Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

AWID Forum: Co-creating Feminist Futures

In September 2016, the 13th AWID international Forum brought together in Brazil over 1800 feminists and women’s rights advocates in a spirit of resistance and resilience.

This section highlights the gains, learnings and resources that came out of our rich conversations. We invite you to explore, share and comment!

What has happened since 2016?

One of the key takeaways from the 2016 Forum was the need to broaden and deepen our cross-movement work to address rising fascisms, fundamentalisms, corporate greed and climate change.

With this in mind, we have been working with multiple allies to grow these seeds of resistance:

And through our next strategic plan and Forum process, we are committed to keep developing ideas and deepen the learnings ignited at the 2016 Forum.

What happens now?

The world is a much different place than it was a year ago, and it will continue to change.

The next AWID Forum will take place in the Asia Pacific region (exact location and dates to be announced in 2018).

We look forward to you joining us!

About the AWID Forum

AWID Forums started in 1983, in Washington DC. Since then, the event has grown to become many things to many peoples: an iterative process of sharpening our analyses, vision and actions; a watershed moment that reinvigorates participants’ feminisms and energizes their organizing; and a political home for women human rights defenders to find sanctuary and solidarity.

Learn more about previous Forums

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Selena “Rocky” Malone

Engagée auprès de jeunes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuels, transgenres, intersexuels, queers, et transgenres (appelés Brotherboys-BB et Sistergirls-SS dans la communauté aborigène en Australie), Rocky faisait preuve de vision et d'un leadership inspirants.

Rocky avait commencé sa carrière auprès de la police du Queensland en tant qu'agent de liaison. Faire une différence était très important pour elle. Elle a mené un travail de soutien impressionnant auprès de jeunes de cette communauté en tant que responsable du service jeunesse « Open Doors » (portes ouvertes). Rocky a œuvré dans des situations complexes liées spécifiquement aux questions de genre et d'identité sexuelle.Elle avait un don naturel dans ce domaine: c’était une leader communautaire solide, une femme sereine, une amie fidèle, une personne aimante et attentionnée ainsi qu’une actrice du changement. Rocky était membre fondatrice d’IndigiLez Leadership and Support Group. 

En 2016, à la Cour suprême de Brisbane, l'ancien juge de la Haute Cour, Michael Kirby, a cité le nom de Rocky lorsqu'il a loué le travail du service juridique de la communauté LGBTI au fil des années. Rocky s'est engagée très fermement en faveur des droits humains de la communauté « LGBTIQBBSG », elle a repoussé les limites et induits des changements de manière respectueuse et aimante.


Rocky Malone, Australia

Defendiendo nuestra tierra del poder corporativo

Estas industrias 'extraen' materias primas de la tierra: minería, gas, petróleo y madera son algunos ejemplos.

Este modelo económico explota desenfrenadamente la naturaleza e intensifica las desigualdades norte, donde sus grandes corporaciones se benefician y sur, de donde extraen los recursos.

Contaminación del agua, daño irreparable al medioambiente, comunidades forzadas a desplazarse son algunas de las consecuencias inmediatas.

Lee nuestro reporte de INDUSTRIAS EXTRACTIVAS

Hay alternativas sostenibles para el medioambiente y los derechos humanos de la mujer.



Descubre además cómo nos afecta económicamente

El impacto de los flujos financieros ilícitos en los derechos de las mujeres y la justicia de género a nivel global


Snippet FEA Striking against all odds (EN)

Striking against all odds: the story of Solidarity Network’s unprecedented win.

In January 2022, the Solidarity Network organized a strike with 400 workers. Their main demand? To increase wages. The strike was called following months of unsuccessful talks with the Georgian Ministry of Social Affairs as part of a labor dispute.

After weeks of protesting, negotiating, speaking to the media, withstanding backlash, and enduring the blistering cold of Georgian winter, the workers won unprecedented concessions from the government: wage increase, paid maternity leave, the covering of transportation costs, no lay-offs, compensation for strike days, and more.

The strike did not only result in material gains, it also left the workers feeling united and empowered to stand up for themselves and fight for dignified working conditions now and in the future. They became a source of inspiration for all workers across the country.

You can read more about their victory here.

