Philippe Leroyer | Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

Women Human Rights Defenders

WHRDs are self-identified women and lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LBTQI) people and others who defend rights and are subject to gender-specific risks and threats due to their human rights work and/or as a direct consequence of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

WHRDs are subject to systematic violence and discrimination due to their identities and unyielding struggles for rights, equality and justice.

The WHRD Program collaborates with international and regional partners as well as the AWID membership to raise awareness about these risks and threats, advocate for feminist and holistic measures of protection and safety, and actively promote a culture of self-care and collective well being in our movements.

Risks and threats targeting WHRDs  

WHRDs are exposed to the same types of risks that all other defenders who defend human rights, communities, and the environment face. However, they are also exposed to gender-based violence and gender-specific risks because they challenge existing gender norms within their communities and societies.

By defending rights, WHRDs are at risk of:

  • Physical assault and death
  • Intimidation and harassment, including in online spaces
  • Judicial harassment and criminalization
  • Burnout

A collaborative, holistic approach to safety

We work collaboratively with international and regional networks and our membership

  • to raise awareness about human rights abuses and violations against WHRDs and the systemic violence and discrimination they experience
  • to strengthen protection mechanisms and ensure more effective and timely responses to WHRDs at risk

We work to promote a holistic approach to protection which includes:

  • emphasizing the importance of self-care and collective well being, and recognizing that what care and wellbeing mean may differ across cultures
  • documenting the violations targeting WHRDs using a feminist intersectional perspective;
  • promoting the social recognition and celebration of the work and resilience of WHRDs ; and
  • building civic spaces that are conducive to dismantling structural inequalities without restrictions or obstacles

Our Actions

We aim to contribute to a safer world for WHRDs, their families and communities. We believe that action for rights and justice should not put WHRDs at risk; it should be appreciated and celebrated.

  • Promoting collaboration and coordination among human rights and women’s rights organizations at the international level to  strengthen  responses concerning safety and wellbeing of WHRDs.

  • Supporting regional networks of WHRDs and their organizations, such as the Mesoamerican Initiative for WHRDs and the WHRD Middle East and North Africa  Coalition, in promoting and strengthening collective action for protection - emphasizing the establishment of solidarity and protection networks, the promotion of self-care, and advocacy and mobilization for the safety of WHRDs;

  • Increasing the visibility and recognition of  WHRDs and their struggles, as well as the risks that they encounter by documenting the attacks that they face, and researching, producing, and disseminating information on their struggles, strategies, and challenges:

  • Mobilizing urgent responses of international solidarity for WHRDs at risk through our international and regional networks, and our active membership.

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Manal Tamimi | Snippet AR

Portrait Manal Tamimi

منال التميمي، ناشطة فلسطينية ومدافعة عن حقوق الإنسان. أم لأربعة أطفال كما أنها حائزة على ماجستير في القانون الدولي الإنساني. اعتقلت منال ثلاث مرات على إثر نشاطها السياسي وأصيبت أكثر من مرة بالرصاص الانشطاري الحي المحظور دوليا. عائلتها مستهدفة أيضًا: اعتقل وأصيب أطفالها بالذخيرة الحية أكثر من مرة. وكانت الحادثة الأخيرة محاولة اغتيال نجلها محمد الذي أصيب برصاصة في صدره قرب القلب بعد أسابيع قليلة من تحريره من سجون الاحتلال حيث أمضى عامين. فلسفتها في الحياة: إذا كان عليّ أن أدفع ثمن كوني فلسطينيّة، فأنا أرفض أن أموت في صمت.

