Movement Building
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Intro to tweets snippet
As these tweets show, it turns out that sexting like a feminist is sexy, funny – and horny. Yet, it never loses sight of its commitment to equity and justice.
Louise Malherbe | Title Snippet AR
About the authors
لويز ماليرب، مبرمجة أفلام وقيّمة معارض وناقدة أفلام مقيمة في برلين. عملت كمبرمجة أفلام لجمعية متروبوليس للسينما في بيروت. حاليا تنسق لويز مشروع ريل ستريمز الذي يهدف إلى دعم نشر السينما المستقلة في المنطقة العربية. هي رئيسة قسم البرمجة لمهرجان صورة السينمائي، وهو مهرجان أفلام كويرية يركز على منطقة جنوب غرب آسيا وشمال أفريقيا. تكتب لويز النقد السينمائيين لـ مانيفستو XXI، وقد بدأت مؤخرًا تنظيم الأفلام والمهرجانات لسينما عقيل.
Kazuko Kawaguchi
Disintegration | Content Snippet
On Wednesday a note arrives
with an address on the back.
5 pm, tonight.
The handwriting on the invitation—
coily and brusque—
I’ve seen it five times in five years.
My body rouses,
I need to fuck myself first.
The tide is high tonight and
I get
I want to slow everything down,
taste time and space, etch them
into memory.
I’ve never been to this part of town before.
Unknown places excite me,
the way limbs and veins and bones
resist decay,
their fate uncertain.
At the door, I think twice.
The hallway is pitch black
and it makes me pause.
On the other side,
a portal of smell and color
opens like a curse,
into a sunny afternoon.
The breeze
makes my hair dance,
piques its curiosity,
compels it to move.
I hear the wheelchair whirring,
shaping the shadows.
Then I see them:
a lynx face
and a body like mine
and I find myself desiring both
The creature motions me closer.
Their gestures write a sentence;
as I move toward them,
I notice its details:
wither, flesh, bliss
On their command, the vine that covers the hallway
hugging warm stones,
snakes up the wall.
It becomes a verb,
“to climb,”
and I’m reorientated when their claws point
to the vine-bed in the center.
I hear the wheels behind me,
then that sound.
It reverberates
like no other.
Their long black wings
elevate toward the ceiling
then they lunge forward.
The feline vision scans every detail,
every change,
every longing.
Can desire liquefy your muscles?
Can it act sweeter than the strongest
of tranquilizers?
A lynx sews the world
across our differences,
weaving lace around my knees.
Can desire crush the distance of the world,
compressing the seconds?
They come closer still,
lynx eye meeting human eye,
sniffing the air,
turning body into
They beat down their wings.
the vines tangle around my waist/waste.
Their tongue thins time,
shifting grounds,
soothes, with their magic,
what stirs beneath.
I see the world in you, and the
world is exhausted.
Then they plead:
Let me feast on you.
Natalia Estemirova
Moving Conversation | Small Snippet AR
عودةٌ إلى ذواتنا
بالنسبة إليّ، هذه الأنواع من الدردشات كانت ضمن تعابير الحبّ التي أتاحت لي الحياة أن أستمتع بها حديثًا فقط. ما كنت أعرف أن هذه الأشكال الأخرى ممكنة – تلك التي توجَد خارج نطاق ورشات العمل، أو أماكن الناشطين أو غرف الصفّ أو أماكن العمل.
Zarema Sadulayeva
Celluloid Ishtar | Small Snippet AR
المقطع الأول
عندما كنت في السادسة من العمر، علِمت أنّ جدّي كان يملك داراً للسينما. أخبرَتني أمّي كيف أنه افتتحها في أوائل الستينيّات، وكانت هي حينها في مثل عمري، إذ كان عمرها قُرابة الستّ سنوات. تذكّرتُ أنهم في الليلة الأولى عرضوا فيلم «صوت الموسيقى».
Esperanza Brito
#MeToo in China Snippet EN
#MeToo in China
#MeToo in China Exhibition was first held in 2019 and toured in 5 cities. The aim of the exhibition is to bring the personal experiences of the victims and activists to greater prominence and, through engagement with these stories, to inspire our audience to join in the fight. The exhibition has itself become a part of the #MeToo struggle—the exhibition has been beset by challenges on its tour throughout China, on more than one occasion even facing closure.
Sonia Pierre
Snippet The revolution will be feminist_Fest (EN)
Plenary session:
The revolution will be feminist—or it won’t be a revolution
Manal Tamimi Palestine
Bubulina Moreno, Colombia
Karolina Więckiewicz, Poland
Anwulika Ngozi Okonjo, Nigeria
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Snippet title Festival Articles (EN)
Festival Articles
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Women and collaborators at the occupation’s kitchen |
Vuyisa Dayisi
Snippet FEA Aura Roig (EN)
Meet Aura Roig, the visionary feminist activist, anthropologist, director and founder of the Metzineres cooperative.
She spent the last two decades researching, designing and implementing drug policies from the perspective of harm reduction, human rights and intersectional feminism.
Having experienced and learned from communities who use drugs around the world, she returned to Barcelona and created Xarxa de Dones que Usen Drogues (the Network of Women Who Use Drugs, XADUD). XADUD was a space of mutual support and solidarity with the struggle to secure rights for marginalized groups, which later became the Metzineres cooperative.
Aura is currently working on expanding the Metzineres model to provide support to bigger constituencies, while also extensively documenting their prolific journey and learnings.