Philippe Leroyer | Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Analyses Spéciales

L´AWID est une organisation féministe mondiale qui consacre ses efforts à la justice de genre, au développement durable et aux droits humains des femmes

Défenseur-e-s des droits humains

Les défenseuses des droits humains s’auto-identifient comme des femmes ou des personnes lesbiennes, bisexuelles, transgenres, queer, intersexes (LBT*QI) ou autres qui défendent les droits. Elles sont exposées à des risques et à des menaces de nature genrée à cause du travail qu’elles accomplissent en faveur des droits humains et/ou en conséquence directe de leur identité de genre ou de leur orientation sexuelle.

Les défenseuses des droits humains subissent une violence et une discrimination systématique du fait de leur identité, mais aussi à cause de la lutte indéfectible qu’elles mènent en faveur des droits, de l’égalité et de la justice.

Le programme Défenseuses des droits humains collabore avec des partenaires internationaux et régionaux ainsi qu’avec les membres de l’AWID pour éveiller les consciences à propos de ces risques et menaces, pour plaider en faveur de mesures féministes et holistiques de protection et de sécurité et enfin pour promouvoir activement une culture du souci de soi et du bien-être collectif au sein de nos mouvements.

Les risques et menaces qui planent sur les défenseuses

Les défenseuses des droits humains sont exposées aux mêmes types de risques que toutes les autres personnes qui défendent les droits humains, les communautés et l’environnement. Mais elles se heurtent également à des violences fondées sur le genre et à des risques spécifiques de nature genrée parce qu’elles remettent en cause les normes de genre en vigueur au sein de leur culture et de leur société.

En défendant les droits, les défenseuses des droits humains sont exposées aux risques suivants :

  • les agressions physiques et la mort
  • les tentatives d’intimidation et le harcèlement, y compris dans les espaces en ligne
  • le harcèlement judiciaire et la criminalisation
  • l’épuisement

Une approche holistique et collaborative de la sécurité

Nous travaillons en collaboration avec des réseaux internationaux et régionaux ainsi qu’avec nos membres pour :

  • éveiller les consciences à propos des violations des droits humains et abus dont sont victimes les défenseuses des droits humains ainsi que de la violence systémique et de la discrimination qu’elles subissent ;
  • renforcer les mécanismes de protection et faire en sorte que des réactions plus efficaces et plus rapides s’organisent quand des défenseuses sont en danger.

Nous travaillons à la promotion d’une approche holistique de la protection des défenseuses, qui suppose notamment :

  • de mettre l’accent sur l’importance du souci de soi et du bien-être collectif, et de reconnaître le fait que ces notions peuvent revêtir une signification différente dans chaque culture ;
  • de documenter les violations dont sont victimes les défenseuses des droits humains dans une perspective féministe intersectionnelle ;
  • de promouvoir la reconnaissance et la célébration du travail et de la résilience des défenseuses des droits humains dans la société ; et
  • de construire des espaces civiques propices au démantèlement des inégalités structurelles, sans restrictions ni obstacles.

Nos actions

Nous souhaitons contribuer à l’avènement d’un monde plus sûr pour les défenseuses des droits humains, leurs familles et leurs communautés. Nous pensons que le fait que les défenseuses œuvrent en faveur des droits et de la justice ne devrait pas leur faire courir de risques ; leur action devrait être appréciée et célébrée.

  • Promouvoir la collaboration et la coordination entre organisations de défense des droits humains et des droits des femmes au niveau international, et ce dans le but de d’apporter des réponses plus efficaces dans le domaine de la sureté et du bien-être des défenseuses des droits humains ;

  • Soutenir les réseaux régionaux de défenseur-es et les organisations, parmi lesquels l’Initiative mésoaméricaine des défenseuses des droits humains et la Coalition des défenseuses des droits humains du Moyen-Orient et d’Afrique du Nord, dans leur travail de promotion et de renforcement de l’action collective en faveur de la protection des défenseuses – en mettant en avant l’importance de la création de réseaux de solidarité et de protection, de la promotion du souci de soi ainsi que du plaidoyer et de la mobilisation en faveur de la sécurité des défenseuses ;

  • Faire en sorte que les défenseur-e-s des droits humains et les risques qui les menacent soient plus visibles et mieux reconnus, en rassemblant des informations sur les agressions dont elles sont victimes et en produisant et diffusant des documents sur leurs luttes, leurs stratégies et les difficultés qu’elles rencontrent ;

  • Organiser des réponses urgentes fondées sur la solidarité internationale dès que des défenseuses des droits humains sont en danger, par le biais de nos réseaux internationaux et régionaux mais aussi grâce à nos membres.

Contenu lié

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Yamile Guerra

Yamile Guerra était une avocate bien connue, leader communautaire et activiste politique dans la région de Santander en Colombie.

Activement impliquée dans la résolution de litiges entre les communautés locales et les promoteurs immobiliers, elle s’est battue contre l’appropriation des terres illégale. Yamile a occupé plusieurs fonctions politiques, dont celle de secrétaire générale du gouvernement de Santander à Bogota, et s’était également présentée comme candidate à la mairie de Bucaramanga. Au cours des dernières années de sa vie, Yamile s’était de plus en plus impliquée dans les causes environnementales, et particulièrement celle de la défense de la biodiversité des zones humides de Santurbán, une région qui approvisionnait près de deux millions de personnes en eau potable, contre les promoteurs du développement économique.

