Foro de AWID: Co-creando futuros feministas
En septiembre de 2016, 1800 feministas y activistas por los derechos de las mujeres de todos los rincones de nuestros movimientos se congregaron en las costas de Bahia, en el 13º Foro Internacional de AWID.
En esta sección se destacan los logros, los aprendizajes y los recursos que surgieron de las ricas conversaciones mantenidas. Te invitamos a analizar, compartir y comentar.
¿Qué ha pasado desde 2016?
Uno de los aportes más importantes del Foro fue la necesidad de ampliar y profundizar nuestro trabajo entre movimientos, frente a la confluencia de los fascismos en auge, fundamentalismos, codicia corporativa y cambio climático.
Con esto en mente, AWID, en asociación con múltiples aliadxs, ha estado trabajando para que estas semillas de resistencia:
Nuestras Iniciativas Semilla han ayudado a 20 ideas que surgieron en el Foro para crecer en forma de acciones concretas
El vídeo «Defendiendo a las Personas y al Planeta» y la guía «Tejiendo la resistencia a través de la acción» estan protagonizados por defensoras de derechos humanos y presentan estrategias concretas para confrontar al poder corporativo
Con nuestras animaciones El estado de nuestros movimientos feministas y Justicia climática y ambiental, los movimientos ahora tienen herramientas creativas para apoyar su trabajo.
La compilación de las expresiones artísticas «Los Movimientos Importan», sigue inspirando una organización más fuerte y creativa en todo el mundo.
Los movimientos también pueden beneficiarse de nuevas metodologías para imaginar nuestros futuros feministas (¡pronto!)
AWID se ha comprometido, mediante su próximo plan estratégico y su proceso del Foro, a continuar y profundizar las relaciones, las lecciones y los procesos iniciados en el Foro 2016 y basándonos en el momento actual.
¿Que pasa ahora?
El próximo Foro de AWID se realizará en la región del Pacífico Asiático (el lugar y la fecha exactos serán anunciados en 2018). Esperamos que te unas a nosotrxs.
Sobre el Foro de AWID
Los Foros de AWID comenzaron en 1983 en Washington DC. Desde entonces, el evento ha crecido hasta convertirse en muchas cosas para muchas personas: un proceso iterativo para darle forma a nuestros análisis, objetivos y acciones; un hito crucial que fortalece los feminismos de lxs participantes e infunde energías a sus procesos de organización; un hogar político donde lxs defensoras de derechos humanos encuentran un santuario y solidaridad.
Contenido relacionado
Stella Mukasa
Stella began her career at the Ministry of Gender and Community Development in Uganda engaging with policymakers for law reform, including the 1995 Ugandan Constitution, which established some of the most progressive reforms for women in the region.
She is revered throughout the region for her tireless efforts to create and enforce gender-responsive laws and policies. She played a key role in drafting Uganda’s Domestic Violence Act and in mobilizing support for gender-responsive constitutions in both Uganda and in Rwanda.
Through her work with International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), she worked on violence against children, and worked to strengthen the capacities of grassroots organizations addressing gender-based violence. She was a lecturer on gender rights and the law at Makerere University and served on the boards of Akina Mama wa Afrika, ActionAid International Uganda and the Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa.
Snippet - CSW68 - March 13 - FR
Jour 3
13 Mars
Snippet FEA how important essential workers are (EN)
The COVID-19 pandemic showed the world how important essential workers are. We’re talking about cleaners, nurses, paramedics, domestic workers, transport workers, grocery shop workers, among others. Their work is to tend to and guarantee the wellbeing of others, and they make our economies function.
But while they take care of us…
Feminist propositions: Glossary of terms
An economic system in which production and consumption patterns are based on profit using privately owned capital goods and wage labour. The system builds on individual wealth and capital accumulation at the lowest cost to the investor, with little regard for the societal costs and exploitation of the workforce - both paid and unpaid.
Commodification of land:
The conversion of land and activities related to it (like agriculture) into commodities that can be bought or sold for profit.