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Reason to join 5

Expand your boundaries. AWID members increasingly represent a diverse and vibrant cross-section of feminists working on land rights, workers’ rights, sexual rights and bodily autonomy, among other issues. By joining us as a member, you can connect your struggles across movements.

Zita Kavungirwa Kayange

Zita was a women’s rights activist who defended the rights of rural women in Greater Kivu.

She was the first Executive Director of UWAKI - a well known women’s organisation. Through her work with Women's Network for Rights and Peace (RFDP), and the Women's Caucus of South Kivu for Peace, she committed her life to helping to restore peace in the Eastern DRC. She spoke out strongly against the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war.

In 2006, she put herself forward as a candidate in the first democratic elections in the DRC. Although she did not win, she continued to advocate for women’s rights and the South Kivu community remembers her fondly. 


Zita Kavungirwa Kayange, Republic Democratic of Congo

Framework & Theme

The theme of the 14th AWID International Forum is: “Feminist Realities: our power in action”. 

In our 14th Forum, we will celebrate and amplify Feminist Realities that are around us, in all stages of development. 

We want to make this Forum our Feminist Reality - a place where you can inhabit a different world, where you bring your victories, the solutions you have devised; what makes you feel stronger, hopeful and ready to go on. It will be different from any other convening you have previously attended. 

We urge you to join us in co-creating this world. It will be worth it!

Each Forum has a theme that reflects the needs of our membership and movements, and responds to our analysis of the current context.

The global context

Currently fascisms, fundamentalisms, authoritarianism and unfettered corporate power are gaining momentum globally. We see these threats converging with the State to shape public norms, narratives, and policies,  entrenching a culture of fear, hate and incitement to violence in public discourse. States, previously the target of advocacy and rights claims, in many cases no longer feel accountable and in some cases themselves don’t have the power to uphold rights.

This time of volatility, complexity and uncertainty requires creativity in how we organize across movements, coherence in what we demand and daring in what we propose. 

From Feminist Futures to Feminist Realities

AWID’s 2016 Forum centered on Feminist Futures and the conditions needed to bring such futures about. It was clear then, and remains evident now, the enormous challenge for many social justice movements to think outside of the current system for structural solutions. Imaginations can become narrowed from long experiences of inequality and oppression. But what we also heard then and we see all around us is that feminist movements are indeed living and promoting rights-and justice-oriented realities and solutions in big and small ways. 

Indeed we see an urgency to mobilize from a place of hope, rather than from a lowest common denominator - hope that is grounded in the certainty that across the globe, however imperfectly, are experiences and practices that embody more just ways of being in the world and that by sharing, strengthening and building on these experiences, we can help them grow their influence.

These are not impossible dreams, but lived realities. This sense of possibility is a spark to re-examine and re-appreciate the transformative dimensions in our work. 

A few examples of Feminist Realities across the globe

At AWID, we understand feminist realities as the living, breathing examples of the worlds we know are possible.  We understand these diverse feminist realities as reclamations and embodiments of hope and power. They are embedded in the multiple ways  that show us that there is a different way of living, thinking and doing-- from the daily expressions of how we live and relate to each other, to alternative systems of governance and justice. Feminist Realities resist dominant power systems such as patriarchy, capitalism, and white supremacy. 

These are powerful propositions that orient us toward a vision of what is possible, and show how feminist organizing is blazing a path toward justice in movements and communities around the world. 

  • In a deeply marginalized Black community in Jackson, Mississippi, an experiment in solidarity and cooperative economics is taking place through Cooperation Jackson. An ambitious plan to build community ownership outside of capitalist modes of production.

  • In West Africa, women farmers are resisting land grabbing and refusing industrialized agriculture projects, boldy claiming We Are The Solution, in a campaign to build agro-ecological solutions that center women farmers and their knowledges as the solutions to feed communities and mitigate climate change

  • Similarly, in India, 5,000 women have come together to develop community-based food sovereignty systems based on local knowledge, including grain and seed banks

  • Women in Mexico have created a moneyless economy project created by and for women and everyone they know. In El Cambalache everything has the same value: people exchange things they no longer need for things they want as well as knowledge, abilities and mutual aid that people would like to share. El Cambalache was built on the anti-systemic, anti-capitalist values of local social movements

  • In Rojava, Kurdish people are building democracy without the state and Kurdish women offer Jineology as a framework for challenging patriarchy, capitalism and the state, creating systems and institutions to put this framework into practice

  • In the UK, Anarcho Agony Aunts are a sex and dating advice show, covered from a feminist, antifascist, anarchist perspective. Hosts Rowan and Marijam are reclaiming space from the alt-right in giving people (mostly men) a space to ask tricky questions in a judgment-free zone. 

