Priority Areas

Supporting feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements to thrive, to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression, and to co-create feminist realities.

Advancing Universal Rights and Justice

Uprooting Fascisms and Fundamentalisms

Across the globe, feminist, women’s rights and gender justice defenders are challenging the agendas of fascist and fundamentalist actors. These oppressive forces target women, persons who are non-conforming in their gender identity, expression and/or sexual orientation, and other oppressed communities.

Discriminatory ideologies are undermining and co-opting our human rights systems and standards,  with the aim of making rights the preserve of only certain groups. In the face of this, the Advancing Universal Rights and Justice (AURJ) initiative promotes the universality of rights - the foundational principle that human rights belong to everyone, no matter who they are, without exception.

We create space for feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements and allies to recognize, strategize and take collective action to counter the influence and impact of anti-rights actors. We also seek to advance women’s rights and feminist frameworks, norms and proposals, and to protect and promote the universality of rights.

Our actions

Through this initiative, we:

  • Build knowledge: We support feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements by disseminating and popularizing knowledge and key messages about anti-rights actors, their strategies, and impact in the international human rights systems through AWID’s leadership role in the collaborative platform, the Observatory on the Universality of Rights (OURs)*.
  • Advance feminist agendas: We ally ourselves with partners in international human rights spaces including, the Human Rights Council, the Commission on Population and Development, the Commission on the Status of Women and the UN General Assembly.
  • Create and amplify alternatives: We engage with our members to ensure that international commitments, resolutions and norms reflect and are fed back into organizing in other spaces locally, nationally and regionally.
  • Mobilize solidarity action: We take action alongside women human rights defenders (WHRDs) including trans and intersex defenders and young feminists, working to challenge fundamentalisms and fascisms and call attention to situations of risk.  


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ours chapter 4

Chapter 4
Anti-Rights Actors

A complex and evolving network of anti-rights actors is exerting increasing influence in international spaces as well as domestic politics. Often backed by obscure funding, these actors build tactic alliances across issues, regions, and faiths to increase their impact.

Read more

Snippet - WITM Acknowledgements - EN


AWID gratefully acknowledges the many people whose ideas, analysis and contributions have shaped the “Where is the Money for Feminist Organizing?” research and advocacy over the years.

First and foremost, our deepest thanks goes to the AWID members and activists who engaged in WITM consultations and piloted this survey with us, sharing so generously of their time, analysis and hearts.

Our appreciation to feminist movements, allies and feminist funds, including but not limited to: Black Feminist Fund, Pacific Feminist Fund, ASTRAEA Lesbian Foundation for Justice, FRIDA Young Feminist Fund, Purposeful, Kosovo Women’s Network, Human Rights Funders Network, Dalan Fund and PROSPERA International Network of Women's Funds - for your rigorous research on the state of resourcing, sharp analysis and continued advocacy for more and better funding and power for feminist and gender justice organizing in all contexts.

Join the global community of feminists speaking up about the state of resourcing, demanding more and better funding and power for feminists everywhere

Snippet Kohl - Panel: Pleasure Across Borders

Panel Pleasure Across Borders

with Lindiwe Rasekoala, Lizzie Kiama, Jovana Drodevic, and Malaka Grant.


My language is not one of the official survey languages and I am struggling to complete it, what can I do?

AWID is committed to language justice and we regret that, at this point, having the WITM survey available in more languages is not feasible. However, if you need support with translations or want to fill the survey in any other language, please reach out to us at

Intro to tweets snippet

As these tweets show, it turns out that sexting like a feminist is sexy, funny – and horny. Yet, it never loses sight of its commitment to equity and justice.

When will survey results be available?

We will analyze the survey responses, derive insights and trends, and present the results during the 15th AWID International Forum in Bangkok, and online, in December 2024. Register to attend the Forum here!

