Adolfo Lujan | Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Mass demonstration in Madrid on International Women's Day
Multitudinaria manifestación en Madrid en el día internacional de la mujer

Priority Areas

Supporting feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements to thrive, to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression, and to co-create feminist realities.

Advancing Universal Rights and Justice

Uprooting Fascisms and Fundamentalisms

Across the globe, feminist, women’s rights and gender justice defenders are challenging the agendas of fascist and fundamentalist actors. These oppressive forces target women, persons who are non-conforming in their gender identity, expression and/or sexual orientation, and other oppressed communities.

Discriminatory ideologies are undermining and co-opting our human rights systems and standards,  with the aim of making rights the preserve of only certain groups. In the face of this, the Advancing Universal Rights and Justice (AURJ) initiative promotes the universality of rights - the foundational principle that human rights belong to everyone, no matter who they are, without exception.

We create space for feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements and allies to recognize, strategize and take collective action to counter the influence and impact of anti-rights actors. We also seek to advance women’s rights and feminist frameworks, norms and proposals, and to protect and promote the universality of rights.

Our actions

Through this initiative, we:

  • Build knowledge: We support feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements by disseminating and popularizing knowledge and key messages about anti-rights actors, their strategies, and impact in the international human rights systems through AWID’s leadership role in the collaborative platform, the Observatory on the Universality of Rights (OURs)*.
  • Advance feminist agendas: We ally ourselves with partners in international human rights spaces including, the Human Rights Council, the Commission on Population and Development, the Commission on the Status of Women and the UN General Assembly.
  • Create and amplify alternatives: We engage with our members to ensure that international commitments, resolutions and norms reflect and are fed back into organizing in other spaces locally, nationally and regionally.
  • Mobilize solidarity action: We take action alongside women human rights defenders (WHRDs) including trans and intersex defenders and young feminists, working to challenge fundamentalisms and fascisms and call attention to situations of risk.  


Related Content

What about the visas?

We are acutely aware of the practical hurdles and emotional distress associated with international travel, particularly from the Global South. AWID is working with TCEB (the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau) to support Forum participants with acquiring visas. More information about this visa assistance will be available upon registration, including contact information for where and how to apply.

Snippet FEA Tanta Gente sem casa (EN)

A graphic with green feather patterns on a beige background, text on it in Portuguese says “Tanta Gente sem casa. tanta casa sem gente” which means "So many people without a home,  so many homes without people"

So many people without a home, so many homes without people.

Mena Mangal

Mena Mangal was a prominent TV journalist, women’s rights advocate and cultural adviser to Wolesi Jirga, the lower house of Afghanistan's national parliament. 

For more than a decade, she worked for Ariana TV, Tolo TV's Pashto-language channel Lamar, and the private Afghan national television broadcaster Shamshad TV. As a presenter, Mena focused on women’s rights and cultural talk shows. 

"Women's rights activist Wazhma Frogh said Mangal "had a loud voice" and actively spoke out as an advocate for her people."

Off-screen, she also ran popular social media pages that advocated for the rights of Afghan girls and women to education and work. In terms of her private life, Mena wrote extensively about being forced into an arranged marriage in 2017 and the process she had to go through to finally obtain a divorce. 

In a Facebook post, Mena wrote she was receiving death threats from unknown sources but would continue to carry out her work.

On 11 May 2019, she was attacked by unknown gunmen and shot dead in broad daylight in a public space in Southeast Kabul. 

"We are concerned about the situation because it has a direct impact on women who work outside their homes...Female journalists are changing their professions due to the increasing risks they are facing." - Robina Hamdard, Kabul-based women’s rights activist.

CFA 2023 - Hybrid like never before: in person - EN

Hybrid like never before

For the first time, the AWID Forum offers three modes of participation


Participants will come together in Bangkok, Thailand. We can’t wait!

Snippet FEA Metizneres (EN)


When walking in the heart of the Raval district of Barcelona, you might come across Metzineres, a feminist cooperative by and for womxn2 who use drugs surviving multiple situations of vulnerability.