Fleurir sous l’ombrelle du monde : les féministes de MENA au Forum de l'AWID

Coverture pour: Fleurir sous l’ombrelle du monde : les féministes de MENA au Forum de l’AWID



Dans le monde entier et au sein des mouvements sociaux, les personnes désireuses d’innover ont tendance à se sentir seules et impuissantes face au « statu quo du mouvement ». Historiquement, les Forums de l’AWID ont joué un rôle dans le soutien de ces innovateur·trices en leur offrant une plateforme où leurs idées et pratiques sont accueillies et renforcées par les pensées et actions d’autres personnes de différentes régions et communautés qui les ont déjà explorées. Sara Abu Ghazal, féministe palestinienne au Liban, nous parle de ce qu’ont représenté les Forums pour toute une nouvelle génération de féministes de la région MENA (Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord) qui ont introduit de nouvelles façons de s’organiser, de nouvelles conceptions du féminisme et de nouvelles questions dans le paysage régional des droits des femmes.

Téléchargez cette récit

De sa propre voix : regardez l'interview de Sara Abu Ghazal

Découvrez toutes les récits Télécharger le rapport complet

2013: el sexto Diálogo de Alto Nivel revisa el progreso de los ODM

  • El Sexto Diálogo de Alto Nivel sobre la Financiación para el Desarrollo, que tuvo lugar el 7 y 8 de octubre de 2013, se centró en analizar los progresos hacia los ODM e identificar las brechas a ser abordadas en las conversaciones acerca del nuevo marco para el desarrollo.
  • Durante la sesión, el Grupo de Trabajo sobre el desfase en el logro de los ODM presentó un informe en el que hizo referencia al fracaso en alcanzar el ODM 8 (Alianza mundial para el desarrollo) como un factor decisivo que explicaba los obstáculos para el logro de los demás ODM. Ese informe demostró que en el nuevo marco para el desarrollo post-2015 se debía prestar más atención a crear alianzas globales fuertes que garantizaran compromisos vinculantes.

What criteria are you using to select the activities?

Please refer to the Call for Activities for this information, including the section “What you need to know”.

Mariam Mekiwi | Snippet FR

Mariam Mekiwi Portrait

Mariam Mekiwi est une cinéaste et photographe originaire d’Alexandrie qui vit et travaille à Berlin.

Privacidad y cookies (antes del 25 abr 2023)

Política de privacidad de AWID, tus derechos a la privacidad y las cookies

Esta política rige para todas las páginas alojadas en y para cualquier otro sitio web bajo el control de AWID (el «Sitio web») y para las suscripciones a estos sitios. No se aplica a páginas alojadas por otras organizaciones distintas a AWID, hacia las cuales podemos dirigir un hipervínculo y cuyas políticas de privacidad pueden ser diferentes. Por favor, lee la siguiente política para que puedas comprender nuestra política de privacidad en cuanto a su naturaleza, propósito, uso y divulgación de tu información personal e identificable que es recogida a través de este sitio web.

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  • Cumplir con nuestras obligaciones legales de:
    - Detectar y prevenir fraudes, spam, abuso, incidentes de seguridad y otra actividad perjudicial.
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Con excepción de lo explicado más abajo, AWID no revelará ninguna información personal acerca de ti que sea identificable, y no venderá ni alquilará a tercerxs listados conteniendo tu información. AWID podrá revelar información cuando tenga tu permiso para hacerlo o bajo circunstancias especiales, por ejemplo cuando crea de buena fe que la ley se lo exige.

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7.0 Cambios a esta política y página de contacto

Esta política puede cambiar periódicamente. La política modificada será publicada en este sitio web y al final del texto se actualizará la fecha de Última actualización. Se enviará un correo electrónico con la actualización de la política revisada y si no estás de acuerdo con ella tendrás la opción de cancelar tu suscripción o suscripciones con nosotrxs. También puedes escribirnos aquí. ¡Agradecemos tus opiniones!

Última actualización: mayo de 2019


Mai 2015: les consultations sur la version préliminaire du document final ont lieu

Sessions de consultation complémentaires sur la version préliminaire du document final

  • Le 7 mai, les co-facilitateurs ont publié la version révisée du document final de la troisième Conférence sur FdD (en anglais).
  •  Pour permettre d’améliorer le document final, des sessions complémentaires ad hoc portant sur cette version révisée du document final ont été organisées du 12 au 15 mai 2015, puis du 26 au 29 mai 2015, au siège de l’ONU à New York.

