Defensorxs de Derechos Humanos
Lxs defensorxs se identifican a sí mismas como mujeres y personas lesbianas, bisexuales, transgénero, queer e intersex (LBTQI) y otrxs que defienden derechos y que debido a su trabajo en derechos humanos están bajo riesgos y amenazas específicos por su género y/o como consecuencia directa de su identidad de género u orientación sexual.
Lxs defensorxs son objeto de violencia y discriminación sistemáticas debido a sus identidades y su inclaudicable lucha por derechos, igualdad y justicia.
El Programa Defensorxs colabora con contrapartes internacionales y regionales así como con lxs afiliadxs de AWID para crear conciencia acerca de estos riesgos y amenazas, abogar por medidas de protección y de seguridad que sean feministas e integrales, y promover activamente una cultura del autocuidado y el bienestar colectivo en nuestros movimientos.
Riesgos y amenazas dirigidos específicamente contra lxs defensorxs
lxs defensorxs enfrentan los mismos tipos de riesgos que todxs lxs demás defensorxs de derechos humanos, de comunidades y del medio ambiente. Sin embargo, también están expuestas a violencia y a riesgos específicos por su género porque desafían las normas de género de sus comunidades y sociedades.
Por defender derechos, lxs defensorxs están en riesgo de:
- Ataques físicos y muerte
- Intimidación y acoso, incluso en los espacios virtuales
- Acoso judicial y criminalización
- Agotamiento
Un enfoque integral y colaborativo de la seguridad
Trabajamos de manera colaborativa con redes internacionales y regionales y con nuestrxs afiliadxs
- para crear conciencia de las violaciones de derechos humanos contra lxs defensorxs y de la violencia y discriminación sistemáticas que enfrentan
- para fortalecer los mecanismos de protección y asegurar respuestas más oportunas y efectivas para lxs defensorxs que están en riesgo
Trabajamos para promover un enfoque integral de la protección que incluya:
- remarcar la importancia del autocuidado y el bienestar colectivo, y reconocer que el significado de cuidado y bienestar puede variar entre las diferentes culturas;
- documentar las violaciones dirigidas contra lxs defensorxs usando una perspectiva feminista interseccional;
- promover el reconocimiento y celebración social del trabajo y la resiliencia de lxs defensorxs; y
- construir espacios ciudadanos que conduzcan al desmantelamiento de las desigualdades estructurales sin restricciones ni obstáculos.
Nuestras acciones
Nos proponemos contribuir a un mundo más seguro para lxs defensorxs, sus familias y comunidades. Creemos que actuar por los derechos y la justicia no debe poner en riesgo a lxs defensorxs, sino que debe ser valorado y celebrado.
Promoviendo la colaboración y coordinación entre organizaciones de derechos humanos y organizaciones de derechos de las mujeres en el plano internacional para fortalecer la capacidad de respuesta en relación a la seguridad y el bienestar de lxs defensorxs.
Apoyando a las redes regionales de defensorxs y de sus organizaciones, tales como la Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensorxs de Derechos Humanos y la WHRD Middle East and North Africa Coalition [Coalición de Defensorxs de Derechos Humanos de Medio Oriente y África del Norte], promoviendo y fortaleciendo la acción colectiva para la protección, poniendo el énfasis en establecer redes de solidaridad y protección, promover el autocuidado y la incidencia y movilización por la seguridad de lxs defensorxs.
Aumentando la visibilidad y el reconocimiento de lxs defensorxs y sus luchas, así como de los riesgos que enfrentan, a través de la documentación de los ataques que sufren, e investigando, produciendo y difundiendo información sobre sus luchas, estrategias y desafíos.
Movilizando respuestas urgentes de solidaridad internacional para lxs defensorxs que están en riesgo a través de nuestras redes internacionales y regionales y de nuestrxs afiliadxs activxs.
Contenido relacionado
Demo WYSIWYG page for testing
In a context like Colombia’s, the work of imagining, dreaming and even creating processes of transformation so we can live in worlds that are decent, just, careful, and affectionate is worthy of admiration. It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.
- It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.
Privacy is a fundamental right not just for the most powerful and privileged
In a context like Colombia’s, the work of imagining, dreaming and even creating processes of transformation so we can live in worlds that are decent, just, careful, and affectionate is worthy of admiration. This is an emboldened paragraph.