International Financial Institutions (IFIs):
Institutions (like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, or regional development banks) that provide loans to countries lacking sufficient money to cover funding shortfalls or to finance development projects. Historically, the lending policies of these institutions have been determined by economically powerful Western countries and private enterprises. Loans to low-income countries in particular typically include conditionalities that prompt economic reforms in these countries to support neo-liberalism.
A set of economic and political theories in which market forces, rather than governments, determine key aspects of the economy with governments acting to support globalized markets and the interests of capital. Neo-liberal economic policies typically include promotion of free trade, privatisation, reduced government spending on social programs, subsidies and tax exemptions for business, deregulation of financial sector and foreign investments, low taxes on the wealthy and corporations, flexible labour and weak environmental protection.
Refers to systemic and institutionalized male domination embedded in and perpetuated by cultural, political, economic and social structures and ideologies. Hetero-patriarchy in addition, is a patriarchal system that is also based on the belief that heterosexuality is the only normal and acceptable sexual orientation.
Sunila Abeyseke
Juana Ramírez Santiago
Juana fue una de las fundadoras y era actualmente integrante de la junta directiva de la Red de Mujeres Ixiles de Nebaj, una organización por los derechos de las mujeres indígenas que es parte de la Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (IM-Defensoras).
También era partera y madre de siete hijxs. Había recibido amenazas de muerte que fueron denunciadas ante la Fiscalía. Juana es la tercera defensora de derechos humanos indígena asesinada en el área durante 2018. El Ombudsman de Guatemala informa que un total de 20 defensorxs de derechos humanos fueron asesinadxs este año en el país.
Juana Ramírez Santiago fue baleada de muerte por atacantes desconocidos mientras cruzaba un puente en Nebak, Quiché, Guatemala. Están en curso las investigaciones para identificar a los perpetradores.
Snippet - Intro WITM - FR
« Où est l’argent pour l’organisation des mouvements féministes? »
L'enquête est terminée ! Merci beaucoup !
Nous tenons à remercier chaleureusement tous les groupes, collectifs et organisations féministes du monde entier qui ont répondu à l'enquête WITM. Votre engagement et vos points de vue ont été inestimables et ils enrichiront grandement notre compréhension collective du ressourcement féministe à l'échelle mondiale.
Snippet FEA collaborator and allies Photo 3 (ES)
Key opposition actors
We are witnessing an unprecedented level of engagement of anti-rights actors in international human rights spaces. To bolster their impact and amplify their voices, anti-rights actors increasingly engage in tactical alliance building across sectors, regional and national borders, and faiths.
This “unholy alliance” of traditionalist actors from Catholic, Evangelical, Mormon, Russian Orthodox and Muslim faith backgrounds have found common cause in a number of shared talking points and advocacy efforts attempting to push back against feminist and sexual rights gains at the international level.
Holy See
Key activities: As the government of the Roman Catholic Church, the “Holy See” uses its unique status as Permanent Observer state at the UN to lobby for conservative, patriarchal, and heteronormative notions of womanhood, gender identities and “the family”, and to propagate policies that are anti-abortion and -contraception
Based in: Vatican City, Rome, Italy.
Religious affiliations: Catholic
Connections to other anti-rights actors: US Christian Right groups; interfaith orthodox alliances; Catholic CSOs
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
Key activities: Self-described as the “collective voice of the Muslim world”, the OIC acts as a bloc of states in UN spaces. The OIC attempts to create loopholes in human rights protection through references to religion, culture, or national sovereignty; propagates the concept of the “traditional family”; and contributes to a parallel but restrictive human rights regime (e.g. the 1990 Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam).
Based in: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Religious affiliations: Muslim
Connections to other anti-rights actors: Ultra conservative State missions to the UN, such as Russia
World Congress of Families
Key activities: International and regional conferences; research and knowledge-production and dissemination; lobbying at the United Nations “to defend life, faith and family”
Based in: Rockford, Illinois, U.S.