D’après sa famille et ses ami·e·s, Yamile recevait quotidiennement des menaces de mort et avait demandé la protection des autorités.

« Elle était tout à fait consciente de la question [du litige foncier] et avait à plusieurs reprises mentionné qu’elle se sentait en danger. » - Alixon Navarro Muñoz, journaliste et amie de la famille Guerra

Le 20 juillet 2019, Yamile a été tuée par balles par deux hommes à Floridablanca, Santander. Elle venait de clore une discussion avec eux en lien avec le litige foncier. Un suspect a ensuite été arrêté pour son meurtre, lequel a admis avoir été payé pour organiser son assassinat. Selon des rapports, Yamile est la troisième membre de sa famille a avoir été assassinée, en lien avec des litiges fonciers. Son père, Hernando Guerra, avait lui aussi été assassiné plusieurs années auparavant.

L’assassinat de Yamile s’inscrit dans une vague de violences et de meurtres systématiques de centaines d’activistes sociaux et défenseur·e·s des droits humains en Colombie. L’Institut d’études sur le développement et la paix (INDEPAZ) rapporte qu’au moment du décès de Yamile, plus de 700 leaders communautaires et activistes pour les droits humains ont été tué·e·s depuis la signature en août 2016 d’un traité de paix par la Colombie. La plupart furent assassiné·e·s pour s’être opposé·e·s à des trafics de drogue et des opérations minières; y compris les peuples autochtones, les Afro-Colombiens et les défenseures des droits humains étant les plus exposé·e·s.

Moins d’une semaine après le décès de Yamile, des milliers de Colombien·ne·s ont manifesté dans les petites et grandes villes, brandissant des photos en noir et blanc d’activistes tué·e·s, et sur lesquelles était écrit : « Il ne peut y avoir de paix sans leaders » et « Fini les bains de sang ».

 Yamile Guerra n’avait que 42 ans au moment de son assassinat.

FRMag - Between Two Worlds

Entre dos mundos: la doble consciencia de las mujeres de Gambia

por Haddy Jatou Gassama

La tribu mandinga de la República de Gambia tiene la costumbre de medir la primera wrapa[1] utilizada para cargar bebés recién nacidxs sobre la espalda de su madre.  (...)


arte: «Sacred Puta» [Puta sagrada], Pia Love >

Illumination by the Light of the Full Moon: An African BDSM experience

Akosua Hanson portrait

Akosua Hanson is an artistic activist, based in Accra, Ghana. Her work spans radio, television, print media, theatre, film, comic art exhibitions, art installations, and graphic novels. Akosua’s activism has been centred around pan-Africanism and feminism, with an interest in the intersection of art, pop culture, and activism. She has a Masters in Philosophy in African Studies with a focus on Gender and African Philosophical Thought. Akosua Hanson is the creator of Moongirls, a graphic novel series that follows the adventures of four superheroes fighting for an Africa free from corruption, neocolonialism, religious fundamentalism, rape culture, homophobia and more. She works as a radio host at Y 107.9 FM, Ghana.

Ever experienced moments of deep clarity during or after sex?


In these panels, the Moongirl Wadjet is engaged in BDSM lovemaking with a two-gender daemon. Of the four Moongirls, Wadjet is the healer and philosopher, the conduit of the Oracle. She does this to launch a scientific and spiritual process – an experiment she calls “Illumination by the Light of the Full Moon” – through which she traces a vibrational time arc between her memories, sensations, emotions, visions, and imagination. It is a form of vibrational time travel in order to discover what she terms as “truth-revelations.” 

During the experience, some of Wadjet’s hazy visions include: an approaching apocalypse brought about by humans’ environmental destruction in service to a voracious capitalism; a childhood memory of being hospitalized after a mental health diagnosis; and a vision of a Moongirls’ origin story of the Biblical figure of Noah as an ancient black Moongirl warning of the dangers of environmental pollution.

More than a fun kink to explore for the sensations, BDSM can be a way of addressing emotional pain and trauma. It has been a medium of sexual healing for me, providing a radical form of liberation. There is a purge that happens when physical pain is inflicted on the body. Inflicted with consent, it draws out emotional pain – almost like a “calling forth.” The whip on my body allows me to release suppressed emotions: anxiety, depression, my sense of defenselessness to the stresses that overwhelm me sometimes.

When engaging in BDSM as an avenue for healing, lovers must learn to be very aware of and responsible for each other. Because even though consent may have been initially given, we must be attentive to any changes that might occur in the process, especially as feelings intensify. I approach BDSM with the understanding that in order to surrender pain, love and empathy have to be the basis of the process and by that, I create space or open up for love. 

