Women Human Rights Defenders
WHRDs are self-identified women and lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LBTQI) people and others who defend rights and are subject to gender-specific risks and threats due to their human rights work and/or as a direct consequence of their gender identity or sexual orientation.
WHRDs are subject to systematic violence and discrimination due to their identities and unyielding struggles for rights, equality and justice.
The WHRD Program collaborates with international and regional partners as well as the AWID membership to raise awareness about these risks and threats, advocate for feminist and holistic measures of protection and safety, and actively promote a culture of self-care and collective well being in our movements.
Risks and threats targeting WHRDs
WHRDs are exposed to the same types of risks that all other defenders who defend human rights, communities, and the environment face. However, they are also exposed to gender-based violence and gender-specific risks because they challenge existing gender norms within their communities and societies.
By defending rights, WHRDs are at risk of:
- Physical assault and death
- Intimidation and harassment, including in online spaces
- Judicial harassment and criminalization
- Burnout
A collaborative, holistic approach to safety
We work collaboratively with international and regional networks and our membership
- to raise awareness about human rights abuses and violations against WHRDs and the systemic violence and discrimination they experience
- to strengthen protection mechanisms and ensure more effective and timely responses to WHRDs at risk
We work to promote a holistic approach to protection which includes:
- emphasizing the importance of self-care and collective well being, and recognizing that what care and wellbeing mean may differ across cultures
- documenting the violations targeting WHRDs using a feminist intersectional perspective;
- promoting the social recognition and celebration of the work and resilience of WHRDs ; and
- building civic spaces that are conducive to dismantling structural inequalities without restrictions or obstacles
Our Actions
We aim to contribute to a safer world for WHRDs, their families and communities. We believe that action for rights and justice should not put WHRDs at risk; it should be appreciated and celebrated.
Promoting collaboration and coordination among human rights and women’s rights organizations at the international level to strengthen responses concerning safety and wellbeing of WHRDs.
Supporting regional networks of WHRDs and their organizations, such as the Mesoamerican Initiative for WHRDs and the WHRD Middle East and North Africa Coalition, in promoting and strengthening collective action for protection - emphasizing the establishment of solidarity and protection networks, the promotion of self-care, and advocacy and mobilization for the safety of WHRDs;
Increasing the visibility and recognition of WHRDs and their struggles, as well as the risks that they encounter by documenting the attacks that they face, and researching, producing, and disseminating information on their struggles, strategies, and challenges:
Mobilizing urgent responses of international solidarity for WHRDs at risk through our international and regional networks, and our active membership.
Related Content
WHRD Tribute - 2017
We can have an intro here
And maybe a little bit more text here
Snippet FEA NSS Quote (ES)
“Los saberes y prácticas indígenas siempre han apoyado la soberanía alimentaria, y ese saber está en manos de las mujeres […] El ecofeminismo para mí es el respeto por todo lo que tenemos a nuestro alrededor” -
Binta Sarr
Binta Sarr était une activiste pour la justice sociale, économique, culturelle et politique, en plus d’avoir occupé le poste d’ingénieure hydraulique au Sénégal. Après 13 années de service, celle-ci a choisi de quitter le fonctionnariat pour travailler auprès de femmes rurales et marginalisées.
Cet engagement a donné lieu à la création de l’Association pour la promotion des femmes sénégalaises (APROFES), un mouvement de base auquel est venu se greffer une organisation fondée par Binta en 1987. L’une de ses approches était la formation au leadership, non seulement dans le cadre d’activités économiques mais également en lien avec les droits des femmes et leur accès à des fonctions décisionnelles.
