None On Record

Análisis Especiales

AWID es un organización feminista internacional de membresía, que brinda apoyo a los movimientos que trabajan para lograr la justicia de género y los derechos de las mujeres en todo el mundo.

Activismo Joven Feminista

Una organización creativa, frente a una creciente amenaza

El activismo joven feminista juega un papel fundamental en las organizaciones y los movimientos por los derechos de las mujeres a nivel mundial, ya que aborda los nuevos problemas a los que las feministas se enfrentan en la actualidad. Esta fuerza, creatividad y adaptabilidad son esenciales para la sostenibilidad de la organización feminista.

A la vez, enfrentan obstáculos específicos para ejercer su activismo, como acceso limitado al financiamiento y al apoyo, falta de oportunidades de capacitación, un incremento considerable de los ataques contra las jóvenes defensoras de los derechos humanos. Esto crea una falta de visibilidad que hace más complicada su inclusión y participación efectiva en los movimientos por los derechos de las mujeres.

Un enfoque multigeneracional

El programa de activismo joven feminista fue creado para garantizar que las voces de las jóvenes sean escuchadas y se vean reflejadas en el discurso feminista. Queremos garantizar que las jóvenes feministas tengan un mejor acceso al financiamiento, a las oportunidades de desarrollo de las capacidades y a los procesos internacionales.

Además de apoyar directamente a las jóvenes feministas, estamos trabajando con activistas por los derechos de las mujeres de todas las edades, con modelos y estrategias prácticas para procesos efectivos de organización intergeneracionales.

Nuestras acciones

Queremos que las activistas jóvenes feministas jueguen un papel en el proceso de toma de decisiones que afectan sus derechos a través de:

  • Fomento de la comunidad e intercambio de información a través de la Conexión Joven Feminista. Dada la importancia de los medios virtuales para el trabajo de las jóvenes feministas, nuestro equipo lanzó la Conexión Joven Feminista en mayo de 2010 para compartir información, construir capacidades a través de seminarios web y discusiones electrónicas y para alentar la construcción de la comunidad.

  • Investigación y generación de conocimientos sobre el activismo joven feminista, que aumenten la visibilidad y el impacto del activismo joven feminista en los movimientos por los derechos de las mujeres y otros actores clave, como los donantes.

  • Promoción de procesos más efectivos de organización intergeneracional, explorando mejores formas de trabajar en conjunto.

  • Apoyo a la participación de las jóvenes feministas en los procesos globales de desarrollo, por ejemplo en los procesos de Naciones Unidas.

  • Colaboración con todas las áreas prioritarias de AWID, incluyendo el Foro, para garantizar así que las contribuciones clave de las jóvenes feministas, así como sus perspectivas, necesidades y activismo se reflejen en los debates, políticas y programas que las afectan.

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#2 - Sexting like a feminist Tweets Snippet FR

Un indice visuel est toujours utile

« La sexualité est fluide, et là mon vagin aussi. »
#FeministFestival #SextLikeAFeminist

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 The survey is available in: Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish!


Stella Mukasa

Stella comenzó su carrera en el Ministerio de Género y Desarrollo Comunitario en Uganda colaborando con lxs legisladores en reformas legales, incluida la Constitución de Uganda de 1995, que estableció algunas de las reformas más progresistas para las mujeres en la región.

Stella es respetada y admirada en toda la región por sus incansables esfuerzos para crear y hacer cumplir leyes y políticas que tomen en cuenta cuestiones de género. También desempeñó un papel clave en la redacción de la Ley de Violencia Doméstica de Uganda y en la movilización de apoyo para las constituciones sensibles al género tanto en Uganda como en Ruanda.

A través de su trabajo con el Centro Internacional para la Investigación sobre la Mujer (ICRW, por sus siglas en inglés), abordó la violencia contra lxs niñxs y trabajó para fortalecer las capacidades de las organizaciones de base que abordan la violencia de género. Stella fue profesora en cursos sobre derechos de género y la ley, en la Universidad Makerere, y formó parte de las juntas directivas de Akina Mama wa Afrika, ActionAid International Uganda y Open Society Initiative para África Oriental.


Stella Mukasa, Uganda

Promoción de los derechos universales y la justicia

Arrancar de raíz los fascismos y los fundamentalismos

En todo el mundo lxs defensorxs feministas, por los derechos de las mujeres y por la justicia de género están enfrentándose a las agendas fascistas y fundamentalistas. Estas fuerzas opresivas atacan a las mujeres, a las personas que tienen una identidad o expresión de género y/u orientación sexual no convencional y a otras comunidades oprimidas.