Cover Illumination by the Light of the Full Moon

The engagement with aftercare after the infliction of pain is a completion of the process. This can be done in very simple ways such as cuddling, checking if they need water, watching a movie together, sharing a hug or just sharing a joint. It can be whatever your chosen love language is. This holding space, with the understanding that wounds have been opened, is necessary to complete the process of healing. It is the biggest lesson in practising empathy and learning to really hold your partner, due to the delicacy in blurring the lines between pain and pleasure. In this way, BDSM is a form of care work for me.

After BDSM sex, I feel a clarity and calm that puts me in a great creative space and spiritually empowers me. It is an almost magical experience watching the pain transform into something else in real time. Similarly, this personally liberating experience of BDSM allows Wadjet to access the foreknowledge, wisdom, and clarity to aid in her moongirl duties in fighting African patriarchy.

Moongirls was birthed during my tenure as the director for Drama Queens, a young artistic activist organization based in Ghana. Since our inception in 2016, we’ve employed different artistic media as part of their feminist, pan-Africanist, and environmentalist activism. We used poetry, short stories, theatre, film, and music to address issues such as corruption, patriarchy, environmental degradation, and homophobia.

Our inaugural theatre production, “The Seamstress of St. Francis Street” and “Until Someone Wakes Up” addressed the problem of rape culture in our communities. Another one, “Just Like Us,” was arguably one of the first Ghanaian theatre productions to directly address the country’s deep-seated issue of homophobia. Queer Universities Ghana, our queer film workshop for African filmmakers, has trained filmmakers from Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, and Uganda. Films birthed during the workshop, like “Baby Girl: An Intersex Story” by Selassie Djamey, have gone on to be screened at film festivals. Therefore, moving to the medium of graphic novels was a natural progression.

About seven years ago, I’d started a novel that I never completed about the lives of four women. In 2018, the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) opened up a grant opportunity that launched the production of the project and my uncompleted novel was turned into Moongirls

There have been two seasons of Moongirls made up of six chapters each. Contributing writers and editors for the first season were Suhaida Dramani, Tsiddi Can-Tamakloe, George Hanson, and Wanlov the Kubolor. Writers for the second season were Yaba Armah, Nadia Ahidjo, and myself. Character illustrations and conceptualizations were by Ghanaian artist Kissiwa. And AnimaxFYB Studio, a premium animation, design, and visual effects studio, does the illustrations.

During the experience, some of Wadjet’s hazy visions include: an approaching apocalypse brought about by humans’ environmental destruction in service to a voracious capitalism; a childhood memory of being hospitalized after a mental health diagnosis; and a vision of a Moongirls’ origin story of the Biblical figure of Noah as an ancient black Moongirl warning of the dangers of environmental pollution.

Writing Moongirls between 2018 and 2022 has been a labour of love for me, even, a labour for liberation. I aim to be very explorative in form and style: I’ve dabbled in converting other forms of writing, such as short stories and poetry, to graphic novel format. By merging illustration and text, as graphic novels do, Moongirls aims to tackle the big issues and to honor real life activists. My decision to centre queer women superheroes – which is rare to see in this canon – came to mean so much more when a dangerous backdrop started developing in Ghana in 2021. 

Last year saw a marked hike in violence for the Ghanaian LGBT+ community that was sparked by the shutdown of an LGBT+ community centre. This was followed by arbitrary arrests and imprisonment of people suspected to be on the queer spectrum, as well as of those accused of pushing an “LGBT agenda.” Crowning this was the introduction in Ghanaian Parliament of an anti-LGBT bill named “Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values.” This bill is arguably the most draconian anti-LGBT bill ever drafted in the region, following previous attempts in countries like Nigeria, Uganda and Kenya. 

I remember quite vividly the first time I read the draft of this bill. 

It was a Friday night, typically a night I take off to rest or party after a long work week. By sheer luck, the draft was leaked and shared with me on a WhatsApp group. As I read it, a deep sense of fear and alarm made burnt toast of my Friday night chill. This bill proposed to slap any LGBT+ advocacy with five to ten years of imprisonment, and to fine and imprison people who identify as LGBT+ unless they “recanted” and accepted conversion therapy. In the draft bill, even asexual people were criminalized. The bill went for all fundamental freedoms: freedoms of thought, of being, and the freedom to hold one’s personal truth and choose to live your life by that truth. The bill even went for social media and art. If it passed, Moongirls would be banned literature. What the bill proposed to do was so evil and far-reaching, I was stunned into a depression at the depth of hate from which it had been crafted. 

Scrolling through my Twitter timeline that night, the terror I felt inside me was mirrored. The timeline was a livestream of emotions as people reacted in real time to what they were reading: disbelief to terror to a deep disappointment and sorrow when we realized how far the bill wanted to go. Some tweeted their readiness to fold up and leave the country. Then, in the way Ghanaians do, sorrow and fear is alchemized to humour. From humour came the zest to upscale the fight.

So, the work still continues. I created Moongirls to provide an alternative form of education, to provide knowledge where it has been suppressed by violent patriarchy, and to create visibility where the LGBT+ community has been erased. It is also important that African BDSM is given this platform of representation when so much of BDSM representation is white. Sexual pleasure, through BDSM or otherwise, as well as non-heterosexual love, transcend race and continent because sexual pleasure and its diversity of experience are as old as time.