  • The African Feminist Judgment Project drafts and disseminates alternative judgments for important African landmark cases on a range of legal issues. At the heart of the project is propositional feminist judicial practice and alternative feminist judgments that contribute to African jurisprudence, legal practice and judicial decision-making 

  • The Usha Cooperative in India was founded when mainstream banks refused services to sex workers in Sonagachi. Sex workers self-organized to prioritize their economic concerns and set up their own financial institution. The Usha Cooperative is cooperative bank of over 20,000 sex workers and has provided over USD 4.7M in loans to 7,231 sex workers in a span of one year. With a membership entirely of sex workers, the bank provides real ownership and influence over the cooperative’s governance and management, pioneering ways for individuals and communities on the margins to build economic power on their own terms. 

  • In Puerto Rico, a community land trust is helping to transform an informal settlement around a polluted and flood prone river channel into a sustainable community. It provides a new model for improving informal settlements in cities without them then becoming unaffordable for the original residents.

  • In several Latin American countries activists are providing peer-to-peer counselling and accompaniment on medical abortion, reclaiming women´s right to decide over their bodies as well as to medical knowledgde. (for safety reasons, no links are provided.

The 14th AWID international Forum

The AWID Forum will be organized around 6 thematic anchors:

  • Resources for Communities, Movements and Economic Justice
  • Governance, accountability and justice
  • Digital Realities 
  • Bodies, pleasure and wellbeing
  • Planet and living beings
  • Feminist organizing 

Learn more about these anchors

Building on those realities, we expect the 2020 Forum to:

  • Build the power of Feminist Realities, by naming, celebrating, amplifying and contributing to build momentum around experiences and propositions that shine light on what is possible and feed our collective imaginations
  • Replenish wells of hope and energy as much needed fuel for rights and justice activism and resilience
  • Strengthen connectivity, reciprocity and solidarity across the diversity of feminist movements and with other rights and justice-oriented movements

The Forum is a collaborative process

The Forum is more than a four-day convening. It is one more stop on a movement strengthening journey around Feminist Realities that has already begun and will continue well beyond the Forum dates.

Join us on this journey!

Snippet FEA Union Otras (ES)


La Organización Sindical de Trabajadoras del Sexo (OTRAS) es el primer sindicato de trabajadoras del sexo de la historia de España. Nació de la necesidad de garantizar los derechos sociales, legales y políticos de las trabajadoras sexuales en un país donde los movimientos de extrema derecha están cada vez más fuertes.

Después de años de luchas contra el sistema legal español y los grupos abolicionistas del trabajo sexual que solicitaron su cierre, OTRAS finalmente obtuvo su estatus legal como sindicato en 2021.

¿Su objetivo? Despenalizar el trabajo sexual y garantizar condiciones y entornos de trabajo dignos para todxs lxs trabajadorxs sexuales.

El sindicato representa a más de 600 trabajadorxs sexualxs, muchxs de lxs cuales son inmigrantes, racializadxs y sexo/genero disidentes.

هل استطلاع "أين المال" متاح للأشخاص ذوي/ات الإعاقات؟

نعم، انه متاح للأشخاص أصحاب/ صاحبات الإعاقات السمعية، البصرية، النظرية والفكرية المختلفة.

Our values - bodily autonomy

Autonomía corporal, integridad y libertades

Celebramos el derecho de todas las personas a elegir sus identidades, relaciones, metas, trabajos, sueños y placeres, y lo que hacen con su mente, cuerpo y espíritu. Trabajamos por el acceso a los recursos, a la información, y a ambientes seguros y habilitantes que permitan que esto suceda.

Bessy Ferrera

Bessy Ferrera was a lifelong defender of the human rights of trans people, sex workers and HIV positive people in Honduras.

