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Analyses Spéciales

L´AWID est une organisation féministe mondiale qui consacre ses efforts à la justice de genre, au développement durable et aux droits humains des femmes

Activisme des jeunes féministes

S'organiser de manière créative face à des menaces croissantes

Les jeunes activistes féministes jouent un rôle crucial au sein des organisations et des mouvements pour les droits des femmes à travers le monde. Ce sont elles qui soulèvent les nouveaux problèmes auxquels les féministes sont confrontées aujourd'hui. Leur force, leur créativité et leur adaptabilité sont vitales pour assurer la viabilité des organisations féministes.

Pourtant,  elles sont confrontées à toute une série d’obstacles particuliers, notamment l'accès limité au financement et au soutien, le manque de possibilités de renforcement des capacités et une augmentation considérable des agressions sur les jeunes défenseuses des droits humains. Ces obstacles entraînent un manque de visibilité qui rend leur intégration et leur participation effective au sein des mouvements pour les droits des femmes encore plus difficiles.

Une approche multigénérationnelle

Le Programme d’activisme des jeunes féministes de l'AWID a été mis en place pour veiller à ce que les voix des jeunes femmes soient entendues et représentées dans le discours féministe. Nous voulons faire en sorte que les jeunes féministes aient un meilleur accès à du financement, à des opportunités de renforcer leurs capacités et aux processus internationaux.

En plus de soutenir directement les jeunes féministes, nous travaillons également avec des activistes des droits des femmes de tout âge pour élaborer des modèles et des stratégies d’organisation multigénérationnelles plus efficaces.

Nos actions

Nous souhaitons que les jeunes féministes puissent jouer un rôle actif dans les prises de décisions qui concernent leurs droits. Nos actions incluent :

  • Favoriser la mise en commun et le partage d'informations par la Plateforme de jeunes féministes. Étant donné l'importance des médias en ligne pour le travail des jeunes féministes, notre équipe a lancé la Plateforme de jeunes féministes en mai 2010. Elle a pour objectifs d’échanger des renseignements, de renforcer les capacités des membres par le truchement de webinaires et de  discussions en ligne, et d'encourager la consolidation d’une communauté de jeunes féministes.

  • Soutenir la recherche et le renforcement des connaissances sur l'activisme des jeunes féministes, pour accroître la visibilité et l'influence de leur activisme au sein et entre les mouvements pour les droits des femmes et auprès d'autres acteurs-trices clés, tels les donateurs.

  • Faire la promotion de la collaboration multigénérationnelle, en explorant de meilleures façons de travailler ensemble.

  • Inciter les jeunes féministes à s’engager dans les processus internationaux relatifs au programme de développement, notamment ceux des Nations Unies.

  • S’assurer leur collaboration dans tous les domaines prioritaires de l'AWID, y compris le Forum, pour faire en sorte que leurs contributions, leurs perspectives, leurs besoins et leur activisme se traduisent dans les débats, les politiques et les programmes qui les concernent.

Contenu lié

#1 - Sexting like a feminist Tweets Snippet AR

مفضّلتي: لا مزاح في حضرة القوى العظمى

Image of a tweet with a woman fainted on a set of stairs. Text says: I want to cum so hard my ancestors awaken and rejoin the struggle.

عزمي الوصول الى الذروة الجنسية، كفيلة بإيقاظ الأجداد من مثواهم الأخير وإعادتهم الى صفوف الثورة التقدميّة

Challenging the economic growth model


Contesting the premise that a country’s economy must always ‘grow or die’, de-growth propositions come to debunk the centrality of growth measured by increase in Gross domestic product (GDP).


A de-growth model proposes a shift towards a lower and sustainable level of production and consumption. In essence, shrinking the economic system to leave more space for human cooperation and ecosystems.

The proposal includes

  • Downsizing resource-, energy- and emission-intensive superfluous production, particularly in the North (e.g. the automotive and military industries)
  • Directing investments instead into the care sector, social infrastructure and environmental restoration

Feminist perspective

Feminist perspectives within de-growth theory and practice argue that it also needs to redefine and revalidate unpaid and paid, care and market labour to overcome traditional gender stereotypes as well as the prevailing wage gaps and income inequalities that devalue care work.

Learn more about this proposition

  • In “The Future WE Want: Occupy development” Christa Wichterich argues that in order to break up the hegemonic logic of unfettered growth and quick returns on investment, three cornerstones of another development paradigm must combine: care, commons and sufficiency in production and consumption.
  • Equitable, Ecological Degrowth: Feminist Contributions by Patricia Perkins suggests developing effective alternative indicators of well-being, including social and economic equity and work-time data, to demonstrate the importance of unpaid work and services for the economy and provide a mechanism for giving credit to those responsible.

