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AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Young Feminist Activism

Organizing creatively, facing an increasing threat

Young feminist activists play a critical role in women’s rights organizations and movements worldwide by bringing up new issues that feminists face today. Their strength, creativity and adaptability are vital to the sustainability of feminist organizing.

At the same time, they face specific impediments to their activism such as limited access to funding and support, lack of capacity-building opportunities, and a significant increase of attacks on young women human rights defenders. This creates a lack of visibility that makes more difficult their inclusion and effective participation within women’s rights movements.

A multigenerational approach

AWID’s young feminist activism program was created to make sure the voices of young women are heard and reflected in feminist discourse. We want to ensure that young feminists have better access to funding, capacity-building opportunities and international processes. In addition to supporting young feminists directly, we are also working with women’s rights activists of all ages on practical models and strategies for effective multigenerational organizing.

Our Actions

We want young feminist activists to play a role in decision-making affecting their rights by:

  • Fostering community and sharing information through the Young Feminist Wire. Recognizing the importance of online media for the work of young feminists, our team launched the Young Feminist Wire in May 2010 to share information, build capacity through online webinars and e-discussions, and encourage community building.

  • Researching and building knowledge on young feminist activism, to increase the visibility and impact of young feminist activism within and across women’s rights movements and other key actors such as donors.

  • Promoting more effective multigenerational organizing, exploring better ways to work together.

  • Supporting young feminists to engage in global development processes such as those within the United Nations

  • Collaboration across all of AWID’s priority areas, including the Forum, to ensure young feminists’ key contributions, perspectives, needs and activism are reflected in debates, policies and programs affecting them.

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Pour revendiquer votre pouvoir en tant qu’experte sur la situation du financement des mouvements féministes.

Florence Adong-Ewoo

Florence fue una activista por los derechos de las personas con discapacidad que trabajó con varias organizaciones de mujeres con discapacidad en Uganda.

También ocupó la Dirección del Distrito de Lira de la Asociación de Mujeres con Discapacidad, así como del foro de Consejeras Mujeres del Distrito de Lira. Formada como consejera para personas con discapacidad y para madres y padres de niñxs con discapacidad, apoyó muchos proyectos que reclamaban mayor representación de las personas con discapacidad.

Murió en un accidente de motocicleta.


Florence Adong-Ewoo, Uganda

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Les soins comme fondations des économies

La pandémie du COVID-19 a mis en évidence la crise mondiale des soins et démontré les échecs du modèle économique dominant qui continue de détruire les services publics essentiels, les infrastructures sociales et les systèmes de soins dans le monde entier.

Cozinha Ocupaçao 9 Julho, de l’Association des Femmes Afro-Descendantes du Cauca du Nord (ASOM) et Metzineres ne sont que quelques exemples d'économies des soins qui se concentrent sur les besoins des personnes marginalisées et de la Nature, ainsi que sur le travail de soins, le travail reproductif, invisible et non rémunéré nécessaire pour assurer la pérennité de nos vies, de nos sociétés et de nos écosystèmes.

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La dotación de recursos de los movimientos feministas es fundamental para garantizar una presencia más justa y pacífica y un futuro en libertad. En las últimas décadas, los donantes comprometieron una cantidad más considerable de dinero para la igualdad de género; sin embargo, apenas el 1% del financiamiento filantrópico y para el desarrollo se ha destinado real y directamente a dotar de recursos al cambio social encabezado por los feminismos.

Para luchar por la abundancia y acabar con esta escasez crónica, la encuesta ¿Dónde está el dinero? es una invitación a lxs promotorxs feministas y por la justicia de género a sumarse al proceso de la construcción colectiva de razones fundadas y evidencias para movilizar más y mejores fondos y recobrar el poder en el ecosistema de financiamiento de hoy. En solidaridad con los movimientos que continúan invisibilizados, marginados y sin acceso a financiamiento básico, a largo plazo, flexible y fiduciario, la encuesta ¿Dónde está el dinero? pone de relieve el estado real de la dotación de recursos, impugna las falsas soluciones y señala cómo los modelos de financiamiento necesitan modificarse para que los movimientos prosperen y puedan hacer frente a los complejos desafíos de nuestro tiempo.

Nadine Ramaroson

Son soutien aux femmes et aux personnes les plus vulnérables de sa communauté a fait que Nadine était un modèle pour beaucoup. Elle était déterminée à aider les pauvres et les sans-abri en particulier.

Bien que sa mort ait été déclarée comme étant accidentelle, la famille Ramaroson, sur l’initiative de son père André Ramaroson, a mené une enquête qui a mis en évidence des preuves de son assassinat. Elle serait décédée dans un accident mortel survenu entre Soanierano - Ivongo et Ste Marie - une histoire qui a été réfutée par sa famille. Elle avait reçu de nombreuses menaces de mort pour ses positions politiques résolues. L’affaire est toujours en cours auprès des tribunaux à Antananarivo (la capitale de Madagascar).