Louise Malherbe | Title Snippet AR

About the authors

Portrait of Louise Malherbe

لويز ماليرب، مبرمجة أفلام وقيّمة معارض وناقدة أفلام مقيمة في برلين. عملت كمبرمجة أفلام لجمعية متروبوليس للسينما في بيروت. حاليا تنسق لويز مشروع ريل ستريمز الذي يهدف إلى دعم نشر السينما المستقلة في المنطقة العربية. هي رئيسة قسم البرمجة لمهرجان صورة السينمائي، وهو مهرجان أفلام كويرية يركز على منطقة جنوب غرب آسيا وشمال أفريقيا. تكتب لويز النقد السينمائيين لـ مانيفستو XXI، وقد بدأت مؤخرًا تنظيم الأفلام والمهرجانات لسينما عقيل.

Snippet - WITM To build - AR

لبناء وقائع نسوية ترتكز على الأدلة عن كيف يتحرك المال ولمن يصل

Disintegration | Content Snippet

On Wednesday a note arrives
with an address on the back.

    5 pm, tonight.

The handwriting on the invitation—
coily and brusque—
I’ve seen it five times in five years.

My body rouses,

I need to fuck myself first.

The tide is high tonight and
I get 

I want to slow everything down,
taste time and space, etch them 
into memory.


I’ve never been to this part of town before.
Unknown places excite me,
the way limbs and veins and bones
resist decay, 
their fate uncertain.

At the door, I think twice.
The hallway is pitch black 
and it makes me pause.

On the other side,
a portal of smell and color 
opens like a curse,  
into a sunny afternoon.

The breeze
makes my hair dance,
piques its curiosity,
compels it to move.

I hear the wheelchair whirring, 
shaping the shadows.
Then I see them:
a lynx face
and a body like mine
and I find myself desiring both
The creature motions me closer.

Their gestures write a sentence;
as I move toward them,
I notice its details:

    wither, flesh, bliss

On their command, the vine that covers the hallway
hugging warm stones,
snakes up the wall.

It becomes a verb,
“to climb,”
and I’m reorientated when their claws point 
to the vine-bed in the center.

I hear the wheels behind me, 
then that sound. 
It reverberates
like no other.
Their long black wings
elevate toward the ceiling
then they lunge forward.

The feline vision scans every detail,
every change,
every longing.

Can desire liquefy your muscles? 

    Can it act sweeter than the strongest 
of tranquilizers?

A lynx sews the world
across our differences,
weaving lace around my knees.

Can desire crush the distance of the world, 
compressing the seconds?

They come closer still,
lynx eye meeting human eye,
sniffing the air,
turning body into

They beat down their wings.
the vines tangle around my waist/waste.

Their tongue thins time,
shifting grounds,
soothes, with their magic,
what stirs beneath.

    I see the world in you, and the 
world is exhausted.

Then they plead:

    Let me feast on you. 

Snippet - WITM Why now_col 1 - AR

لماذا الآن؟

A monochromatic orange illustration of a woman with curly hair with her hand on her chin. She seems to inquisitive or posing a question.

تتواجد الحركات النسوية، حركات حقوق النساء، حركات العدالة الجندرية، حركات مجتمع الميم - عين وحلفاءها/ يفاتها في مفترق شديد الأهمية وتواجه هجمات عصيبة على حقوق وحريات حصلت عليها. فتصاعد الاستبداد في الأعوام الأخيرة، وكذلك القمع العنيف للمجتمع المدني وتجريم النساء والأشخاص المتنوعين/ات جندرياً المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان، تصاعد الحروب والأزمات في الكثير من أنحاء العالم، استمرار الظلم الاقتصادي والتقاطع بين الصحة، البيئة والأزمة المناخية.

Hospital | Small snippet EN


Hospitals are institutions, living sites of capitalism, and what gets played out when somebody is supposed to be resting is a microcosm of the larger system itself. 

Read more

Snippet - WITM Our objectives - RU

Задачи исследования «Где деньги?»:


Предоставить членам AWID, партнерам и донорам обновленный, мощный, основанный на фактических данных и ориентированный на конкретные действия анализ ресурсных реалий феминистских движений, а также текущего состояния экосистемы финансирования феминистских инициатив.