Las ideologías discriminatorias están socavando y cooptando nuestros sistemas y estándares de derechos humanos, para convertirlos en dominio de unxs pocxs.. Por esto, la iniciativa Promoción de los Derechos Universales y la Justicia (PDUJ) promueve la universalidad de los derechos, el principio fundante según el cual los derechos humanos les pertenecen a todxs sin excepción, sin importar quién sean.

Creamos un espacio para que los movimientos feministas, de derechos de las mujeres y de justicia de género y sus aliadxs puedan reconocer la influencia y el impacto de lxs actorxs anti-derechos., pensar estrategias y realizar acciones colectivas para contrarrestarlos También buscamos promover los derechos de las mujeres y los marcos, las normas y las propuestas feministas así como proteger y promover la universalidad de los derechos.

Nuestras acciones

A través de esta iniciativa, nosotrxs:

  • Construimos conocimiento: Apoyamos a los movimientos feministas, de derechos de las mujeres y de justicia de género difundiendo y divulgando conocimiento y mensajes clave sobre lxs actorxs anti-derechos, sus estrategias y el impacto que tienen sobre los sistemas internacionales de derechos humanos a través del liderazgo de AWID en el Observatorio sobre la Universalidad de los Derechos (OURs)*.

  • Promovemos agendas feministas: Nos aliamos con diversos actores en espacios internacionales de derechos humanos, incluyendo el Consejo de Derechos Humanos, la Comisión sobre Población y Desarrollo, la Comisión sobre la Condición Social y Jurídica de las Mujeres y la Asamblea General de la ONU. .

  • Generamos y amplificamos alternativas: Junto con nuestra membresía, buscamos que los movimientos que se organizan a nivel local, nacional y regional en distintos espacios conozcan y exijan que se apliquen los compromisos, resoluciones y normas internacionales.

  • Movilizamos la acción solidaria: Actuamos junto a las defensoras de derechos humanos, incluyendo a activistas trans e intersex, así como a lxs jóvenes feministas, para enfrentar los fundamentalismos y fascismos y para llamar la atención sobre situaciones de peligro.



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CFA 2023 - Submit Button - ar

Communicating Desire | Content Snippet

Communicating Desire

and Other Embodied Political Praxes

Communicating Desire

Host: We tend to think about communicating desire as something that is limited to the private intimacy of the bedroom and our personal relationships. But can we also think of this kind of communication as a structure, a praxis that informs our work, and how we are, how we do in the world?

I believe that unfortunately in the past, expressing your sexuality has been limited. You were allowed to express it within the confines of your marriage, which was permitted, there have always been taboo and stigmas attached to expressing it any other way. When it comes to communicating, obviously the fact that certain stigmas are attached to expressing your sexuality or expressing your desire makes it a lot harder to communicate that in the bedroom or intimately with your partner. From my personal experience, I do believe that obviously if I feel more comfortable expressing myself outside of the bedroom on other matters or other topics, it’s easier for me to build that trust, because you understand conflict resolution with that particular person, you understand exactly how to make your communication special towards that particular person. It’s not easy. It’s something that is consistently done throughout whatever your engagement is, whether it’s your relationship or whether it’s casual and just in the moment. But I believe that confidence outside can definitely translate to how you communicate your desire.

Since childhood, a woman is raised with that, “you’re not allowed to talk about your body, you’re not allowed to talk about your desire,” which puts a heavy responsibility on women, especially girls in their teens when they need to express themselves and talk about these issues. So for me I think this is a big problem. You know, I have been married for more than 25 years, but still, until now, I cannot talk about my desires. I cannot say what I want or what I prefer, because it’s like I’m not allowed to go beyond this line. It’s like haram, despite it being my right. This is the case for all my friends, they just can’t express themselves in the right way.

Personally, I find that expressing our desires, my desires, however that expression comes in hand, has to do with the other, and the gaze that the other would have on me. So this is also something that we can link to cinema. And the gaze I would have on myself as well: what I think I am as an individual, but also what society expects of me and my sexuality. In the past, I somehow did the analogy between what happens in the bedroom and what happens in the workplace, because there is sometimes this dynamic of power, whether I want it or not. And oftentimes, verbal communication is harder than we think. But when it comes to representation in film, that’s a totally different game. We are very far away from what I guess all of us here would like to see on screen when it comes to just communicating sexual desires inside or outside the bedroom. 

Online and Embodied

Host: We can think about the digital world as embodied: while it might be virtual, it is not less real. And this was made clear in the context of AWID’s feminist realities festival, which took place entirely online. What does it mean then to talk about sexuality, collectively, politically, in online spaces? Do we navigate virtual spaces with our bodies and affects, and in this case, what are the different considerations? What does it do to communication and representation?

