UN Women / Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Guatemala - Rural Women Diversify Incomes and Build Resilience

Priority Areas

Supporting feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements to thrive, to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression, and to co-create feminist realities.

Building Feminist Economies

Building Feminist Economies is about creating a world with clean air to breath and water to drink, with meaningful labour and care for ourselves and our communities, where we can all enjoy our economic, sexual and political autonomy.

In the world we live in today, the economy continues to rely on women’s unpaid and undervalued care work for the profit of others. The pursuit of “growth” only expands extractivism - a model of development based on massive extraction and exploitation of natural resources that keeps destroying people and planet while concentrating wealth in the hands of global elites. Meanwhile, access to healthcare, education, a decent wage and social security is becoming a privilege to few. This economic model sits upon white supremacy, colonialism and patriarchy.

Adopting solely a “women’s economic empowerment approach” is merely to integrate women deeper into this system. It may be a temporary means of survival. We need to plant the seeds to make another world possible while we tear down the walls of the existing one.

We believe in the ability of feminist movements to work for change with broad alliances across social movements. By amplifying feminist proposals and visions, we aim to build new paradigms of just economies.

Our approach must be interconnected and intersectional, because sexual and bodily autonomy will not be possible until each and every one of us enjoys economic rights and independence. We aim to work with those who resist and counter the global rise of the conservative right and religious fundamentalisms as no just economy is possible until we shake the foundations of the current system.

Our Actions

Our work challenges the system from within and exposes its fundamental injustices:

  • Advance feminist agendas: We counter corporate power and impunity for human rights abuses by working with allies to ensure that we put forward feminist, women’s rights and gender justice perspectives in policy spaces. For example, learn more about our work on the future international legally binding instrument on “transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights” at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

  • Mobilize solidarity actions: We work to strengthen the links between feminist and tax justice movements, including reclaiming the public resources lost through illicit financial flows (IFFs) to ensure social and gender justice.

  • Build knowledge: We provide women human rights defenders (WHRDs) with strategic information vital to challenge corporate power and extractivism. We will contribute to build the knowledge about local and global financing and investment mechanisms fuelling extractivism.

  • Create and amplify alternatives: We engage and mobilize our members and movements in visioning feminist economies and sharing feminist knowledges, practices and agendas for economic justice.

“The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling – their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing”.

Arundhati Roy, War Talk

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Upasana Agarwal

Forgotten Song
Forgotten Song
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Ode to the Moon
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About Upasana Agarwal

Upasana Agarwal

Upasana is a non binary illustrator and artist based out of Kolkata, India. Their work explores identity and personal narratives by using a visual remnant or evidence of the contexts they work with. They are especially drawn to patterns which to them communicate complex truths about the past, present and future.  When Upasana is not illustrating they organise and run a queer and trans community art centre in the city. 

Paulina Cruz Ruiz

Paulina Cruz Ruiz, from the Rabinal, Baja Verapaz region of Guatemala, was an ancestral Maya Achí (Indigenous) authority and a human rights defender.

She was actively involved in community organizing and resistance, including legal measures against mining projects on Indigenous territory, projects that would severely affect and damage the socio-environmental fabric.  

“The extractive industry model promoted by the Guatemalan government and the construction of large-scale development projects on indigenous lands without community consent has been a source of ongoing disputes with resistance movements.” - Minority Rights Group International

Paulina was also part of the March for Dignity, Life and Justice, in which on 1 May 2019 thousands of Guatemalans started a march of eight days against corruption and impunity in the prosecution and assassinations of human rights, peasant and Indigenous leaders and land defenders.

Paulina was murdered on 14 September 2019 near her home in the village of Xococ. 

According to the Minority Rights Group International, “one of the major ongoing issues affecting Mayan communities is the increasing activity of the mining industry.”