Выявить и продемонстрировать возможности для увеличения и улучшения финансирования феминистских организаций, выявить ошибочные решения и препятствовать тенденциям, приводящим к нехватке финансирования и/или противоречащим гендерной справедливости и межсекторальным феминистским повесткам.


Сформулировать феминистское видение, предложения и программы по обеспечению ресурсами.

Пройти опрос!

Snippet Kohl - Plenary: She is on her way | AR

Plenary: She is on her way

جلسة عامة | إنّها قادمة: بدائل وأشكال متعددة من النسوية وعالم آخر 
مع د. فاندانا شيفا ود. ديلار ديريك ونانا أكوسوا هانسو


لماذا عليّ أن أفكر بتعبئة الاستطلاع؟

هنالك العديد من الأسباب لتعبئة الاستطلاع منها أنه لديك الفرصة لمشاركة تجربتك المعاشة المتعلقة بحشد الموارد لدعم تنظيمك، أن تعمل/ين من منطلق قوة كخبير/ة بما يتعلق بالأموال ولأين تتحرك ولأين تصل وبذلك المشاركة بالجهد المشترك والمناصرة لتحريك التمويلات الأكبر والأفضل. لقد أثبت استطلاع "أين المال" في العشرين عام الأخيرة أنه مصدر أساسي للشركاء/ الشريكات وكذلك للممولين/ات. ندعوك من كل قلبنا للمشاركة بالنسخة الثالثة لتسليط الضوء على الوضع الفعلي للموارد، وتحد الحلول الخاطئة، والإشارة إلى كيفية تغيير التمويل حتى تزدهر الحركات وتواجه التحديات المعقدة في عصرنا.

#3 - Sexting like a feminist Tweets Snippet AR


Image of a tweet with a gif of a man saying "Yes daddy". Text says: No one: (blank). Me: Bae I wanna squeeze your ass like I wanna squeeze misogynists out of corporate hierarchies.

رغبتي في الانقضاض على جسدك تعادل رغبتي بالانقضاض على كراهية النساء المتجذرة في التسلسلات الهرمية للشركات

Наша группа, организация и/или движение не получали и не мобилизовывали финансирование от внешних спонсоров – можем ли мы принять участие в опросе?

Да! Мы признаем и ценим различные причины, по которым феминистки(-ты), работающие в различных контекстах, не имеют внешнего финансирования. Эти причины могут разниться: от невозможности подавать заявки на гранты из-за несоответствия требованиями и/или невозможности получения денег из-за рубежа, до использования генерируемых автономно ресурсов, в качестве самостоятельной политической стратегии. Мы хотим услышать ваше мнение, независимо от наличия или отсутствия у вас опыта работы с внешним финансированием.

Snippet Feminist Propositions for a Just Economy EN

AWID, the Center for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL), and the African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET), offers this think piece to challenge mainstream understandings of development and put forward initial propositions for a feminist agenda for development, economic and gender justice.

Learn more about where this project comes from

The propositions

These propositions are intended to be just that - proposals, to be discussed, debated, added to, taken apart, adapted, adopted, and even to inspire others.

Quais são os idiomas oficiais do inquérito WITM?

Por enquanto, o inquérito no KOBO está disponível em árabe, inglês, francês, português, russo e espanhol. Terá a oportunidade de selecionar um dos idiomas no início do inquérito.

Snippet intro text_Festival (EN)

Our festival featured 130 speakers, facilitators & artists from 43 countries, spread across 40+ sessions!

هل عليّ القيام بأي تجهيزات قبل تعبئة الاستطلاع؟

يركّز استطلاع "أين المال" على وقائع التمويل للتنظيمات النسوية، تسأل أغلبية الأسئلة عن تمويل مجموعتكم/ن بين الأعوام 2021-2023. سوف تحتاجون أن تكون لديكم/ن معلومات معيّنة عند تعبئة الاستطلاع مثل ميزانيتكم/ن السنوية ومصادر التمويل الأساسية.