

Besides the cell group, we interview our elderly women to collect our ancestors’ wisdom and values. As Bernard Narakobi in his book The Melanesian Way said: “Our history did not begin with contact with the Western explorers. Our civilization did not start with the coming of the Christian missionaries. Because we have an ancient civilization. It is important for us to give proper dignity and place to our history”.

Yum is a knotted net or woven bag handmade from wood fiber or leaves. Yum is highly valued for it symbolizes life and hope. When women of Lani and Walak get married, our maternal aunts put yum on our heads. It means we bear the responsibility for giving life and for providing food. Yum is used to carry garden produce as well as being used as a container to put a baby to sleep in as it gives warmth and a sense of security.

“West Papuan Women are Yum and Tiru” became the prime references as we contextualized women in the eyes of Jesus Christ in seminar and focus group discussions. From 2013 to 2018, we focused on reconstructing the view of women in GIDI and in gaining a healthy self-image. We are still in the process of understanding who we are to Jesus, rather than who we have been told we are by theologians and the fathers of the early Churches. Josina Wospakrik, a West Papuan Theologian said “The Gospel is incredibly rich but it was impoverished due to human ambitions and agendas.”

Since 2018, the GIDI Women Leadership team and I have formulated four priority programs: Decolonizing the Bible, Storytelling in a circle, Training of trainers for Literacy and Gender. The fourth, supported simple bookkeeping and savings groups workshops facilitated by Yapelin and Yasumat, which are faith based organizations established by GIDI leaders to reach the economic, social and health needs of women in the communities.

Storytelling in a Circle

In this programme we create a safe space for women to talk - each woman has a story. We all sit together and learn how to be good listeners.

“I became Christian and was taught that the government is God’s representative. Why did the government do nothing when the army burnt down my village and killed my relatives?” asked one woman in the storytelling circle. “My aunt was raped.” She stopped for a while. Could not talk. She cried. We all did. 

The process of storytelling has driven us into deep conversation. We began to contextualize Biblical texts within our daily realities.

We started asking questions amongst ourselves: Where is God in our toughest times? Does the state government truly represent God on earth? Why does the Creator allow privileged people to destroy His own image in the name of Christianity and Development? During the process, I realized that I have been reading the Bible using somebody else’s glasses.

The church has to be a safe place to share stories and be a place of comfort to be still and rest. As we reflect on the testimonies, those who tell their stories begin the process of recovering from wounds and trauma.

Financial Literacy for Women

 Culturally, West Papuans invest in relationships. The concept of saving is understood as an investment in relations, not in a bank account. And while the Indonesian central government has granted special autonomy to respond to West Papuans’ demand for self-determination, many government policies harm the quality of family life and they do not account for women’s lives. High illiteracy rates amongst women mean most women do not have access to a bank account. With no money saved, access to medical services becomes a struggle. 

Through the priority programmes, Yapelin, with the active involvement and support of women, created saving groups in Bokondini and Jayapura. The saving groups are chaired by women who have access to a bank. 

In coordination with Yayasan Bethany Indonesia (YBI) and Yayasan Suluh, a faith-based organization (FBO) based in Jayapura, we facilitated four literacy workshops. The literacy team facilitated the training of trainers in three different dioceses: Merauke, Sentani, and Benawa. We now have 30 facilitators in different congregations who run literacy programs.

Lack of financial support for our programs will not stop us. Being stigmatized as rebels will not stop us from standing up and speaking in church evaluation meetings and conferences. It is stressful but I am committed together with several women leaders to calling on the power-holders within to free the church.

The Gospel known as Good News should become news that liberates women from a very patriarchal circle of power, liberates women from social stigma and returns women to the original purpose of The Creator.

The Gospel must be a mirror to reflect who we are collectively. As Lisa Sharon Harper, in her book The Very Good Gospel said “The Gospel is not only about an individual’s reconciliation with God, self and communities. But also speaks on systemic justice, peace between people groups and freedom for the oppressed”. 


Rode Wanimbo is the chairperson of the Women’s Department of Evangelical Church of Indonesia (GIDI).

