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AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Young Feminist Activism

Organizing creatively, facing an increasing threat

Young feminist activists play a critical role in women’s rights organizations and movements worldwide by bringing up new issues that feminists face today. Their strength, creativity and adaptability are vital to the sustainability of feminist organizing.

At the same time, they face specific impediments to their activism such as limited access to funding and support, lack of capacity-building opportunities, and a significant increase of attacks on young women human rights defenders. This creates a lack of visibility that makes more difficult their inclusion and effective participation within women’s rights movements.

A multigenerational approach

AWID’s young feminist activism program was created to make sure the voices of young women are heard and reflected in feminist discourse. We want to ensure that young feminists have better access to funding, capacity-building opportunities and international processes. In addition to supporting young feminists directly, we are also working with women’s rights activists of all ages on practical models and strategies for effective multigenerational organizing.

Our Actions

We want young feminist activists to play a role in decision-making affecting their rights by:

  • Fostering community and sharing information through the Young Feminist Wire. Recognizing the importance of online media for the work of young feminists, our team launched the Young Feminist Wire in May 2010 to share information, build capacity through online webinars and e-discussions, and encourage community building.

  • Researching and building knowledge on young feminist activism, to increase the visibility and impact of young feminist activism within and across women’s rights movements and other key actors such as donors.

  • Promoting more effective multigenerational organizing, exploring better ways to work together.

  • Supporting young feminists to engage in global development processes such as those within the United Nations

  • Collaboration across all of AWID’s priority areas, including the Forum, to ensure young feminists’ key contributions, perspectives, needs and activism are reflected in debates, policies and programs affecting them.

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Claudia Montserrat Arévalo Alvarado


Claudia is a feminist psychologist with a Masters degree in Development Equality and Equity. She has been a human rights activist for 30 years, and a women’s rights activist for the last 24.

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Snippet Welcome Message_Fest (EN)

Welcome message

Hakima Abbas, AWID

"We're using the tools that we have to share our resistance, strategies and continue to build our power to take action and create new brave and just worlds."

watch opening

Annaliza Dinopol Gallardo Capinpin

Known as “Ate Liza,” Annaliza was the president of the Agrarian Reform Council for Mindanao Pioneers, an umbrella group in Tacurong City, Philippines.

A loved mother of four, teacher and community leader, Annaliza is remembered by her community as “she who leads when no one wants to lead, she who talks when no one wants to talk, she who stood with courage to help the agrarian reform beneficiaries to own lands.”

Annaliza was shot dead by unknown assailants in front of the Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU) while on her way to Salabaca National High School in Esperanza.

Her family have said “Naghihintay pa rin kami ng hustisya para sa kanya” (we are still waiting justice for her).


Gopika Bashi


Gopika es una activista y organizadora de campañas feminista de la India que se desenvuelve en el ámbito de la justicia de género y los derechos humanos. Su experiencia se asienta en el trabajo con mujeres y juventudes diversas en temáticas que incluyen el acceso a la justicia, la violencia sexual y de género, género y sexualidad, la dotación de recursos para el activismo feminista y los derechos laborales. Gopika ha desempeñado funciones de asesoramiento en financiamiento para los movimientos feministas, entre otras entidades, en FRIDA | Fondo de Jóvenes Feministas y Global Resilience Fund (Fondo Global para la Resiliencia) y, anteriormente, estuvo a cargo del programa de AWID Recursos para los Movimientos Feministas. Es una apasionada de la intersección entre el activismo feminista y la práctica creativa, y fue editora y jefa de Prácticas Equitativas para ‘Bystander Anthology’ del grupo de narrativa gráfica de Asia meridional, Kadak Collective. Recientemente, ha descubierto un profundo amor por la escalada al aire libre y sigue aprendiendo y creciendo en este recorrido. Gopika reside en Bangalore (India).

Directora de Programas
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Snippet Caribbean Feminist Spaces_Fest (ES)

Espacios feministas, expresiones creativas, y prácticas espirituales para la construcción de comunidad en el Caribe

Tonya Haynes, CAISO
Angelique V. Nixon, CAISO


Riham Al-Bader

Riham fue una abogada y activista comprometida con el registro y denuncia de las violaciones de derechos en Yemen.