We are thinking of them and of all the women leaders who are continuing the fight, having gained consciousness, from their respective ethnic, political, cultural, and identity locations and from their work, of their selves and the social problems facing their communities.
This link goes somewhere, but this sentence doesn't, it only exists to show how a link works. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
£2600 is an amount of money that I've wrapped some <strong>
tags around, while 4 weeks – a length of time – also has had the same treatment for the purposes of just testing how typography appears on the page. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Find out how links are made into buttons
Header Level 2
In a context like Colombia’s, the work of imagining, dreaming and even creating processes of transformation so we can live in worlds that are decent, just, careful, and affectionate is worthy of admiration.
We are thinking of them and of all the women leaders who are continuing the fight, having gained consciousness, from their respective ethnic, political, cultural, and identity locations and from their work, of their selves and the social problems facing their communities.
Header Level 3
Women leaders and human rights defenders in Colombia: A legacy of dreams, struggles and affection that we will not silence
It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.
These are hyperlinks in paragraphs where they're needed the most, right in a demo page.
£2600 is an amount of money that I've wrapped some <strong>
tags around, while 4 weeks – a length of time – also has had the same treatment for the purposes of just testing how typography appears on the page. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Header Level 4
It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated. These are hyperlinks in paragraphs where they're needed the most, right in a demo page.
£2600 is an amount of money that I've wrapped some <strong>
tags around, while 4 weeks – a length of time – also has had the same treatment for the purposes of just testing how typography appears on the page. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Header Level 5
It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated. These are hyperlinks in paragraphs where they're needed the most, right in a demo page.
£2600 is an amount of money that I've wrapped some <strong>
tags around, while 4 weeks – a length of time – also has had the same treatment for the purposes of just testing how typography appears on the page. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Header Level 6
It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.
These are hyperlinks in paragraphs where they're needed the most, right in a demo page. £2600 is an amount of money that I've wrapped some <strong>
tags around, while 4 weeks – a length of time – also has had the same treatment for the purposes of just testing how typography appears on the page.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.
Short (Big)
It is an attack on life itself.
Long (Small)
It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated. It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated. It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.
It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.
Boxed (white)
It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.
Boxed (primary theme)
It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.
Boxed (secondary theme)
It is an attack on life itself. Not just on the life of one official, but an attack on the soul, on the spirit of an entire people who feels frustrated.
Comment présenterez-vous et traiterez-vous les données collectées pendant l’enquête?
Les données seront traitées à des fins statistiques, pour mettre en lumière l’état du financement de l’organisation des mouvements féministes dans le monde entier, et ne seront présentées que sous forme agrégée. L’AWID ne publiera pas d’informations relatives à une organisation donnée ni ne divulguera d’informations qui permettraient d’identifier une organisation par le biais de son emplacement ou de caractéristiques qui lui sont propres, sans son accord explicite.
Snippet FEA NSS uplifts and grows (FR)
Nous Sommes la Solution élève et développe le leadership des femmes rurales travaillant à des solutions africaines pour la souveraineté alimentaire.
#MeToo in China
The #MeToo movement in China was ignited in January 2018, impelled by the momentum of the #MeToo movement around the globe. The movement was a response to cultural and systemic problems in relation to gender and power within China. The foundation of the movement was laid over decades, with many years of debate and advocacy for gender equality finally erupting into a tremendous force across society. #MeToo has been driven mainly by young people, among whom are countless anonymous women and their allies, and they search for opportunities to realize the ultimate “Chinese Dream”: to transform China into a country with gender equality.
The environment for #MeToo movement is extremely adverse in China: the rule of law, the fairness and transparency of government action, and freedom of speech cannot be taken for granted by the movement in China but are the very goals it fights for. From the beginning, it has been an intense struggle, with every victim or activist who comes forward running tremendous risks. From being silenced, humiliated, or retaliated against, to having their safety jeopardized, every success of the #MeToo movement has been won by those who are courageous enough to bear the costs of speaking out and defying censorship.
#MeToo in China Exhibition was first held in 2019 and toured in 5 cities. The aim of the exhibition is to bring the personal experiences of the victims and activists to greater prominence and, through engagement with these stories, to inspire our audience to join in the fight. The exhibition has itself become a part of the #MeToo struggle—the exhibition has been beset by challenges on its tour throughout China, on more than one occasion even facing closure.
Kalpana Chakma
How many survey responses are you looking to collect?