“Offerings for Black Life”

By Sokari Ekine (@blacklooks), New Orleans

Coming from a place of healing and self-care is a political act that guides us to be focused and to move as one. In New Orleans, we created and will be creating altars in honour of those murdered by police and white supremacists vigilantes!

Sokari Ekine (@blacklooks)
Sokari Ekine (@blacklooks)


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Qui devrait participer à cette enquête?

Les groupes, organisations et mouvements qui travaillent spécifiquement, ou principalement, à la défense des droits des femmes et des filles, pour la justice de genre, pour la défense des droits des personnes LBTQI+ et des allié·es dans toutes les régions et à tous les niveaux, que ces structures soient récentes ou non.

Dilma Ferreira Silva

Dilma Ferreira Silva fue una destacada activista por los derechos de las comunidades del Amazonas y luchó durante décadas por los derechos de las personas afectadas por las represas.

Ella misma fue una de las 32.000 personas desplazadas por el Tucuruí, una mega central hidroeléctrica, construida en Brasil durante la dictadura militar de 1964-1985.

En 2005 Dilma fue invitada a unirse al Movimiento de los Pueblos Afectados por las Represas en Brasil (MAB), y en 2006 formó el colectivo de mujeres, y eventualmente se convirtió en coordinadora regional del movimiento.

Al hablar de su activismo, sus colegas comentaban:

"Se destacó muy rápido porque siempre fue muy intrépida en la lucha".

Dilma vivió en el asentamiento rural de Salvador Allende, a 50 kilómetros de Tucuruí, y dedicó toda su vida a proteger a las comunidades y las tierras afectadas por la construcción de mega proyectos. Dilma se preocupaba especialmente por el impacto de género que esos proyectos podrían causar, y defendía los derechos de las mujeres.

En una reunión nacional del MAB en 2011, Dilma, dirigiéndose a las mujeres afectadas por las represas, dijo:

"Somos las verdaderas Marías, guerreras, luchadoras que están allí, enfrentando el desafío de la lucha diaria".

En los años siguientes, Dilma organizó grupos de base del MAB y trabajó con la comunidad para formar cooperativas agrícolas que condujeron a una mejor redistribución de los alimentos entre la comunidad. Conjuntamente, mejoraron la comercialización de la pesca y desarrollaron un proyecto de cisternas para el agua potable. También  fue defensora de la comunidad de agricultores cuyas tierras eran codiciadas por los "grileiros" (acaparadores de tierras).

El 22 de marzo de 2019, a la edad de 48 años, Dilma, su marido y su amigo fueron brutalmente asesinados. Los tres asesinatos fueron parte de una ola de violencia en la Amazonia contra el Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra (traducido como 'Movimiento de los Trabajadores Sin Tierra') y lxs activistas medioambientales e indígenas.

FRMag - Freeing the Church

Liberar a la Iglesia, descolonizar la Biblia para las mujeres de Papúa Occidental

por Rode Wanimbo

«Señor, somos indignas. Somos las que pecaron, porque Eva comió el fruto en el Edén. Solo somos mujeres que cultivan batatas, cuidan cerdos y dan a luz niñxs. Creemos que tú moriste en la cruz para liberarnos. Gracias, en el nombre de Jesús, amén». (...)


< arte: «Offerings for Black Life» [Ofrendas para las vidas negras], Sokari Ekine


Principios de participación para el Festival

¡Bienvenidxs a Crear | Résister | Transform: un festival para movimientos feministas!

Principios de participación para el Festival

AWID está comprometida con la creación de un espacio virtual que nos invite y desafíe a todxs a funcionar desde un lugar de valentía, curiosidad, generosidad y responsabilidad compartida.
Te invitamos a crear conjuntamente con nosotrxs espacios libres de acoso y violencia, donde todas las personas sean respetadas en su identidad y expresión de género, raza, capacidad, clase, religión, idioma, etnia, edad, ocupación, tipo de educación, sexualidad, tamaño corporal y apariencia física. Espacios donde reconozcamos las desigualdades que prevalecen en nuestro mundo, y nos esforcemos por transformarlas.

