Philippe Leroyer | Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Women Human Rights Defenders

WHRDs are self-identified women and lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LBTQI) people and others who defend rights and are subject to gender-specific risks and threats due to their human rights work and/or as a direct consequence of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

WHRDs are subject to systematic violence and discrimination due to their identities and unyielding struggles for rights, equality and justice.

The WHRD Program collaborates with international and regional partners as well as the AWID membership to raise awareness about these risks and threats, advocate for feminist and holistic measures of protection and safety, and actively promote a culture of self-care and collective well being in our movements.

Risks and threats targeting WHRDs  

WHRDs are exposed to the same types of risks that all other defenders who defend human rights, communities, and the environment face. However, they are also exposed to gender-based violence and gender-specific risks because they challenge existing gender norms within their communities and societies.

By defending rights, WHRDs are at risk of:

  • Physical assault and death
  • Intimidation and harassment, including in online spaces
  • Judicial harassment and criminalization
  • Burnout

A collaborative, holistic approach to safety

We work collaboratively with international and regional networks and our membership

  • to raise awareness about human rights abuses and violations against WHRDs and the systemic violence and discrimination they experience
  • to strengthen protection mechanisms and ensure more effective and timely responses to WHRDs at risk

We work to promote a holistic approach to protection which includes:

  • emphasizing the importance of self-care and collective well being, and recognizing that what care and wellbeing mean may differ across cultures
  • documenting the violations targeting WHRDs using a feminist intersectional perspective;
  • promoting the social recognition and celebration of the work and resilience of WHRDs ; and
  • building civic spaces that are conducive to dismantling structural inequalities without restrictions or obstacles

Our Actions

We aim to contribute to a safer world for WHRDs, their families and communities. We believe that action for rights and justice should not put WHRDs at risk; it should be appreciated and celebrated.

  • Promoting collaboration and coordination among human rights and women’s rights organizations at the international level to  strengthen  responses concerning safety and wellbeing of WHRDs.

  • Supporting regional networks of WHRDs and their organizations, such as the Mesoamerican Initiative for WHRDs and the WHRD Middle East and North Africa  Coalition, in promoting and strengthening collective action for protection - emphasizing the establishment of solidarity and protection networks, the promotion of self-care, and advocacy and mobilization for the safety of WHRDs;

  • Increasing the visibility and recognition of  WHRDs and their struggles, as well as the risks that they encounter by documenting the attacks that they face, and researching, producing, and disseminating information on their struggles, strategies, and challenges:

  • Mobilizing urgent responses of international solidarity for WHRDs at risk through our international and regional networks, and our active membership.

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Advancing Movements

6 Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) across Western and Southeastern Europe have in their lifetime researched, campaigned, participated in and advanced peace and women’s rights movements be it through political and social activism or through dance. We are grateful for the legacy they have left. Please join AWID in honoring these women, their activism and legacy by sharing the memes below with your colleagues, networks and friends and by using the hashtags #WHRDTribute and #16Days.

Please click on each image below to see a larger version and download as a file


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Sylvia Robinson

"La vida se trata ... de vivir en alegría – despertarse con objetivos, sentir tu propia energía creativa, responder a tu llamada." - Sylvia Robinson

Sylvia Robinson, una incansable organizadora y líder comunitaria, fue la fundadora y directora ejecutiva de Emergence Community Arts Collective [Colectivo de Artes Comunitarias de Emergencia] (ECAC, por sus siglas en inglés ), en Washington DC.

Este centro y espacio de performance combina la educación, el compromiso cívico, las artes, los servicios sociales y espirituales y las prácticas ambientales sostenibles. Sylvia lo concibió como un hogar donde " hubiera equilibrio y sinergia con las actividades que la gente necesitaba para sostener la vida".

También fue una de lxs co-fundadorxs del Georgia Avenue Community Development Taskforce [Grupo de Trabajo de Desarrollo Comunitario de la Avenida Georgia], un grupo vecinal que trabaja por la justicia social y la organización de la comunidad en el noroeste de DC, para asegurarse de que esta tenga una voz en la reurbanización y gentrificación del área.