Our aim is to reach a total of 2,000 responses, almost double the number from the last WITM survey in 2011.
Snippet FEA This is the story of the Nadia Echazú (EN)
A workplace does not have to operate on competition and profit. It does not have to exploit people for the benefit of the owner and a small elite either.
Instead, communities on the margins of formal economies are building cooperative models based on autonomy, cooperation, shared responsibility, self-management and solidarity.
Worker-controlled cooperatives and workplaces have always offered alternative ways of generating employment opportunities, income, social security and savings - while distributing revenues in more communal, sustainable and safer ways.
But it is more than an employment opportunity: it is the making of dreams into a reality, and the building of feminist economies based on solidarity and care for each other. It is about creating a world where our lives, our labor and our communities matter.
This is the story of the Nadia Echazú Textile Cooperative, the first social enterprise managed by and for travesti and trans people in Argentina.
Nicole Barakat
somos infinitxs
Una exposición de Nicole Barakat que encarna su reconexión con los objetos de la diáspora de sus tierras ancestrales en la región del Sudoeste Asiático y África del Norte (SWANA, por sus siglas en inglés).
Barakat presenta una colección de obras textiles como manifestaciones de su práctica de conectarse con los objetos desplazados, y a menudo robados, que son exhibidos en colecciones de museos occidentales que incluyen el Museo del Louvre de París, el Museo Británico de Londres y el Nicholson Museum de Sydney.
Para burlar a los guardianes y fisurar las vitrinas que retienen estos objetos ancestrales, Barakat recupera formas de conocimiento precoloniales, no lineales y receptivas que son, a menudo, devaluadas y desestimadas por las instituciones coloniales y patriarcales, utilizando la adivinación con la borra del café, el trabajo con los sueños, la escucha intuitiva y las conversaciones con los objetos mismos (fuente).
Sobre Nicole Barakat
Sus trabajos incluyen dibujos en papel y en tela cortados y cosidos a mano, esculturas realizadas con su propio cabello, tela y materiales vegetales, así como obras en vivo en las que utiliza su voz como material.
La práctica creativa de Nicole está arraigada en el re-cuerdo y la re-colección de sus conocimientos ancestrales, incluyendo la adivinación con la borra del café y, más recientemente, el trabajo con esencias de plantas y flores para el cuidado y la sanación comunitaria.
Nicole’s creative practice is rooted in re-membering and re-gathering her ancestral knowing, including coffee divination and more recently working with plants and flower essences for community care and healing.
Maria Elizabeth Macias Castro
Snippet - WITM FAQ - ES
Preguntas frecuentes
Snippet FEA 1 of 3 trans and travesti people (ES)
1 de cada 3 personas trans y travesti en Argentina vive en un hogar de bajos ingresos.
Les tendances antidroits au sein des systèmes régionaux des droits humains
Chapter 6
À la Commission africaine et au Système interaméricain, les antidroits promeuvent les notions essentialistes de culture et de genre pour miner les avancées en matière de droits et décrédibiliser la redevabilité. Les antidroits gagnent en influence dans les systèmes de protection des droits humains régionaux et internationaux.
2019 JUIN 27 Réunion du Groupe d'examen de la mise en œuvre du Sommet en Colombie
La Commission africaine des droits de l’Homme et des peuples commence à présenter les droits des femmes et droits sexuels comme mettant en danger sa capacité à adresser les « droits réels » et contraires aux « valeurs africaines », un précédent inquiétant à l’égard des droits. Le retrait de son statut d’observatrice à la Coalition des lesbiennes africaines est un exemple de cette tendance, et traduit la répression de l’engagement féministe panafricaniste.
Au sein de l’Organisation des États américains (OEA) et du Système interaméricain de protection des droits humains, les stratégies antidroits incluent l’ONGisation de groupes religieux, l’adoption d’un langage séculier et la prise de contrôle de cadres discriminatoires. L’influence antidroits a pris plusieurs formes, et notamment l’intimidation d’activistes trans et l’entrave à l’introduction d’un langage progressif dans les résolutions.