Queremos crear un espacio donde:

  •  podamos estar “presentes”:

Esto significa escucharnos, comprendernos y vincularnos. Sentirnos cerca, a pesar de la virtualidad. Para eso, contaremos con interpretación y abriremos canales (como el chat y otras herramientas) para reaccionar y compartir. Para lograr escucharnos mejor, les invitamos a utilizar audífonos o auriculares durante la sesión. Si puedes hacerlo, te sugerimos cerrar tus correos electrónicos y cualquier otra posible distracción mientras estás en la conversación. 

  • todas las formas de conocimiento son valoradas:

Celebremos los distintos saberes y  las múltiples formas en que estos se expresan. Nos acercamos al espacio con curiosidad y apertura para aprender de otrxs y permitiéndonos desaprender y reaprender a partir del intercambio, sentando las posibilidades para la construcción colectiva de conocimiento. 

  • todxs nos sintamos bienvenidxs:

Estamos comprometidxs con un enfoque holístico de la accesibilidad, conscientes de las diferentes necesidades físicas, mentales, de idioma y de seguridad. Queremos un espacio que acoja a gente de contextos, creencias, capacidades y experiencias diversas. Seremos proactivxs, pero también te pedimos que nos comuniques tus necesidades, para que, dentro de nuestras posibilidades, nos ocupemos de satisfacerlas.

  • todxs nos sintamos segurxs y respetadxs:

Asumimos compromisos individuales y colectivos de respetar la privacidad y contar con el consentimiento de otrxs para difundir imágenes o contenido generado durante la conversación. 

Crear un ambiente más seguro, respetuoso y disfrutable para las conversaciones es responsabilidad de todxs.

Cómo reportar

Si notas que alguien se está comportando de forma discriminatoria u ofensiva, por favor, contacta a la persona de referencia que se indicará al comienzo de la sesión.
Cualquier participante que se exprese con lenguaje opresivo o imágenes ofensivas será eliminadx de la videoconferencia y no será admitidx nuevamente. No interactuaremos con esa persona de ninguna manera.

Snippet - Podcast Intro (FR)

Nous sommes ravi.es d'annoncer le lancement du nouveau podcast de l'AWID, NOTRE FLAMME FÉMINISTE. Notre série narrative dévoile plus de 40 ans de mouvements féministes et réinvente une voie à suivre.

Dans notre saison pilote, vous entendrez cinq histoires captivantes qui font partie d'une constellation d'activisme féministe aujourd'hui. Animé par Gopika Bashi, notre directrice adjointe des programmes à l'AWID, chaque épisode explore des réalités féministes uniques mais interconnectées qui améliorent la justice de genre et les droits humains.

Produit par notre partenaire de podcast Webby Hueman Group Media, vous pouvez vous abonner à NOTRE FLAMME FÉMINISTE et écouter notre premier épisode ici.

Retrouvez-nous sur Apple Podcasts, Spotify ou partout où vous obtenez vos podcasts. Partagez avec votre réseau ! Aidez-nous à diffuser des histoires qui allument notre feu féministe et nous poussent à l'action.

Abonnez-vous ici

How do you define external funding?

External funding includes grants and other forms of funding from philanthropic foundations, governments, bilateral, multilateral or corporate funders and individual donors – from both within your country or abroad. It excludes resources that groups, organizations and/or movements generate autonomously such as, for example, membership fees, the voluntary contributions of staff, members and/or supporters, community fundraisers, venue hires or sale of services. For ease and clarity, definitions of the different types of funding as well as short descriptions of different donors are included in the survey.

Molara Ogundipe

« Mais quand le maître
s’est-il laissé éloigner du pouvoir?
Quand un système a-t-il jamais été brisé
par l’acceptation?
Quand le CHEF te remettra-t-il le pouvoir avec amour?
À Jobourg, à Cancun, à l’ONU? », Molara Ogundipe.