Religious affiliation: Predominantly Catholic and Christian Evangelical
Connections to other anti-rights actors: Sutherland Institute, a conservative think-tank; the Church of Latter-Day Saints; the Russian Orthodox Church’s Department of Family and Life; the anti-abortion Catholic Priests for Life; the Foundation for African Culture and Heritage; the Polish Federation of Pro-Life Movements; the European Federation of Catholic Family Associations; the UN NGO Committee on the Family; and the Political Network for Values; the Georgian Demographic Society; parliamentarians from Poland and Moldova, etc; FamilyPolicy; the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies; and HatzeOir; C-Fam; among others
Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam)
Key activities: Lobbying at the United Nations, particularly the Commission of the Status of Women to “defend life and family”; media and information-dissemination (Friday Fax newsletter); movement building; trainings for conservative activists
Based in: New York and Washington D.C., U.S.
Religious affiliations: Catholic
Connections to other anti-rights actors: International Youth Coalition; World Youth Alliance; Human Life International; the Holy See; coordinates the Civil Society for the Family; the Family Research Council (U.S.) and other Christian/Catholic anti-rights CSOs; United States CSW delegation
Family Watch International
Key activities: Lobbying in international human rights spaces for “the family” and anti-LGBTQ and anti-CSE policies; training of civil society and state delegates (for example, ‘The Resource Guide to UN Consensus Language on Family Issues’); information dissemination; knowledge production and analysis; online campaigns
Based in: Gilbert, Arizona, U.S.
Religious affiliations: Mormon
Connections to other anti-rights actors: leader of the UN Family Rights Caucus; C-Fam; Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH); the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH); World Congress of Families; CitizenGo; Magdalen Institute; Asociación La Familia Importa; Group of Friends of the Family (25 state bloc)
World Youth Alliance
Key activities: Advocacy in international policy spaces including the United Nations, the European Union, and the Organization of American States for “the family”, against sexual and reproductive rights; training youth members in the use of diplomacy and negotiation, international relations, grassroots activities and message development; internship program to encourage youth participation in its work; regular Emerging Leaders Conference; knowledge production and dissemination
Based in: New York City (U.S.) with regional chapter offices in Nairobi (Kenya), Quezon City (The Philippines), Brussels (Belgium), Mexico City (Mexico), and Beirut (Lebanon)
Religious affiliations: primarily Catholic but aims for interfaith membership
Connections to other anti-rights actors: C-Fam; Human Life International; the Holy See; Campaign Life coalition
Russian Orthodox Church
Key Activities: The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), capitalizing on its close links to the Russian state, has operated as a “norm entrepreneur” in human rights debates. Russia and the ROC have co-opted rights language to push for a focus on “morality” and “traditional values” as supposed key sources of human rights. Russia led a series of “traditional values” resolutions at the Human Rights Council and has been at the forefront of putting forward hostile amendments to progressive resolutions in areas including maternal mortality, protection of civil society space, and the right to peaceful protest.
Connections to other anti-rights actors: Organization of Islamic Cooperation; Eastern European and Caucasus Orthodox churches, e.g. Georgian Orthodox Church; U.S. Christian Right including U.S. Evangelicals; World Congress of Families; Group of Friends of the Family (state bloc)
Other Chapters
Cristina Morales Jose
Ana M. Tallada Iglesia
Ana était un ardente défenseure des droits des femmes et travaillait avec un large éventail de femmes au sein d’organisations de terrain ainsi que dans le secteur privé.
Elle croyait en la construction de ponts entre les secteurs. Ana était membre du Réseau national de promotion de la femme (RNPM) et participait activement à l'élaboration de nombreux programmes sociaux traitant de questions telles que la santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs.
Snippet - WITM To build - EN
To build feminist-realities centered evidence on how money moves and who it is reaching
Snippet FEA Meet the Solidarity Network (FR)
Nous vous présentons le syndicat Réseau Solidarité, un syndicat de la santé et des services dirigé majoritairement par des femmes. Émergeant en réponse à la précarité croissante, aux salaires insuffisants et aux environnements de travail hostiles auxquels les travailleur·euses géorgien·es sont confrontés quotidiennement, le Syndicat Réseau Solidarité se bat pour des lieux et des conditions de travail décents.
