Young Feminist Activism
Organizing creatively, facing an increasing threat
Young feminist activists play a critical role in women’s rights organizations and movements worldwide by bringing up new issues that feminists face today. Their strength, creativity and adaptability are vital to the sustainability of feminist organizing.
At the same time, they face specific impediments to their activism such as limited access to funding and support, lack of capacity-building opportunities, and a significant increase of attacks on young women human rights defenders. This creates a lack of visibility that makes more difficult their inclusion and effective participation within women’s rights movements.
A multigenerational approach
AWID’s young feminist activism program was created to make sure the voices of young women are heard and reflected in feminist discourse. We want to ensure that young feminists have better access to funding, capacity-building opportunities and international processes. In addition to supporting young feminists directly, we are also working with women’s rights activists of all ages on practical models and strategies for effective multigenerational organizing.
Our Actions
We want young feminist activists to play a role in decision-making affecting their rights by:
Fostering community and sharing information through the Young Feminist Wire. Recognizing the importance of online media for the work of young feminists, our team launched the Young Feminist Wire in May 2010 to share information, build capacity through online webinars and e-discussions, and encourage community building.
Researching and building knowledge on young feminist activism, to increase the visibility and impact of young feminist activism within and across women’s rights movements and other key actors such as donors.
Promoting more effective multigenerational organizing, exploring better ways to work together.
Supporting young feminists to engage in global development processes such as those within the United Nations
Collaboration across all of AWID’s priority areas, including the Forum, to ensure young feminists’ key contributions, perspectives, needs and activism are reflected in debates, policies and programs affecting them.
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Ȃurea Mouzinho
Ȃurea Mouzinho is a feminist economic justice organizer from Luanda, Angola, with a 10-year career in research, grant-making, advocacy, and movement-building for women's rights and economic justice across Africa and the global south. Currently the Program Manager for Africa at Thousand Currents, she also serves on the Feminist Africa Editorial Board and is a member of Ondjango Feminista, a feminist collective she co-founded in 2016. A new mom to a Gemini boy, urea enjoys slow days with her young family and taking long strolls by the beach.
She occasionally tweets at @kitondowe.
ตอบแบบสั้นคือ ใช่! AWID กำลังทำงานร่วมกับคณะกรรมการการเข้าถึงเพื่อให้มั่นใจว่าฟอรัมนี้จะสามารถเข้าถึงได้มากที่สุดเท่าที่จะเป็นไปได้ เรากำลังทำการตรวจสอบการเข้าถึงสถานที่จัดงานฟอรัม โรงแรมโดยรอบ และการคมนาคมขนส่ง ข้อมูลโดยละเอียดเกี่ยวกับการช่วยการเข้าถึงของ AWID ฟอรัม จะถูกอัปเดทเนื้อหาที่นี่ก่อนที่จะเปิดการลงทะเบียน ในระหว่างนี้ หากมีคำถามใดๆ โปรดติดต่อเรา
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Síguenos en las redes sociales y comparte sus momentos favoritos de nuestro festival:
Facebook: @AWIDWomensRights
Instagram: @awidwomensrights
Twitter ES: @awid_es
LinkedIn: Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
Simone Jagger
Simone posee 20 años de experiencia de trabajo en apoyo a la gestión y la administración en organizaciones sin fines de lucro, en particular, formación médica de posgrado y capacitación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones. Tiene formación en Apoyo a la Gestión y en Estudios Parajudiciales. Reside en Sudáfrica, disfruta de viajar y es aficionada a la Genealogía.
Snippet - CSW68 Intro
Reclaiming Feminist Power
This year, we, alongside feminist activists from across the world, will be at CSW68 in New York, to challenge capitalist, neoliberal narratives and false solutions around poverty, development and financing. Through in-person events, lives on our socials, an exhibit booth and more; we are showing up to convene, amplify and support the voices and participation of our members, partners and allies.
Learn more about our program this year below.
