Philippe Leroyer | Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Women Human Rights Defenders

WHRDs are self-identified women and lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LBTQI) people and others who defend rights and are subject to gender-specific risks and threats due to their human rights work and/or as a direct consequence of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

WHRDs are subject to systematic violence and discrimination due to their identities and unyielding struggles for rights, equality and justice.

The WHRD Program collaborates with international and regional partners as well as the AWID membership to raise awareness about these risks and threats, advocate for feminist and holistic measures of protection and safety, and actively promote a culture of self-care and collective well being in our movements.

Risks and threats targeting WHRDs  

WHRDs are exposed to the same types of risks that all other defenders who defend human rights, communities, and the environment face. However, they are also exposed to gender-based violence and gender-specific risks because they challenge existing gender norms within their communities and societies.

By defending rights, WHRDs are at risk of:

  • Physical assault and death
  • Intimidation and harassment, including in online spaces
  • Judicial harassment and criminalization
  • Burnout

A collaborative, holistic approach to safety

We work collaboratively with international and regional networks and our membership

  • to raise awareness about human rights abuses and violations against WHRDs and the systemic violence and discrimination they experience
  • to strengthen protection mechanisms and ensure more effective and timely responses to WHRDs at risk

We work to promote a holistic approach to protection which includes:

  • emphasizing the importance of self-care and collective well being, and recognizing that what care and wellbeing mean may differ across cultures
  • documenting the violations targeting WHRDs using a feminist intersectional perspective;
  • promoting the social recognition and celebration of the work and resilience of WHRDs ; and
  • building civic spaces that are conducive to dismantling structural inequalities without restrictions or obstacles

Our Actions

We aim to contribute to a safer world for WHRDs, their families and communities. We believe that action for rights and justice should not put WHRDs at risk; it should be appreciated and celebrated.

  • Promoting collaboration and coordination among human rights and women’s rights organizations at the international level to  strengthen  responses concerning safety and wellbeing of WHRDs.

  • Supporting regional networks of WHRDs and their organizations, such as the Mesoamerican Initiative for WHRDs and the WHRD Middle East and North Africa  Coalition, in promoting and strengthening collective action for protection - emphasizing the establishment of solidarity and protection networks, the promotion of self-care, and advocacy and mobilization for the safety of WHRDs;

  • Increasing the visibility and recognition of  WHRDs and their struggles, as well as the risks that they encounter by documenting the attacks that they face, and researching, producing, and disseminating information on their struggles, strategies, and challenges:

  • Mobilizing urgent responses of international solidarity for WHRDs at risk through our international and regional networks, and our active membership.

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Portrait Manal Tamimi

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En 2019, Faye rejoint l'AWID en tant que Directrice des Finances, des Opérations et du Développement. Elle s’est efforcée de garantir que l’AWID respecte les principes et les valeurs féministes dans toutes ses opérations. Elle y apporte plus de 20 années d’expérience en leadership féministe, en stratégie et autres aspects du développement organisationnel et financier.

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Codirectrice Exécutive
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Forum 2024 - FAQ - Will you be opening CFA - EN

Yes! Please read the Call for Activities and apply here. Deadline is 15 January 2024

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Portrait Manal Tamimi

منال التميمي، ناشطة فلسطينية ومدافعة عن حقوق الإنسان. أم لأربعة أطفال كما أنها حائزة على ماجستير في القانون الدولي الإنساني. اعتقلت منال ثلاث مرات على إثر نشاطها السياسي وأصيبت أكثر من مرة بالرصاص الانشطاري الحي المحظور دوليا. عائلتها مستهدفة أيضًا: اعتقل وأصيب أطفالها بالذخيرة الحية أكثر من مرة. وكانت الحادثة الأخيرة محاولة اغتيال نجلها محمد الذي أصيب برصاصة في صدره قرب القلب بعد أسابيع قليلة من تحريره من سجون الاحتلال حيث أمضى عامين. فلسفتها في الحياة: إذا كان عليّ أن أدفع ثمن كوني فلسطينيّة، فأنا أرفض أن أموت في صمت.



Juhi is a tech enthusiast with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from Gujarat Technological University and a postgraduate background in Wireless Telecommunications and Project Management from Humber College. With a passion for problem-solving and a love for staying ahead in the ever-evolving tech landscape, Juhi has found herself navigating through various industries as an IT Technician. to the nurturing environment of the School Board, Juhi has had the opportunity to apply her technical skills in diverse settings, always embracing new challenges with enthusiasm. Beyond the code and circuits, Juhi loves life's adventures. Exploring new places and cultures is like a breath of fresh air to her. Whether it's discovering hidden gems in the city, trying out exotic cuisines, or embarking on thrilling adventure sports, Juhi is always up for new experiences.

IT Support Coordinator
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What criteria are you using to select the activities?

Please refer to the Call for Activities for this information, including the section “What you need to know”.

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Mariam Mekiwi Portrait

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Coordinadora, Participación de la Membresía y las Bases de Apoyo
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¿Habrá apoyo para materiales u otros costos preparatorios para los talleres?

Contarás con todos los materiales estándar para talleres y presentaciones: rotafolios, marcadores, notas autoadhesivas, así como proyectores y equipos audiovisuales. Cualquier material adicional será responsabilidad de lxs organizadorxs de la actividad. El equipo de logística de AWID estará disponible para responder preguntas y aconsejar.

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Elle a aussi participé activement aux assemblées/conférences des Nations Unies sur le développement et les droits des migrant·e·s et été choisie comme intervenante pour l'ouverture de l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies sur les mouvements massifs de migrant·e·s et de réfugié·e·s en 2016 à New York, aux États-Unis. Des nominations et des prix lui ont par ailleurs été décernés, dont celui d’Inspirational Women de BBC 100 Women, ainsi que le prix Public Hero de RCTI, l’Indonesian Club Award et le Non-Profit Leader of Women of Influence de la Chambre américaine de Hong Kong, et celui de Changemaker de Cathay Pacific.

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ما هو منتدى جمعية حقوق المرأة في التنمية الدولي؟

كل ثلاث إلى أربع سنوات، تستضيف جمعية حقوق المرأة في التنمية حدثها الدولي الرئيسي. إنه أكبر حدث في العالم يركز بكل طاقته على الحركات النسوية والعدالة الجندرية بكل تنوعها. إنه تجمع عالمي للناشطين/ات النسويين/ات والحركات المتحالفة والباحثين/ات والممولين/ات وصانعي/ات السياسات. ويتنقل المنتدى بين مناطق وبلدان مختلفة في الجنوب العالمي.