“« Les populations à la base doivent s’organiser, se mobiliser, assumer le contrôle citoyen et exiger une gouvernance démocratique dans tous les secteurs de l’espace public. La priorité des mouvements sociaux doit aller au-delà de la lutte contre la pauvreté et être axée sur des programmes de développement articulés et cohérents en adéquation avec les principes des droits humains, tout en prenant en compte leurs besoins et leurs préoccupations tant au niveau national, sous régional que dans une perspective d’intégration africaine et mondiale. » – Binta Sarr
Ancrée dans la conviction de Binta, à savoir que les changements essentiels dans le statut des femmes nécessitent la transformation des attitudes masculines, APROFES a adopté une approche interdisciplinaire et s’est appuyée sur la radio, les séminaires et le théâtre populaire, offert une éducation publique innovante et apporté un soutien culturel aux actions de sensibilisation. Sa troupe de théâtre populaire a créé des pièces sur le thème des castes dans la société sénégalaise, de l’alcoolisme et de la violence conjugale. Binta et son équipe ont également pris en compte l’interconnexion essentielle entre la communauté et le monde élargi.
« Pour APROFES, il s’agit d’étudier et de prendre en compte les interactions entre le micro et le macro, le local et le mondial, ainsi que les différentes facettes du développement. De l’esclavage à la colonisation, le néo-colonialisme et la marchandisation du développement humain, qui représentent la majeure partie des ressources d’Afrique et du Tiers-Monde (pétrole, or, minéraux et autres ressources naturelles), demeurent sous le contrôle des cartels financiers et autres multinationales qui dominent ce monde mondialisé. » – Binta Sarr
Binta était également l’une des membres fondatrices de la section féminine de l’Association culturelle et sportive Magg Daan, et a reçu des mentions élogieuses de la part du gouverneur régional et du ministre de l’Hydrologie pour sa « dévotion aux populations rurales ».
Née en 1954 dans la petite ville de Guiguineo, Binta est décédée en septembre 2019.
« La perte est incommensurable, la douleur est lourde et profonde mais nous allons résister pour ne pas pleurer Binta; nous allons garder l’image de son large sourire en toutes circonstances, pour résister et nous inspirer d’elle, maintenir, consolider et développer son œuvre... » – Page Facebook de l’APROFES, 24 septembre 2019
« Adieu, Binta! Nul doute que ton immense héritage sera préservé. » – Elimane FALL, président de l’ACS Magg-Daan
The Devil is in the Details
Free ebook on Women's rights and Religious fundamentalisms
Religious fundamentalisms have particularly high costs for women and girls
In a global picture of rising religious fundamentalisms, this ebook details the grave human rights violations, and violations of women’s rights in particular, caused by state-sponsored fundamentalism, as well as by fundamentalist non-state actors such as militias, religious community organizations, and individuals.
It is vital to promote intersectional feminist understandings of power and privilege, and to apply these to questions of religion and culture.
Snippet FEA This is the story of the Nadia Echazú (FR)
Un lieu de travail n'a pas à fonctionner sur la base de la concurrence et du profit. Un lieu de travail ne devrait pas exploiter les gens au profit d’autrui. C’est pourquoi les communautés marginalisées en dehors des économies formelles construisent des modèles coopératifs alternatifs basés sur l'autonomie, la coopération, la coresponsabilité, l'autogestion et la solidarité.
Les lieux de travail et coopératives autogérés par les travailleur·euses ont toujours offert d'autres moyens de générer des opportunités d'emploi, des revenus, une sécurité sociale et des épargnes, tout en distribuant les revenus de manière plus communautaire, durable et sûre.
Mais le coopérativisme c'est bien plus qu'une opportunité d'emploi: c'est la réalisation des rêves et la construction d’économies féministes basées sur la solidarité et l'entraide. C'est la création d’un monde où nos vies, notre travail et nos communautés comptent.
Voici l'histoire de la Coopérative Textile Nadia Echazú, la première coopérative créée et dirigée par et pour les personnes travesti et trans en Argentine.
Sidney Abbott
Maritza Quiroz Leiva
Maritza Quiroz Leiva was an Afro Colombian social activist, a community leader and women human rights defender. Among the 7.7 million Colombians internally displaced by 50 years of armed conflict, Maritza dedicated her advocacy work to supporting the rights of others, particularly in the Afro Colombian community who suffered similar violations and displacement.
Maritza was the deputy leader of the Santa Marta Victim's Committee, and an important voice for those seeking justice in her community, demanding reparations for the torture, kidnapping, displacement, and sexual violence that victims experienced during the armed conflict. She was also active in movement for land redistribution and land justice in the country.