Read more about the Mayans of Guatemala

Read more about the March for Dignity, Life and Justice


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 ลุกขึ้นพร้อมกัน: เชื่อมต่อ เยียวยา และเติบโต

ประเด็นหลักของเวที – ลุกขึ้นพร้อมกัน (Rising Together) เป็นการเชิญชวนให้ทุกคนกลับมาอยู่กับตัวเองเพื่อเชื่อมต่อซึ่งกันและกันอย่างมีสมาธิ เอาใจใส่ และกล้าหาญ เพื่อให้เราสามารถรู้สึกถึงจังหวะการเต้น ของหัวใจของการเคลื่อนไหวทั่วโลก และลุกขึ้นมารับมือกับความท้าทายในยุคนี้ไปด้วยกัน

นักสตรีนิยม นักปกป้องสิทธิสตรี ความยุติธรรมทางเพศ LBTQI+ และขบวนการพันธมิตรทั่วโลกกำลังอยู่ ในช่วงหัวเลี้ยวหัวต่อที่สำคัญ คือเผชิญกับแรงตอบโต้สิทธิเสรีภาพที่เคยได้รับก่อนหน้านี้ ช่วงไม่กี่ปีที่ผ่านมา ลัทธิอำนาจนิยมเติบโตอย่างรวดเร็ว การปราบปรามภาคประชาสังคมอย่างรุนแรง และการทำให้สตรีและ นักปกป้องสิทธิมนุษยชนที่มีความหลากหลายทางเพศกลายเป็นอาชญากร สงครามและความขัดแย้งที่ ทวีความรุนแรงขึ้นในหลายส่วนของโลก ความอยุติธรรมทางเศรษฐกิจยังคงดำเนินต่อไป รวมทั้งวิกฤตการณ์ ด้านสุขภาพ นิเวศวิทยาและสภาพภูมิอากาศ

การเคลื่อนไหวของเรากำลังสั่นคลอน และในขณะเดียวกันเราก็พยายามสร้างและดำรงความเข้มแข็งและ อดทนเพื่องานข้างหน้า เราไม่สามารถทำงานนี้โดยลำพังในห้องเล็กๆของเราได้ การเชื่อมต่อและ การเยียวยาจึงเป็นสิ่งสำคัญในการปรับเปลี่ยนความไม่สมดุลของพลังงานและข้อบกพร่องภายในการเคลื่อน ไหวของเราเอง เราต้องทำงานและวางยุทธศาสตร์ในลักษณะที่เชื่อมโยงกัน เพื่อที่เราจะสามารถเติบโต ไปด้วยกันได้ เวที AWID จะส่งเสริมองค์ประกอบสำคัญของการเชื่อมโยงถึงกันกับพลังความสามารถ การเติบโต และการสร้างความเปลี่ยนแปลงของนักสตรีนิยมทั่วโลก

Illumination by the Light of the Full Moon: An African BDSM experience

Akosua Hanson portrait

Akosua Hanson is an artistic activist, based in Accra, Ghana. Her work spans radio, television, print media, theatre, film, comic art exhibitions, art installations, and graphic novels. Akosua’s activism has been centred around pan-Africanism and feminism, with an interest in the intersection of art, pop culture, and activism. She has a Masters in Philosophy in African Studies with a focus on Gender and African Philosophical Thought. Akosua Hanson is the creator of Moongirls, a graphic novel series that follows the adventures of four superheroes fighting for an Africa free from corruption, neocolonialism, religious fundamentalism, rape culture, homophobia and more. She works as a radio host at Y 107.9 FM, Ghana.

Ever experienced moments of deep clarity during or after sex?


In these panels, the Moongirl Wadjet is engaged in BDSM lovemaking with a two-gender daemon. Of the four Moongirls, Wadjet is the healer and philosopher, the conduit of the Oracle. She does this to launch a scientific and spiritual process – an experiment she calls “Illumination by the Light of the Full Moon” – through which she traces a vibrational time arc between her memories, sensations, emotions, visions, and imagination. It is a form of vibrational time travel in order to discover what she terms as “truth-revelations.” 

During the experience, some of Wadjet’s hazy visions include: an approaching apocalypse brought about by humans’ environmental destruction in service to a voracious capitalism; a childhood memory of being hospitalized after a mental health diagnosis; and a vision of a Moongirls’ origin story of the Biblical figure of Noah as an ancient black Moongirl warning of the dangers of environmental pollution.

More than a fun kink to explore for the sensations, BDSM can be a way of addressing emotional pain and trauma. It has been a medium of sexual healing for me, providing a radical form of liberation. There is a purge that happens when physical pain is inflicted on the body. Inflicted with consent, it draws out emotional pain – almost like a “calling forth.” The whip on my body allows me to release suppressed emotions: anxiety, depression, my sense of defenselessness to the stresses that overwhelm me sometimes.

When engaging in BDSM as an avenue for healing, lovers must learn to be very aware of and responsible for each other. Because even though consent may have been initially given, we must be attentive to any changes that might occur in the process, especially as feelings intensify. I approach BDSM with the understanding that in order to surrender pain, love and empathy have to be the basis of the process and by that, I create space or open up for love. 