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Piera Oria
Christine Ruguaru
Christine est une féministe panafricaine du Kenya avec une formation en sociologie, économie et politiques publiques. Elle possède une vaste expérience de travail dans l’administration, les subventions, la gestion de programmes et la logistique visant à faire progresser les droits des femmes et des filles. Avant de rejoindre l'AWID, elle a travaillé chez Urgent Action Fund Africa (UAF-A), Hand in Hand Eastern Africa (HiHEA), NCBA Bank Kenya PLC et autres, dans des domaines programmatiques, administratifs et logistiques. Chez UAF-A, elle a été consultante en logistique pour le deuxième festival Feminist Republik et les éditions 1 et 2 des Rassemblements panafricains de philanthropies féministes. Elle a également organisé des événements parallèles au sein de la Commission de la condition de la femme (CSW) et du Forum Génération Égalité (FEM). Elle a aussi travaillé au sein de programmes sur la violence sexuelle et basée sur le genre (SGBV), la justice environnementale et climatique, l'autonomisation économique des femmes et les droits et la santé sexuels et reproductifs (DSSR) sur le continent africain. Ses passions et aspirations sont de voir une amélioration continue des droits des femmes et des filles dans tous les domaines. Et cela notamment pour les femmes et les filles de terrain et autochtones, à travers un renforcement des capacités et liens avec les parties prenantes pertinentes. Elle adore faire de la randonnée et explorer la nature, écouter de la musique et tenir un journal.
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Répondre aux évolutions antidroits
in Multilateral and Regional Spaces
✉️ Sur invitation uniquement
📅Mardi 12 mars
🕒14 h - 15 h 30 HNE
Organisateur : Consortium de l'Observatoire sur l'universalité des droits (OURs)
🏢Blue Gallery, 222 E 46th St, New York
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So many people without a home, so many homes without people.
Muriel Duckworth
Where does AWID get its funding?
AWID’s work is made possible through the financial support of a wide range of donors including multilateral and bilateral agencies, private foundations and women’s funds.
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Follow us!
Through in-person events, lives on our socials, an exhibit booth and more; we are showing up to convene, amplify and support the voices and participation of our members, partners and allies.
Together we will Reclaim Feminist Power by uplifting feminist alternatives and visions around economies that center collective systems of care and nurture both the planet and people.
Follow us on social media for more details on how to participate! Be part of the conversations using the hashtags #AWIDatCSW68 and #ReclaimFeministPower.
Instagram | Facebook | LinkedIn | X (Twitter)
Snippet FEA Introducing Carmen Silva Ferreira (ES)
Tenemos el placer enorme de presentarte a Carmen Silva Ferreira.
Nació en Bahía, la parte noreste de Brasil. Es inmigrante, activista social y madre de 8 hijxs.
Carmen experimentó la falta de vivienda a los 35 años, después de migrar sola a São Paulo. Esto la llevó a convertirse en una feroz defensora de las comunidades vulnerables, marginalizadas e invisibilizadas más afectadas por la crisis de la vivienda. Eventualmente se convirtió en una de las fundadoras del MSTC en 2000.
Como organizadora política visionaria y líder actual del MSTC, el trabajo de Carmen ha puesto al descubierto la crisis de la vivienda de la ciudad y ha inspirado a otrxs sobre diferentes formas de organizar y gestionar las ocupaciones.
Se mantuvo firme al frente de varias ocupaciones. Uno de ellos es la Ocupación 9 de Julho, que ahora sirve como escenario para la democracia directa y un espacio donde todxs pueden ser cuidadxs, escuchadxs, apreciadxs y trabajar juntos.
Carmen ha sido celebrada durante mucho tiempo por su audacia al devolver la vida a edificios abandonados en el corazón de São Paulo.
¡Si quieres saber más sobre Carmen, puedes seguir su cuenta de Instagram!
Ahmal Mahmoud
¿Pueden los hombres formar parte de la membresía de AWID?
Si, la membresía de AWID está abierta a cualquier persona que comparta nuestros valores.
Varios hombres que comparten nuestro compromiso con el feminismo y los derechos humanos de las mujeres están afiliados a AWID.
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To share your lived experience with mobilizing funding for your organizing
Snippet FEA ASOM Challenges Story 1 (FR)
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