"Estamos pidiendo viviendas asequibles. Estamos pidiendo que los pequeños negocios que han estado aquí desde siempre no sean aniquilados por nuevos comercios. Estamos pidiendo espacios verdes y espacios para que la gente se pueda reunir y socializar. Estamos pidiendo mejoras en el paisaje urbano – mejores calles y mejor iluminación en los tramos de carretera." - Sylvia Robinson sobre el Grupo de Trabajo

Antes de convertirse en organizadora y después de recibir un título en informática, Sylvia trabajó en sistemas de control de tráfico aéreo por más de una década. Después se dedicó al asesoramiento en materia de drogas y alcohol, a través de lo cual se involucró cada vez más en el trabajo comunitario.

"Involucrarme con la comunidad era mi vocación".  - Sylvia Robinson

Sylvia nació en Washington D.C. el 14 de agosto de 1961, y falleció el 18 de septiembre de 2017, después de una batalla contra el cáncer.

"El espíritu y el legado de Sylvia seguirán inspirando a esta comunidad durante muchos años." - ECAC

¿Se mantiene el Foro AWID en Taipei dada la situación relacionada con COVID-19?

AWID está monitoreando de cerca la situación global del COVID-19 y, por ahora, prevé seguir adelante con el Foro según lo planificado.

Si en algún momento la situación exige que hagamos algo diferente, se los comunicaremos inmediatamente.

El 14° Foro Internacional de AWID está programado para realizarse del 20 al 23 de septiembre de 2021 en Taipéi.

Más información

Snippet Intro The Feminist Realities Magazine (EN)

The Feminist Realities Magazine

Feminist Realities are embedded in the multiple ways that show us that there is a different way of living, thinking and doing - from the daily expressions of how we live and relate to each other, to alternative systems of governance and justice. Feminist Realities resist dominant power systems such as patriarchy, capitalism, and white supremacy. 

These are powerful propositions that orient us toward a vision of what is possible, and show how feminist organizing is blazing a path toward justice in movements and communities around the world. 

Download your full Magazine (PDF)

Explore the magazine

2. Frame your research

A framework for your research will guide throughout your research process, and the framing document you develop can also serve as a concept note to advisors and partners, and a funding proposal to potential donors.

Before conducting any research:

Your research framing may evolve over time as you refine your questions and gather new information. However, building an initial research framing will allow you to work from a solid foundation.


To create a strong foundation for your WITM research, it is important to clarify what you hope to accomplish.

For example, one goal of AWID’s WITM global research was to provide rigorous data to prove what we already knew anecdotally: that women’s rights organizations are discrepantly underfunded. With this data, we felt we would be better positioned to influence funders in their decision-making.

Your goals could be to:

  • Generate hard data on funding realities and trends to prove or disprove existing myths.
  • Gain deeper insight into differences between the perspectives of donors and women’s rights organizations.
  • Influence donors in grant-making.
  • Add crucial input to key funding debates.
  • Explore collaboration between donors and women’s rights organizations on issues that emerge from the research.

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Key questions

Frame your research process with key questions that only your research can answer and limit those questions to a specific time frame (e.g. past five years, past year, etc.).

Consider the following points:

  • What exactly do you want to learn more about and what is the hypothesis you would like to test? Writing this out will assist you in your thought process.
  • Is there existing research on this? If research already exists, it may not make sense to conduct new WITM research unless you feel like the existing research is not extensive or specific enough.  
  • What time frame do you want to cover in your analysis? For example, will your research analyze only the past year, or several previous years, such as the past five years?
  • Are you planning to repeat your survey to collect data in the future?

Choosing a specific timeframe for your research can result in more precise findings than working with an open-ended timeframe. Also, deciding whether you will repeat this research at regular intervals will allow you to set up data collection benchmarks for easy replication and comparison over time.

These were the key questions that guided AWID’s WITM research process:

  • What is the current state of women’s organizations’ financial sustainability across the world?
  • What external and internal trends are impacting donors’ funding decisions to support women’s organizations and movements?

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Type of data

Now that you determined your key questions, you can determine what kind of data will help you answer your key questions. This will allow you to plan the rest of your schedule for your WITM research.