¿Habrá apoyo para materiales u otros costos preparatorios para los talleres?

Contarás con todos los materiales estándar para talleres y presentaciones: rotafolios, marcadores, notas autoadhesivas, así como proyectores y equipos audiovisuales. Cualquier material adicional será responsabilidad de lxs organizadorxs de la actividad. El equipo de logística de AWID estará disponible para responder preguntas y aconsejar.

Mango | Small Snippet


I’ll admit it: when Angélica and Fabi invited me to curate a collection of erotic texts by black women, I didn’t know what curatorship was. I understood the erotic well, but curatorship... 

Read more

Ressources des mouvements féministes

Image pour partager l'enquête! "Ou est L'argent?"


L'enquête "Où est l'argent?" #WITM est maintenant en ligne ! Plongez dans l'enquête et partagez votre expérience du financement de votre organisation avec des féministes du monde entier.

En savoir plus et participer à l’enquête!

Les mouvements féministes, en faveur des droits des femmes et leurs allié-e-s du monde entier s’opposent au pouvoir et imaginent de nouvelles politiques de libération. Des ressources économiques et politiques aux actes quotidiens de résistance et de survie, les contributions qui viennent nourrir ce travail revêtent de nombreuses formes.

L’initiative de l’AWID, Ressources des mouvements féministes (Resourcing Feminist Movements, RFM), met en lumière l’écosystème de financement actuel, qui va des modèles d’attribution des ressources auto-générée aux voies de financement officielles.

A travers nos recherches et analyses, nous examinons de quelles façons les pratiques de financement pourraient mieux servir nos mouvements. Nous faisons une étude critique des contradictions propres au “financement” de la transformation sociale, compte tenu notamment de la répression politique croissante, des programmes anti-droits et du pouvoir grandissant des entreprises. Mais surtout, nous élaborons des stratégies collectives en appui à des mouvements fleurissants, solides et résilients.

Nos Actions

Reconnaissant la richesse de nos mouvements et répondant au contexte actuel, nous oeuvrons à:

  • Créer et élargir les alternatives : Nous développons les pratiques de financement qui accordent une place prépondérante aux priorités des activistes et impliquons un large éventail de donateurs et d’activistes dans la création de nouveaux modèles dynamiques d’attribution de ressources en faveur des mouvements féministes, en particulier dans un contexte qui voit l’espace de participation de la société civile diminuer considérablement.

  • Enrichir nos connaissances : Nous explorons, échangeons et consolidons nos connaissances sur la façon dont les mouvements attirent, organisent et utilisent les ressources qui leur sont nécessaires pour entreprendre des changements significatifs.

  • Plaider : Nous travaillons en partenariat, comme avec le Count Me In! Consortium, afin d’influencer les programmes de financement et permettre aux mouvements féministes d’être en dialogue direct pour déplacer le pouvoir et l’argent.


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Snippet “Gender Ideology” Narratives (EN)

“Gender Ideology” Narratives

For decades, feminist scholars and advocates have articulated important concepts related to gender to understand and challenge oppression and discrimination. Those concepts have now become the target of anti-rights actors who claim that oppressive patriarchal gender roles are “common sense”, strategically painting all other ideas, cultural norms, and forms of social life as a dangerous, conspirative ideology.

Read our Brief  on “Gender Ideology” Narratives: A Threat To Human Rights

Download here 

Guadalupe Campanur Tapia

Guadalupe was an environmental activist involved in the fight against crime in Cherán, Mexico.

Guadalupe helped to overthrow the local government in April 2011 and participated in local security patrols including those in municipal forests.  She was among the Indigenous leaders of Cherán, who called on people to defend their forests against illegal and merciless logging. Her work for seniors, children, and workers made her an icon in her community.

