Tshegofatso Senne

ICM Manager

Tshegofatso Senne is a Black, chronically-ill, genderqueer community worker and sangoma who does the most. They’re a hobby collector currently fixated on ceramics and a cat dad to Donkey and Ginji. Their community platform Hedone brings people together to explore and understand the power of trauma-awareness and pleasure in their daily lives. While much of their work is grounded in communications, facilitation, and healing, they enjoy working with young people across the continent, hosting workshops, and mentoring them around issues of pleasure and liberation, using creativity and storytelling as fractal solutions to social injustices. Their TEDx talk ‘Reimagining BDSM’ looks at the tenderness and love that reveals itself in a lifestyle often only seen through an extreme lens. Tshegofatso believes deeply in the individual and collective potential of regenerative and sustainable change, pleasure and care work.