Trabajó junto a otrxs activistas en el suministro de agua y alimentos para la población civil atrapada por las milicias huzíes en las afueras de la ciudad de Taiz.

Riham fue asesinada en febrero de 2018 pero todavía no se confirmó si la mató un francotirador o si fue alcanzada por los disparos de una aeronave. No se ha imputado a nadie por su homicidio.


Riham Al Bader, Yemen

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Coordonnatrice des Informations, Communications et Médias
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Féminisme "non"Inclusif :
Les filles sans voix dans le mouvement féministe haïtien

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Fédorah Pierre-Louis

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Christine Hayhurst


With over 30 years of finance experience, Christine has devoted her career to furthering nonprofit missions on a global scale. Her contributions extend to serving as Treasurer on the Board of an NGO. Christine joined AWID in 2007 as Controller and in 2023 took on the role as Director of Finance. During her spare time she enjoys traveling, gardening and hiking.

Director of Finance
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Festival Film Club: Leitis in Waiting & Latin/Central American Program

In this selection of films you will find the voices of filmmakers who are not content with simply recording the feminist realities that palpitate in every corner of this vast and diverse territory. These are works that from their very conceptualization are questioning for what, by whom, and how films and videos are made. They understand film to be an instrument of struggle, something more than images to be enjoyed on a screen. These are individual or collective filmmakers who see film and video making as an instrument to promote discussion, open a debate, and thus serve as a resource for popular and feminist pedagogies.

Fatima Qureshi


Una nómada de las culturas, nacida en Hong Kong y con raíces turco-paquistaníes, el amor de Fatima por la narración, ya sea su lectura o su creación conjunta, le infundió la pasión por el activismo de las comunicaciones. Formada en periodismo, ha trabajado durante siete años en los ámbitos de la comunicación digital y los medios de comunicación con ONG que brindan oportunidades educativas y asistencia jurídica a personas refugiadas y solicitantes de asilo, así como con el movimiento feminista musulmán, que aplica un enfoque feminista y de derechos para comprender y buscar la igualdad y la justicia en la tradición jurídica musulmana. Escribe con habitualidad artículos de opinión sobre asuntos feministas en el Sur Global.

Mediante la narración en esta era hiperdigital de las redes sociales, Fatima sigue colaborando con organizadores comunitaries y activistas de base para crear contenido audiovisual, a fin de tender puentes de comprensión hacia la liberación colectiva y la descolonización. Durante los días en que no trabaja, mira atentamente largometrajes feministas independientes de Irán, Marruecos y Pakistán, e interpreta poesía oral con sus camaradas de Kuala Lumpur.

Responsable, Comunicaciones del Foro
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Do You Want To Organize Your Own Festival?

Do You Want To Organize Your Own Festival?

Check Out our Super Short Guide To Organising Global Feminist Festivals And Online Events!

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Brenda Salas Neves


Originaire de la cordillère des Andes, Brenda Salas est un·e stratège féministe queer. Iel œuvre à changer les discours et mobiliser les ressources pour soutenir les mouvements de justice raciale et climatique dans le monde entier. Brenda a produit de nombreux projets de communication pour exalter le pouvoir des migrant·e·s et dénoncer les interventions militaires américaines en Amérique latine avec Deep Dish TV et le Portland Central America Solidarity Committee (Comité de Solidarité avec l’Amérique centrale de Portland). Fier·ère d’être membre de l’Audre Lorde Project, iel est titulaire d’un diplôme du mouvement United World Colleges (UWC).

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ماذا عن التأشيرات؟

نحن ندرك تمامًا العقبات العملية والضغوط العاطفية المرتبطة بالسفر الدولي، وخاصة من الجنوب العالمي. تعمل جمعية حقوق المرأة في التنمية مع TCEB (مكتب تايلاند للمؤتمرات والمعارض) لدعم المشاركين/ات في المنتدى في الحصول على التأشيرات. سيتم توفير المزيد من المعلومات حول هذه المساعدة للحصول على التأشيرة عند التسجيل، بما في ذلك معلومات الاتصال الخاصة بمكان وكيفية التقديم.