Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Confronting Extractivism & Corporate Power

Women human rights defenders (WHRDs) worldwide defend their lands, livelihoods and communities from extractive industries and corporate power. They stand against powerful economic and political interests driving land theft, displacement of communities, loss of livelihoods, and environmental degradation.

Why resist extractive industries?

Extractivism is an economic and political model of development that commodifies nature and prioritizes profit over human rights and the environment. Rooted in colonial history, it reinforces social and economic inequalities locally and globally. Often, Black, rural and Indigenous women are the most affected by extractivism, and are largely excluded from decision-making. Defying these patriarchal and neo-colonial forces, women rise in defense of rights, lands, people and nature.

Critical risks and gender-specific violence

WHRDs confronting extractive industries experience a range of risks, threats and violations, including criminalization, stigmatization, violence and intimidation.  Their stories reveal a strong aspect of gendered and sexualized violence. Perpetrators include state and local authorities, corporations, police, military, paramilitary and private security forces, and at times their own communities.

Acting together

AWID and the Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD-IC) are pleased to announce “Women Human Rights Defenders Confronting Extractivism and Corporate Power”; a cross-regional research project documenting the lived experiences of WHRDs from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

We encourage activists, members of social movements, organized civil society, donors and policy makers to read and use these products for advocacy, education and inspiration.

Share your experience and questions!

Tell us how you are using the resources on WHRDs Confronting extractivism and corporate power.

◾️ How can these resources support your activism and advocacy?

◾️ What additional information or knowledge do you need to make the best use of these resources?

Share your feedback

Thank you!

AWID acknowledges with gratitude the invaluable input of every Woman Human Rights Defender who participated in this project. This project was made possible thanks to your willingness to generously and openly share your experiences and learnings. Your courage, creativity and resilience is an inspiration for us all. Thank you!

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Do You Want To Organize Your Own Festival?_ES Snippet

¿Quieres organizar tu propio festival?

Consulta nuestra Guía Superbreve para organizar Festivales Feministas y otros eventos globales en línea.

Descargar aqui

Ottilie Abrahams

Ottilie was a Namibian feminist activist, educator and politician.

Ottilie was one of the founders of the South West African People's Organisation (SWAPO), the Yu Chi Chan Club (an armed revolutionary group); and the South West African National Liberation Front (SWANLIF). She was also a founder of the Namibian Women’s Association and Girl Child Project.

Throughout her life, Ottilie argued for the right to argue, think, contest, and demand. She mobilized women, organized students and teachers and criticized other comrades for their elitism and their corruption.

Ottilie worked ferociously to dismantle patriarchy, and to create a concrete transformative, liberatory, feminist participatory democracy.

Ottilie often said: “I will rest the day I die.”


Ottilie Abrahams, Namibia

Snippet FEA Intro (FR)

Venez découvrir les économies féministes que nous ADORONS.

Quand nous parlons d'économie, nous parlons de comment nous organisons nos sociétés, nos foyers et nos lieux de travail. Comment vivons-nous ensemble? Comment est-ce que nous produisons la nourriture, organisons les soins, ou assurons notre santé et celle de nos communautés? L'économie concerne également la manière dont nous accédons et gérons les ressources, et nos relations avec les autres, avec nous-mêmes et avec la Nature.

Les féministes ont construit des alternatives économiques aux systèmes capitalistes d'exploitation depuis des lustres. Ces alternatives existent ici et maintenant, et elles sont les piliers des mondes plus justes et plus durables dont nous avons tant besoin et que nous méritons.

Nous sommes ravi·es de vous présenter certaines de ces alternatives économiques féministes et les collectifs à travers le monde qui nous inspirent.

Mary Assaad

Experta en desarrollo social y antropóloga de formación, Mary fue conocida como pionera en la batalla contra la mutilación genital femenina (MGF).

Nacida en 1922 en El Cairo, el trabajo de Mary en el campo del desarrollo comenzó tempranamente, cuando se unió a la Asociación Cristiana de Mujeres Jóvenes (YWCA, por sus siglas en inglés). Fue integrante del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias y se comprometió cada vez más con la cuestión de la salud de las mujeres. Su larga lucha contra la MGF rindió frutos en 2008, cuando Egipto finalmente penalizó este tipo de prácticas.

