2021 Brief: Where Is The Money for Feminist Organizing?

The 2024 edition of the Where is the Money? Survey is live now, until July 31st, 2024

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Data Snapshots and A Call to Action

The need to resource feminist movements in all their boldness and power has never been greater. Our new Where Is The Money?  brief shows just how much women’s rights organizations and feminist movements continue to be systematically under-resourced.

Download our new brief and learn more about the state of funding for women’s rights, gender justice, and feminist organisations; it was made with the objectives of driving ambitious resources directly to feminist organizing globally, and particularly in the Global South. 

awid research brief cover

Download the WITM Brief

  • 48% of women’s rights and feminist organizations from the Global South seeking funding from GFW report their most recent fiscal year budget was less than $30,000 USD a year.
  • 99% of development aid and foundation grants still do not directly reach women’s rights and feminist organizations. In particular, those groups working at intersecting forms of marginalization (LGBTIQ, indigenous, migrant and refugees, young feminists, and sex workers) are funded even less. 
  • Despite new funding commitments made, women’s rights organizations (WROs) receive only 0.13% of the total Official Development Assistance (ODA) and 0.4% of all gender-related aid.
  • Only 0.42% of foundation grants are allocated towards women's rights.

Take action!

Download the WITM Brief

  1. Print out the infographics and pin it somewhere visible, as inspiration – and use the findings or visuals in your own resourcing advocacy.
  2. Design and implement your own Where is the Money? research! You can use this WITM toolkit AWID has developed and reach out to us for support. 
  3. Follow the money: use these research and analysis to push for DIRECT funding to movements.
  4. Most importantly, see what YOU can do to build a more just and transformative funding ecosystem.

Download the WITM Brief
