Special Focus

AWID is an international, feminist, membership organisation committed to achieving gender equality, sustainable development and women’s human rights

AWID Forum: Co-creating Feminist Futures

In September 2016, the 13th AWID international Forum brought together in Brazil over 1800 feminists and women’s rights advocates in a spirit of resistance and resilience.

This section highlights the gains, learnings and resources that came out of our rich conversations. We invite you to explore, share and comment!

What has happened since 2016?

One of the key takeaways from the 2016 Forum was the need to broaden and deepen our cross-movement work to address rising fascisms, fundamentalisms, corporate greed and climate change.

With this in mind, we have been working with multiple allies to grow these seeds of resistance:

And through our next strategic plan and Forum process, we are committed to keep developing ideas and deepen the learnings ignited at the 2016 Forum.

What happens now?

The world is a much different place than it was a year ago, and it will continue to change.

The next AWID Forum will take place in the Asia Pacific region (exact location and dates to be announced in 2018).

We look forward to you joining us!

About the AWID Forum

AWID Forums started in 1983, in Washington DC. Since then, the event has grown to become many things to many peoples: an iterative process of sharpening our analyses, vision and actions; a watershed moment that reinvigorates participants’ feminisms and energizes their organizing; and a political home for women human rights defenders to find sanctuary and solidarity.

Learn more about previous Forums

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Snippet FEA Title Menu (ES)

Las Economías Feministas



2005: Second High-level Dialogue takes place

Second High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development

  • The overall theme of the Second High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development, from 27-28 June 2005 was The Monterrey Consensus: status of implementation and tasks ahead. 
  • Apart from the traditional six roundtables on each of the individual chapters of the Monterrey Consensus, there was an informal interactive dialogue with the participation of a range of stakeholders including women’s rights groups.  
  • There was a call from ‘developing’ nations that global challenges and local needs and possibilities be taken into account when interacting with different groups including women, youth, people with disabilities etc. on the themes identified in the Monterrey consensus.  

Snippet FEA Occupation’s kitchen (FR)

Photo of a wall with a graffiti which says “Luta’
Photo of people in facemasks and aprons cooking together
Photo of a black woman in a red apron and black facemask, holding a book
Photo of a group of 4 of people wearing facemasks, demonstrating food and books

Femmes et collaborateurs à la cuisine de l'Ocupação 9 de Julho

Photo of two black women cooking

2011: el quinto Diálogo de Alto Nivel inicia las conversaciones sobre la Agenda de Desarrollo Post-2015

El Quinto Diálogo de Alto Nivel sobre la Financiación para el Desarrollo, realizado el 7 y 8 de diciembre de 2011, marcó el comienzo de las conversaciones en torno a la Agenda de Desarrollo Post-2015 y sus relaciones con la financiación para el desarrollo. Esta conferencia puso especial énfasis en incrementar la ayuda para financiar los ODM. En sus observaciones finales, el Presidente en Funciones de la Asamblea General pidió a los Estados Miembros que comenzaran a pensar en el marco para el desarrollo post-2015.



Asociación de Mujeres Afrodescendientes del Norte del Cauca




ماذا عن العدالة المناخية، هل هذا حقًا هو الوقت المناسب للعديد من الرحلات الجوية الدولية؟

ونحن نسأل أنفسنا نفس السؤال، ونعتقد أنه لا توجد إجابات بسيطة. بالنسبة للعديد من المشاركين/ات، قد يكون منتدى جمعية حقوق المرأة في التنمية (AWID) أحد الرحلات الدولية القليلة التي يقومون بها في حياتهم/ن. علمتنا الجائحة الإمكانيات والقيود التي تفرضها المساحات الافتراضية لبناء الحركة: لا يوجد شيء أفضل من الاتصال الشخصي. تحتاج الحركات إلى التواصل عبر الحدود لبناء قوتنا الجماعية في مواجهة التهديدات التي نواجهها، ولا سيما أزمة المناخ. نعتقد أن منتدى حقوق المرأة في التنمية القادم يمكن أن يكون مساحة استراتيجية لعقد هذه المحادثات واستكشاف بدائل للسفر الدولي. ويشكل العنصر المختلط للمنتدى جزءًا مهمًا من هذا الاستكشاف.