Part of our series of

  Feminist Propositions for a Just Economy

Anna Campbell (şehid Hêlîn Qerecox)

Anna creció en Lewes, Sussex (Reino Unido) y se mudó a Bristol, donde se hizo plomera, luego de decidir que no iba a continuar con su carrera de Inglés en la Universidad de Sheffield.

Dedicó mucho de su tiempo a defender a las personas marginadas y sin privilegios, a participar de marchas antifascistas y a ofrecer apoyo a las mujeres de la Granja Dale cuando estuvieron bajo amenaza de desalojo. Vegana y amante de los animales, participó en sabotajes a partidas de caza y su nombre es honrado en el Monumento «Árbol de la vida», de PETA. En mayo de 2017, Anna se trasladó a Rojava llevada por su fuerte compromiso con el empoderamiento de las mujeres, la plena representación de todas las identidades étnicas y la protección del ambiente.

Murió el 15 de marzo de 2018, al ser alcanzada durante un bombardeo aéreo de fuerzas turcas a la ciudad de Afrin, en el norte de Siria. Anna cayó combatiendo junto a las Unidades de Protección de las Mujeres (YPJ).


Anna Campbell (şehid Hêlîn Qerecox), UK

Ika Vantiani Snippet EN

Ika Vantiani

Ika Vantiani is an Indonesian artist, curator and crafter based in Jakarta. Her works explores the idea of being a woman in today’s society with the intertwined between media and consumption. Ika uses the discipline of collage and expands it into workshop, installation, and street art. Ika is the member of artist collectives including Micro Galleries, The Collage Club and It’s In Your Hands Collective.

Ika’s Exhibition

Key opposition discourses

Ultra conservative actors have developed a number of discourses at the international human rights level that call on arguments manipulating religion, culture, tradition, and national sovereignty in order to undermine rights related to gender and sexuality.

Anti-rights actors have increasingly moved away from explicitly religious language. Increasingly, we see regressive actors - who may previously have derided human rights concepts - instead manipulating and co-opting these very concepts to further their objectives.

Protection of the family

This emerging and successful discourse appears innocuous, but it functions as a useful umbrella theme to house multiple patriarchal and anti-rights positions. The ‘protection of the family’ theme is thus a key example of regressive actors’ move towards holistic and integrated advocacy.

The language of ‘protection of the family’ works to shift the subject of human rights from the individual and onto already powerful institutions.

It also affirms a unitary, hierarchical, and patriarchal conception of the family that discriminates against family forms outside of these rigid boundaries. It also attempts to change the focus from recognition and protection of the rights of vulnerable family members to non-discrimination, autonomy, and freedom from violence in the context of family relations.

The Right to Life

The Holy See and a number of Christian Right groups seek to appropriate the right to life in service of an anti-abortion mission.  Infusing human rights language with conservative religious doctrine, they argue that the right to life, as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, applies at the moment of conception.

The discourse has no support in any universal human rights instrument. Yet this is an appealing tactic for anti-rights actors, because the right to life cannot be violated under any circumstances and is a binding legal standard.

Sexual rights

Anti-rights actors use a number of rhetorical devices in their campaign to undermine sexual rights: they argue that sexual rights do not exist or are ‘new rights,’ that they cause harm to children and society, and/or that these rights stand in opposition to culture, tradition or national laws.

Conservative actors engaged in advocacy at the UN attack the right to comprehensive sexuality education from several directions. They claim that CSE violates ‘parental rights’, harms children, and that it is not education but ideological indoctrination. They also claim that comprehensive sexuality education is pushed on children, parents, and the United Nations by powerful lobbyists seeking to profit from services they provide to children and youth.

Attempts to invalidate rights related to sexual orientation and gender identity have proliferated. Ultra conservative actors argue that application of long-standing human rights principles and law on this issue constitutes the creation of ‘new rights’; and that the meaning of rights should vary radically because they should be interpreted through the lens of ‘culture’ or ‘national particularities.’

Reproductive Rights

Christian Right organizations have been mobilizing against reproductive rights alongside the Holy See and other anti-rights allies for several years. They often argue that reproductive rights are at heart a form of Western-imposed population control over countries in the global South. Ironically, this claim often originates from U.S. and Western Europe-affiliated actors, many of whom actively work to export their fundamentalist discourses and policies.

Regressive actors also cite to ‘scientific’ arguments from ultra-conservative think tanks, and from sources that rely on unsound research methodologies, to suggest that abortion causes an array of psychological, sexual, physical, and relational side effects.

Protection of children and parental rights

Just as anti-rights actors aim to construct a new category of ‘protection of the family,’ they are attempting to construct a new category of ‘parental rights,’ which has no support in existing human rights standards.