Snippet Forum Location Announcement Body (EN)

The AWID Forum is the world’s largest event that wholeheartedly centers feminist and gender justice movements in all their diversity. It is a transformative space created by and for the movements - where Global South feminists and historically marginalized communities take centerstage, strategize to shift power, and connect with allied movements, funders and policy-makers. And so it is with full and fiery hearts that we share…

The 15th AWID International Forum will take place from December 2-5, 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand!

We hope to gather 2,500 in-person and 3,000 online/hybrid participants. When thousands of feminists come together, we create a sweeping force of solidarity that has the power to change the world! We’re excited, and we know you’re excited too - so stay tuned for more

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Oui, n’hésitez pas à le faire! Nous vous encourageons à communiquer le lien vers l’enquête à vos réseaux. Plus les points de vue exprimés et collectés seront divers, plus notre compréhension du paysage du financement de l’organisation des mouvements féministes sera exhaustive.

Sylvia Robinson

"Life is...about living in joy - waking up with purpose, feeling our creative energy, answering your calling." - Sylvia Robinson

Sylvia Robinson, a tireless community organizer and leader, was the founder and Executive Director of The Emergence Community Arts Collective (ECAC) in Washington DC.

This hub and performance space combine education, civic engagement, arts, social and spiritual services, and sustainable environmental practices. Sylvia envisioned it as a home where “there was a balance and synergy with the activities that people needed in order to sustain life.” 

She was also one of the founding members of the Georgia Avenue Community Development Taskforce, a neighborhood group that works on social justice and organizing in Northwest DC  to make sure the community has a voice in redevelopment and gentrification in the area. 

“We're asking for affordable housing. We're asking that the small businesses that have been here for a long time don't get wiped out by new retail. We're asking for green space and space for people to get together to socialize. We're asking for streetscape improvements—better roads and lighting in the corridor.” - Sylvia Robinson about the Taskforce

Prior to becoming an organizer and after receiving a degree in computer science, Sylvia worked in air traffic control systems for over a decade. She then moved into drug and alcohol counselling, becoming increasingly engaged in community work.

“It was my call to be involved in community.”  - Sylvia Robinson

Born in Washington D.C. on 14 August 1961, Sylvia passed away on 18 September 2017 after a battle with cancer.

“Sylvia's spirit and legacy will continue to inspire this community for many years to come.” - ECAC

Film club - swana

Vous pouvez désormais consulter le programme du Club de cinéma féministe de l’AWID « Les incarnations féministes d’espoir et de pouvoir » - une série de films sur les réalités féministes de la région SWANA (Asie du Sud-Ouest et Afrique du Nord) sélectionnés par Esra Ozban.


Moving Conversation

Thank you, Ángela and Pilar.

Decorative Element

Yannia Sofía Garzón Valencia Portrait

Yannia Sofía Garzón Valencia I am a Black woman and a community weaver. I live in Santander de Quilichao in Cauca, Colombia. I am interested in the creative processes that organize sustainable collective life. I like exchanging thoughts and cooking, investigating and analyzing, planting seeds and learning from plants, reading and playing. I am currently coordinating the observatory of gender-based violence against afro-descendant communities in Colombia (@VigiaAfro).

Decorative element in yellow
Cover image for Article Moving Conversation

The three of us were “sharing” the afternoon in a neighborhood south of Bogota. 

 There was an unusually large green playing area and we sat on little wooden stools under an elderberry tree. We were finally experiencing that other form of love – that pleasure of being together and listening to each other. For me, these kinds of chats are among the expressions of love that life had only recently allowed me to enjoy. I had not known this other form of love – the kinds found outside workshops, activist spaces, classrooms, or workplaces – to be possible. Yet we three friends spent the afternoon amongst ourselves and we did not pretend to be blind to the color of our respective skins. Rather, it was a lived factor that allowed us to intimately discuss the similarities and differences in our childhood and youthful experiences.
Those chats were unrelated to any upcoming activities of the Black movement in Colombia, but they still nourish me and acquire new meanings. Our closeness was woven through coming together, recognizing each other, and identifying the uniqueness of our liberations. And by realizing there is not just one but many paths to liberation – those paths we inhabited every time we said “no” and rebelled. Far from feeling discomfort, we met in an authenticity made of weakness and strength, one which brought us closer instead of separating us.
Our purpose on that beautiful afternoon was to just be – to have an awareness of simply being amongst ourselves. We walked through our pasts so that the memories that stayed with us were those we decided to keep as ours, and not those that fear let through and found a place for. We remembered exact fragments of TV shows, and sang songs written by artists who had taught us about loving well, hating well, cursing like the worst villain, and suffering like the best leading lady. 
We told each other about our school pranks, and what remained in our subconscious after being exposed to the many ways the media repeats the same thing – after the teachers and nuns at school overexposed us to stories so that we would identify with and appropriate Cinderella’s aspirations for our own lives. This would set the tone for the rest of our story: the drama of the impoverished and diminished girl who is yet to achieve her full value through an act that redeems her condition. And that act can only be brought about by the gaze of a male who, at the very least, is white, hence deserving of what is between our thighs – his “main aspiration” – and the “perfect realization of our dreams,” which we are told should then be our main aspiration.
There were three of us there that afternoon. Each had been brought up in a different part of the country, but it was fascinating that we could all still quote fragments and situations from songs and soap operas that often – as we realized by getting to know each other – shared codes or symbols that were replicated, with a few variations, in our homes, in our first relationships, and in our neighborhoods and schools. Brought up by “dramas” (is that what that very successful genre is called?) where the more you suffer, the more you deserve, the issue of “how and in which situations it is acceptable and legitimate to suffer” becomes an important mandate on how the person who suffers should be seen, what they should do, and whom they should be. Some of us managed to liberate ourselves and “learn” a definition of love that could only be learnt in adulthood, shattering illusions, and accepting natural sin. And becoming aware of the industrial production of a virgin, which we may refuse to look like as she has no place in our understanding, and the disappointment this alienation brings.