Social media makes you feel community-based. When you express what it is that you want or like, there is someone who’s either going to agree or disagree, but those who do agree make you feel that you belong to a community. So it’s easier to throw it out into the universe, or for others to see, and potentially not get as much judgment. And I say this very loosely because sometimes, depending on what it is that you’re expressing, it either will get you vilified or celebrated. But when it comes to the bedroom, there is an intimacy and almost a vulnerability that is exposing you and different parts of you that is not as easy to give your opinion on. When it comes to expressing your desire, speaking it and saying it and maybe putting a Tweet or a social media post, or even liking and reading other communities that are same-minded is a lot easier than telling your partner, “this is how I want to be pleasured” or “this is how what I want you to do next,” because of the fear of rejection. But not only that, just the vulnerability aspect – allowing yourself to be bare enough to let the other person see into what you are thinking, feeling, and wanting – I think this is where the difference would come in for me personally. I feel it is a lot more community-based on social media, and it’s easier to engage in discourse. Whereas in the bedroom, you don’t want to necessarily kill the moment. But I think that also kind of helps you understand going forward, depending on the relationship with the person, how you would engage thereafter. So I always know that if I try to communicate something and I fail to do so in the moment, I can always try to bring it up outside of that moment and see what the reaction would be so I know how to approach it going forward.

You know the question in films is, I don’t know if the male gaze is done intentionally or not. Like we don’t really know that. What we know is that the reason why sexuality in general has been so heternormative and focused on penetration and not giving any space for women to actually ask for anything in films, is because most of the people who have been working in this industry and making decisions in terms of, you know, storytelling and editing have been white men. So rape revenge is this very weird film genre that was birthed in the 70s, and half of the story would be that a woman is being raped by one or multiple people, and in the other half, she would get her revenge. So usually she would murder and kill the people who have raped her, and sometimes other people next to them. At the beginning of the birth of this genre and for 30 years at least, those films were written, produced, and directed by men. This is why we also want so much representation. A lot of feminists and pioneers in queer filmmaking also used the act of filming in order to do that and to reclaim their own sexuality. I’m thinking about Barbara Hammer, who’s a feminist and queer pioneer in experimental cinema in the U.S. where she decided to shoot women having sex on 16mm, and by doing so reclaimed a space within the narrative that was exposed in film at that time. And there is also then the question of invisibilization: we know now, because of the internet and sharing knowledge, that women and queer filmmakers have been trying and making films since the beginning of cinema. We only realize it now that we have access to databases and the work of activists and curators and filmmakers.

Resisting Colonization

Host: And this opens up the conversation on the importance of keeping our feminist histories alive. The online worlds have also played a crucial role in documenting protests and resistance. From Sudan to Palestine to Colombia, feminists have taken our screens by storm, challenging the realities of occupation, capitalism, and oppression. So could we speak of communicating desire – the desire for something else – as decolonization?

Maybe because my village is just 600 residents and the whole village is one family – Tamimi – there are no barriers between men and women. We do everything together. So when we began our non-violent resistance or when we joined the non-violent resistance in Palestine, there was no discussion whether women should participate or not. We took a very important role within the movement here in the village. But when other villages and other places began to join our weekly protests, some men thought that if these women participate or join the protests, they will fight with soldiers so it will be like they’re easy women. There were some men who were not from the village who tried to sexually harass the women. But a strong woman who is able to stand in front of a soldier can also stand against sexual harassment. Sometimes, when other women from other places join our protest, they are shy at first; they don’t want to come closer because there are many men. If you want to join the protest, if you want to be part of the non-violent movement, you have to remove all these restrictions and all these thoughts from your mind. You have to focus on just fighting for your rights. Unfortunately, the Israeli occupation realizes this issue. For example, the first time I was arrested, I wear the hijab so they tried to take it off; they tried to take off my clothes, in front of everybody. There were like 300-400 people and they tried to do it. When they took me to the interrogation, the interrogator said: “we did this because we want to punish other women through you. We know your culture.” So I told him: “I don’t care, I did something that I believe in. Even if you take all my clothes off, everybody knows that Manal is resisting.”