- Réduire les féministes au silence au sein du Système africain de protection des droits humains
- Les groupes antidroits en Amérique latine : l’Assemblée générale de l’Organisation des États américains (OEA) et le Système interaméricain de protection des droits humains
Ummaya Gabbara
Snippet - WITM to claim - RU
Чтобы заявить о себе как об эксперте по вопросам ресурсного обеспечения феминистских движений
Snippet FEA Trans and Travesti people (FR)
n'est pas respecté par les entreprises
Transnational Embodiments - Editor's Note
Lost For Words |
Chinelo Onwualu | Ghiwa Sayegh |
When we are desperate for change, as we are both in illness and insurrection, our language drains of complexity, becomes honed to its barest essentials... As illness and revolution persist, though, the language made in them and about them deepens, lets in more nuance, absorbed in the acutely human experience of encountering one’s limits at the site of the world’s end.
Johanna Hedva
When we began scheming for such an issue with Nana Darkoa, ahead of AWID’s Crear | Résister | Transform: a festival for feminist movements!, we departed from a question that is more of an observation of the state of the world – a desire to shift ground: why do our sexualities and pleasures continue to be tamed and criminalized even as we are told, over and over again, that they bring neither value nor progress? We came to the conclusion that when they are embodied, something about our sexualities works against a world order that continues to manifest itself in border controls, vaccine apartheids, settler colonialism, ethnic cleansing, and rampant capitalism. Could we speak, then, of the disruptive potential of our sexualities? Could we still do that when, in order to be resourced, our movements are co-opted and institutionalized.
When our embodied labor becomes profit in the hands of the systems we seek to dismantle, it is no wonder that our sexualities and pleasures are once again relegated to the sidelines – especially when they are not profitable enough. In many instances during the production of this issue, we asked ourselves what would happen if we refused to accommodate the essential services of capitalism. But can we dare ask that question when we are exhausted by the world? Perhaps our sexualities are so easily dismissed because they are not seen as forms of care. Perhaps what we need is to reimagine pleasure as a form of radical care – one that is also anti-capitalist and anti-institutional.
As we enter our second full year of a global pandemic, our approach to transnational embodiments has had to focus on a single political realization: that taking care is a form of embodiment. And because right now so much of our work is being done without consideration for the borders between and within ourselves, we are all Transnationally Embodied – and we are all failing. We are failing to take care of ourselves and more critically, to take care of each other.
This failure is not of our own making.
Many of our parents thought of labor as transactional, something to be given in exchange for compensation and a guarantee of care. And while that exchange was not always honored, our parents did not expect that their work would provide them fulfillment. They had their leisure, their hobbies, and their communities for that. Today, we their children, who have been conditioned to think of our labor as intertwined with our passion, have no such expectations. We think of work and leisure as one and the same. For too many of us, work has come to embody our whole selves.
However, heteropatriarchal capitalism doesn’t value us, let alone our labor or our sexualities. This is a system that will only demand more and more until you die. And when you die, it will replace you with somebody else. Expectations to be online round the clock mean we simply can’t get away from work, even when we want to. This commercialization of labor, divorcing it from the person, has infiltrated every aspect of our lives and is being perpetuated even in the most feminist, the most radical and revolutionary circles.
Capitalist expectations have always been particularly pernicious to bodies who don’t fit its ideal. And those seeking to consolidate their powers have used the pandemic as an opportunity to target women, sexual minorities, and any others that they see as less than.
This special issue exists because of, and certainly in spite of this.
Almost every contributor and staff member was pushing themselves past their capacity. Every single piece was produced from a place of passion, but also incredible burnout. In a very real way, this issue is an embodiment of transnational labor – and in the digital world we live in, all labor has become transnational labor. As we have to contend with new borders that do not break an old order but reify it, we experienced firsthand, alongside our contributors, how capitalism drains our limits – how it becomes difficult to construct cohesive arguments, especially when these come with a deadline. We collectively became lost for words – because we are lost for worlds.
Feeling lost and alone in the world of heteropatriarchal capitalism is exactly why we need to re-evaluate and rethink our systems of care. In many ways, we turned this issue into a mission of finding pleasure in care. Because it has become more difficult to construct cohesive arguments, visual and creative mediums have come to the forefront. Many who used to write have turned to these mediums as ways to produce knowledge and cut through the mental fog that’s enveloped us all. We brought into the issue other voices, in addition to many whom you heard at the festival, as a way of opening up new conversations, and extending our horizons.
As we are robbed of our words, it is our political duty to continue to find ways to maintain and care for ourselves and each other. So much of our current realities are trying to erase and displace us, while still exploiting our labor. Our embodiment, therefore, becomes a form of resistance; it is the beginning of us finding our way out and into ourselves.