This discourse paradoxically endeavours to use the rights protections with which children are endowed, as articulated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to support the rights of parents to control their children and limit their rights.

Violence against women

Increasingly, anti-rights actors are attempting to infiltrate and subvert standards and discourses developed by women human rights defenders, such as violence against women (VAW).

At the Commission on the Status of Women and other spaces, one rhetorical move is to treat VAW as a concept in which to embed anti-reproductive rights and patriarchal arguments. Ultra conservative actors, for example, have argued that non-heteronormative or traditional intimate partner relationships are a risk factor for violence, and emphasize that fathers are necessary to protect families from violence.

Gender and ‘gender ideology’

The Holy See has set off a sustained critique of gender, ‘gender ideology’, ‘gender radicals,’ and gender theory, and anti-rights actors often read the term as code for LGBTQ rights. Gender is used by the religious right as a cross-cutting concept that links together many of their discourses. Increasingly, the hysteria on this subject fixates on gender identity and trans rights.

Complementarity and human dignity

Complementarity of the sexes is a discourse employed by a number of ultra-conservative actors today. Its rhetoric is structured around an assumption of difference: men and women are meant to have differing but complementary roles in marriage and family life, and with respect to their engagement in the community and political and economic life.

Reference to ‘natural’ roles is meant to fundamentally reject universal human rights to equality and non-discrimination.

It is also used to justify State and non-State violations of these rights, and non-compliance with respect to State obligations to eliminate prejudices and practices based on stereotyped roles for men or women.

National sovereignty and anti-imperialism

This discourse suggests that national governments are being unjustly targeted by UN bodies, or by other States acting through the UN. This is an attempt to shift the subject of human rights from the individual or marginalized community suffering a rights violation to a powerful and/or regressive institution - i.e. the state, in order to justify national exceptions from universal rights or to support state impunity. 

Religious freedom

Anti-rights actors have taken up the discourse of freedom of religion in order to justify violations of human rights. Yet, ultra-conservative actors refer to religious freedom in a way that directly contradicts the purpose of this human right and fundamentally conflicts with the principle of the universality of rights. The inference is that religious liberty is threatened and undermined by the protection of human rights, particularly those related to gender and sexuality.

The central move is to suggest that the right to freedom of religion is intended to protect a religion rather than those who are free to hold or not hold different religious beliefs.

Yet under international human rights law, the right protects believers rather than beliefs, and the right to freedom of religion, thought and conscience includes the right not to profess any religion or belief or to change one’s religion or belief.

Cultural rights and traditional values

The deployment of references to culture and tradition to undermine human rights, including the right to equality, is a common tactic amongst anti-rights actors. Culture is presented as monolithic, static, and immutable, and it is is often presented in opposition to ‘Western norms.’

Allusions to culture by anti-rights actors in international policy debates aim to undermine the universality of rights, arguing for cultural relativism that trumps or limits rights claims. Regressive actors’ use of cultural rights is founded on a purposeful misrepresentation of the human right. States must ensure that traditional or cultural attitudes are not used to justify violations of equality, and human rights law calls for equal access, participation and contribution in all aspects of cultural life for all, including women, religious, and racial minorities, and those with non-conforming genders and sexualities.

Subverting ‘universal’

Anti-rights actors in international policy spaces increasingly manipulate references to universal or fundamental human rights to reverse the meaning of the universality of rights.

Rather than using the term universal to describe the full set of indivisible and interrelated human rights, ultra conservative actors employ this term to instead delineate and describe a subset of human rights as ‘truly fundamental.’ Other rights would thus be subject to State discretion, ‘new’ rights or optional. This discourse is especially powerful as their category of the truly universal remains unarticulated and hence open to shifting interpretation.

Other Chapters

Read the full report

Annaliza Dinopol Gallardo Capinpin

Annaliza était la présidente du Conseil de réforme agraire des pionniers de Mindanao, un groupe de coordination de la ville de Tacurong, aux Philippines.

Mère aimée de quatre enfants, sa communauté se souvient d’Annaliza comme de « celle qui dirige quand personne ne veut diriger, qui parle quand personne ne veut parler, qui a eu le courage d'aider les bénéficiaires de la réforme agraire à acquérir des terres ».

Annaliza a été abattue par des assaillants inconnus devant l'Université d'État de Sultan Kudarat (SKSU) alors qu'elle se rendait au lycée national Salabaca à Esperanza.

Sa famille a déclaré : « Naghihintay pa rin kami ng hustisya para sa kanya » (nous attendons toujours que justice lui soit rendue).


Referencias de interés

Explora estos proyectos elaborados por los equipos de AWID para promover la defensoría de derechos y perspectivas feministas.

