AWID remembers Kelly Ann Quinn

AWID is saddened to learn of the passing of Kelly Ann Quinn on 14 July 2015. Kelly was dedicated to advancing women’s rights around the world and passionate about supporting women’s rights activism and organizing. She was Director of the Sigrid Rausing Trust’s Women’s Rights programme from 2007 to 2014 and more recently a Programme Advisor to the Trust. Throughout this period, she was a strong supporter of AWID and we are really grateful for her commitment to our work.

Prior to joining the Sigrid Rausing Trust, Kelly was the Deputy Director for the Empowerment & Civic Engagement unit of Winrock International.

Alongside other women’s rights advocates and organizations, AWID mourns the loss of a colleague, ally and friend. Our condolences are with her family and her colleagues at the Sigrid Rausing Trust.