Nadine Ramaroson, Madagascar

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Illustration of a pink house with a yellow background

La Couverture
Soin et guérison

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Identify and demonstrate opportunities to shift more and better funding for feminist organizing, expose false solutions and disrupt trends that make funding miss and/or move against gender justice and intersectional feminist agendas.

Sainimili Naivalu

« J’ai constaté la discrimination dans la rue, que ce soit par des taquineries ou des agressions verbales qui y ont lieu. Je me suis aussi faite plein d’ami·e·s et j’y ai rencontré plusieurs personnes. Il se peut que ce soit dangereux là-bas, mais je suis une survivante, et pour le moment, c’est là où je suis. » -  Sainimili Naival

Sainimili Naivalu était une activiste féministe des droits des personnes handicapées issue du village de Dakuibeqa, sur l’île de Beqa aux Fidji.

Elle a demandé aux responsables et acteurs politiques de fournir des politiques et des services adaptés au handicap, comme la construction de rampes dans les villes et les villages afin d'accroître leur accessibilité. Les barrières physiques n’étaient pas les seules qu’elle aspirait à modifier. Sur la base de sa propre expérience, elle savait que des changements plus difficiles devaient être menés dans les sphères économiques et sociales. Bon nombre des défis avec lesquels sont aux prises les personnes handicapées trouvent leurs racines dans les attitudes discriminantes et stigmatisantes. 

Survivante et combattante, Sainimili a contribué à co-créer des réalités féministes qui renforcent l’inclusion et font évoluer les attitudes par rapport à l’égalité des personnes handicapées. Elle a été membre de la Spinal Injury Association of Fiji (SIA) ainsi que participé à la formation « Démarrez votre entreprise » de l’Organisation internationale du Travail à Suva via le projet « Pacific Enable » (le Pacifique rend possible) du Forum Asie-Pacifique sur le handicap. Elle a ainsi pu transformer ses idées en une entreprise qui lui était propre. Elle était commerçante sur l’étal de marché 7 de Suva, offrant des services de manucure, tout en gérant un stand au marché des femmes SIA pour y vendre de l’artisanat, des suls et des objets historiques. Sainimili planifiait d’élargir son commerce et de devenir une employeuse majeure de personnes handicapées. 

Outre son activisme, elle était également médaillée de tennis de table et une récente championne.

Avec sa personnalité vive, Sainimili était unique. On savait toujours lorsqu’elle était dans la pièce car ses rires et ses histoires étaient la première chose qu’on pouvait remarquer. -  Michelle  Reddy

Sainmili est décédée en 2019.

About the AWID International Forum

More than an event!

The AWID International Forum is a truly global space that gives participants an opportunity to network, build alliances, celebrate, and learn in a stimulating, emotive and safe atmosphere. 

AWID International Forum in Costa de Sauipe, Brazil, 2016

More and more, we are trying to bring the Forum process outside of the convening’s borders. Engaging with partners and deepening relationships all year round, connecting with local movements to better understand problems and co-create solutions. The Forum event itself, held every three to four years in a different region of the world, is just a crystallization of all these alliances that we are building as part of our work.

The AWID Forum dissolves our inner and external boundaries, fosters deep discussion, personal and professional growth, and strengthens our movements for gender justice and women’s rights.

As a convening, it is a response to the urgency to promote stronger and more coordinated engagement and action by feminists, women’s rights and other social justice advocates, organizations and movements. We also believe that the Forum is more than just an event – it can facilitate a process to influence thinking and set agendas for feminist movements and other related actors.

Evolving from a national conference of around 800 people, the event now brings together around 2000 feminists, community leaders, social justice activists, and donor agencies from around the world. 

The 14th AWID International Forum will take place 11-14 January 2021 in Taipei, Taiwan.

Find out more!

The past Forums

2016 - Feminist Futures: Building Collective Power for Rights and Justice (Costa de Sauipe, Brazil)

Participants at the Black Feminisms Forum in Brazil, 2016

Given the complex world that we face today, the 2016 AWID Forum did not focus on a particular “issue”, but rather on creating more effective ways of working together!

Despite the challenging contexts in which the 2016 Forum took place (the Zika epidemic, a strike by Brazilian foreign-service workers, the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff and subsequent turmoil), it succeeded in bringing together over 1800 participants from 120 countries and territories across all regions of the world.

What happened at the 13th AWID international Forum:

  • For 96% of participants who responded to the post Forum evaluation survey, the Forum was a major source of inspiration and energy.

  • 98% of participants considered it an important convening space for feminist movements and expressed hope that AWID continues to organize forums.

  • 59% of Forum evaluation survey respondents declared to be very satisfied with the Forum and 34% somewhat satisfied.

  • Over 150 sessions were delivered in different formats on a variety of topics ranging from bodily integrity and freedoms, to gender-based violence in the workplace, to strategies for building collective power.