Imagine a place free of stigma, where womxn can be safe. A safe place that provides shelter, support and accompaniment for womxn whose rights are systematically violated by the war on drugs and those who experience violence, discrimination and repression as a result.

Right outside the entrance, passers by and visitors are greeted with a massive chalkboard that outlines tips, tricks, wishes and drawings by drug users. There is also a calendar that boasts a range of activities self-organized by the Metzineres community. Whether it’s hairdressing and cosmetics workshops, radio shows, theater, communal meals offered to the community, or self-defense classes - there is always something going on.

The cooperative provides safe consumption sites as well as utilities that cover people’s basic needs. There are beds, storage spaces, showers, toilets, washing machines and a small outdoor terrace where people can chill or have a goat gardening.

Metzineres operates within a harm reduction framework, which attempts to reduce the negative consequences of using drugs. But harm reduction is so much more than a set of practices: it is a politics anchored in social justice, dignity and rights for people who use drugs.

2 Womxn is a term used by the collective to describe cis and trans women as well as non-binary people

Aïssata Kane

Aïssata Kane, also fondly known as “Yaye Kadia” (Mother Kadia), was a feminist with a lifelong committment in advocating for African and especially Mauritanian women’s rights.

In her career as a politician, she was appointed Minister of Family Protection and Social Affairs in 1975, the first time a woman held such a position and in which Aïssata fervently worked to improve the status of women in her country.  

This work included advancing girls’ and women’s education, fighting against the practice of force-feeding of young women, lobbying for an inclusion of a marital rights provision, and advocating for a female representation quota to be created in the Parliament. 

“[Aïssata] realized all her passions with humility, courage and determination. She didn’t want to disturb anyone by her fight on all these fronts at the same time.” Ball Halimata Dem, Aïssata’s niece

She founded the National Union of Women of Mauritania (UNFM), co-creating and publishing Marienou for them, a magazine dedicated to the emancipation of Mauritanian women. Aïssata also directed several sub-regional and local organizations, including as the President of the International Association of Francophone Women (AIFF) and as a resolute ecologist, she was President of the Association for the Protection of the Environment in Mauritania (APEM). 

In 2018 she received the Pioneer Woman Award. It honors her work in advancing Mauritania’s women’s status and recognizes her strong leadership and sense of innovation.

Aïssata passed away on 10 August 2019. 

CFA 2023 - breadcrumbs Menu _ awid-forum-ar

CFA 2023 - Themes - ar


نرحب بالطلبات عبر مجموعة كاملة من المواضيع والتقاطعات المهمة للحركات النسوية وحركات العدالة الجندرية. في نموذج الطلب، ستتمكن/ين من تحديد أكثر من موضوع يناسب نشاطك.