On 5 January 2019, Maritza was killed by two armed individuals who broke into her home. She was 60 years old.
Maritza joined five other Colombian social activists and leaders who had been murdered just in the first week of 2019. A total of 107 human rights defenders were killed that year in the country.
¿La encuesta ¿Dónde está el dinero? es accesible para personas con discapacidades?
Sí, es accesible para personas con diverso grado de discapacidades auditivas, visuales, cognitivas y de movilidad.
在美國密西西比州傑克遜城一個被深度邊緣化的黑人社區透過傑克遜合作(Cooperation Jackson)平台,展開了社區團結和合作經濟的實驗,這項計劃雄心勃勃,有別於資本主義的生產方式,要建立社群共有精神。
在西非,女性農民對抗圈地並拒絕工業化的農業計畫,勇敢主張「我們就是解決方案(We Are The Solution)」,此運動旨在建立農業生態解決方案,以女性農民及其知識為中心,讓社群可以獲得溫飽並減緩氣候變遷
墨西哥的婦女開創了一個無錢交易的經濟計畫,該計畫由婦女主導,並為其他婦女以及她們所認識的每個人服務。在El Cambalache計畫中,一切交換物都具有相同的價值:人們用不再需要的東西去交換他們想要的東西,也包括想分享的知識、能力和互助。El Cambalache計畫建立在當地社會運動的反制度、反資本主義價值觀之上
在英國,Anarcho Agony Aunts是一個關於性和約會的諮詢節目,涵蓋了女性主義者、反法西斯主義者和無政府主義者的各種觀點。主持人羅文和馬里亞姆正在從另類右派中奪回空間,讓人們(主要是男人)在不受批判的空間內提出棘手問題
印度的烏沙合作社(Usha Cooperative)是在主流銀行拒絕向Sonagachi地區的性工作者提供服務時成立的。性工作者自發組織起來,優先解決其經濟問題並建立自己的金融機構。烏沙合作社是一家合作銀行,服務2萬多名性工作者,並在一年內提供7231名性工作者470萬美元的貸款。該銀行完全由性工作者組成,為合作社的治理和管理帶來了真正的所有權和影響力,為個人和社群服務,開創了建立經濟實力的自主先驅模式
- 社群、運動和經濟正義的資源
- 治理、當責與正義
- 數位化的現實
- 身體、愉悅和健康
- 女性主義星球與生命
- 組織女性主義運動
- 鞏固女性主義理念實現的力量:通過點名、表揚、壯大和貢獻等方式,從這些經驗及主張出發,累積動能,凸顯可能性並豐富我們的集體想像力。
- 補充希望和能量的泉源:為人權與正義社會運動及韌性提供必要的能量。
- 加強聯繫、互惠和團結:服務各種多元的女性主義運動以及其他權利和正義為本的社會運動。
Snippet FEA Life expectancy of a trans and travesti (EN)
Life expectancy of a trans and travesti person in Argentina is 37 years old - the average age for the general population is 77.
Grace Mann
Roxana Reyes Rivas
Roxana Reyes Rivas, filósofa, feminista, lesbiana, poeta, política y activista por los derechos humanos de las mujeres y las personas LGBTI en Costa Rica. Dueña de una pluma afilada y un humor agudo, con la risa a flor de piel. Nació en 1960 y creció en San Ramón de Alajuela, cuando era una zona rural, y su vida entera rompería con los mandatos de lo que significaba ser mujer.
Desde El Reguero (grupo de lesbianas en Costa Rica) organizó festivales lésbicos por más de 10 años, espacios lúdico-formativos de encuentro en momentos donde el gobierno y la sociedad costarricense perseguía y criminalizaba la existencia lésbica. Para cientos de mujeres los festivales lésbicos eran el único lugar donde podían ser ellas mismas y encontrarse con otras como ellas.
Roxana decía que fundar partidos políticos era uno de sus pasatiempos. “Es importante que en Costa Rica la gente entienda que hay otras formas de hacer política, que muchos temas es necesario resolverlos colectivamente”. Fue una de lxs fundadores de los partidos Nueva Liga Feminista y VAMOS, un partido centrado en los derechos humanos.