She was killed in Chilchota, Mexico about 30 kilometers north of her hometown of Cherá.



Guadalupe Campanur Tapia, Mexico

Snippet FEA Union Otras (EN)


The Sex Workers' Trade Union Organisation (Organización de Trabajo Sexual, OTRAS) is the first union of sex workers in the history of Spain. It was born out of the need to ensure social, legal and political rights for sex workers in a country where far-right movements are on the rise.

After years of struggles against the Spanish legal system and anti-sex workers groups who petitioned to shut it down, OTRAS finally obtained its legal status as a union in 2021.

Its goal? To decriminalize sex work and to ensure decent working conditions and environments for all sex workers.

The union represents over 600 professional sex workers, many of whom are migrant, trans, queer and gender-diverse.



Asociación de Mujeres Afrodescendientes del Norte del Cauca




Anna Campbell (şehid Hêlîn Qerecox)

Anna grew up in Lewes, Sussex (UK) and, after deciding not to pursue her English degree at Sheffield University, she moved to Bristol and became a plumber.

She spent much of her time defending the marginalised and under-privileged, attending anti-fascist rallies, and offering support to the women of Dale Farm when they were threatened with eviction. A vegan and animal lover, she attended hunt sabotages and her name is honoured on PETA's 'Tree of Life' Memorial. Anna went to Rojava in May 2017 with a strong commitment to women's empowerment, full representation of all ethnicities and protection of the environment.

Anna died on March 15, 2018 when she was hit by a Turkish airstrike in the town of Afrin, northern Syria. Anna was fighting with the Women's Protection Forces (YPJ), when she was killed.


Anna Campbell (şehid Hêlîn Qerecox), UK

Snippet FEA No feminist economies without feminist unions (EN)

No feminist economies without feminist unions!

Through labor and union organizing, Sopo, Sabrina and Linda are not only fighting for the rights of essential workers, women workers, migrant workers and sex workers, but the rights of all workers.

The fight to end workers’ exploitation is a feminist struggle, and shows us that there are no feminist economies without feminist unions.

Shireen Lateef

Shireen was an inspiration to many feminists in Fiji and a powerful ally to the women’s movement. She advocated tirelessly for gender equality locally and regionally.

She began her career as a junior gender specialist at the Asian Development Bank and brought about drastic changes to the institution’s gender policies.

Her research, “Rule by the Danda: Domestic violence amongst Indo Fijians” was one of the earliest pieces of research on domestic violence, marriage and women in Fiji. This seminal work has been a catalyst for feminist work in this area.

Shireen’s legacy lives on as many remember her influence, commitment and support to the women’s movement in Fiji and the Pacific.


Shireen Lateef, Fiji

Snippet Forum Stories Story 1 (EN)

Case study 1 - Three Boats, a Horse and a Taxi: Pacific Feminists at the AWID Forums

This story is about how an increasingly diverse group of feminists from the Pacific organized through the years to attend the AWID Forums and how that process changed them personally, as organizations, and as a movement through what they learned, discovered and experienced. It illustrates the importance of the Forums as a space through which a region that tends to be marginalized or ignored at the global level can build a strong presence in the feminist movement that is then replicated at other international women’s rights spaces.

Marceline Loridan-Ivens

Born in 1928, Marceline worked as an actress, a screenwriter, and a director.

She directed The Birch-Tree Meadow in 2003, starring Anouk Aimee, as well as several other documentaries. She was also a holocaust survivor. She was just fifteen when she and her father were both arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps. The three kilometres between her father in Auschwitz and herself in Birkenau were an insurmountable distance, which she writes about in one of her seminal novels “But You Did Not Come Back.”

In talking about her work, she once said: "All I can say is that everything I can write, everything I can unveil — it's my task to do it.”


Marceline Loridan-Ivens, France

Will you be opening a call for proposals?