I think even from a cultural perspective, which is very ironic, if you look at culture in Africa, prior to getting colonized, showing skin wasn’t a problem. Wearing animal skin and/or hides to protect you, that wasn’t an issue and people weren’t as sexualized unless it was within context. But we conditioned ourselves to say, “you should be covered up” and the moment you are not covered up you are exposed, and therefore it will be sexualized. Nudity gets sexualized as opposed to you just being naked; they don’t want a little girl to be seen naked. What kind of society have we conditioned ourselves to be if you’re going to be sexualizing someone who is naked outside of the context of a sexual engagement? But environment definitely plays a big role because your parents and your grannies and your aunts say “no, don’t dress inappropriately,” or “no, that’s too short.” So you hear that at home first, and then the moment you get exposed outside, depending on the environment, whether it’s a Eurocentric or more westernized environment to what you are used to, then you are kind of free to do so. And even then, as much as you are free, there’s still a lot that comes with it in terms of catcalling and people still sexualizing your body. You could be wearing a short skirt, and someone feels they have the right to touch you without your permission. There is so much that is associated with regulating and controlling women’s bodies, and that narrative starts at home. And then you go out into your community and society and the narrative gets perpetuated, and you realize that you get sexualized by society at large too, especially as a person of color.

Decorative Element

Resistance as Pleasure

Host: And finally, in what ways can our resistance be more than what we are allowed? Is there a place for pleasure and joy, for us and our communities?

Finding pleasure as resistance and resistance in pleasure, first for me there is this idea of the guerrilla filmmaking or the action of filming when you’re not supposed to or when someone told you not to, which is the case for a lot of women and queer filmmakers in the world right now. For example, in Lebanon, which is a cinema scene that I know very well, most of the lesbian stories that I’ve seen were shot by students in very short formats with “no production value” as the west would say – meaning with no money, because of the censorship that happens on an institutional level, but also within the family and within the private sphere. I would think that filming whatever, but also filming pleasure and pleasure within lesbian storytelling is an act of resistance in itself. A lot of times, just taking a camera and getting someone to edit and someone to act is extremely hard and requires a lot of political stance.

I have a rape support group. I’m trying to assist women to reintegrate themselves from a sexual perspective: wanting to be intimate again, wanting to not let their past traumas influence so much how they move forward. It’s not an easy thing, but it’s individual. So I always start with understanding your body. I feel the more you understand and love and are proud of it, the more you are able to allow someone else into that space. I call it sensuality training, where I get them to start seeing themselves as not sexual objects, but as objects of pleasure and desire that can be interchangeable. So you’re worthy of receiving as well as giving. But that’s not only from a psychological point of view; it is physical. When you get out of the shower, you get out of the bath, and you’re putting lotion on your body, look at every part of your body, feel every part of your body, know when there are changes, know your body so well that should you get a new pimple on your knee, you are so aware of it because just a few hours ago it wasn’t there. So things like that where I kind of get people to love themselves from within, so they feel they are worthy of being loved in a safe space, is how I gear them towards claiming their sexuality and their desire.

You know we began to see women coming from Nablus, from Jerusalem, from Ramallah, even from occupied 48, who have to drive for 3-4 hours just to come to join the protests. After that we tried to go to other places, talk with women, tell them that they don’t have to be shy, that they should just believe in themselves and that there is nothing wrong in what we are doing. You can protect yourself, so where is the wrong in participating or in joining? Once I asked some women, “why are you joining?” And they said, “if the Tamimi women can do it, we can do it also.” To be honest I was very happy to hear this because we were like a model for other women. If I have to stand for my rights, it should be all my rights, not just one or two. We can’t divide rights.

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Acerca de la investigación ¿Dónde está el dinero?

La encuesta mundial ¿Dónde está el dinero? es un pilar fundamental de la tercera edición de nuestra investigación orientada a la acción: ¿Dónde está el dinero para las organizaciones feministas? (abreviadamente, ¿Dónde está el dinero? y WITM). Los resultados de la encuesta se desarrollarán y analizarán en mayor profundidad mediante conversaciones exhaustivas con activistas y donantes, y se contrastarán con otros análisis e investigaciones disponibles acerca del estado del financiamiento para las organizaciones feministas y por la igualdad de género en todo el mundo.

El informe completo ¿Dónde está el dinero para las organizaciones feministas? se publicará en 2026.

Para conocer más información acerca de cómo AWID ha arrojado luz sobre el dinero destinado en favor y en contra de los movimientos feministas, consulta nuestra historia ¿Dónde está el dinero? y nuestros informes anteriores aquí.

Juana Ramírez Santiago

Ayant co-fondé le réseau Red de Mujeres Ixiles de Nebaj, une organisation de défense des droits des femmes autochtones, membre de l’Initiative mésoaméricaine des femmes défenseur-e-s des droits humains (IM-Defensoras en espagnol), Juana était actuellement membre de son conseil d’administration.

