Love letter to Feminist Movements #2
To my beloved Feminist collective,

I have belonged to you for as long as I can remember. As a young girl, I did not know there was a word -feminist- for us people, who aspire to overcome and dismantle the patriarchy, who seek refuge in the arms of inclusion and intersectionality, who treat people as equals regardless of their gender, race, sexuality, religion, and ethnicity, who are constantly learning to do better, to be better and to use their privilege to uplift others.
When I was 14, my middle school French teacher, a 6ft tall thirty-year-old man, assaulted a female student in my class in front of all of us. The student, who was a childhood friend of mine, and several girls in my class went to the headmaster to report him, parents got involved, and the entire class of 30 students vouched for the girl. But all our attempts to hold him accountable failed and the administration covered up the girl’s story and he never got fired or persecuted. The girls in my class and I were outraged so we did what every young raging feminist would do. WE EGGED HIS CAR! and though the eggs get washed off easier and the paint we used to write “Pig” and “Khamaj '' -scumbag- needed to get scrubbed off. I will never forget how that made us girls feel. Liberated, enraged, happy, close-knit, and in power. The same feeling replicates in every feminist setting I have been in ever since. The teen feminist in me grew up to join Women Deliver, AWID, Unootha, facilitate feminist workshops at university, and even get persecuted for my feminist affiliation at 19, but that’s another story for another letter.
Feminist movements and spaces offer me safety and empowerment. They are the mothers we wished we had and the link we needed to connect and organize ourselves despite our differences against a common enemy that has been undermining everyone, patriarchy. It is through you that I learned to be resilient and to gather my strengths and skills and direct them towards uplifting others and bringing to light the marginalized and giving a voice to the voiceless.
What I love most about you, feminist movements is that you mess up sometimes, you disregard and marginalize as well, you have bias as does every other movement but what makes you different is that you always strive to be better. Accountability is not something you’re afraid of and you are an ever-changing collective that reflects how altruism and philanthropy in the effort of gender equity change as time passes.
May you always grow, may you do better, may you always rage, may you always roar, may you always love, may you always speak different tongues, and may you always be in power.
Love, light, and rage,