Yes! Please read the Call for Activities and apply here. Deadline is February 1st, 2024.

Yamile Guerra

Yamile Guerra was a well-known lawyer, community leader and political activist in the Santander region of Colombia.

She was actively working to resolve disputes between local communities and developers, advocating against illegal land appropriation. Yamile had occupied various political posts, including as the Secretary General for the Santander government in Bogota and also aspired for the Mayor’s Office of Bucaramanga. In the last few years of her life, Yamile became increasingly active in environmental causes, particularly in the defense of the biodiverse wetlands of Santurbán against development, a region which supplies nearly 2 million people with freshwater.

According to her family and friends, Yamile received daily threats against her life and had asked the authorities for protection. 

“She was very very aware of this issue [land litigation] and she said many times that she felt insecure.” - Alixon Navarro Munoz, journalist and friend of Guerra family

On July 20, 2019 Yamile was shot to death by two men in Floridablanca, Santander. She had just finished discussing a land dispute with them. A suspect was later arrested for her murder and admitted to being paid to carry out her assassination. According to reports, Yamile was the third member of her family to have been killed in relation to land disputes. Her father, Hernando Guerra was murdered several years previously.

Yamile’s assassination is part of a wave of violence and systematic killing of hundreds of social activists and human rights defenders in Colombia. According to the Institute for Development and Peace Studies (INDEPAZ), at the time of Yamile’s death, over 700 community leaders and human rights activists had been killed since the country signed a peace agreement in August 2016. Most were murdered for confronting illegal drug trafficking and mining operations, with indigenous people, Afro-Colombians and women human rights defenders being most at risk. 

Less than a week after Yamile’s death, thousands of Colombians marched all over towns and cities, holding up black and white photos of activists who had been killed, with signs that read: "Without leaders there can be no peace" and "No more bloodshed”.

Yamile Guerra was only 42 years old at the time of her assassination. 

Will there be a young feminist space? A disability justice space? A digital/tech hub? Funder coffee hours? Wellbeing and healing spaces?

We will share information about the program, the spaces, and the way for everyone to participate in shaping them, as soon as we can, and ways for you to participate in shaping them - on the road to the Forum, and during the Forum. Please stay tuned!

Seismic shifts: A year of completion, transition and reflection | Annual report 2017

The past five years have been huge for AWID.

We have contributed to some major victories, like expanding the women’s rights funding landscape with ground-breaking, far-reaching research and advocacy. At the same time, we have experienced some devastating setbacks, including the assassination of Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) like Berta Cacares of Honduras, Gauri Lankesh of India and Marielle Franco of Brazil, as well as the rise of anti-rights mobilizing in human rights spaces.

Five years ago, we committed to our movement-building role by producing knowledge on anti-rights movement trends, as well as on issues that feminists often engage with less, like illicit financial flows. We advocated side by side with our movement partners, strengthening young feminist and inter-generational activism, and expanding the holistic protection of WHRDs. As we close out the strategic plan, we are proud of our accomplishments and our growth as an organization. We end 2017 with renewed commitment, insights and learning for the continued struggle ahead!


Roxana Reyes Rivas

Roxana Reyes Rivas, philosopher, feminist, lesbian, poet, politician and LGBT and women’s rights activist from Costa Rica. Owner of a sharp pen and incisive humour, a laugh a minute. She was born in 1960 and raised in San Ramón of Alajuela, when it was a rural town, and her whole life she would break away from the mandates of what it meant to be a woman.   

With El Reguero (Costa Rican lesbian group) she organized lesbian festivals for over a decade, fun-filled formative spaces to come together at a time when the Costa Rican government and society persecuted and criminalized the lesbian existence. For hundreds of women the lesbian festivals where the only place they could be themselves and come together with others like them.  

Roxana would often say founding political parties was one of her hobbies. “It’s important for people to understand there are other ways to do politics, that many issues need to be solved collectively”. She was one of the founders of the New Feminist League and VAMOS, a human rights focused political party.