After singing, we reviewed our early sexual explorations. I never thought that most people experienced them before the age of nine and that even in adulthood, those experiences, those memories, remain a heavy burden. Even today, in thousands of places, millions of girls and boys see their innocence curtailed by lack of trust and the ignorance we present them with when they try to explore their bodies. Blaming curiosity is a most efficient control mechanism. We went back to the brief conversations we had when we changed the history of our lives from cursed Black beings to a perspective that rebirthed us. We remembered how many of our aunts and female cousins left their homes, their core, their roots, to seek a future outside, elsewhere.

The future comes with a price: it demands that those relationships that marked our childhood are reshaped and confined to oblivion. They are our foundations, but they are not relevant if we want to move ahead. For us, advancing was to learn by heart what we do to ourselves with the opportunities we find elsewhere. That it is elsewhere, and not within us, that opportunities lie, that we are available, that we need to be outside. However, for many of our aunts and female cousins, the few opportunities to enroll and stay in an evening class or take a sabbatical from domestic work were paid for by becoming the first sexual experience of relatives living in the future. A future for which others before them had also paid for, and whose price they had already forgotten. The demand for this payment arrived with the same inevitability as a public utility service bill. We will not take up that legacy.
In Colombia and Latin America, there was an etiquette manual called La urbanidad de Carreño (Carreño’s Etiquette Manual). It was mandatory reading until the 90s in both public and private schools. The manual conditioned how bodies were perceived and my mother, taken in and brought up by Carmelite nuns, knew it by heart. The first time I read it I had to stop more than once to rub my stomach, which hurt from laughing so much. It has ridiculous instructions such as: take a shower with your eyes closed and turn off the lights to wear your nightclothes. Different chapters address how one is to behave at home, in the street, and during a dinner or lunch party – in short, the norms of good taste and etiquette. The ethical core of good citizens was the urbanity that allowed one to distance oneself from rural life. The same manual indicated that shouting a greeting to an acquaintance on the other side of the street was indecorous; good manners dictate that you must cross the street. By the same token, men must remove their coats and place them over puddles of water if accompanying a woman whose shoes should not get wet. I thought about greeting someone across a river, and how it is so hot where we live that we don’t require coats. 

"She learned that to care for her belly, she needed to keep her tissues warm, to avoid the cold that comes through the soft spot on the top of the head, through the feet, the ears, so it would not hurt particularly at moontime. For that, you need to be careful about what you eat and what you don’t eat, how you dress and how you walk, as all that has to do with girls’ health. The woman elder says that, from her devoted grandfather, she learnt that cramps became more common when houses no longer had floors made of mud and/or wood. When concrete and tiles came, when the material making up the house allowed the cold to come in through the feet, tension also grew in the belly tissue."