Bessy was also a member of Arcoíris, an organisation which supports the LGBTI+ community. She was also a focal point person for the Right Here, Right Now (Derechos aquí y Ahora) Platform of Honduras, and advocated strongly for full citizenship of trans people, and the passing of a gender identity law that would allow trans people to change their gender identity legally.

"Since the beginning of the year [2019] the trans community has been suffering a series of attacks, for defending, for demanding rights." - Rihanna Ferrera (Bessy’s sister)

Bessy was a sex worker, and in early July 2019, was shot to death by two men while working in the streets of Comayagüela. Her assailants were subsequently arrested. 

Bessy is one of many LGBTI+ rights defenders in Honduras, who were murdered because of their identities and work. Other companeras include: Cynthia Nicole, Angy Ferreira, Estefania "Nia" Zuniga, Gloria Carolina Hernandez Vasquez, Paola Barraza, Violeta Rivas, and Sherly Montoya.

Bessy’s case is emblematic of injustice and a much larger problem of the systematic violence the LGBTI+ community faces in Honduras as the state fails to guarantee rights offer and fails to offer protection. This has created a culture of impunity.

Despite the risks LGBTI+ defenders in Honduras face, they continue their work to challenge and resist violence, and fight stigma and discrimination on a daily basis. 

“If I die, let it be for something good not for something futile. I don’t want to die running away, being a coward. If I die, I want people to say that I died fighting for what is mine.” - member of Arcoíris 

El Fondo Acceso para el Foro de AWID

Nos esforzamos para hacer que el Foro de AWID sea un encuentro verdaderamente global, con participación de un conjunto diverso de movimientos, regiones y generaciones. Con este fin, AWID moviliza recursos para un Fondo Acceso (FA) limitado para ayudar a algunxs participantes con los costos de asistir al Foro. 

El 14° Foro Internacional de AWID tendrá lugar entre el 11 y el 14 de enero de 2021 en Taipei, Taiwán. 

¿Cómo será asignado el Fondo Acceso?

Para este Foro de AWID no habrá proceso de postulación​. 

Las becas del Fondo Acceso serán asignadas sólo por invitación para:

  • Dos personas por actividad seleccionada para el programa del Foro (decididas por aquellas organizaciones, grupos o individuos que organizan la actividad)
  • Participantes que se identifiquen como parte de Colectivos Prioritarios del Foro (CPF) recomendadxs por las organizaciones, redes y grupos que están creando el Foro junto con AWID. Los CPF son aquellos que consideramos que fortalecerían nuestro poder colectivo como movimientos, que no estén centrados en los movimientos feministas dominantes, y cuyas realidades feministas nos gustaría honrar, celebrar y visibilizar:
    - Feministas negrxs 
    - Feministas indígenas 
    - Feministas trans, de género no convencional e intersex 
    - Feministas con discapacidades  
    - Feministas trabajadorxs sexuales y trabajadorxs informales, incluyendo trabajadorxs migrantes 
    - Feministas afectadxs por la migración  
    - Mujeres afectadas por la política de drogas 
    - Feministas de las regiones del Foro (con el foco en el Pacífico y en China continental) 

Además, AWID va a financiar a aproximadamente 100 participantes del país anfitrión del Foro. Lxs integrantes de los Comités del Foro (Contenidos y Metodología, Acceso y Anfitrionxs así como el Grupo de Trabajo de Artistas también tendrán apoyo del Fondo Acceso.

¿Qué cubre el Fondo Acceso?

Para lxs participantes seleccionadxs, el Fondo Acceso cubrirá el costo de su:

  • Vuelo 
  • Alojamiento 
  • Visa
  • Transporte local en Taipei
  • Seguro médico de viaje 

El Fondo Acceso no cubrirá su: 

  • Inscripción al Foro, una pequeña suma de $100 dólares
  • Transporte hacia y desde el aeropuerto en su ciudad de partida 
  • Otros costos eventuales

Aparte del Fondo Acceso, ¿cómo puedo financiar mi participación en el Foro?

Hemos preparado una lista con otras ideas sobre cómo puedes financiar tu participación en el Foro de AWID en la página de Ideas sobre financiamiento. 

Más Ideas sobre financiamiento

Snippet FEA Union Otras Photo 4 (FR)

Photo d'un groupe de personnes manifestant la nuit

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