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Guatemala - Rural Women Diversify Incomes and Build Resilience

Priority Areas

Supporting feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements to thrive, to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression, and to co-create feminist realities.

Building Feminist Economies

Building Feminist Economies is about creating a world with clean air to breath and water to drink, with meaningful labour and care for ourselves and our communities, where we can all enjoy our economic, sexual and political autonomy.

In the world we live in today, the economy continues to rely on women’s unpaid and undervalued care work for the profit of others. The pursuit of “growth” only expands extractivism - a model of development based on massive extraction and exploitation of natural resources that keeps destroying people and planet while concentrating wealth in the hands of global elites. Meanwhile, access to healthcare, education, a decent wage and social security is becoming a privilege to few. This economic model sits upon white supremacy, colonialism and patriarchy.

Adopting solely a “women’s economic empowerment approach” is merely to integrate women deeper into this system. It may be a temporary means of survival. We need to plant the seeds to make another world possible while we tear down the walls of the existing one.

We believe in the ability of feminist movements to work for change with broad alliances across social movements. By amplifying feminist proposals and visions, we aim to build new paradigms of just economies.

Our approach must be interconnected and intersectional, because sexual and bodily autonomy will not be possible until each and every one of us enjoys economic rights and independence. We aim to work with those who resist and counter the global rise of the conservative right and religious fundamentalisms as no just economy is possible until we shake the foundations of the current system.

Our Actions

Our work challenges the system from within and exposes its fundamental injustices:

  • Advance feminist agendas: We counter corporate power and impunity for human rights abuses by working with allies to ensure that we put forward feminist, women’s rights and gender justice perspectives in policy spaces. For example, learn more about our work on the future international legally binding instrument on “transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights” at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

  • Mobilize solidarity actions: We work to strengthen the links between feminist and tax justice movements, including reclaiming the public resources lost through illicit financial flows (IFFs) to ensure social and gender justice.

  • Build knowledge: We provide women human rights defenders (WHRDs) with strategic information vital to challenge corporate power and extractivism. We will contribute to build the knowledge about local and global financing and investment mechanisms fuelling extractivism.

  • Create and amplify alternatives: We engage and mobilize our members and movements in visioning feminist economies and sharing feminist knowledges, practices and agendas for economic justice.

“The corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling – their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability. Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing”.

Arundhati Roy, War Talk

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Sex Work Activism in Hungary

Sex Work Activism in Hungary

In September 2015, the Association of Hungarian Sex Workers (SZEXE) celebrated 15 years of work in the struggle for sex worker rights, the protection of sex workers, and the dismantlement of stigma.

SZEXE was established by predominantly street-based Roma sex workers and their allies who joined together to protest the introduction of a law regulating sex work. This is often described as the beginning of sex work activism in Hungary.

‘Tolerance Zones’

The law SZEXE protested was “drafted in order to push sex workers, mainly of Roma origin, out of the Józsefváros, Budapest’s 8th district, so that it could undergo rehabilitation and properties could be privatised more easily.” According to this law, municipalities counting a population of more than 50,000 or areas where sex work is considered to be pervasive had to identify the so-called ‘tolerance zones’. It was declared illegal to engage in sex work outside of these specified zones, however Hungarian authorities were reluctant to identify these zones. This pushed a significant number of sex workers towards illegal activity with a large proportion of them being fined or detained.

To further aggravate the difficult position of sex workers, there was an antagonistic relationship with the police

“Sex workers fear the police rather than being able to depend on them for protection from violence or other crimes.” – SZEXE

Challenging Mistreatment

One of SZEXE’ priorities is to provide legal aid to sex workers, and the organisation has since its existence initiated numerous legal actions resulting in court orders for some districts of Budapest to “identify quasi-tolerance zones”. In spite of these orders, SZEXE has repeatedly witnessed and documented the mistreatment of sex workers by the police.

“Police took advantage of the lack of legal certainty surrounding these tolerance zones and unfairly targeted sex workers with fines in order to fill their quotas.” - SZEXE

In hundreds of cases, SZEXE has successfully challenged “the arbitrary fining and detention practices of the police.”

Since Hungary joined the EU in 2004, the association has also implemented innovative pioneering projects to “foster self-organisation of the community, to empower sex workers in providing HIV-related and paralegal services for their peers and become vocal advocates against marginalisation and poverty from grants of the European Social Fund”.

SZEXE also supports sex workers with peer education, migration counselling, community-based health services and entrepreneurial skills development, and has strengthened its national and international advocacy levels. As a result of its lobbying efforts and the production of a  shadow report, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) called on the Hungarian government to “adopt measures aimed at preventing discrimination against sex workers and ensure that legislation on their rights to safe working conditions is guaranteed at national and local levels”.