The manual’s author, Mr. Carreño is the opposite of the grandfather of a woman elder born in Turbo. She told me once that her grandfather was a wise man, that he told her about birthing and how to take care of her body. She learned that to care for her belly, she needed to keep her tissues warm, to avoid the cold that comes through the soft spot on the top of the head, through the feet, the ears, so it would not hurt, particularly at moontime. For that, you need to be careful about what you eat, how you dress, and how you walk, as all that has to do with a girl’s health. The woman elder said that, from her devoted grandfather, she learnt that cramps became more common when houses no longer had floors made of mud and/or wood. When concrete and tiles came, when the material making up the house allowed the cold to come in through the feet, tensions in the belly tissue also grew.
Surprised again. Such a distance between Don Carreño and the wise grandfather in terms of being aware of life – as distant as the mandates of proper behavior that stifle your impulses and senses, even the most common sense that values health. At that moment, I was able to understand one of the many ways that concrete obstructs the earth’s breathing, and our own as part of her. I had not realized there was, and still is, the architecture and materials for taking care of our bodies. In Colombia, as well as in other countries, the materials used to make houses are taken as indicators of multidimensional poverty. A house built with concrete moves the home away from being considered poor. This is just one disappointing example of how progress pushes us to abandon the relationship between our environment and our body. Good taste and urbanity pushes us outside: to move forward, they lie, you have to go out there.
It bothered us to realize that neither our mothers nor fathers had spoken to us about menstruation, except when the brown stain had already smeared our knickers. They failed to preserve us from the shame that was supposed to be a natural feeling once menstruation had come. Along with menstruation came the belly cramps often endured in silence, because there was work to be done; some cramps were due to cysts, hematomas, or fibroids that killed the grandmothers who had discovered and forgotten the healing treatments, and then were forgotten themselves. That our mothers and fathers’ breaths turned colder and colder, but the Outside froze familiarity and, instead of warming our bellies, passed judgment with advice similar to warnings of the only thing men care about. This was applied to all men – legitimizing the plundering role of the phallus, as if its only option was to take what we have between our legs. The multiple versions of that truth were replaced by an unmovable and deeply-set naturalization: telling all women that we must preserve ourselves for one of them, for the one that will first introduce his penis inside us, for the one that will give us something in exchange, and that we are women only because we aspire to and let him put it inside us. As a girl I explored little penises and clitorises and, in between games among girls, the question was whispered: whose turn is it to play man and whose turn is it to play woman? And the answer: the beginnings of little orgasms, regardless of with whom. I guess the same must happen among male bodies.
The experiences and explorations of our aunts, female cousins, and acquaintances focused on the body and its nudity as taboo. They avoided expressing and naming it, to the point of covering it up, assigning new names to its excreting, expelling, procreating, and, just for us women, its receiving functions. Once I heard a woman elder in a workshop say that when she was living with her grandmother, her memory was of this old woman sleeping with one eye open, the other closed, and a rifle by the mattress. The softest night sound was enough for her to grab the rifle and aim. This is a common situation in the Colombian Pacific, where some harmful behaviors are normalized. Married and single men who like a young woman would enter her room at night – we call it gateada. It was a risk: if those with authority in the home realized what was happening, abuse or not, the man could be hurt or even killed.
This practice of taking the law into one’s own hands has failed to put an end to gateadas, even today. In that same workshop – as I kept telling my sisters – other participants said that neither they nor their mothers would leave their daughters alone with their fathers at bath time, unless the girls were wearing underwear. I remembered then my father’s voice saying, when I was seven, your mother never let me bathe you. After sharing this, another woman responded that, in contrast, her father would give her a bath naked in the courtyard of her childhood home until she turned seven, and then her eldest brother did it until she turned nine. She never felt anything strange in the way they looked at her; for them, it was just another task in caring for the most spoiled child in the home. She remembered being seen for what she was: a daughter child, a sister child, who did not like the water.
Once again childhoods, yesterday and today. We were surprised by that story, and it comforted us. Even I had seen things being different elsewhere; my daughter’s father bathed her in the tub until she was almost two. Even before turning two, he would give her a few soft slaps upwards on her bum, to make it bigger, as he said. Here, we could also speak of other dimensions of how we construct our bodies, but that is a different story. For me, it was one care task, among many, that we agreed to divide between ourselves before the baby was born. And the decision to not see every man as a lurking rapist does not mean they are not rapists, but instead that they can stop being so. There are also men and male bodies that have been brought up to never be rapists.
This is still happening. It happened to a friend of ours and to my own daughter. I thought: how can it be that some women are coupled with men they cannot trust to care for their daughters? I am sure that my mum loved my dad. And even though we seldom speak about the woman she was before becoming my mum, I know her experiences of abuse cannot be compared to the brutality and over-tolerance of those of today. But that is still a decision many women in many places make, and that leads to other questions. How often, how repeated were cases of abuse in our extended families to make women openly, or in indiscernible ways, forbid their partners from bathing their daughters? Is it related to the media overexposure we are subject to almost from birth? What makes family ties blur and turn into just bodily-satisfaction exchanges? Is it the proximity to urban values that cares so much about the right shapes of female bodies as objects of desire, and pushes male bodies to behave like owners and conquerors, fulfilling the mandate to mimic media representations so they feel safe in their identity? Is it concrete and other codes, like the Carreño etiquette, that sustain it? Is it encouraged by the need to forget certain relationships as the price of progress, that insistence on “doing for the outside?” What happens to what we learned in our times, those of us who, in secret or not, undertook sexual explorations as children? Were they erased by guilt? Were they the seeds of mistrust and shame in nudity? Were they the seeds of mistrust and shame of being inside oneself? Indeed, aren’t these learnings possibilities to trust in, understand the nudity of bodies as part of respecting oneself and others? These questions emerge in trusted spaces, where the fear to say what one thinks and feels is driven away by the intention of accompaniment. I imagine how many of us there are in all corners of this planet and I am certain these are not new questions, that messages in them are repeated, and that we find ourselves living the answers.

Decorative Element

Cover image for Communicating Desire
Explore Transnational Embodiments

This journal edition in partnership with Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research, will explore feminist solutions, proposals and realities for transforming our current world, our bodies and our sexualities.


Cover image, woman biting a fruit

التجسيدات العابرة للحدود

نصدر النسخة هذه من المجلة بالشراكة مع «كحل: مجلة لأبحاث الجسد والجندر»، وسنستكشف عبرها الحلول والاقتراحات وأنواع الواقع النسوية لتغيير عالمنا الحالي وكذلك أجسادنا وجنسانياتنا.