Cover Illumination by the Light of the Full Moon

The engagement with aftercare after the infliction of pain is a completion of the process. This can be done in very simple ways such as cuddling, checking if they need water, watching a movie together, sharing a hug or just sharing a joint. It can be whatever your chosen love language is. This holding space, with the understanding that wounds have been opened, is necessary to complete the process of healing. It is the biggest lesson in practising empathy and learning to really hold your partner, due to the delicacy in blurring the lines between pain and pleasure. In this way, BDSM is a form of care work for me.

After BDSM sex, I feel a clarity and calm that puts me in a great creative space and spiritually empowers me. It is an almost magical experience watching the pain transform into something else in real time. Similarly, this personally liberating experience of BDSM allows Wadjet to access the foreknowledge, wisdom, and clarity to aid in her moongirl duties in fighting African patriarchy.

Moongirls was birthed during my tenure as the director for Drama Queens, a young artistic activist organization based in Ghana. Since our inception in 2016, we’ve employed different artistic media as part of their feminist, pan-Africanist, and environmentalist activism. We used poetry, short stories, theatre, film, and music to address issues such as corruption, patriarchy, environmental degradation, and homophobia.

Our inaugural theatre production, “The Seamstress of St. Francis Street” and “Until Someone Wakes Up” addressed the problem of rape culture in our communities. Another one, “Just Like Us,” was arguably one of the first Ghanaian theatre productions to directly address the country’s deep-seated issue of homophobia. Queer Universities Ghana, our queer film workshop for African filmmakers, has trained filmmakers from Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, and Uganda. Films birthed during the workshop, like “Baby Girl: An Intersex Story” by Selassie Djamey, have gone on to be screened at film festivals. Therefore, moving to the medium of graphic novels was a natural progression.

About seven years ago, I’d started a novel that I never completed about the lives of four women. In 2018, the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) opened up a grant opportunity that launched the production of the project and my uncompleted novel was turned into Moongirls

There have been two seasons of Moongirls made up of six chapters each. Contributing writers and editors for the first season were Suhaida Dramani, Tsiddi Can-Tamakloe, George Hanson, and Wanlov the Kubolor. Writers for the second season were Yaba Armah, Nadia Ahidjo, and myself. Character illustrations and conceptualizations were by Ghanaian artist Kissiwa. And AnimaxFYB Studio, a premium animation, design, and visual effects studio, does the illustrations.

During the experience, some of Wadjet’s hazy visions include: an approaching apocalypse brought about by humans’ environmental destruction in service to a voracious capitalism; a childhood memory of being hospitalized after a mental health diagnosis; and a vision of a Moongirls’ origin story of the Biblical figure of Noah as an ancient black Moongirl warning of the dangers of environmental pollution.

Writing Moongirls between 2018 and 2022 has been a labour of love for me, even, a labour for liberation. I aim to be very explorative in form and style: I’ve dabbled in converting other forms of writing, such as short stories and poetry, to graphic novel format. By merging illustration and text, as graphic novels do, Moongirls aims to tackle the big issues and to honor real life activists. My decision to centre queer women superheroes – which is rare to see in this canon – came to mean so much more when a dangerous backdrop started developing in Ghana in 2021. 

Last year saw a marked hike in violence for the Ghanaian LGBT+ community that was sparked by the shutdown of an LGBT+ community centre. This was followed by arbitrary arrests and imprisonment of people suspected to be on the queer spectrum, as well as of those accused of pushing an “LGBT agenda.” Crowning this was the introduction in Ghanaian Parliament of an anti-LGBT bill named “Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values.” This bill is arguably the most draconian anti-LGBT bill ever drafted in the region, following previous attempts in countries like Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya. 

I remember quite vividly the first time I read the draft of this bill. 

It was a Friday night, typically a night I take off to rest or party after a long work week. By sheer luck, the draft was leaked and shared with me on a WhatsApp group. As I read it, a deep sense of fear and alarm made burnt toast of my Friday night chill. This bill proposed to slap any LGBT+ advocacy with five to ten years of imprisonment, and to fine and imprison people who identify as LGBT+ unless they “recanted” and accepted conversion therapy. In the draft bill, even asexual people were criminalized. The bill went for all fundamental freedoms: freedoms of thought, of being, and the freedom to hold one’s personal truth and choose to live your life by that truth. The bill even went for social media and art. If it passed, Moongirls would be banned literature. What the bill proposed to do was so evil and far-reaching, I was stunned into a depression at the depth of hate from which it had been crafted. 