For example, will you conduct a survey that covers an extensive portion of your priority population? Will you analyze the applications that funders are receiving from a certain region? Will you also conduct interviews (recommended)? By determining the types of data you need, you can reach out to external parties who will provide this data early on, and plot out your full schedule accordingly. Some suggested sources of data could be:

  • Surveys you create for women’s rights organizations and donors
  • Application and grantmaking data from donors funding cycles
  • Interviews of prominent activists, organizations, and donors
  • Donor data from membership organizations and networks, such as  the Foundation Center, regional or national donor affinity groups.

Diverse data sets are a great way to create robust and rich analysis.

The data from AWID’s 2011 Global Survey formed the backbone of our analysis in Watering the Leaves, Starving the Roots report. However, we also collected data from interviews and interactions with several actors in the field, ranging from donors to activists and women’s rights organizations.

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Final products

In addition to allowing you to set your schedule, creating an initial plan of what products you will develop will also allow you to work out what resources you need.

For example, will you only produce a long research report or will you also create infographics, brochures and presentations? Depending on your products, you may need to hire a design firm, plan events and so on.

These products will also be the tools you use to achieve your goals, so it is important to keep those goals in mind. For example, is your WITM research exclusively intended as an advocacy tool to influence funders? In that case, your products should allow you to engage with funders at a deep level.

 Some sample products:

  • Long report for dissemination with key funders and organizations.
    Historically, AWID WITM research has centered on a long report, from which AWID distilled other smaller products  - see rest of list.
  • Infographic for viral distribution online
  • Short animation demonstrating key findings
  • Short brochure(s) distilling your findings and messages
  • Articles and blog posts on key findings to draw interest to your larger report
  • Seminars or webinars presenting key findings.

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Conclusion: Framing your research will give you the big picture

Framing your research to cover goals, key questions, types of data, and final products will allow you to create a well-planned schedule, prepare your resources in advance, and plan a realistic budget.

This will make interactions with external partners easier and allow you to be nimble when unexpected setbacks occur.

Previous step

1. Gather your resources

Next step

3. Design your survey


Estimated time:

• 1 month

People needed:

• 1 or more Research person(s)

Resources available:

AWID Research Framing: sample 1
AWID Research Framing: sample 2

Previous step

1. Gather your resources

Next step

3. Design your survey

Ready to Go? Worksheet

Download the toolkit in PDF

Can I contact someone if I have questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via the form here, indicating “WITM Survey” as the title of your message. You can also write to us at

Maritza Quiroz Leiva

Maritza Quiroz Leiva était une activiste sociale, leader communautaire et défenseure des droits des femmes afro-colombienne. Comptant parmi les 7,7 millions de Colombien·ne·s déplacé·e·s internes par 50 années de conflit armé, Maritza a dédié son travail de plaidoyer au soutien des droits des autres, particulièrement au sein de la communauté afro-colombienne ayant souffert deviolations et déplacements similaires.

Maritza était responsable adjointe du Conseil de victimes  Santa Marta et une voix importante pour celles et ceux qui défendaient la justice dans leur communauté, réclamant réparation pour la torture, les enlèvements, les déplacements et les violences sexuelles subis par les victimes tout au long du conflit armé. Elle aégalement été active au sein du mouvement pour la redistribution des terres et la justice foncière en Colombie. 

Le 5 janvier 2019, Maritza a été tuée par deux personnes armées qui se sont introduites à son domicile. Elle avait 60 ans. 

Maritza s’ajoute ainsi aux cinq autres activistes et leaders colombien·ne·s assassiné·e·s au cours de la seule première semaine de 2019. Un total de 107 défenseur·e·s des droits humains ont été tué·e·s cette année-là dans le pays. 

¿Por qué decidió AWID cambiar la ubicación del Foro, de Bali a Taipéi?

A fines de 2019, la situación en Indonesia (en particular, los signos de militarización intensificada y de reacción contra los derechos LGBTQ) nos llevó a cuestionar la capacidad de AWID para sostener un ambiente razonablemente seguro y acogedor para la diversidad de participantes que esperamos reunir en el Foro.

Después de un análisis cuidadoso, en noviembre de 2019 la Junta Directiva de AWID decidió cambiar la sede del 14° Foro Internacional de AWID, de Bali a Taipéi.

Taipéi ofrece un alto nivel de capacidad logística, y resulta accesible para muchxs viajerxs (con la facilitación de un trámite de visa electrónico  para conferencias internacionales).