  • أجساد حرة، أرواح حرة: كل ما يتعلق بالاستقلالية الجسدية، الجندر والجنسانية، الصحة والحقوق الإنجابية، التحرر من العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي، وحرية العيش بأمان، المتعة والفرح في أجسادنا وهوياتنا ومجتمعاتنا المتنوعة، وأكثر من ذلك بكثير .
  • مقاومة محاربة الحقوق: محليًا وعالميًا، تقود النسويات والنسويون الطريق في مقاومة جميع أشكال الاضطهاد المتعدد الجوانب، بما في ذلك الفاشية والأصولية والأنظمة الاستبدادية؛ لدينا الكثير لمشاركته ووضع الاستراتيجيات مع بعضنا البعض.
  • الحركات والتنظيم: دعونا نتعرف على حركات بعضنا البعض. من التنقل في السلطة (الداخلية والخارجية) إلى استراتيجيات الحماية في مواجهة قمع المرأة والمدافعين/ات عن حقوق الإنسان المتنوعي/ات الجندر، ومن بناء التحالفات إلى الأشكال الإبداعية والناجحة للتنظيم، دعونا نتعلم ونستلهم من بعضنا البعض.
  • العدالة الاقتصادية والاقتصاد النسوي: يشمل هذا الموضوع جميع الجهود النسوية لتحويل اقتصاداتنا، من تحدي النماذج الاستخراجية السائدة والدفاع عن حقوق العمل إلى تجسيد وعيش الممارسات والبدائل الاقتصادية النسوية في الحياة اليومية.
  • تمويل /توفير الموارد للنشاطات: يمثل تأمين التمويل الذي تشتد الحاجة إليه تحديًا مشتركًا للحركات في جميع أنحاء العالم؛ دعونا نفكك معًا نظام التمويل النسوي، بدءًا من التحليل النقدي وحتى التجارب المباشرة والطرق العملية لتمويل العمل النسوي.
  • المناخ، العدالة البيئية، الأرض والمياه: للعدالة البيئية والمناخية جذور عميقة في العديد من حركاتنا ومجتمعاتنا؛ من التقاليد القديمة إلى الرؤى المستقبلية، ومن القرى البيئية إلى الحملات لإنهاء الاستخراج وترقية العدالة الصحية، ندعو إلى نطاق كامل من الأنشطة المتعلقة بجميع جوانب العدالة المناخية والبيئية.
  • العسكرة، الحرب والصراع: نهدف إلى تسليط الضوء على تنظيم وتحليل التجارب النسوية في كثير من الأحيان في الجبهة الأمامية للاستجابة للأزمات والمساعدة في الحفاظ على الحياة والمجتمع والعدالة في أقسى أوقات الحرب والصراع الذي طال أمده.
  • إنهاء الاستعمار: يعتبر إنهاء الاستعمار أمرًا أساسيًا في كل موضوع من موضوعاتنا، ولكنه يقف أيضًا بمفرده، كأجندة نسوية رئيسية للمقاومة وبناء العالم في العديد من الحقائق الاستعمارية وما بعد الاستعمارية.
  • الواقع الرقمي والتكنولوجيا النسوية: نرحب بفرصة الاحتفاء بالمبادرات النسوية المذهلة التي تحول العوالم الرقمية، وتتحدى هياكل السلطة التكنولوجية الكبيرة، وتضفي الطابع الديمقراطي على التكنولوجيا من خلال الناس ومن أجلهم حقًا.
  • العدالة الشفائية: هناك تنوع مذهل في أساليب الرعاية الجماعية والعدالة الشفائية. في جميع أنحاء العالم، يستعيد المشافين/ات والحركات العدالة الشفائية كمبدأ سياسي، ومجموعة من الممارسات، ورحلة تعليمية، وأسلوب حياة، والكثير غير ذلك.
  • أضف/ أضيفي موضوعك هنا!

Forum 2024 - FAQ - Call for Activities EN

Call for Activities

Annual Report 2013

Our 2013 Annual Report provides key highlights of our work during the year to contribute to the advancement of women’s rights and gender equality worldwide.

2013 marked the beginning of our 2013-2016 Strategic Plan, developed in response to the current global context. This report provides highlights of our analysis of the global context, how we position ourselves as a global feminist membership organization in this context, the outcomes we seek to achieve, and how our work is organized to achieve these outcomes.

ฟอรัม AWID นานาชาติ คืออะไร

ทุกสามถึงสี่ปี AWID จะเป็นเจ้าภาพงานประชุมนานาชาติที่สำคัญ โดยจะเป็นการประชุมขนาดใหญ่ระดับโลกที่หัวใจหลักอยู่ที่ขบวนการเฟมินิสต์และความเป็นธรรมทางเพศที่หลากหลาย เป็นการรวมตัวกันระดับโลกของนักกิจกรรมเฟมินิสต์ เครือข่ายพันธมิตร นักวิชาการ แหล่งทุน และผู้กำหนดนโยบาย โดยฟอรัมเปลี่ยนสถานที่จัดหมุนเวียนไปในต่างภูมิภาคและในประเทศต่างๆทั่วซีกโลกใต้



Ritu is a feminist technologist who brings her experience in the non-profit sector, driven by a passion for utilizing innovative approaches to finding feminist technological solutions. Holding a Master's in Technology in Computer Applications from the Indian Institute of Technology, her role at AWID encompasses a diverse range of responsibilities. From overseeing digital security and server management to database administration, capacity building, technology evaluation, software implementation and cloud solutions, Ritu ensures that AWID's IT infrastructure is resilient and effective. Prior to joining AWID, she played a pivotal role in advancing technological initiatives in the Health Promotion and Environment sectors, fueled by her dedication to leveraging technology for social good.