Scrolling through my Twitter timeline that night, the terror I felt inside me was mirrored. The timeline was a livestream of emotions as people reacted in real time to what they were reading: disbelief to terror to a deep disappointment and sorrow when we realized how far the bill wanted to go. Some tweeted their readiness to fold up and leave the country. Then, in the way Ghanaians do, sorrow and fear is alchemized to humour. From humour came the zest to upscale the fight.

So, the work still continues. I created Moongirls to provide an alternative form of education, to provide knowledge where it has been suppressed by violent patriarchy, and to create visibility where the LGBT+ community has been erased. It is also important that African BDSM is given this platform of representation when so much of BDSM representation is white. Sexual pleasure, through BDSM or otherwise, as well as non-heterosexual love, transcend race and continent because sexual pleasure and its diversity of experience are as old as time.

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Dear Feminist Movements: A Letter from the Board

Dear feminist movements, 

Speaking on behalf of the Board, I  write to express our deepest gratitude, appreciation, and respect for Hakima Abbas and Cindy Clark, our extraordinary Co-Executive Directors during the past five years who will be stepping aside to refresh the AWID leadership as we move into a new strategic plan and phase of our organizational life. They have consistently practiced the best principles of feminist organizational leadership and ethics of care as they navigated us through one of the most unpredictable, turbulent times in recent history of the world, the COVID-19 syndemic, and the subsequent downward global political spiral. They held AWID, our Staff, and Board firmly, gently, and lovingly as all of us experienced various impacts. They also held steadfastly to AWID vision and mission as they responded respectfully and strategically to various changes, not least the cancellation of the AWID Forum.

Going forward… we expect to continue with the co-directorship model given the nature, scope, and weight of the responsibilities of the executive role at AWID. Our first experience with co-leadership was a success in a multitude of ways, as you all have seen. 

The Board decided to prioritize an internal recruitment process first, fully recognizing the great potential that exists within the current team. We expect to complete the transition by the end of 2022. Hakima and Cindy will stagger their departure, and will facilitate a smooth transition to the new leadership.  

Seeing Cindy and Hakima leave AWID is difficult for the Board as well as others who have worked closely with them and love them.  Nonetheless, rest assured the AWID Board is leading the transition process in a way that fully recognizes the beautiful and inspiring indelible marks Hakima and Cindy will be leaving as part of our 40-year history, that embraces the next step of on-boarding and supporting new leadership, and that inspires us to do better at this moment in AWID's life. 

Major organizational transitions are neither simple nor easy. Sometimes they are forced, beyond anyone’s control, fraught, or even destructive. I, and many of you, have seen examples of those kinds of transitions. At other times, the staff’s needs and aspirations are aligned with those of the organization. Although we did not choose or wish Cindy and Hakima to leave AWID, their decision and AWID moving into the next strategic plan and new decade of existence are aligned. Best of all, we are in the wonderful, super competent, creative, and feminist hands of the Staff and Board.

We thank you, dear Feminist Movements, for your confidence in AWID. We also ask you to support our leadership transition in the coming months. Let’s continue to build, deepen, and strengthen our connections, as we have done for the past 40 years. 

Please stay tuned for more concrete developments and updates. You will be hearing from us in the coming weeks.

In feminist solidarity and love,
Margo Okazawa-Rey
President, AWID Board

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Love letter to Feminist Movements #8

Dearest Beloved Feminist Movements,

Hello again, and again, and again. I have known and loved you my entire adult life, since I first met you meaningfully, after graduating from university. I’d seen you one time before then. That was you appearing as Betty Friedan on a local TV talk show in the US Midwest, in the late-1960s. At the time, Mrs. Wells, my other mother, and I commented on what wild, far-fetched ideas this woman was trying to convince us about. Decade after decade since then I have fallen more deeply in love with you, Beloved, and understand and witness your political and theoretical brilliance, ethical and moral authority, creativity, joy, and love, above all. Nearly 60 years later, I know we are partners forever.

Love letter to feminist movements from Your dramatically cloaked jungle nymph.

The early years of our acquaintanceship was ok. I was quite self-involved--figuring racial, gender, and sexual identity; getting clear on my core politics, values, and ethics; completing my formal education--and you provided numerous settings, intellectual drop-in centers, and comforting holding environments where and through which I was able to craft the young-adult building blocks of the feminist and human being whom I would become.