“El oficio de la filosofía es meter la puya, ayudar a que la gente empiece a preguntarse cosas. La filósofa que no irrita a nadie, no está haciendo bien su trabajo”. Durante 30 años, Roxana fue profesora de filosofía en universidades públicas costarricenses. De su mano generaciones enteras de estudiantes reflexionaron sobre los dilemas éticos en la ciencia y la tecnología.
La herramienta favorita de Roxana era el humor, ella creó el premio del Chiverre Incandescente, un reconocimiento a la estupidez que otorgaba vía redes sociales a diferentes figuras públicas, ridiculizando sus exabruptos y afirmaciones anti-derechos.
Un cáncer agresivo se llevó a Roxana a fines del 2019, antes de que alcanzara a publicar la compilación de sus poemas, un último regalo de la mente creativa de una feminista que siempre levantó la voz para denunciar la injusticia.
Combien de temps faut-il pour répondre aux questions de l’enquête?
La durée est estimée à 30 minutes.
Why did AWID choose Taipei as the location for the Forum?
AWID spent close to two years working to identify a Forum location in the Asia Pacific region (the Forum location rotates regions).
Building on initial desk research and consultations with allies that led us to rule out many other options in the region, we organized a thorough round of site visits to Nepal, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia and (later) Taiwan.
Each site visit included not just scoping the logistical infrastructure but meeting with local feminist groups and activists to better understand the context, and their sense of potential opportunities and risks of an AWID forum in their context.
In our site visits, we found incredibly vibrant, diverse local feminist movements.
They often expressed conflicted feelings about the opportunities and risk that the visibility of an event like the Forum could bring to them. In one, during the first 30 minutes of our meeting we heard unanimously from the activists gathered that an AWID Forum would be subject to huge backlash, that LGBTQ rights were a particular political hot-button and that fundamentalist groups would turn out in full force to interrupt the event. When our response was “ok, then you don’t feel it’s a good idea”, again the unanimous response was “of course it is, we want to change the narrative!”.
It was difficult to hear and see in some of these places how many feminist activists wanted to leverage the opportunity of a visible big event and were prepared to face the local risks; but our considerations as hosts of close to 2,000 people from around the world impose a different calculation of risk and feasibility.
We also grappled with questions of what it means to organize a feminist forum that is aligned to principles around inclusion, reciprocity and self-determination, when state policy and practice is usually directly counter to that (although officials in the ministries of Tourism work very hard to smooth that over).
We weighed considerations of infrastructure, with potential opportunity to tip momentum on some national level feminist agendas, and national political context.
In many of these places, monitoring the context felt like an exercise on a pendulum that could swing from open and safe for feminist debates in one moment to stark repression and xenophobia the next, sacrificing feminist priorities as political bargaining chips to pacify right wing, anti-rights forces.
The process has been a sobering reflection on the incredibly challenging context for women’s rights and gender justice activism globally.
Our challenges in Asia Pacific led us to consider: would it be easier if we moved the Forum to a different region? Yet today, we would not be able to organize an AWID Forum in Istanbul as we did in 2012; nor would we be able to do one in Brazil as we did in 2016.
With all of this complexity, AWID selected Taipei as the Forum location because:
- It offers a moderate degree of stability and safety for the diversity of Forum participants we will convene.
- it also has strong logistical capacities, and is accessible for many travellers (with a facilitated e-visa process for international conferences).
- The local feminist movement is welcoming of the Forum and keen to engage with feminists from across the globe.
In organizing the AWID Forum, we are trying to build and hold space as best we can for the diverse expressions of solidarity, outrage, hope and inspiration that are at the core of feminist movements.
At this moment, we see Taipei as the location in the Asia Pacific region that will best allow us to build that safe and rebelious space for our global feminist community.
The fact is, there is no ideal location in today’s world for a Forum that centers Feminist Realities. Wherever we go, we must build that space together!
Snippet FEA Financial Precarities (ES)
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