
Facing Fundamentalisms Newsletters

The bi-monthly Facing Fundamentalisms newsletter is featuring updates, analysis and resources from around the world relating to challenging religious fundamentalisms. 

We hope this newsletter sparks engagement and interaction from readers who are confronting religious fundamentalisms across a diversity of contexts.

We would like to hear from you; please send us any feedback, comments, suggestions or ideas related to any articles in any of the newsletters posted here.

Also send us stories of your initiatives or experiences to cf@awid.org.

Newsletter archives:

March 2015

Fighting Hate: Exposing Extremist Groups in the U.S.

Men In Charge? Rethinking Authority In Muslim Legal Tradition

November - December 2014

The Libyan Youth Movement: Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow

The Due Diligence Framework and State Accountability

September - October 2014

Women's Rights Activists Resist Myanmar's Proposed 'Law on Protection of Race and Religion'

Letter to Pope Francis following September 28th, the Day for Decriminalization of Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean

June - July 2014 

Reflecting on the Rights Implications of India's Bharatiya Janata Party Win

Armenia’s Far-Right Pitting “The Family” Against Fundamental Rights

March - April 2014

"The Family" at CSW-58 and Beyond

Public Conversations with God

February 2014

Rouhani and Women’s Rights in Iran: Evidence of Continuity and Change

Fighting Fundamentalisms Through Faith

January 2014

Catolicadas: A Cartoon Series Animating Thought and Debate

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Activists Challenge Regressions In Croatia