The predominantly white women’s movement of Cambridge and Boston, including Daughters of Bilitis, was my starting place. That suited me at the time but soon realized I desired something more. Poof! Like magic (serendipity), I connected with a small group of radical, anti-imperialist, Black, socialist lesbian women and we soon became the Combahee River Collective. 

That early Combahee experience, combined with critical life lessons and particular African-American/Korean immigrant racial politics of early-1990s in the US, prepared me for the journey that has led me to identify and work as a transnational feminist to address militarism and to dedicate myself to imagining other worlds where all living beings will thrive.

The next two critical women’s-movement moments were decades after Combahee years but deeply linked. First was meeting and being invited into the Korean feminist movement organizing against US military bases and supporting the “kijichon women” the Korean women whose lives, including for some, their mixed-race children, revolved around servicing US military personnel in numerous ways in villages and towns adjacent to the bases. Korean Beloved Feminists, especially Kim Yon-Ja and Ahn Il-Soon, the first sisters I met and traveled with, made me see and understand the critical importance of nation as an analytical and organizing principle. The “capstone” was living, working in occupied Palestine. The late Maha Abu-Dayyeh introduced me to the Palestinian women’s movement, with a profound comment, “you can leave Palestine but Palestine will never leave you.” So true. And, all my work and experiences across many borders brought me to AWID--my second home.

As you know, Beloved, being with you has not been easy or simple. Indeed, you are demanding, consistently riddled with contradictions, and sometimes even hurtful. Nonetheless, you continue to grow and develop, as you are supporting my political, emotional, and spiritual growth and development.  I guess we are growing each other--a very profound process to which I will dedicate the rest of my time in my current form.

The through-line of being with you all these decades is this: 

Feminists Collectively Engaging the Heads, Hearts, Hands, and Spirits to transform our worlds

This is chart with 7 consecutive circles arranged in a circumference. Each one is separated by an arrow which makes the chart a loop. Starting at the top, and following left to right, the circles say: #1 reflecting on individual experiences, #2 story-telling collectively, #3 theorizing, #4 visioning, #5 acting and reflecting, #6 re-visioning, #7 ethic of humility, care, joy, love.


So much love, Feminist Movements!

Your Margo
AKA DJ MOR Love and Joy

Wellfleet Massachusetts USA


ภาษาที่ AWID ใช้งานคือ ภาษาอังกฤษ ภาษาฝรั่งเศส และภาษาสเปน โดยภาษาไทยจะถูกเพิ่มเข้ามาในฐานะภาษาท้องถิ่น รวมถึงภาษามือและมาตราการในการช่วยให้เข้าถึงอื่นๆ โดยภาษาอื่นๆอาจถูกเพิ่มเข้ามาหากมีงบประมาณเพียงพอ สามารถเข้ามาดูการอัปเดทว่ามีการเพิ่มภาษาอื่นใดบางได้เรื่อยๆ เราใส่ใจในความยุติธรรมด้านภาษาและจะพยายามให้มีภาษามากที่ที่สุดเท่าที่งบประมาณจะสามารถครอบคลุมได้ เราหวังว่าเราจะสามารถสร้างโอกาสมากมายให้พวกเราสามารถสื่อสารกันหรือนำเสนอในภาษาของตัวเองได้

Flowering Under the World’s Umbrella: MENA Feminists at the AWID Forums

Cover image for: Flowering Under the World’s Umbrella: MENA Feminists at the AWID Forums




Across the world and social movements, those who want to innovate tend to feel lonely and powerless before the ‘movement status quo’. Historically, the AWID Forums have played a role in supporting these innovators by offering them a platform where their ideas and practices are welcomed and strengthened by the thoughts and actions of others – in different regions and communities – who have already explored them. Sara Abu Ghazal, Palestinian feminist in Lebanon, tells the story of what the Forums meant for a new generation of feminists in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region that introduced new ways of organising, new understandings of feminism and new issues to the regional women’s rights landscape.