When development initiatives, religious fundamentalisms and the state of women’s rights collide

Nuestro nuevo documento de investigación El diablo se esconde en los detalles aborda la falta de conocimientos sobre los fundamentalismos religiosos en el sector del desarrollo, y se propone comprender mejor de qué manera estos fundamentalismos inhiben el desarrollo y, en particular, los derechos de las mujeres. Propone recomendaciones para que quienes trabajan en temas de desarrollo desafíen la labor de los fundamentalismos y eviten fortalecerlos inadvertidamente. [CTA download link: Leer el documento completo]


Seven pointers to consider


Graphic1 1. Control of women’s bodies, sexuality, and choice are “warning signs” of rising fundamentalisms.
2. Neoliberal economic policies have a particularly negative impact on women, and fuel the growth of religious fundamentalisms. Graphic2
Graphic3 3. Choosing religious organizations as default for partnerships builds their legitimacy and access to resources, and supports their ideology, including gender ideology.
4.Everyone has multiple identities and should be defined by more than just their religion. Foregrounding religious identities tends to reinforce the power of religious fundamentalists. Graphic4
Graphic5 5. Religion, culture, and tradition are constantly changing, being reinterpreted and challenged. What is dominant is always a question of power.
6. Racism, exclusion, and marginalization all add to the appeal of fundamentalists’ offer of a sense of belonging and a “cause”. Graphic6
Graphic7 7. There is strong evidence that the single most important factor in promoting women’s rights and gender equality is an autonomous women’s movement.


Auge global de los fundamentalismos religiosos.

El Diablo se esconde en los detalles proporciona detalles de las graves violaciones a los derechos humanos y, en particular, de las violaciones a los derechos de las mujeres, causados por los fundamentalismos auspiciados por los Estados, así como por actores fundamentalistas no estatales como milicias, organizaciones comunitarias confesionales e individuos. La profundización fundamentalista de normas sociales atávicas y patriarcales está provocando el aumento de la violencia contra las mujeres, las niñas y las defensoras de derechos humanos (WHRDs). El informe propuesta estas ideas clave para abordar el problema:

  • [icon] Fundamentalismos religiosos están ganando terreno en el seno de las comunidades
  • [icon] Sistemas políticos
  • [icon] Escenarios internacionales, con efectos devastadores para la gente común y para las mujeres en particular.


Los agentes de desarrollo deben actuar urgentemente.

Quienes trabajan en el desarrollo están de capacidad de asumir una posición más firme. Su capacidad colectiva para reconocer y enfrentar conjuntamente a los fundamentalismos religiosos resulta crucial para promover la justicia social, económica y de género y los derechos humanos de todas las personas en el marco del desarrollo sostenible.   Resulta fundamental promover que el poder y los privilegios se entiendan desde la óptica del feminismo interseccional y aplicar esta comprensión a los interrogantes sobre religión y cultura. Las organizaciones de mujeres ya poseen conocimientos y estrategias para oponerse a los fundamentalismos. Quienes trabajan en el desarrollo deberían apoyarse en estos e invertir en coaliciones enfocadas en múltiples temáticas. Lo anterior, les ayudará a alcanzar nuevos horizontes.

Snippet Welcome Message_Fest (FR)

Message de bienvenue

Hakima Abbas, AWID

"Nous utilisons les outils dont nous disposons pour partager notre résistance, nos stratégies et continuer à renforcer notre pouvoir d'agir et de créer de nouveaux mondes courageux et justes."

Regardez la vidéo (anglais)

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Snippet Festival Day 5, 6 Fest (EN)

Day, jour, día 5 festival - Sept. 11, 2021
Assembly as Pleasure: Weaving Feminist Collaborative Projects

Ghiwa Sayegh, Kohl: A Journal for Body and Gender Research
J. Daniel Luther 
Jessa Jordan
María Florencia Alcaraz
Nazlee Saif Arbee

Witchcraft, shamanism and other insurgent knowledge against patriarchy

Sofía Blanco Sixtos, Colectiva Feminista MAPAS


Day, jour, día 5 - Sept. 12, 2021
Queering Feminist Imaginaries:
A Workshop for Young Feminists

Nino Ugrekhelidze, AWID
Jorge Davila Akinyi Osanjo

Artivism: a weapon of feminist political resistance in the Haitian context

Pascale Solages, Nègès Mawon
Souzen Joseph, Nègès Mawon
Gaëlle Bien-Aimé, Nègès Mawon

watch video

Pleasure Poetry

by Wana Udobang

Prison Isn’t Feminist:
Exploring the impact and alternatives to reliance on police and incarceration

Chanelle Gallant
Kai Cheng Thom

watch video