Se la recuerda como mentora de numerosxs feministas y activistas egipcixs.


Mary Assad, Egypt

Snippet FEA Occupation’s kitchen (EN)

Photo of a wall with a graffiti which says “Luta’
Photo of people in facemasks and aprons cooking together
Photo of a black woman in a red apron and black facemask, holding a book
Photo of a group of 4 of people wearing facemasks, demonstrating food and books

Women and collaborators at the occupation’s kitchen

Photo of two black women cooking

Mridula Prasad

Mridula était une ardente défenseure de la promotion de la santé des femmes à une époque où le sujet de la santé sexuelle et reproductive des femmes était considéré comme tabou aux Fidji.

C’est elle qui a guidé les premiers travaux du Fiji Women’s Rights Movement sur les droits sexuels et reproductifs. En septembre 1999, le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population lui a décerné un prix régional pour sa contribution en matière de santé et de droits sexuels et reproductifs. Mridula était une militante affirmée, dévouée et infatigable, passionnée par la santé et l’autonomisation des femmes.

Membre reconnue du mouvement féministe et des mouvements de femmes aux Îles Fidji, nous nous souviendrons toujours de la contribution de Mridula. Elle est décédée de causes naturelles en 2017.

Mridula Prasad, Fiji

Snippet FEA Housing is a right (ES)

Three-fold horizontal graphic: 1st of a brown-skinned woman on the right side, she is sitting on a pink carpet and is wearing a pink shirt and yellow dress; 2nd two women of color looking at each other and touching their shoulders, they are on a pink background; 3rd - graphic version of three women cooking.

La vivienda es un derecho | El cuidado sostiene la vida

Main image
FFC - Banners.png

Club de Cine Feminista

Como parte del Viaje por las Realidades Feministas de AWID, te invitamos a explorar nuestro nuevo Club de Cine Feminista: una colección de cortometrajes y largometrajes seleccionados por nuestrxs curadorxs y narradorxs feministas de todo el mundo, que incluyen a Jess X. Snow (Asia-Pacífico), Gabrielle Tesfaye (África/Diáspora Africana) y Esra Ozban (Sudoeste Asiático y África del Norte). Alejandra Laprea es la curadora del programa de América Latina y Centroamérica, que inauguraremos en septiembre, durante el evento de AWID Crear, Résister, Transform: un festival para movimientos feministas. Mientras tanto, ¡mantente atentx a los anuncios sobre proyecciones especiales y conversaciones con cineastas!

Snippet FEA Clemencia (FR)

Nous sommes ravis de vous présenter Clemencia Carabalí Rodallega, une extraordinaire féministe afro-colombienne.

Elle a travaillé sans relâche pendant trois décennies pour sauvegarder les droits humains, les droits des femmes et la consolidation de la paix dans les zones de conflit sur la côte pacifique de la Colombie.

Clemencia a apporté une contribution significative à la lutte pour la vérité, la réparation et la justice pour les victimes de la guerre civile en Colombie.

Elle a reçu le Prix national pour la défense des droits humains en 2019 et a également participé à la campagne de la nouvelle élue afro-colombienne et amie de longue date, la vice-présidente Francia Márquez.

Bien que Clemencia ait rencontré et continue de rencontrer de nombreuses difficultés, notamment des menaces et des tentatives d'assassinat, elle continue de se battre pour les droits des femmes et communautés afro-colombiennes à travers le pays.

Snippet FEA Aura Roig (EN)

Meet Aura Roig, the visionary feminist activist, anthropologist, director and founder of the Metzineres cooperative.

She spent the last two decades researching, designing and implementing drug policies from the perspective of harm reduction, human rights and intersectional feminism.

Having experienced and learned from communities who use drugs around the world, she returned to Barcelona and created Xarxa de Dones que Usen Drogues (the Network of Women Who Use Drugs, XADUD). XADUD was a space of mutual support and solidarity with the struggle to secure rights for marginalized groups, which later became the Metzineres cooperative.

Aura is currently working on expanding the Metzineres model to provide support to bigger constituencies, while also extensively documenting their prolific journey and learnings.