Hungary’s shrinking civil society

Despite battles won and numerous achievements so far, “the situation of sex workers and their mobilisation has worsened in recent years in Hungary”, according to SZEXE. As a result of the present right-wing government’s crackdown on civil society and specific NGOs, SZEXE is among the organisations that has lost “all major sources of domestic funding in a shrinking civil society space” whereas pro-government NGOs have been financed through a funding scheme to support ‘traditional family values and national identity building/strengthening’.

Another part of this worrying trend is a 2012 misdemeanour law, which has a disproportionate effect on marginalised  groups including the Roma population, homeless persons, drug users and sex workers. The law has led to discrimination and disproportionate policing of sex workers who face “fines for non-compliance with vague sex work regulations or arbitrary fines…”. SZEXE states that in 2012 alone, over 14,000 misdemeanor cases were initiated against sex workers. This situation is compounded by the fact that sex workers have been left even more vulnerable by the lack of government’s commitment to address their right to health.  

Inclusive movement(s)

In order to continue challenging discrimination, stigma and violation of human rights (not just in Hungary but globally), inclusive, diverse and strong movements must be built and sustained. SZEXE joined AWID as a member as a result of its participation in the 2012 AWID International Forum.

“The gathering was truly inspirational for SZEXE’s colleagues as it was the first time when they connected with the international feminist movement and learned about the – sometimes very similar – struggles of women worldwide.” – SZEXE

SZEXE’s participation in the Forum reinforced its awareness of the powerful possibilities of collective mobilisation within the global women’s rights movement(s). The organisation, “inspired by diverse voices and causes in the movement, speaks out against sexism, whorephobia, homophobia and transphobia, racism and classism present in too many societies.”

“SZEXE aims to contribute to a feminist movement that is inclusive of those women's needs and voices, who are often left behind by civil society groups and policy-making, for instance trans women, sex workers or migrants.” - SZEXE

Watch “Sex Workers Against the Tide” (Hungarian with English subtitles)


Sex work

“Now I know we are all simply children of the universe.”

“Now I know we are all simply children of the universe.”

Menke Meijer’s path was often rocky. “I had mountains of sticks put in my wheels, people trying to stop me, but it has only helped me push harder and further”, she says. Her story is one of strength, dedication, vision, patience, liberation, and one of breaking down multiple barriers. 

“I would have to say I’m fighting two fronts: the first being the fight for gender equality and the second being the fight against a history of colonization and racism.”

Menke at the Great Wall of China

As a Métis woman from a “very poor background”, Menke faced numerous obstacles, seeing her biggest challenge as “simply being a woman, and in certain cases being an aboriginal woman”. She has been confronted with sexism and racism. The stigma and dangers rooted in racism have influenced her way in finding her position and identity as an aboriginal woman. “My family was quite reluctant to speak about our origins” but eventually through Menke’s efforts they “started to open up on the subject.” During her undergraduate and graduate studies, Menke took all the courses she could on the subject of First Peoples in Canada in order to learn more about her origins.

“I’ve been working hard on decolonizing myself and helping my family in reclaiming our identities.”

Part of this work were decisions Menke took, and the biggest and most important being her “decision to pursue education”. She was aware that this “meant a dangerous gamble with hefty student debt” but she also realized that, in comparison to her previous experience in minimum wage work, this was a much more rewarding journey for her.

“I picked to pursue my passions no matter the hardship. It has changed who I am positively, as well as my life.”

Menke obtained a Bachelor’s degree in History from Concordia University in Montreal, winning a merit-based Gordon Ritchie Award/Scholarship. Yet, while studying about slavery, war, and genocide she felt frustrated and in addition to books, she wanted to “take action”. Menke decided to pursue a Master’s degree in Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Waterloo, focusing her Master’s work on gender in conflict and peacebuilding, gender in humanitarian aid, and especially on women in China.

“I’m the first woman to hold a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree on both sides of my family. I’m breaking down gender and racial barriers. I’ve never felt so alive and accomplished. I feel liberated.” 

In China, Menke completed a five-month internship with UN Women, for her “an extraordinary experience in extraordinary settings.” During this time, she was invited as a guest speaker at Tsinghua University in Beijing for the Lean In MBA event where, through her own story, she spoke about overcoming ‘roadblocks’ women face in seeking education. As part of her story she shared, “I was raised by a single mother in poverty and had to face many challenges to further my education”.

Much of Menke’s work towards overcoming multiple challenges and striving for change has been pushed by anger, coming from obstacles that were in her way. “Anger can be destructive, but it can also be creative. My challenges anger me, but they also push me to strive for better.”

Striving for better also means having many dreams “for all women, no matter they be white, black, Asian, or any colour, creed or walk of life”. Menke wants “the world to validate women” as “nothing is more moving than being told that you are just a human”.