استكشف المجلة

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¿Quieres construir el Foro con nosotrxs?

Hazte afíliadx de AWID ahora y participa en nuestro próximo evento para afiliadxs "Soñando el Foro" el 20 de junio.

Snippet - WITM To share - AR

لمشاركة تجاربكم/ن المعاشة بما يتعلق بتمويل منظمتكم/ن

Maritza Quiroz Leiva

Maritza Quiroz Leiva fue una activista social afrocolombiana, líder comunitaria y defensora de los derechos humanos de las mujeres. Como una de las 7,7 millones de colombianxs desplazadxs internamente por 50 años de conflicto armado, Maritza dedicó su trabajo de incidencia a apoyar los derechos de otras personas, en particular dentro de la comunidad afrocolombiana, que sufrían similares desplazamientos y violaciones de derechos.

Maritza era líder adjunta del Comité de Víctimas de Santa Marta, y una voz importante para quienes buscaban justicia en su comunidad, exigiendo reparaciones por las torturas, los secuestros, los desplazamientos y la violencia sexual que experimentaban las víctimas durante el conflicto armado. También trabajó activamente en el movimiento nacional por la redistribución de la tierra y la justicia agraria.

El 5 de enero de 2019 Maritza fue asesinada por dos individuos armados que irrumpieron en su casa. Tenía 60 años.

Maritza se sumó así a lxs otrxs cinco activistas y líderes sociales colombianxs que fueron asesinadxs durante la primera semana de 2019. En Colombia, ese año fueron asesinadxs un total de 107 defensorxs de derechos humanos.

Crear Resistar Snippet

Crear | Résister | Transform

Crear | Résister | Transform is for you and all the amazing feminist and social justice activists that you know. Let’s come together to share our resistance strategies, co-create some feminist magic, and transform this world together.

 A Festival for Feminist Movements!

Carta de amor a los movimientos feministas: el adiós de Hakima y Cindy

Una imagen que representa un pedazo de papel de scrapbook con la frase Carta de amor a los movimientos feministas: el adiós de Hakima y Cindy

Queridos movimientos feministas:
Ustedes nos recibieron con los brazos abiertos cuando en el Foro de AWID 2016 en Bahía se anunció que íbamos a ser las nuevas codirectoras ejecutivas de AWID. Fue un momento que sentimos lleno de posibilidades: estábamos construyendo un oasis feminista que ayudaría a sostener las luchas colectivas que teníamos por delante. Salimos de Bahía con una sensación muy clara de la responsabilidad que nos cabía: hacer lo mejor que pudiéramos al servicio de ustedes, liderando a AWID de tal manera que les sirviera de apoyo y tuviera impacto para ustedes.
Ahora es el momento de abrir el camino a nuevos liderazgos
Tras cinco años de recorrido, dejamos nuestro rol como codirectoras ejecutivas de AWID. Esta decisión coincide con la finalización de nuestro ciclo estratégico actual. Pensamos que es el momento ideal para hacernos a un costado y apoyar una renovación en el liderazgo. Creemos que los liderazgos feministas transformadores son cíclicos.
Valoramos mucho la oportunidad que tuvimos de desempeñar un rol dentro de los 40 años que abarca la historia de AWID, sosteniendo y guiando a la organización en el contexto difícil de una pandemia global y la agudización de muchas crisis.

Sabemos que ustedes, movimientos feministas, nos van a acompañar en nuestros próximos recorridos, donde sea que transcurran. Una y otra vez nos han enseñado a ser fuertes y resilientes. Tal vez cumplamos roles diferentes, pero en forma colectiva seguiremos avanzando juntxs. 

Nuestro recorrido

Tenemos recuerdos vívidos de aquellxs con quienes nos reunimos en Indonesia, Malasia, Nepal, Tailandia, Taiwán y otros lugares para crear juntxs el Foro AWID, de su generosidad y su entusiasmo. Sin duda alguna lo que más lamentamos de estos cinco años pasados es no haber podido ofrecerles un Foro presencial.

Una vez que tomamos la decisión difícil (aunque necesaria) de cancelar el Foro AWID nos concentramos en responder a las preguntas existenciales que tantas organizaciones también estaban enfrentando: ¿cómo podemos cambiar la forma en que trabajamos para seguir siendo relevantes teniendo en cuenta que todxs nosotrxs, cada quien a su manera, estamos afectadxs por el agotamiento, la enfermedad y la pena? ¿Cómo podemos construir relaciones significativas cuando nos vemos limitadxs a encontrarnos solo en forma virtual? Todavía no existen respuestas claras para estas preguntas pero ustedes, movimientos feministas, nos han mostrado el camino.

Con mucho orgullo vimos a feministas liderando las respuestas para mitigar los impactos de COVID-19 en nuestras comunidades. Lxs feministas somos quienes respondemos directamente a las crisis y vamos a continuar exigiendo que se reconozca nuestra labor y se le asignen los recursos que corresponde. Ustedes muchas veces respondieron con entusiasmo a nuestras convocatorias, haciéndose presentes de maneras increíbles en nuestra campaña por un Rescate Feminista y más tarde en el festival Crear Resister Transform. Siempre nos acompañaron en la incidencia colectiva, ya fuera en espacios de derechos humanos, con quienes diseñan políticas o con donantes.