Elle était également sage-femme et mère de 7 enfants. Juana avait reçu des menaces de mort qui avaient été signalées au bureau du procureur. Juana est la troisième défenseure autochtone assassinée dans la région en 2018. L'Ombudsman pour le Guatemala a signalé qu'au total 20 défenseur-e-s ont été tué-e-s dans le pays cette année.

Juana Ramírez Santiago a été abattue par des assaillants non identifiés alors qu'elle traversait un pont à Nebak, Quiché, au Guatemala. Les enquêtes visant à identifier les auteurs sont en cours. 


Juana Ramírez Santiago, Guatemala

Forum 2024 - FAQ - Travelling to Bangkok FR

Voyager à Bangkok

Transnational Embodiments | Small Snippet FR

Continuez à explorer Incarnations transnationales

Cette édition du journal, en partenariat avec Kohl : a Journal for Body and Gender Research (Kohl : une revue pour la recherche sur le corps et le genre) explorera les solutions, propositions et réalités féministes afin de transformer notre monde actuel, nos corps et nos sexualités.


What is the purpose of the WITM survey?

The key objective of the WITM survey is to shine light on the financial status of diverse feminist, women’s rights, gender justice, LBTQI+ and allied movements globally. Based on this, we hope to further strengthen the case for moving more and better money, as well as shift power, to feminist movements.

Diakite Fatoumata Sire

Diakite was actively involved in advocating for women in political and public life in Mali.

She worked to support training of women candidates in elections, and spoke out against the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). She was a strong proponent of reproductive health and rights. 


Diakite Fatoumata Sire, Mali

Is there a preferred methodology for the sessions?

The Call for Activities lists a number of suggested formats and methodologies. Be creative and make sure to read the section “What you need to know”.

El Nemrah | Snippet AR

El Nemrah Avatar


¿Podría haber varias respuestas a la encuesta ¿Dónde está el dinero? en nombre de una agrupación en particular?

No. Solicitamos una sola respuesta a la encuesta por agrupación.


Andaiye in Swahili means ‘a daughter comes home’. Born Sandra Williams on 11 September 1942 in Georgetown, Guyana, she changed her name to ‘Andaiye’ in 1970 as the Black Power movements swept her country and the wider Caribbean region. 

Andaiye was seen as a transformative figure on the frontlines of the struggles for liberation and freedom. She was an early member and active in the leadership of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), a socialist party in Guyana which fought against authoritarian rule and continued throughout her life to focus on justice for the working-class and rural women’s rights and on bridging ethnic barriers between Indo and Afro-Guyanese women. 

Andaiye was a founding member of Red Thread Women, an organization that advocated for women’s care work to be fairly remunerated, worked at the University of the West Indies and with CARICOM. Never afraid to challenge governments, she pointed out gender imbalances in state boards, laws that discriminated against sex workers, called for abortion rights in Jamaica and spoke out against trade agreements such as the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) that allowed for the free movement of women domestic migrant workers but did not give their children the same rights.  

Andaiye published several scholarly essays, wrote newspaper columns and also edited the last books of Walter Rodney, the Guyanese political activist and fellow WPA leader, who was assassinated in 1980. A cancer survivor, Andaiye was one of the founders of the Guyana Cancer Society and the Cancer Survivors’ Action Group. She also served on the executive of the Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action (CAFRA), as a Director of Help and Shelter and as Board Member of the Guyana National Commission on Women. She received a number of awards, including the Golden Arrow of Achievement in Guyana (the fourth highest national award).

Andaiye passed away on 31 May 2019 at the age of 77. The subsequent tributes that flowed in from activists, friends and those inspired by her life spoke eloquently to her amazing legacy and her beautiful humanity.

Here are but a few: 

“Andaiye had a profound effect on me...she was so many things, an educator, fighter, she taught me to be self-critical, to think more clearly, she taught me about survival, about incredible courage, about compassion, about going beyond external appearances and treating people as people and not being distracted by status, class, race...anything.”
- Peggy Antrobus, Feminist Activist, Author, Scholar, Barbados

“The kind of confident idealism Andaiye expressed, this willingness to confront the world and a stubborn belief that you could actually change it... That politics of hope...How else to honour her life, legacy and memory but to keep doing the work ethically and with ongoing self-critique? And to put women’s caring work at the center of it.”
- Tonya Haynes, Barbados

“I can hear her quip at our collective keening. So through the tears I can laugh. Deep bows to you beloved Andaiye, thank you for everything. Love and light for your spirit’s journey. Tell Walter and all the ancestors howdy.” - Carol Narcisse, Jamaica

Read more tributes to Andaiye