Son objectif? Créer un mouvement syndical national démocratique. Pour ce faire, il s'est associé à d'autres syndicats locaux et régionaux et a lentement constitué un réseau de syndicats, permettant à de plus en plus de travailleuses de devenir dirigeantes syndicales en cours de route.
Son approche politique est holistique. Pour le syndicat Réseau Solidarité, les questions relatives aux droits du travail sont directement liées aux programmes et réformes politiques et économiques nationaux plus larges. C'est pourquoi iels font pression pour la justice fiscale, les droits des femmes et des personnes LGBTQIA+, et luttent contre le démantèlement de l'État-providence géorgien.
Le syndicat Réseau Solidarité fait également partie de Grève Sociale Transnationale (Transnational Social Strike, TSS), une plate-forme et infrastructure politique inspirée par l'organisation des migrant·e·s, des femmes et des travailleur·euses essentiel·les qui s'efforcent de créer des liens entre les mouvements ouvriers à travers le monde et de fomenter la solidarité globale.
Defendiendo nuestra tierra del poder corporativo
Estas industrias 'extraen' materias primas de la tierra: minería, gas, petróleo y madera son algunos ejemplos.
Este modelo económico explota desenfrenadamente la naturaleza e intensifica las desigualdades norte, donde sus grandes corporaciones se benefician y sur, de donde extraen los recursos.
Contaminación del agua, daño irreparable al medioambiente, comunidades forzadas a desplazarse son algunas de las consecuencias inmediatas.
Lee nuestro reporte de INDUSTRIAS EXTRACTIVAS
Hay alternativas sostenibles para el medioambiente y los derechos humanos de la mujer.
Descubre además cómo nos afecta económicamente
Helen Rumbali
In memory of all women journalists who were killed in 2018
Just like women have learned to avoid dark streets for their safety, women journalists are forced to avoid reporting certain stories as a result of online harassment.
Harassment is not part of the job description and should be called out and challenged at every turn to ensure these important voices are not silenced.
This tribute to journalists was made on behalf of IFEXSnippet - WITM About the survey - FR
À propos de cette enquête
- MONDIALE ET DIVERSE: Elle se penche sur les réalités du financement de l’organisation des mouvements féministes à l’échelle mondiale, et par région.
- CONTEXTUALISÉE: Elle place au centre les voix, points de vue et expériences vécues des mouvements féministes dans toute leur richesse, leur audace et leur diversité, en fonction de leur contexte respectif.
- COCRÉÉE: Elle est élaborée et dirigée en consultation étroite avec les membres de l’AWID et les partenaires du mouvement.
- COMPLÉMENTAIRE: Elle contribue aux, et vient enrichir les données probantes existantes sur l’état du financement de l’organisation des mouvements féministes, de défense des droits des femmes et pour la justice de genre collectées par des activistes, des bailleurs de fonds féministes et des allié·es.
- PLURILINGUE: L’enquête est disponible en français, anglais, arabe, espagnol, portugais et russe.
- CONFIDENTIELLE: La confidentialité de votre vie privée et votre anonymat sont nos priorités. L’AWID ne publiera en aucun cas des informations relatives à une organisation donnée ni ne divulguera d’informations qui permettraient d’identifier une organisation par le biais de son emplacement ou de caractéristiques qui lui sont propres. Notre politique de confidentialité est disponible ici.
- ACCESSIBLE: Elle est accessible aux personnes ayant une diversité de capacités d’audition, de mouvement, de vision et cognitives, et répondre aux questions prend en moyenne 30 minutes.
- REPRODUCTIBLE: Elle peut être reproduite par des mouvements dans leur contexte respectif. Les outils et séries de données de l’enquête seront publiés pour soutenir de nouvelles recherches et efforts de plaidoyer collectifs.