Development Cooperation and Women's Rights Series

Understanding the Aid Effectiveness Agenda Primers

The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness is the most recent agreement by donor and recipient countries to reform the delivery and management of aid monies in order to strengthen its impact and effectiveness. The Aid Effectiveness and Women’s Rights Series Primers shares information, analysis and proposals needed to support women’s right activists in contributing to a comprehensive, balanced, and inclusive approach to reforming aid so that it reaches the people who need it most.

This aid effectiveness agenda, the result of the signature and implementation of the Paris Declaration process currently determines how and to whom aid is being delivered as well as how donor and aid-recipient countries are relating to one another. We hope the information, analysis and proposals included in these primers will encourage women's rights advocates and other actors to understand the relevance of this process and to engage in it to support the call for a more comprehensive, balanced, and inclusive approach to reforming aid so that it reaches the people who need it most, including women!

Primer 1: An Overview of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the new Aid Modalities

In 2005 civil society organizations bore witness to the signing of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness (PD)—history’s most recent agreement by donor and recipient countries to reform the delivery and management of aid monies in order to strengthen its impact and effectiveness.

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Primer 2: Key Official Bodies Related to the Implementation of the Paris Declaration

The OECD has put in place a number of official mechanisms to track the implementation of the Paris Declaration. This 2nd primer in the series Understanding the Aid Effectiveness Agenda is devoted to outlining and clarifying the roles of these groups in the lead up to the High Level Forum (HLF3) taking place in Accra, Ghana.

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Primer 3: Civil Society’s Engagement in the Aid Effectiveness Agenda: The Parallel Process, Key Concerns and Recommendations

This third primer in the series focuses on describing how the parallel tracking process is being undertaken independently by CSOs and, most recently, CSOs of all shapes and sizes have been calling for reforms to the tracking, delivering, and management of aid for quite some time and have become much more vocal about some of the CS concerns since the signing of the Paris Declaration in 2005.

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Primer 4: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Paris Declaration Implementation

This primer presents a general overview of this process, the key results of the first official round of monitoring, and the main concerns and recommendations put forward by CSOs participating in the parallel process towards the HLF3

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Primer 5: Making Women’s Rights and Gender Equality a Priority in the Aid Effectiveness Agenda

This primer presents highlights from a research piece recently developed by AWID and WIDE called Implementing the Paris Declaration: Implications for the Promotion of Women’s Rights and Gender Equality; and the main recommendations from the International Consultation of Women’s Organizations and Networks and Aid Effectiveness organized by AWID, WIDE and UNIFEM in Ottawa (January-February 2008).

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Primer 6: Women’s organizations proposals to influence the 3rd High Level Forum debates in Accra

This Primer explains the advocacy efforts of women’s organizations and CSOs in the lead up to the HLF-3.

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Primer 7: Gender equality and Aid Effectiveness: regional perspectives in the preparation process towards Accra

This Primer provides an overview of both the official OECD regional meetings and the women’s consultations, with specific focus on the key regional messages that emerged on aid effectiveness, the principles of the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA). The composition of the meetings and the extent to which gender equality and women’s empowerment were taken into account is highlighted, as well.

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Primer 8: The Accra Agenda for Action: A brief review from a women’s rights perspective

Primer 8 provides an overview of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 3rd High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness held in Accra in 2008 as well as an analysis - from a gender equality and women’s rights perspective - of its outcome document: the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA).

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Primer 9: The Road to Korea 2011: Key official and civil society actors

Primer 9 provides an overview of key official and civil society actors involved in the monitoring of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the preparations towards the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, to take place in Busan, South Korea, in November 2011.

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Primer 10: On The Road To Busan: What Is At Stake For Gender Equality And Women’s Rights?

Primer 10 highlights what is at stake for gender equality and women’s rights at this Fora and sets out plans for gender advocates and CSO mobilizations.

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Primer 11: A Feminist Perspective on the Busan 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness and its Outcomes

Primer 11 reviews the renewed development cooperation framework which emerged from the 4th High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, Busan 2011. This primer provides a critical assessment of the gains and setbacks for women’s rights by providing a comparative analysis between the Women’s Key Demands for Busan and the final official outcomes as agreed in the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation.

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Primer 12: The United Nations Development Cooperation Forum Through a Women's Rights Lens

Primer 12 provides an overview of the UN Development Cooperation Forum (DCF). It focuses in on the DCF origins and strategic plans for the future, while emphasizing the importance of the DCF for women's rights and gender equality advocates.

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