Para más detalles:

Snippet FEA Bauen Hotel (ES)

Solo un año después de su fundación, las integrantes de Nadia Echazú comenzaron a trabajar en la alta costura y organizaron un desfile de moda en el histórico Hotel Bauen.

Mostraron cinco modelos y algunas trabajadoras de la cooperativa textil desfilaron con sus propios diseños.

Esto fue revolucionario no sólo porque estaban diseñando alternativas a la moda convencional, sino también porque estaban creando ropa accesible e inclusiva para cuerpos trans y travesti.

¡No hay economías feministas sin ropa que nos haga sentir increíbles y cómodxs!

6. Conduct desk research

Desk research can be done throughout your research. It can assist you with framing, help you to choose survey questions and provide insights to your results.

In this section

Giving context

Conducting desk research throughout your research process can assist you with framing, help you to choose survey questions and provide contextual clarity or interesting insights to your survey results, such as comparing similarities and differences between your survey results and information produced by civil society and donors.

Perhaps you notice trends in your survey data and want to understand them.

For example, your survey data may reveal that organization budgets are shrinking, but it cannot tell you why this is happening. Reviewing publications can give you context on potential reasons behind such trends.

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Building on existing knowledge

Desk research also ensures you are building your research on the existing knowledge regarding your topic, confirming the validity and relevance of your findings.

They may be complimentary or contradictory to existing knowledge, but they must speak to existing data on the topic.

To ensure comprehensive research of the entire funding landscape related to your topic, look at a diverse set of funding sectors.

You can consider:

  • Women’s Funds
  • Private and Public Foundations
  • International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs)
  • Bilateral and Multilateral Agencies
  • Private Sector Actors
  • Individual Philanthropists
  • Crowdfunders

Include any other relevant sectors to this research.

For example, you may decide that it is also important to research local non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

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Potential sources for desk research (non-exhaustive)

1. Donors’ websites and annual reports

These are direct sources of information about what funders are actually doing and generally contain information on policies and budgets. Researching this before interviewing donors can result in more focused questions and a stronger interview.

2. Online sources of information

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Previous step

5. Conduct interviews

Next step

7. Synthesize your research findings

Estimated time:

• 1-2 months

People needed:

• 1 or more research person(s)

Previous step

5. Conduct interviews

Next step

7. Synthesize your research findings

Ready to Go? Worksheet

Download the toolkit in PDF

Snippet - WITM To share - PT

Para partilhar a sua experiência vivida com o financiamento da sua organização;

María Digna Montero

María Digna Montero was a Garifuna (Afro-descendent and indigenous) land defender and a member of the National Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH), a grassroots organization working to protect the Garifuna communities, their ancestral rights, culture, resources and territory.

María also taught in the local school and was a member of the OFRANEH Intercultural Bilingual Education working group.

On the Day of Indigenous Resistance, October 12, 2019, unknown assailants shot María multiple times in the backyard of her house.  

She was one of six Garifuna women defenders murdered between September and October 2019 and according to OFRANEH, there was no investigation by the authorities into these crimes. In an official statement, the organization also highlighted the connection between the violence against Garifuna leaders and the increase in extractive industries which exploit natural resources in their communities calling this violence part of a “strategy of intimidation and systematic expulsion” by the Honduran State. 

“The heightened tension and growing risks to the security and human rights of the leaders in the communities and ancestral territories is a product of the dispossession, displacement and criminalization of the communities and of the extractive mega projects promoted by the State together with the national and international corporations.” - OFRANEH communique, October 12, 2019

Snippet FEA The fight for a world full of workplaces (FR)

La lutte pour un monde rempli de lieux de travail exempts de toute forme de discrimination, de stigmatisation et d'exclusion est une lutte noble. Un monde où le travail sexuel est décriminalisé et reconnu comme travail en fait partie intégrante.

