AWID Forum: Co-creating Feminist Futures
In September 2016, the 13th AWID international Forum brought together in Brazil over 1800 feminists and women’s rights advocates in a spirit of resistance and resilience.
This section highlights the gains, learnings and resources that came out of our rich conversations. We invite you to explore, share and comment!
What has happened since 2016?
One of the key takeaways from the 2016 Forum was the need to broaden and deepen our cross-movement work to address rising fascisms, fundamentalisms, corporate greed and climate change.
With this in mind, we have been working with multiple allies to grow these seeds of resistance:
- Our Seed Initiatives, has helped 20 ideas that emerged at the Forum to grow into concrete actions
- The video “Defending people and planet” and guide “Weaving resistance through action” put courageous WHRDs in the spotlight and present concrete strategies they use to confront corporate power.
- With our animations about the State of Our Feminist Movements and Climate and Environmental Justice, movements now have creative tools to support their advocacy work.
- The compiling artistic expressions of our #MovementsMatter series continues to inspire stronger and more creative organizing around the world.
- Movements can also benefit from new methodologies on Visioning Feminist Futures (Coming up soon!)
And through our next strategic plan and Forum process, we are committed to keep developing ideas and deepen the learnings ignited at the 2016 Forum.
What happens now?
The next AWID Forum will take place in the Asia Pacific region (exact location and dates to be announced in 2018).
We look forward to you joining us!
About the AWID Forum
AWID Forums started in 1983, in Washington DC. Since then, the event has grown to become many things to many peoples: an iterative process of sharpening our analyses, vision and actions; a watershed moment that reinvigorates participants’ feminisms and energizes their organizing; and a political home for women human rights defenders to find sanctuary and solidarity.
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Peni Moore
Peni fue una filósofa feminista radical, poeta, escritora, dramaturga y compositora.
Como primera coordinadora del movimiento por los derechos de las mujeres de Fiji, dejó un legado atravesado por su profundo compromiso con los derechos humanos de las mujeres, la justicia y la paz. La dedicación de Peni a la justicia social, económica y ecológica y su sobresaliente trabajo le valieron el respeto local e internacional. Fue una de las primeras participantes de los movimientos feministas hegemónicos en Fiji en trabajar junto a las personas LGBTQI como una verdadera aliada y brindó asistencia práctica durante la creación del movimiento de trabajadorxs sexuales.
Sus colegas la describen como una persona formidable y una líder con visión para el cambio. Inspiró a muchxs con su creatividad y coraje. Su trabajo significó una plataforma para que las personas sean escuchadas, adquieran nuevas habilidades y abran nuevos caminos tanto personales como comunitarios.
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Can I submit a session proposal?
The call for session proposal is now closed.
We launched a Call for Activities on November 19 2019 and the last date to receive proposals was February 14, 2020.
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Reason to join 2
Encuentra y crea conexiones. AWID cuenta con más de 6000 afiliadxs, todxs dedicadxs a abordar cuestiones complementarias e interconectadas. En esta diversidad se apoya la sostenibilidad de los movimientos y actorxs feministas.
Adelinda Gomez
Carmen de la Cruz
Carmen a consacré sa carrière à la défense des droits des femmes au sein de diverses ONG, ainsi qu’au sein des Nations Unies.
Elle a enseigné dans plusieurs universités espagnoles et latino-américaines et publié de nombreux articles et rapports sur les femmes, le genre et la paix dans les pays en développement. Ses écrits et ses réflexions critiques ont touché toute une génération de jeunes femmes.
Son dernier mandat auprès du centre régional du Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD) de l'Amérique latine, fut comme responsable du département de mise en pratique des politiques de genre, lors duquel elle a soutenu de très précieuses initiatives en faveur de l'égalité de genre et des droits fondamentaux des femmes.
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Why should I take this survey?
When can I register for the Forum?
We will announce this soon. Stay tuned!
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Solidarity: membership why page
nous prenons position en solidarité les un·e·s avec les autres ainsi qu’avec différentes luttes en défense de la justice et des libertés. Nous nous efforçons de mobiliser et renforcer l’action collective et de pratiquer des méthodes significatives de collaboration.
Farida Afridi
Dora Nkem Akunyili
Dora was born in Benue State, Nigeria. She was a globally acclaimed pharmacist, technocrat, erudite scholar and community leader.
Dora’s revolutionary work created a paradigm shift in the Nigerian public service when she served as Director General of National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) from 2001-2008. She spearheaded reforms in policy and regulatory enforcement that radically reduced the measure of fake drugs that plagued the Nigerian pharmaceutical sector during her tenure.
Having exemplified the reality of a courageous, competent woman who challenged the ills of a dominantly patriarchal society and drove change, she became an icon for women’s empowerment. She was appointed the Minister of Information and Communication between 2008 and 2010.
She died after a battle with cancer and is survived by her husband, six children and three grandchildren.
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Pour renforcer notre voix et notre pouvoir collectifs en faveur de davantage de financement de meilleure qualité pour l’organisation des mouvements féministes, de défense des droits des femmes, des personnes LBTQI+ et des mouvements alliés dans le monde entier.
Do I have to be an AWID member to participate in the Forum?
No, you don't have to be an AWID member to participate but AWID members receive a discounted registration fee as well as a number of other benefits.
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Membership why page page - to join as a member block
To join as a member - step by step
- Read and endorse the AWID Values and Community Guidelines.
- Fill out your membership sign-up form and indicate your contribution to at least one type of action proposed.
- Check your mailbox for a confirmation of your membership.
- Fulfill your contribution commitment to the type(s) of action you chose in the sign-up form.
Anja Nedringhous
Su’ad Al-Ali
Su’ad fue una firme defensora de los derechos de las mujeres y lxs niñxs y estuvo al frente de Al-Weed Al-Alaiami, una organización de derechos humanos iraquí.
Participó en las manifestaciones que tuvieron lugar en julio de 2018 en Basra y en varias otras ciudades iraquíes, en protesta contra el desempleo y en demanda de trabajo y servicios públicos adecuados para la ciudadanía, y exigiendo también la eliminación de la corrupción generalizada.
Su’ad fue asesinada el 25 de septiembre de 2018, en el barrio de Al-Abbasiyah, en el centro de Basra. En un video del hecho, se veía a una persona que se le acercaba mientras ella se subía a su automóvil, le disparaba un tiro en la parte posterior de la cabeza y apuntaba el siguiente disparo a Hussain Hassan, su chofer, quien resultó herido en un hombro. Al-Ali tenía 46 años y era madre de cuatro hijxs.