“The philosophical trade is meant to jab, to help people ask themselves questions. A philosopher who doesn’t irritate anyone is not doing her job”. For 30 years Roxana taught philosophy at several Costa Rican public universities. Through her guidance, generations of students reflected about the ethical dilemmas in science and technology.  

Roxana’s favourite tool was humour, she created the Glowing Pumpkin award, an acknowledgement to ignorance that she would bestow upon public figures, through her social media channels, mocking their anti-rights expressions and statements.  

An aggressive cancer took Roxana at the end of 2019, before she could publish a compilation of her poems, a departing gift from the creative mind of a feminist who always raised her voice against injustice.

CFA 2023 - Suggested Activities Format - EN

Suggested Activity Formats


Panel: In Panel discussions, explore an issue or challenge from different perspectives, or share a learning or experience, followed by audience questions if time allows.

Talk Show: Have a more spontaneous conversation in Talk-Show style. Talk Shows can be a conversation among several people, facilitated by a talk-show host. Audience questions can determine the conversation’s direction.

Discussion: These can take the form of world cafes, fishbowls, and other methodologies that facilitate participants’ active involvement in conversations. Highly participatory.

Workshop: Interactive sessions that invite participants to build new skills in any and all areas of life and activism.

Strategy Session: This is an invitation to think through an issue or strategy, in depth, with others. A space to learn from each other: what works, what doesn’t, and how do we develop new and collective strategies to create the worlds we dream of.

Sharing Circle (also known as “Birds of a Feather”): Ideal for small groups, in a more intimate setting, to hear from each other, spark discussion and carefully address topics that may be specific, sensitive and complex.

Arts – Participatory Workshop: Participatory activities involving arts and creative expression. Whether through visual art, theater, film, mural, dance, music, collective craft or artmaking, etc., we welcome all ideas celebrating feminist art and creativity as forms of social change, healing, expression and transformation.

Arts – Performances, Installations and Exhibitions: We welcome submissions that offer Forum participants new experiences and perspectives, expand our horizons, and challenge and inspire us to think, feel and organize in new ways.

Healing: Diverse activities tailored both for groups and individuals, from learning relaxation techniques to discussing burnout prevention, from trauma-informed practices of care for our body, mind and soul to healing rifts within our movements.

Marianne Mesfin Asfaw


Marianne Mesfin Asfaw is a Pan-African feminist who is dedicated to social justice and building community. She has a BA in Gender Studies and International Relations from the University of British Columbia (UBC), and an MA in Gender Studies and Law from SOAS University of London. She has previously worked in academic administration and international student support, and has worked as a researcher and facilitator in feminist and non-profit spaces. She has also worked and volunteered at non-governmental organizations including Plan International in administrative roles. Prior to taking up her current role she worked in logistics and administrative support at AWID. She is from Ethiopia, was raised in Rwanda and is currently based in Tkaronto/Toronto, Canada. She enjoys reading, traveling and spending time with her family and friends. In the warmer months she can be found strolling around familiar neighborhoods in search of obscure cafés and bookstores to wander into.

Coordinator, Building Feminist Economies
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Sara Hegazy

Sara Hegazy, a bold Egyptian LGBTQI+ rights activist, lived in a society where the members of her community, their bodies and lives often face lethal prejudice. The roots of Sara’s resistance were in the deconstruction of a dominant, oppressive and patriarchal system, and its anti-rights actors.

"[In Egypt], every person who is not male, Muslim, Sunni, straight, and a supporter of the system, is rejected, repressed, stigmatized, arrested, exiled, or killed. This matter is related to the patriarchal system as a whole, since the state cannot practice its repression against citizens without a pre-existing oppression since childhood." - Sara Hegazy wrote on March 6, 2020

The suppression of Sara’s voice by the Egyptian government reached its violent peak in 2017, when she was arrested for raising a rainbow flag at the Mashrou’ Leila (Lebanese band whose lead vocalist is openly gay) concert in Cairo. What followed were charges of joining an illegal group along with “promoting sexual deviancy and debauchery”. 