IT Manager
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ฉันจำเป็นต้องเป็นสมาชิก AWID หรือไม่เพื่อเข้าร่วมฟอรัม

ไม่ คุณไม่จะเป็นต้องเป็นสมาชิก AWID เพื่อที่จะเข้าร่วมฟอรัม แต่สมาชิก AWID จะได้รับส่วนลดค่าลงทะเบียนรวมถึงสิทธิประโยชน์อื่นๆ เรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับการเป็นสมาชิก AWID

Joanne Kobuthi-Kuria


Joanne is an African feminist who is passionate about dismantling gender inequalities on the African continent. Joanne has worked with a number of global organizations, media and think tanks including Amnesty International, Wrthy, Local Development Research Institute, BBC, East African Community (EAC) among others.She serves on a couple of boards including Freely in hope-an NGO based in Kenya and Zambia that seeks to equip survivors and advocates to lead in ending sexual violence and Msingi Trust-a movement of activists that meet at the confluence of faith and human rights. She has a Masters in Business Administration, Masters of Public Policy and a Bachelor of Laws. She is a book junkie with a penchant for fiction.

Manager, Membership and Constituency Engagement
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คุณสามารถส่งกิจกรรมได้มากถึง 2 กิจกรรมในฐานะผู้จัดกิจกรรม และคุณยังสามารถเป็นผู้ร่วมจัดในการส่งกิจกรรมของผู้อื่นได้

Deya Bhattacharya


Deya is a queer nonbinary trans feminist movement organizer, human rights practitioner, and researcher, whose work is grounded in queer-feminist and participatory methods. They have worked within the feminist funding ecosystem for over seven years, and have been within feminist movement spaces for far longer - for over a decade now, and their work is situated at the intersection of money and movements. Before joining AWID, Deya was an independent consultant with Mama Cash, Kaleidoscope Trust, Comic Relief, Global Fund for Children and others, co-creating movements-centered processes, spaces and mechanisms for resourcing, programmes and research. Deya holds an LLM in International Justice and Human Rights from Central European University.

At AWID, Deya leads RFM’s Movement Support and Engagement Strategy, and supports the centering of key feminist movements in defining and driving feminist resourcing agendas. Outside of work, Deya is a masters swimmer, a lover of contemporary literary fiction, and a dog parent.

Movement Engagement Lead - Resourcing Feminist Movements Initiative
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วิทยากรหรือรายละเอียดกิจกรรมต่างๆสามารถเปลี่ยนแปลงในปี 2567

ได้หรือไม่ เพราะได้มีการเสนอกิจกรรมเป็นเวลาเกือบ 1 ปีก่อนกิจกรรมจริง

แน่นอน! ในตอนนี้แบบฟอร์มสำหรับเสนอกิจกรรมได้ให้ระบุชื่อวิทยากร แม้วิทยากรเหล่านั้นอาจยังไม่ได้ยืนยันเข้าร่วมเราเข้าใจว่าการเปลี่ยนแปลงอาจเกิดขึ้นได้ภายในระยะเวลา 1 ปี

Can organizations be members of AWID?

Yes, we encourage institutional membership.

AWID currently has hundreds of prominent, innovative organizations working on issues related to women’s rights and development as members. Criteria for membership are the same as for individuals, although membership fees and membership benefits are different, and are geared to address the needs of our member organizations.

Find out more about our membership

CFA FAQ - Other questions - Thai


2009: The UN holds Conference on the impact of the economic crisis

2009 UN Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impacts on Development

  • The 2009 conference was an outcome of the 2008 Doha conference. The Doha Declaration had mandated that the United Nations hold a conference, to be organized by the President of the General Assembly, on the world financial and economic crisis and its impact on development.
  • During the conference women’s groups, through the WWG, highlighted the impact of the global financial crisis on vulnerable groups. In their statement to the members, the WWG proposed necessary actions to be taken by member states to redress the effects of the crisis to women. They stated that other social groups affected by the crisis are key to a response that is harmonized with international standards and commitments to gender equality, women’s rights and human rights and empowerment.