Un monde où tous·tes les travailleur·euses ont des conditions de travail sûres, des salaires décents et peuvent jouir des mêmes droits tels que l'accès à la santé, le droit à la retraite, aux congés maladie, aux vacances, à la sécurité de l'emploi et plus encore, quels que soient leur genre, leur race, leur origine ethnique, leur âge ou leurs capacités. Les droits du travail sont des questions féministes, et les syndicats féministes jouent un rôle clé dans la promotion des droits juridiques, du travail et économiques de tous·tes les travailleur·euses, en particulier les travailleur·euses migrant·e·s, les travailleur·euses domestiques, les travailleur·euses informel·les et les travailleur·euses du sexe. Ce sont ces personnes qui ont récemment été touchées de manière disproportionnée par la pandémie, sa crise des soins, les confinements, les couvre-feux ainsi que la surveillance et la répression policière accrue. Nous vous présentons ici les histoires de militantes féministes et syndicalistes qui se battent pour de meilleures conditions de travail et un monde meilleur pour tous·tes.

¿Cómo se originó este proyecto?

Pensamos que la economía, el mercado, el sistema financiero y las premisas sobre las que se basan son todas áreas fundamentales para la lucha feminista.

Por eso, nuestra visión de una economía justa va más allá de promover los derechos y el empoderamiento de las mujeres en una economía de mercado, sino que busca evaluar el rol que juegan las opresiones de género en dar forma al modelo económico y ver como podemos transformarlo para garantizar la justicia de género y económica.

El proceso

No estamos comenzando de cero ni estamos solas en nuestro intento de presentar propuestas feministas para una economía justa. Muchas de nuestras propuestas ya han sido presentadas o existen en la práctica de las diversas comunidades que confrontan y desafían a los sistemas económicos dominantes basados en el mercado y el  crecimiento.

También somos concientes de las limitaciones que algunas alternativas presentan para abordar las injusticias del actual sistema capitalista a escala global. No siempre las propuestas a nivel micro son la respuesta a los problemas macro, si bien representan espacios importantes de resistencia y construcción de movimientos.  


Sin embargo, las alternativas feministas para una economía justa son fundamentales para socavar el sistema y para aprender a generar cambios transformadores y sistémicos. No podemos presumir de ofrecer un relato exhaustivo ni completo acerca de cómo crear un modelo económico feminista justo, o varios modelos de esa clase. Lo que sí podemos hacer es recoger elementos de diálogos con otros movimientos (sindicales, ambientales, rurales y de campesinxs) para formular propuestas que nos permitan acercanos a esa visión.

¿Qué queremos cambiar?

El modelo neoliberal que dirige la economía global ha demostrado una y otra vez su incapacidad para hacer frente a las causas estructurales de la pobreza, las desigualdades y la exclusión. Lo que en realidad ha hecho el neoliberalismo ha sido contribuir a crear y exacerbar esas injusticias.

En estas últimas tres décadas, las políticas dominantes para el desarrollo se han caracterizado por la globalización, liberalización, privatizaciones, financialización y ayudas condicionadas, y han destrozado los medios de vida de la población. El recorrido de estas políticas también ha estado marcado por la profundización de desigualdades, las injusticias con marca de género y la destrucción ambiental que el mundo ya no puede continuar soportando.

Hay quienes no dudan en sostener que el crecimiento económico, que debe ser facilitado dando plena libertad a las grandes corporaciones y empresas, puede generar y sostener una una marea alta que (con el tiempo) levante todos los barcos.

Sin embargo, la noción de desarrollo que ha prevalecido durante las últimas décadas, construida sobre la premisa de un crecimiento económico ilimitado, está atravesando una crisis ideológica.

El mito del crecimiento económico como panacea para todos nuestros problemas está perdiendo cada vez más prestigio.

Ver también

5 grandes amenazas

Nuestra visión

Snippet - WITM Why now_col 1 - RU

Почему сейчас?

A monochromatic orange illustration of a woman with curly hair with her hand on her chin. She seems to inquisitive or posing a question.

Феминистские движения, движения за права женщин, гендерную справедливость, ЛГБТКИ+ и смежные движения по всему миру переживают критический момент, сталкиваясь с мощной негативной реакцией на ранее завоеванные права и свободы. Последние годы привели к быстрому росту авторитаризма, жестоким репрессиям в отношении гражданского общества и криминализации правозащитниц(-ков) с разнообразной гендерной самоидентификацией, эскалации войн и конфликтов во многих частях света, продолжающейся экономической несправедливости, – и все это на фоне кризиса в области здравоохранения, экологии и климата.