Fighting swords with words: Risks and Strategies for Feminist Journalists

Join AWID’s feminist artist-in-residence Ika Vantiani and Indonesian rapper Yacko for a special live collage workshop and performance event, to celebrate and pay tribute to feminist human rights defenders who are no longer with us. Participants will be guided through creating their own WHRD tribute artwork inspired by a feminist human rights defender of their choosing, while jamming to a curated playlist of feminist music from Indonesia and beyond.
AWID and Whose Knowledge? invite you to participate in a virtual workshop for AWID members only.
Join feminists from around the world, in a teach-in & a strategy session, to explore the many ways transnational corporations, philanthrocapitalism and the vaccine nationalism of Northern States are interfering with public decision-making to prioritise corporate interests over public interests in our world today - and how feminists take collective action for health, rights, and justice.
On 17 May, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), join AWID’s global feminist community in a live conversation with queer feminist activists from Ghana.
47th Session of the Human Rights Council Side Event
Date: 13 July, 2:00pm - 3:30pm CEST
Ishita Dutta, IWRAW Asia Pacific and the Observatory on the Universality of Rights
Beijing Unfettered is about young feminist movements across the globe engaging in offline and online conversations with a creative and participatory methodology.
AWID and the Red Umbrella Fund are organizing a teach-in on feminism and sex work.
On the road to the AWID Forum, we are inviting you to take part in a series of curated conversations, designed to spark meaningful dialogue and co-creation, among feminist activists and organizations from all over the world.