Anit-Racism Movement (ARM) / Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Priority Areas

Supporting feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements to thrive, to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression, and to co-create feminist realities.

Resourcing Feminist Movements

Banner image announcing that WITM Survey is live.

The “Where is the Money?” #WITM survey is now live! Dive in and share your experience with funding your organizing with feminists around the world.

Learn more and take the survey

Around the world, feminist, women’s rights, and allied movements are confronting power and reimagining a politics of liberation. The contributions that fuel this work come in many forms, from financial and political resources to daily acts of resistance and survival.

AWID’s Resourcing Feminist Movements (RFM) Initiative shines a light on the current funding ecosystem, which range from self-generated models of resourcing to more formal funding streams.

Through our research and analysis, we examine how funding practices can better serve our movements. We critically explore the contradictions in “funding” social transformation, especially in the face of increasing political repression, anti-rights agendas, and rising corporate power. Above all, we build collective strategies that support thriving, robust, and resilient movements.

Our Actions

Recognizing the richness of our movements and responding to the current moment, we:

  • Create and amplify alternatives: We amplify funding practices that center activists’ own priorities and engage a diverse range of funders and activists in crafting new, dynamic models  for resourcing feminist movements, particularly in the context of closing civil society space.

  • Build knowledge: We explore, exchange, and strengthen knowledge about how movements are attracting, organizing, and using the resources they need to accomplish meaningful change.

  • Advocate: We work in partnerships, such as the Count Me In! Consortium, to influence funding agendas and open space for feminist movements to be in direct dialogue to shift power and money.

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إيستر لوبيز  راقصة وكاتبة تركز أبحاثها على الجسد والنوع والعرق والعلاقات الطبقية. هي مدرّبة بيلاتيس ومعلمة فنون. تخرجت إستر في دراسة المسرح المعاصر – العمليات الإبداعية (في FAINC) وفي الرقص والوعي بالجسم (في USCS). يشمل تخصصها الموسيقي الغناء الشعبي والإيقاع. تلقت تدريبًا في “نوفوس برينكانتس” مع فليرا فيرو وماتيوس برادو وأنطونيو مييرا في معهد Brincante في عامي 2015 و 2016.

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الفرح للعالم: ستّة أسئلة مع نايكي ليدان

ما ساعدني في ذلك هو حبّي للعمل في كافة أنحاء البلاد، وتوثيق معارف الناس. لذلك تركت مساحتى المريحة، وأصبحت مديرة قطرية لمنظّمة إقليمية كويرية. تركَّز معظم عملي على إيجاد الموارد وبناء قدرات المجتمع المدني.

اقرأ هذه المقابلة





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مع استمرار الرأسمالية الأبوية الغيريّة في دَفعِنا نحو الاستهلاكية والرضوخ، نجد نضالاتنا تُعزَل وتُفصَل عن بعضها الآخر من خلال الحدود المادّية والحدود الافتراضية على حدٍّ سواء. ومع تحدّياتٍ إضافية يفرضها علينا وباءٌ عالميٌّ علينا تجاوزه، أصبحت سياسة فرِّق تَسُد مواتية للاستغلال المتزايد في مجالات عدّة. 

ومع ذلك، أخذَنا «ابدعي، قاومي، غيٍّري: مهرجان للحراكات النسوية»، الذي نظّمته جمعية «حقوق المرأة في التنمية» AWID في الفترة ما بين 1 أيلول/ سبتمبر وحتى 30 أيلول/ سبتمبر 2021، في رحلةٍ حول ما يعنيه تجسّد حيواتنا في المساحات الافتراضية. اجتمعَت معنا في المهرجان ناشطات نسويات من حول العالم، لأجل مشاركة خبراتهن حول المقاومة والحرّيات المُنتَزَعة بصعوبة، والتضامن العابر للحدود، وكذلك لتوضيح الشكل الذي يمكن أن يبدو عليه التكاتف العابر للحدود القومية. 

يحمل هذا التكاتف إمكانية مقاومة الحدود، ناسجاً رؤية لمستقبل تحويلي، لأنه سيكون إلغائيًا ومناهضًا للرأسمالية. على مدار شهر، وعبر البُنى التحتية الرقمية التي احتللناها بكويريّتنا ومقاومتنا وخيالاتنا، بيّن لنا المهرجان طريقةً للانحراف عن الأنظمة التي تجعلنا متواطئات في قهر أنفسنا وأخريات/ آخرين. 

بالرغم من أن أودري لورد علّمتنا أنّ أدوات السيّد لن تهدم أبدًا منزله، بيّنت لنا سارة أحمد أنه بإمكاننا إساءة استخدام تلك الأدوات عن سبق إصرار. أصبح من الممكن تخيّل خلخلة في واقع الرأسمالية الأبوية الغيريّة، لأننا خلقنا مساحة للاحتشاد، بالرغم من كلّ الأشياء الأُخرى التي تتطلّب وقتنا. 
إذا أدركنا الاحتشاد باعتباره أحد أشكال التمتّع، عندها سيصبح من الممكن خلق الرابط بين المتعة المتجاوزة والمقاوَمة العابرة للحدود القومية/ الرقمية. بين أنواع التمتّع التي تتحدّى الحدود من ناحية، والكويرية والبهرجة والأرض ونضالات السكّان الأصليين ومناهضة الرأسمالية والتنظيم المناهض للاستعمار من ناحية أخرى. 