"It was an act of support and solidarity — not only with the [Mashrou' Leila] vocalist but for everyone who is oppressed...We were proud to hold the flag. We wouldn't have imagined the reaction of society and the Egyptian state. For them, I was a criminal — someone who was seeking to destroy the moral structure of society." - Sara Hegazy

Sara was jailed for three months, where she was tortured and sexually assaulted. In January 2018, after being released on bail, she sought asylum in Canada where she was safe but imprisoned by the memories of the abuse and violence her body and soul had gone through.

"I left this experience after three months with a very intense, serious case of PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder]. Prison killed me. It destroyed me." - Sara Hegazy told NPR

Sara took her own life on 14 June 2020, leaving a handwritten note in Arabic: 

“To my siblings – I tried to find redemption and failed, forgive me.”
“To my friends – the experience [journey] was harsh and I am too weak to resist it, forgive me. 
“To the world – you were cruel to a great extent, but I forgive.”

Her legacy and courage will be carried forward by those who love her and believe in what she fought for.


“To Sarah: Rest, just rest, spared from this relentless violence, this state-powered lethal patriarchy. In rage, in grief, in exhaustion, we resist.”  - Rasha Younes, an LGBT rights researcher at Human Rights Watch. Read the complete text

Mashrou’ Leila’s lead vocalist sings tribute to Sara Hegazy

Tributes on Twitter 

Documentary about Sara Hegazy’s life

Website dedicated to Sara Hegazy and to those, especially LGBTQI voices, not able to grieve in public

CFA 2023 - Hubs - ar


محاور جديدة: السفر إلى الفضاء عبر الحدود

سيجتمع المشاركات/ون فعليًا في عدد من المواقع خارج مكان انعقاد المنتدى في بانكوك، في أجزاء مختلفة من العالم، في كل يوم من أيام المنتدى. وستكون جميع هذه المواقع ذاتية التنظيم مرتبطة افتراضيًا لموقع انعقاد المنتدى في بانكوك. كما هو الحال مع الأفراد المتواصلون عبر الإنترنت، سيتمكن المشاركون/ات من تسيير النشاطات والمشاركة في المحادثات والاستمتاع ببرنامج غني ومتنوع.

سيتم الإعلان عن مواقع التجمعات في عام 2024.

Jessica Whitbread


Jessica is a queer artist- activist from Toronto, Canada, but is currently based in Bulgaria. Jessica has over 15 years experience in the HIV response working at the intersections of gender and HIV with key populations (sex workers, women who use drugs, LGBTQI communities, incarcerated people and of course people living with HIV). Jessica loves movement building and thinking/taking/strategizing about arts-based interventions. One fun project she started in 2013 was LOVE POSITIVE WOMEN that engages over 125 community groups and organizations globally every February 1-14th to celebrate women living with HIV in their communities.

Membership and Constituency Engagement Lead
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What are some of the debates and conflict areas?

ما هو منتدى جمعية حقوق المرأة في التنمية الدولي؟

كل ثلاث إلى أربع سنوات، تستضيف جمعية حقوق المرأة في التنمية حدثها الدولي الرئيسي. إنه أكبر حدث في العالم يركز بكل طاقته على الحركات النسوية والعدالة الجندرية بكل تنوعها. إنه تجمع عالمي للناشطين/ات النسويين/ات والحركات المتحالفة والباحثين/ات والممولين/ات وصانعي/ات السياسات. ويتنقل المنتدى بين مناطق وبلدان مختلفة في الجنوب العالمي.

Hospital | Small snippet EN


Hospitals are institutions, living sites of capitalism, and what gets played out when somebody is supposed to be resting is a microcosm of the larger system itself. 

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