A bit more about Menke

She had the opportunity to be part of a team that helped establish the Global Peace Centre Canada (GPCC) in Waterloo, initiated by the director of the Master’s of Peace and Conflict Studies program Ziauddin Yousafzai (and Malala Yousafzai’s father). The vision and goal of the GPCC are peace and education for all boys and girls.

Menke was born in British-Columbia, grew up in Quebec and is currently living in Ontario, Canada.

Read Menke’s short story

She wrote a short story entitled “Feeding Wolves”, based on her life as a Métis woman and aboriginal peoples’ experiences in Canada. About the story Menke said that “only three characters are female…I did this on purpose to not only expose a theme of patriarchy that is strongly present in settler society even to this day, but to show how the women are missing from the narrative...”

North America

Legal Justice for All

Legal Justice for All

Access to justice, as a fundamental right, is enshrined in Article 8 "Right to Effective Judiciary" of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and should be accessible to everyone. The sad reality is that in many countries around the world, legal justice is not readily accessible. 

Often, marginalized populations and people living in poverty face numerous obstacles in accessing justice, including high legal costs, discrimination and a general lack of information. This has made accessing justice more of a commodity of the wealthy and influential than a right for all. In this regard, “we as a global society have not truly progressed beyond feudal times.” says the Global Alliance for Legal Aid (GALA).

To help change some of the existent inequalities in accessing justice, GALA, an association of jurists, provides free legal aid and public interest advocacy to those who most need it, specifically in Global South countries.

“GALA: where no advocate is an island.”

Current Global Initiatives

It is often difficult for certain groups and individuals to find free legal assistance. This includes victims of a land grab, those suffering harm due to environmental pollution or other bodily harm by illegal government or corporate conduct, abused women seeking to file for divorce, or those who have been deceived by providers of unregulated financial services. For example, as a result of a pyramid scheme in Uganda, thousands of people have lost millions of dollars. GALA currently represents 3,000 victims of this scheme by working together with its local partner, the head of the business/law faculty at Makerere University in Kampala.

"GALA’s issue scope ranges from public interest advocacy for victims of financial fraudsters; to land grab defense and prevention; environmental protection; prison reform; women’s and widow’s rights, migrants’ rights and legal aid for the poor."

GALA told us that, in Uganda, as a consequence of fraud by fake micro-finance institutions “several of the victims committed suicide” and that “the criminals are living openly, enjoying the fruits of their theft and the state has not prosecuted them.” The reason being that they have “paid off judges and politicians but the poor cannot pay for justice”. In addition to working in Uganda, the association has a new partnership in Kuwait and ongoing initiatives in Grenada.

Envisioning Legal Aid Clinics

Beyond GALA’s current initiatives, the association is planning further outreach in India and Greece, the ‘birthplace of democracy.’ The association describes simply undemocratic and unconstitutional that the Greek courts “have been requiring that persons who want to enforce their rights file a bond based on the potential value of the case.” This is a clear obstacle to enforcing rights of the marginalized and poor parts of the society. So, one of the projects GALA is thinking about are legal aid clinics.

What we have found thus far is that in places where GALA is working, there are not any legal aid clinics or pro bono lawyers.”

This of course takes not only much planning but also funding. GALA is now working on a feasibility study in Kampala and Grenada aiming to start supplying legal aid and establishing its own clinics. It’s hard to imagine but the association told us that in Grenada (population of 100,000) “there is no legal aid provided on the island whatsoever, [there are] only 12 criminal defense lawyers” and there no law faculty. In fact:

“The ‘local’ university is in reality a US medical school.”- GALA

Grenada human rights representative Milton Coy and GALA Executive Director Jami Solli

In such a difficult case and environment, as GALA described, the association will be starting from ground zero but is determined to offer legal aid and information “both to the accused who are incarcerated ‘on remand’ awaiting trial, and to crime victims”. The association is considering seeking support of law students from other countries but with the supervision by a local lawyer and the Grenada Human Rights Association, GALA’s affiliate.

Similarly in Uganda, GALA envisions 2016 as a year where they would start providing legal aid through law students supervised by a law professor or practitioner and through GALA’s local partner, the head of the business/law faculty at Makerere University. Stay tuned for this!

“A taste of Justice”

To support its mission, ongoing and planned initiatives, GALA sells fair trade products such as its current offer, coffee from Uganda through a partnership with Thanksgiving coffee. GALA plans to establish other fair trade product sales and distribution in order to sell a product from every country where it provides legal aid or supports a public interest case. Here you can visit GALA's coffee online store



Mobilizing Change

Mobilizing Change

In her own words, Ruth Acheinegeh (AWID member since 2010) is a “young woman in her early thirties, full of energy and cheerfulness in her encounters with those around her and with one leg affected by polio.”