 Dans un entretien à la Foire internationale du livre du Ghana en 2010, Molara Ogundipe s’est présentée avec ces mots : « ... Je suis une Nigériane. J’ai vécu absolument partout, sauf en Union soviétique et en Chine ».

À travers les continents et les pays, la professeure Ogundipe a enseigné la littérature comparée, l’écriture, le genre et les études anglaises, se servant de la littérature comme outil de transformation sociale, de même que pour revisiter les relations de genre. 

Penseuse, écrivaine, rédactrice, critique sociale, poète et activiste féministe, Molara Ogundipe est parvenue à allier le travail théorique et l’action créative et la créativité. Elle est considérée comme l’une des principales voix critiques du(des) féminisme(s) africain(s), des études de genre et de la théorie littéraire.

Molara est connue pour avoir créé le concept de « stiwanisme », à partir de l’acronyme STIWA, pour Social Transformations in Africa Including Women (transformations sociales en Afrique incluant les femmes), reconnaissant la nécessité de « s’éloigner de la définition du ou des féminismes en lien avec l’Euro-Amérique ou avec toute autre région, et de la déclamation de loyautés ou déloyautés ».

Avec son ouvrage fondateur « Re-creating Ourselves » de 1994 (publié sous le nom de Molara Ogundipe-Leslie), Molara Ogundipe a laissé derrière elle un immense éventail de connaissances qui ont décolonisé le discours féministe et « recentré les femmes africaines sur leurs récits entiers et complexes... menées par une exploration de la libération économique, politique et sociale des femmes africaines et la restauration de la capacité d’agir féminine dans plusieurs cultures en Afrique ».

À propos des difficultés rencontrées en tant que jeune universitaire :

« Lorsque j’ai commencé à parler et à écrire sur le féminisme à la fin des années soixante et soixante-dix, on me considérait comme une bonne et admirable fille qui s’était égarée, une femme dont l’esprit avait été gâté par trop d’apprentissages ».

Molara Ogundipe s’est démarquée grâce à son leadership alliant activisme et université. En 1977, elle comptait parmi les fondatrices de l’AAWORD (Association of African Women for Research and Development). En 1982, elle fonde WIN (Women in Nigeria) pour défendre des « droits économiques, sociaux et politiques » entiers pour les Nigérianes. Elle crée et dirige ensuite la Foundation for International Education and Monitoring, et passe plusieurs années à oeuvrer au comité de rédaction de The Guardian.

Ayant grandi avec les Yoruba, leurs traditions, leur culture et leur langue, elle a un jour déclaré :

« Je pense que célébrer la vie, célébrer les personnes qui décèdent après une vie bien remplie est l’un des plus beaux aspects de la culture yoruba ». 

Le nom de fête « oiki » de Molara en yoruba était Ayike. Née le 27 décembre 1940, Molara est décédée à l’âge de 78 ans, le 18 juin 2019 à Ijebu Igbo, dans l’État d’Ogun au Nigeria.

FRMag - Our neighbourhood, our network

Notre quartier, nos réseaux, notre force

par Marta Plaza Fernández 

Le pouvoir de tisser des réseaux où nous nous soutenons les unes les autres: telle est la réalité féministe dont je veux vous faire part.  (...)


illustration : « Guérir ensemble », par Upasana Agarwal >

Main image

Upasana Agarwal

Forgotten Song
Forgotten Song (Chanson Oubliée)
Ode to the Moon
Ode to the Moon (Ode à la Lune)
Vapour and Fire
Vapour and Fire (Vapeur et Feu)

À propos d’Upasana Agarwal

Upasana Agarwal
Upasana est un·e illustrateurice et artiste non binaire basé·e à Kolkata, en Inde. Son travail explore l'identité et les récits personnels en partant d’un vestige visuel ou d’une preuve des contextes avec lesquels iel travaille. Iel est particulièrement attiré·e par les motifs qui, selon Upasana, communiquent des vérités complexes sur le passé, le présent et l'avenir.  Quand Upasana n'est pas en train de dessiner, iel organise et dirige un centre d'art communautaire queer et trans dans la ville.