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In their own voice: watch the interview with Sara Abu Ghazal

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กรุณาคำนวณค่าใช้จ่ายโดยรวมถึงค่าเดินทางมายังกรุงเทพมหานคร ค่าที่พัก ค่าเบี้ยเลี้ยง ค่าวีซ่า ค่าสนับสนุนในการเข้าถึงต่างๆ และอื่นๆ ยังไม่รวมถึงค่าลงทะเบียนที่จะมีการประกาศเร็วๆนี้ โรงแรมในบริเวณสุขุมวิท กรุงเทพฯ มีราคาตั้งแต่ 1,700-6,800 บาทต่อคืน สำหรับการพักสองคน

โดยหากเป็นสมาชิก AWID จะได้รับส่วนลดค่าลงทะเบียน หากคุณยังไม่ได้เป็นสมาชิก เราขอเชิญชวนให้คุณสมัครสมาชิกและเข้าร่วมชุมชนเฟมินิสต์ระดับโลก


AWID ฟอรัม ตลอดมาเป็นพื้นที่ที่ไม่กลัวการสนทนาที่จำเป็น หรือหัวข้อที่ท้าทาย เรายินดีรับข้อเสนอเหล่านี้เมื่อผู้จัดกิจกรรมสามารถรักษาพื้นที่สำหรับผู้เข้าร่วมด้วยความเคารพ ปลอดภัย และอย่างระมัดระวัง


เราตระหนักดีถึงอุปสรรคในทางปฏิบัติและความทุกข์ทางอารมณ์ในการเดินทางระหว่างประเทศ โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งจากซีกโลกใต้ โดย AWID กำลังทำงานร่วมกับ TCEB (สำนักงานส่งเสริมการจัดประชุมและนิทรรศการของประเทศไทย) เพื่อสนับสนุนผู้เข้าร่วมฟอรัมในการขอวีซ่า ข้อมูลอื่นๆเกี่ยวกับการขอวีซ่าจะถูกนำเสนอในช่วงที่เปิดให้ลงทะเบียน รวมถึงสถานที่และวิธีการขอวีซ่า

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Through in-person events, lives on our socials, an exhibit booth and more; we are showing up to convene, amplify and support the voices and participation of our members, partners and allies.

Together we will Reclaim Feminist Power by uplifting feminist alternatives and visions around economies that center collective systems of care and nurture both the planet and people.

Follow us on social media for more details on how to participate! Be part of the conversations using the hashtags #AWIDatCSW68 and #ReclaimFeministPower.

Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | X (Twitter)

Snippet - WITM About the survey - EN


  • GLOBAL & DIVERSE: Reflecting on resourcing realities of feminist organizing at a global scale and disaggregated by region
  • CONTEXTUALIZED: Centering voices, perspectives and lived experiences of feminist movements in all their richness, boldness and diversity in their respective contexts
  • CO-CREATED: Developed and piloted in close consultations with AWID members and movement partners
  • COMPLEMENTARY: Contributing to and amplifying existing evidence on the state of resourcing for feminist, women’s rights and gender justice organizing by activists, feminist funders and allies
  • MULTI-LINGUAL: Accessible in Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
  • PRIORITIZING PRIVACY & SECURITY: We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your data. Read our Privacy Policy to learn more about the measures we take to ensure the protection of your information
  • ACCESSIBLE: Accessible to people with a diverse range of hearing, movement, sight, and cognitive abilities, taking approximately 30 minutes to complete
  • REPLICABLE: Replicable by movements in their respective contexts; WITM survey tools and datasets will be publicly available to support more feminist research and collective advocacy.

Could there be multiple responses to the WITM survey on behalf of a specific group?

No, we are asking for just one completed survey per group.

How will you present and process the data collected via the survey?

The data will be processed for statistical purposes to shed light on the state of resourcing for feminist movements globally and will only be displayed in an aggregate form. AWID will not publish information about a particular organization or display information that would allow an organization to be identified by its location or characteristics, without their prior consent.

Snippet - WITM Who should - AR

من يجب أن يجيب على الاستطلاع؟

الاستطلاع هذا مخصّص للمجموعات، المنظمات والحركات التي تعمل بالأساس أو فقط على حقوق النساء، أفراد مجتمع الميم - عين، والحقوق الجندرية، في جميع السياقات، على جميع المستويات، وفي جميع المناطق. إن كان واحد من هذه المبادئ اساسًا لمجموعتكم/ن، تنظيمكم/ن أو شبكتكم/ن، أو أي نوع تنظيم آخر، إن كان مسجلاً أم لا، جديداً أو طويل العمر، ندعوكم/ن للإجابة على الاستطلاع.

exclamation mark

*في الوقت الحالي، لا نطلب من الأفراد أو الصناديق النسوية أو النسائية تعبئة الاستطلاع.


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