Avril 2015: des audiences interactives avec le secteur privé et la société civile ont lieu

  • Des audiences interactives informelles avec le secteur privé et avec la société civile se sont respectivement tenues les 8 et 9 avril 2015, au siège  de l’ONU à New York.
  • Les organisations de défense des droits des femmes et d’autres OSC ont souligné la faiblesse de la participation des États membres aux audiences des OSC. Le Groupe de coordination des OSC d’Addis Abeba a donc adressé à ce sujet une lettre aux co-facilitateurs (en anglais).
  • La seconde session de rédaction du document final d’Addis Abeba s’est tenue du 13 au 17 avril 2015, au siège de l’ONU. Les discussions se sont appuyées sur la version zéro (en anglais).
  • Le WWG sur le FdD a présenté aux États membres ses recommandations sur les différents thèmes du FdD (document en anglais) lors de différentes sessions officielles et manifestations parallèles. Les femmes ont exprimé leurs inquiétudes dans différents domaines clés. Elles ont notamment déploré le fait que la version zéro ne souligne qu’insuffisamment les conséquences négatives graves des crises financières, provoquées par l’instabilité des systèmes financiers internationaux, sur le développement, l’égalité et les droits humains, et en particulier sur les droits humains des femmes.

Snippet FEA ASOM’s activists in encounters (ES)

Black woman in a white headscarf and gray t-shirt, she is smiling and is holding a vessel above her head
People demonstrating and holding a long blue poster
Black woman speaking in a mic, there is a black girl standing next to her and a man sitting at the table
Photo of five black women in the front on a demonstration, wearing facemasks and holding posters
Photo of three women sitting around the table and talking in mics.

Activistas de ASOM en encuentros, desfiles y eventos

Snippet - CSW68 - March 11 - EN

Day 1

11th March

Snippet FEA Aura Roig (FR)

Venez rencontrer Aura Roig, militante féministe visionaire, anthropologue, directrice et fondatrice de la coopérative Metzineres.

Elle a consacré les deux dernières décennies à la recherche, à la conception et à la mise en place de politiques de soutien aux personnes qui se droguent, basées sur la réduction des méfaits, les droits humains et le féminisme intersectionnel.

Après avoir expérimenté et appris des communautés qui consomment des drogues dans le monde entier, elle est retournée à Barcelone pour créer la Xarxa de Dones que Usen Drogues (le Réseau des Femmes qui Consomment des Drogues, XADUD). XADUD était un espace d'entraide et de solidarité avec la lutte pour les droits des groupes marginalisés, qui plus tard deviendra la coopérative Metzineres.

Aujourd'hui, Aura travaille à étendre le modèle Metzineres pour prendre en charge des groupes plus grands, tout en documentant de manière approfondie son parcours et son apprentissage prolifiques.

Snippet - CSW68 - Feminist Community Evening - EN

🎤AWID's Feminist Community Evening

a gathering for feminist activists attending CSW68

(with special guests!)

📅Tuesday, March 12
🕒6-9.30pm EST

🏢 Blue Gallery, 222 E 46th St, New York

RSVP required

Peni Moore

Peni was a radical feminist philosopher, poet, writer, playwright and songwriter.

As the first coordinator for the Fiji Women’s Rights Movement, she left a legacy that was infused with her deep concern for women’s human rights, justice and peace. Peni’s commitment to social, economic and ecological justice and her outstanding work gained local and international respect. She was one of the first in mainstream feminist movements in Fiji to work with, and beside LGBTQI people as a real accomplice, and provided practical assistance to the early Fiji sex worker movement.

Her colleagues described her as a formidable individual and visionary leader for change. She inspired many by her creativity and courage. Her work provided platforms for people to be heard, attain new skills and forge new pathways both at the personal and community level.


Peni Moore, Fiji