حاول هذا العدد التقاط كيفية اتخاذ ممارسة الاحتشاد في المهرجان لأشكالٍ وتخيّلات متعدّدة. إلى جانب التعاون المباشر مع بعض الحالمات/ين والمتحدّثات/ين في المهرجان، دعَونا عدداً كبيراً من أصوات أخرى من الجنوب العالمي لنكون في نقاش جماعي حول الكثير من الثيمات والموضوعات المرتبطة بالجنوب. فيما يلي خريطة لبعض جلسات المهرجان التي كانت أكثر إلهامًا لنا. 

Razan Al-Najjar

Razan was a 21-year-old volunteer medic in Palestine.

She was shot as she ran toward a fortified border fence, in an effort to reach a casualty in the east of the south Gaza city of Khan Younis.

In her very last Facebook post, Razan said: “I am returning and not retreating,” adding: “Hit me with your bullets. I am not afraid.”



Razan Al-Najjar, Palestine

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Linda Porn is yet another heroine of feminist union organizing and sex worker activism nationally (in Spain) and transnationally.

Originally from Mexico, she has been living in Spain since the 2000s. She is a sex worker, an activist, a single mother and a multidisciplinary artist. Drawing from these different identities, she uses performance, video art and theater to vizibilize struggles at the intersections of transfeminism, sex work, migration, colonialism and motherhood.

She combines art and sex work while caring for her daughter as a single mother.

Linda also belongs to sex workers collectives that fight for their rights, such as the OTRAS union and CATS Murcia. She also co-founded the group 'Madrecitas' - that visibilises and denounces racist institutional violence against migrant families. Violence to which she and her daughter were subjected as a sex worker and migrant single mother.

You can follow her art work here.

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الغزل عند اللقاء الأول

Let's take it nice and slow. Orgasms, much like feminists movement building, take time, energy and a little creativity.

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María Cecilia Alfaro Quesada

Most of María’s life was devoted to incorporating a feminist and gender perspective in institutional and organizational work, and capacity building in Latin America. 

As a child, María had a strong interest in art, communication, nature, literature, and the achievement of justice, especially for women and marginalized groups.

María was committed to sexual and reproductive rights and was a member of the National Board for Integral Education in Sexuality. She is remembered by those who loved her as a “passionate and restless fighter” with a strong commitment to women’s and children’s rights.


María Cecilia Alfaro Quesada, Guatemala

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Explore Transnational Embodiments

This journal edition in partnership with Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research, will explore feminist solutions, proposals and realities for transforming our current world, our bodies and our sexualities.

Explore the journal

Dora Nkem Akunyili

Dora was born in Benue State, Nigeria. She was a globally acclaimed pharmacist, technocrat, erudite scholar and community leader.

Dora’s revolutionary work created a paradigm shift in the Nigerian public service when she served as Director General of National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) from 2001-2008. She spearheaded reforms in policy and regulatory enforcement that radically reduced the measure of fake drugs that plagued the Nigerian pharmaceutical sector during her tenure.

Having exemplified the reality of a courageous, competent woman who challenged the ills of a dominantly patriarchal society and drove change, she became an icon for women’s empowerment. She was appointed the Minister of Information and Communication between 2008 and 2010.

She died after a battle with cancer and is survived by her husband, six children and three grandchildren.


Dora Nkem Akunyili, Nigeria

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All our change processes rely on the relationships we build at spaces like the AWID Forums where you dance together, your humour comes through, your real self, you tell stories. That is what makes the difference.
- Nicky Mcintyre, USA

Snippet Organising to Win_Fest (EN)

Plenary session:

Organising to Win

Margarita Salas, AWID
Nazik Abylgaziva, Labrys
Amaranta Gómez Regalado, Secretariado Internacional de Pueblos Indígenas frente al VIH/sida, la Sexualidad y los Derechos Humanos
Cindy Weisner, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Lucineia Freitas, Movimento Sem Terra

watch plenary


Navleen Kumar

"She was not a person. She was a power."
- a fellow activist remembering Navleen Kumar

Navleen Kumar was a fervent land rights and social justice activist in India.

With commitment and integrity, she worked for more than a decade to protect and restore the lands of Indigenous people (adivasi) in Thane district, an area taken away by property and land developers using such means as coercion and intimidation. She fought this injustice and crime through legal interventions at different courts, realizing that manipulation of land records was a recurrent feature in most cases of land acquisition. In one of the cases, that of the Wartha (a tribal family), Navleen found out that the family had been cheated with the complicity of government officials.

Through her work, she helped restore the land back to the Wartha family and continued to pursue other cases of adivasi land transfers.

“Her paper on the impact of land alienation on adivasi women and children traces the history and complexities of tribal alienation from the 1970s, when middle class families began to move to the extended suburbs of Mumbai as the real estate value in the city spiralled.

Housing complexes mushroomed in these suburbs, and the illiterate tribals paid the price for this. Prime land near the railway lines fetched a high price and builders swooped down on this belt like vultures, to grab land from tribals and other local residents by illegal means.”
-Jaya Menon, Justice and Peace Commission 

During the course of her activism, Navleen received numerous threats and survived several attempts on her life. Despite these, she continued working on what was not only important to her but contributed to changing the lives and realities of many she supported in the struggle for social justice. 

Navleen was stabbed to death on 19 June 2002 in her apartment building. Two local gangsters were arrested for her murder.