  • The first-time Black Feminisms Forum (BFF), held just before the main AWID Forum, brought together 250 Black feminists from all over the world to co-create a powerful space to build and strengthen ongoing, intergenerational, transnational connections

Read more about what the 2016 AWID Forum achieved:

Download the Forum evaluation report

2012 - Transforming Economic Power to Advance Women's Rights and Justice (Istambul, Turkey)

AWID International Forum, in Cape Town, South Africa, 2008

The 12th AWID Forum was the largest and most diverse AWID Forum to date, bringing together 2239 women’s rights activists from 141 countries. Of these participants, around 65% were from the Global South and close to 15% were young women under 30, and 75% attended an AWID Forum for their first time.

The Forum program focused on transforming economic power to advance women’s rights and justice and featured over 170 different kinds of sessions including feminist economics toolbox skills-building sessions, breakout sessions representing all 10 Forum themes, in-depth sessions, and solidarity roundtables. 

Building on the momentum of the 2012 Forum, we transformed the website into a resource and learning Hub, which builds on the content generated by participants by featuring multi-media resources on all Forum components. 

Visit the 2012 Forum web archive

All AWID Forums

  • 2016: Feminist Futures: Building Collective Power for Rights and Justice (Costa de Sauipe, Brazil). Read the 2016 Forum Evaluation report
  • 2012: Transforming Economic Power to Advance Women's Rights and Justice (Istanbul, Turkey)
  • 2008: The Power of Movements (Cape Town, South Africa). Read our 2008 Forum Report
  • 2005: How does change happen? (Bangkok, Thailand)
  • 2002: Reinventing Globalization (Guadalajara, Mexico)
  • 1999: Leading Solutions for Equality and Justice (US)
  • 1996: Beyond Beijing From Words to Action (US)
  • 1993: Joining Forces to Further Shared Visions (US)
  • 1991: Working Together/Learning Together: A South North Dialogue (US)
  • 1989/1990: Global Em-Powerment for Women (US)
  • 1987: Moving Forward: Innovations in Development Policy, Action and Research (US)
  • 1985: Women Creating Wealth; Transforming Economic Development (US)
  • 1983: ‘Women in Development’ (Washington D.C, US)

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Rural Women Caring for Nature and Communities

¿Quiénes deberían participar en la encuesta?

Agrupaciones, organizaciones y movimientos que trabajan específica o primordialmente por los derechos de las mujeres, las niñas, la justicia de género, las personas LBTQI+ y demás personas aliadas en todas las regiones y en todos los ámbitos, ya sean estas de nueva creación o de larga data.

Molara Ogundipe

“But when was the master
ever seduced from power?
When was a system ever broken
by acceptance?
when will the BOSS hand you power with love?
At Jo’Burg, at Cancun or the U.N?
– Molara Ogundipe

In an interview at the 2010 Ghana International Book Fair, Molara Ogundipe introduced herself with the words: “...I’m a Nigerian. I’ve lived possibly all over the world except for the Soviet Union and China.”

Across the different continents and countries, Professor Ogundipe taught comparative literature, writing, gender, and English studies using literature as a vehicle for social transformation and re-thinking gender relations. 

A feminist thinker, writer, editor, social critic, poet, and activist Molara Ogundipe succeeded in combining theoretical work with creativity and practical action. She is considered to be one of the leading critical voices on African feminism(s), gender studies and literary theory.

Molara famously coined the concept of “stiwanism’ from the acronym STIWA – Social Transformations in Africa Including Women recognizing the need to move “away from defining feminism and feminisms in relation to Euro-America or elsewhere, and from declaiming loyalties or disloyalties.”

In her seminal work ‘Re-creating Ourselves’ in 1994, Molara Ogundipe (published under Molara Ogundipe-Leslie) left behind an immense body of knowledge that decolonized feminist discourse and “re-centered African women in their full, complex narratives...guided by an exploration of economic, political and social liberation of African women and restoration of female agency across different cultures in Africa.”

In speaking about the challenges she faced as a young academic she said: 

”When I began talking and writing feminism in the late sixties and seventies, I was seen as a good and admirable girl who had gone astray, a woman whose head has been spoilt by too much learning".

Molara Ogundipe stood out for her leadership in combining activism and academia; in 1977 she was among the founding members of AAWORD, the Association of Women in Research and Development. In 1982 she founded WIN (Women In Nigeria) to advocate for full “economic, social and political rights” for Nigerian women. She then went on to establish and direct the Foundation for International Education and Monitoring and spent many years on the editorial board of The Guardian.

Growing up with the Yoruba people, their traditions, culture, and language she once said :

“I think the celebration of life, of people who pass away after an achieved life is one of the beautiful aspects of Yoruba culture.” 

Molara’s Yoruba ‘Oiki’ praise name was Ayike. She was born on 27 December 1940 and at the age of 78, Molara passed away on 18 June 2019 in Ijebu-Igbo, Ogun State, Nigeria.

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