She owns and runs a local market stall in Bamenda, Cameroon which also sells bags and clothing made by a local group of women with disabilities. This is a valuable source of financial support for Ruth, and also enables her to partly support her family.

"What keeps me going is the spirit of moving and creating a new spotlight for many more women with disabilities not only in Cameroon but all over the world, hoping to have an inclusive society for all."

Strengthen leadership skills

Staff from AWID met Ruth in August 2010 in Eugene, Oregon, United States, at the Mobility International USA’s (MIUSA) Women's Institute on Leadership and Disability (WILD) that brought together numerous women leaders with disabilities from all over the world to “strengthen leadership skills, create new visions and build international networks of support.” After returning to Cameroon, Ruth created the North West Association for Women with Disabilities, the first ever women’s group in Bamenda focusing only on women’s issues. It now counts 40 members and Ruth is passing on the knowledge she gained in Eugene in the areas of economic empowerment, health, and information and technology. 

Ruth is a trail blazer, change-maker, visionary, and a traveler with an incredible sense of humor. In 2012 she participated in the 12th AWID International Forum in Istanbul Turkey which brought together a number of African women with disabilities who subsequently organised their first workshop in Malawi.

Still a big gap

And even though much work has been done and progress achieved, as Ruth points out, there is “still a big gap looking at the low literacy rate among women with disabilities” in the region. So to help advance change, in June 2015 Ruth took part in a highly competitive training-of-trainers program held by MIUSA after which she brought together 20 women with disabilities from 20 different council areas in her region. This was the first of its kind in the country and offered training in human rights, governance and management in that area. In spite of her skills, experience and educational background, including a Bachelor’s degree in Management and Accountancy from the International University Bamenda, Ruth has been unable to find work which she says is, “due to the fact that I have a disability.”

"I think that I am one of those that have the calling of changing the lives of women with disabilities all over the world, not only in my community."

Watch Ruth speak about her WILD 2015 experience

Apart from managing her market stall, Ruth works with local women with disabilities to encourage them to establish economic projects and independence. Through this group she has made connections with international initiatives, global feminist activists and disability researchers which has opened new channels of learning and travel. Despite her own financial challenges and being unable to improve her own life by buying a “much-need wheelchair or new crutches”, Ruth says she “clearly holds her social and economic independence dear”.

As a woman immersed in a range of local, national and international social networks (the latter particularly through her disability work), how Ruth constitutes herself and the strength of her connections constantly shift as she “moves from daughter to sister to income provider.”

Continuing our engagement with Ruth as our member, ally and friend we are extremely excited to meet her again at our upcoming 13th AWID International Forum in Brasil! She is a co-presenter in a session on “Proper” roles and precarious lives: women with disabilities disrupting patriarchy.

Find out more and connect with Ruth

“Loud, Proud and Passionate”

Watch a MIUSA WILD Institute 2010 Video:



Advocating Health for Everyone

Advocating Health for Everyone

Isaac Oriafo Ejakhegbe works in the non-profit sector, primarily focusing his work on gender equality, climate change, and health promotion, including maternal and child health. He is a Women Deliver Young Leader and is currently working at the Women’s Health and Action Research Centre, a non-governmental organisation in Nigeria that advocates for women’s reproductive health and social well-being. As founder of the Youth Spotlight Initiative, Isaac also engages in specifically promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people, including issues bordering on HIV infection.

Issac studied Applied Health Social Science from the School of Public Health at the University of Ghana, where he was awarded the best graduating student in his set. His thesis focused on gender equality, women’s empowerment, and contraceptive use in the Western Region of Ghana.

After graduating, Isaac volunteered as a United Nations Children's Fund Peer Educator under the National Reproductive Health HIV and AIDS Prevention and Care project in Northern Nigeria and has worked as a program officer at the Initiative for the Rehabilitation and Care for HIV and AIDS. He was involved in several projects pertaining to commercial sex workers.

Strengthening the capacities and leadership of women and youth are key to unlocking the potentials of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Part of his work in health promotion included direct community involvement. As a community health officer at the Joy Maternity Clinic based in Edo State, Nigeria Issac actively provided health education and social support to community members. During this time, he enrolled in an online program, earning a Clinical Research and Public Health Certificate from the Harvard School of Public Health and a certificate in “Challenges of Global Poverty” from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

 A successful environment/climate policy must be holistic: cutting carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases as well as promoting clean surroundings - both working towards sustainable health for everybody.

Isaac enjoys writing articles and blogs on health and climate change issues. Ahead of the recent 2015 United Nations conference on climate change COP 21, he wrote an article for ‘Climate Reports’ focusing on the impacts of unhealthy environment on health.