El trabajo que hicimos con ustedes nos inspiró para introducir un cambio importante y ampliar las oportunidades de participación entre nuestrxs afiliadxs sin que todo esté centralizado en AWID. A esto le llamamos «enfoque de membresía basado en la solidaridad» y nos entusiasma anunciar que este año presentaremos la plataforma de la Comunidad de AWID.

Ustedes nos enseñaron que, como no podemos contar con el sistema, lo que más importa es que nos apoyemos unxs a otrxs. Si hay algo que esperamos haber hecho bien en estos años, es crear espacios para desarrollar vínculos nuevos y más profundos así como posibilidades de apoyo y colaboración mutua.

Queremos destacar especialmente con amor y respeto a quienes forman y formaron el equipo de AWID (tanto el personal como lxs integrantes del Consejo Directivo) con quienes tuvimos el honor de trabajar durante estos años. Aprendimos algo de cada unx de ustedes y sentimos una profunda gratitud por todo lo que le han dado a AWID a lo largo de los años.

Entramos a este rol siendo la primera pareja de codirectoras ejecutivas de AWID. Aprendimos de las muchas tradiciones activistas y comunitarias de liderazgo colectivo y de las organizaciones feministas que ya habían implementado esta modalidad antes que nosotras. Sabemos que ninguna de nosotras dos podría haberlo hecho sin la otra. Pudimos aprovechar los puntos fuertes de cada una y apoyarnos mutuamente para cumplir con nuestra tarea lo mejor posible. 

Lo que viene

Llegamos juntas a este rol y nos vamos juntas, aun cuando nuestras fechas de partida sean diferentes. Estamos comprometidas a colaborar para que la transición sea fluida y para que durante este año los nuevos liderazgos puedan contar con un proceso deliberado de incorporación a sus roles.
Movimientos feministas: están en muy buenas manos con el equipo de AWID. Ellxs saben lo que tienen que hacer. Y a nosotras nos enorgullece dejar a la organización en una posición de fortaleza y resiliencia. Esperamos ver a muchxs de ustedes en el Foro AWID de 2024. Nos van a reconocer fácilmente: vamos a ser esas que están entre el público relajadas y pasándolo bien. 

Vaya nuestro amor y nuestra valoración por todo lo que han hecho con y por nosotras. El impacto que ustedes han tenido en nuestras vidas va mucho más allá de los últimos cinco años y sin duda alguna continuará durante mucho tiempo en el futuro.

Cindy & Hakima

Allez-vous ouvrir un appel à propositions ?

Oui ! Veuillez lire notre Appel à activités et vous inscrire ici. La date limite est fixée au 1er février 2024.

Snippet - WITM Start the survey 1 - AR



الاستطلاع متاح باللغات العربية، الإنجليزية، الفرنسية، البرتغالية، الروسية والاسبانية!

Roxana Reyes Rivas

Roxana Reyes Rivas, était une philosophe, féministe, lesbienne, poétesse, politicienne et activiste pour les droits des personnes LGBT et des femmes du Costa Rica. Auteure à la plume acérée et à l’humour incisif, elle était irrésistiblement drôle. Née en 1960 et élevée à San Ramón dans la province d’Alajuela, qui était encore une localité rurale à l’époque, elle a toute sa vie refusé d’adhérer aux attentes envers « les femmes ».   

Avec le groupe de lesbiennes costariciennes El Reguero, Roxana a organisé pendant plus de dix ans des festivals lesbiens, de joyeux espaces de formation où se rassembler à une époque où le gouvernement du Costa Rica et la société persécutaient et pénalisaient l’existence des lesbiennes. Ces festivals lesbiens étaient, pour des centaines de femmes, le seul endroit où elles pouvaient être elles-mêmes et se regrouper avec leurs semblables.

Roxana aimait répéter que la formation de partis politiques comptait parmi ses passe-temps. « Il est important que les gens comprennent qu’il y a d’autres manières de faire de la politique, et que de nombreuses questions doivent être résolues collectivement. » Elle fut également l’une des fondatrices des partis Nueva Liga Feminista et VAMOS, centrés sur les droits humains.

« La philosophie est faite pour bousculer, pour aider les gens à se poser des questions. Une philosophe qui n’irrite personne ne fait pas son travail. » Pendant 30 ans, Roxana a enseigné la philosophie dans plusieurs universités publiques du Costa Rica. Des générations d’étudiant·e·ss ont suivi ses directives et réfléchi aux dilemmes éthiques que posent la science et les technologies.  

L’outil de prédilection de Roxana était l’humour. Elle a créé le prix de l’ignorance La Citrouille étincelante, qu’elle décernait à des personnalités publiques sur ses réseaux sociaux, tournant en dérision leurs expressions et déclarations anti-droits.  

Roxana a été emportée par un cancer agressif fin 2019, avant qu’elle ne puisse publier son recueil de poèmes, qu’elle aurait voulu être le cadeau de départ de l’esprit créatif d’une féministe qui a toujours élevé sa voix contre l’injustice.