Priority Areas

Supporting feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements to thrive, to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression, and to co-create feminist realities.

Resourcing Feminist Movements

Banner image announcing that WITM Survey is live.

The “Where is the Money?” #WITM survey is now live! Dive in and share your experience with funding your organizing with feminists around the world.

Learn more and take the survey

Around the world, feminist, women’s rights, and allied movements are confronting power and reimagining a politics of liberation. The contributions that fuel this work come in many forms, from financial and political resources to daily acts of resistance and survival.

AWID’s Resourcing Feminist Movements (RFM) Initiative shines a light on the current funding ecosystem, which range from self-generated models of resourcing to more formal funding streams.

Through our research and analysis, we examine how funding practices can better serve our movements. We critically explore the contradictions in “funding” social transformation, especially in the face of increasing political repression, anti-rights agendas, and rising corporate power. Above all, we build collective strategies that support thriving, robust, and resilient movements.

Our Actions

Recognizing the richness of our movements and responding to the current moment, we:

  • Create and amplify alternatives: We amplify funding practices that center activists’ own priorities and engage a diverse range of funders and activists in crafting new, dynamic models  for resourcing feminist movements, particularly in the context of closing civil society space.

  • Build knowledge: We explore, exchange, and strengthen knowledge about how movements are attracting, organizing, and using the resources they need to accomplish meaningful change.

  • Advocate: We work in partnerships, such as the Count Me In! Consortium, to influence funding agendas and open space for feminist movements to be in direct dialogue to shift power and money.

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Juana Ramírez Santiago

Juana was one of the founders and current Board Member of Red de Mujeres Ixiles de Nebaj, an Indigenous women’s rights organization that is a member of the Mesoamerican Initiative of WHRDs (IM-Defensoras).

She was also a midwife and a mother of 7 children. Juana had received death threats that were reported to the Prosecutor’s office. Juana is the third Indigenous WHRD murdered in the area during 2018. The Guatemala Ombudsman reports that a total of 20 HRDs were killed in the country this year. 

Juana Ramírez Santiago was shot dead by unidentified attackers while crossing a bridge in Nebak, Quiché, Guatemala. Investigations to identify the perpetrators are ongoing.


Juana Ramírez Santiago, Guatemala

Snippet Forum Stories Story 1 (EN)

Case study 1 - Three Boats, a Horse and a Taxi: Pacific Feminists at the AWID Forums

This story is about how an increasingly diverse group of feminists from the Pacific organized through the years to attend the AWID Forums and how that process changed them personally, as organizations, and as a movement through what they learned, discovered and experienced. It illustrates the importance of the Forums as a space through which a region that tends to be marginalized or ignored at the global level can build a strong presence in the feminist movement that is then replicated at other international women’s rights spaces.

Dilma Ferreira Silva

Dilma Ferreira Silva was a leading Amazonian rights activist who fought for decades for the rights of people affected by dams.

She herself was among the 32,000 people displaced by the Tucuruí, a mega-hydroelectric power plant, built in Brazil during the 1964-1985 military dictatorship.

In 2005 Dilma was invited to join the Movement of Dam-Affected Peoples in Brazil (MAB), and in 2006 she formed the women’s collective, eventually becoming regional coordinator of the movement.

In speaking about her activism, her colleagues commented:

“She stood out very fast because she was always very fearless in the struggle.” 

Dilma lived in the rural settlement of Salvador Allende,50 kilometers from Tucuruí, and dedicated her life to better protect communities and the land affected by the construction of mega projects. She was especially concerned with the gendered impacts of such projects and advocated for women’s rights.

At a national MAB meeting in 2011, Dilma spoke to women affected by the dams, saying:

“We are the real Marias, warriors, fighters who are there, facing the challenge of daily struggle”.

In the following years, Dilma organized grassroots MAD groups and worked with the community to form farming cooperatives that created a better distribution of food for the community. They improved the commercialization of fishing, and developed a cistern project for safe drinking water. She was also an advocate for farmers whose lands were being coveted by ‘grileiros’ (land grabbers). 

On 22nd March 2019, at the age of 48, Dilma, her husband and their friend were all brutally murdered. The three killings came as part of a wave of violence in the Amazon against the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra (translates as ‘landless workers’ movement’), environmental and indigenous activists. 

Will you be opening a call for proposals?

Yes! Please read the Call for Activities and apply here. Deadline is February 1st, 2024.

Sylvia Robinson

"Life is...about living in joy - waking up with purpose, feeling our creative energy, answering your calling." - Sylvia Robinson

Sylvia Robinson, a tireless community organizer and leader, was the founder and Executive Director of The Emergence Community Arts Collective (ECAC) in Washington DC.

This hub and performance space combine education, civic engagement, arts, social and spiritual services, and sustainable environmental practices. Sylvia envisioned it as a home where “there was a balance and synergy with the activities that people needed in order to sustain life.” 

She was also one of the founding members of the Georgia Avenue Community Development Taskforce, a neighborhood group that works on social justice and organizing in Northwest DC  to make sure the community has a voice in redevelopment and gentrification in the area. 

“We're asking for affordable housing. We're asking that the small businesses that have been here for a long time don't get wiped out by new retail. We're asking for green space and space for people to get together to socialize. We're asking for streetscape improvements—better roads and lighting in the corridor.” - Sylvia Robinson about the Taskforce

Prior to becoming an organizer and after receiving a degree in computer science, Sylvia worked in air traffic control systems for over a decade. She then moved into drug and alcohol counselling, becoming increasingly engaged in community work.

“It was my call to be involved in community.”  - Sylvia Robinson

Born in Washington D.C. on 14 August 1961, Sylvia passed away on 18 September 2017 after a battle with cancer.

“Sylvia's spirit and legacy will continue to inspire this community for many years to come.” - ECAC

Will there be a young feminist space? A disability justice space? A digital/tech hub? Funder coffee hours? Wellbeing and healing spaces?

We will share information about the program, the spaces, and the way for everyone to participate in shaping them, as soon as we can, and ways for you to participate in shaping them - on the road to the Forum, and during the Forum. Please stay tuned!

Reason to join 1

Be part of an international feminist membership organization and community. Our members are based in all regions of the world, learning and supporting each other in a global network based on solidarity.

Nilcéa Freire

Nilcéa Freire was a Brazilian feminist activist, politician and academic. A persevering advocate for women’s rights and those of underrepresented minorities in the country, her life and work carried a long history of struggles and victories.

"While resisting we have to keep pushing for progress, and what we can achieve at this time, in my view, will be through the stupendous organization of young white women, and especially black women, in all of the state capitals and large cities of Brazil." - Nilcéa Freire

In 1999 she became the first woman to occupy the position of Dean at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Here, she spearheaded the implementation of the first affirmative action policy for students graduating from public schools, requiring reserved places specifically for low-income black students in a public university. This system was adopted in dozens of other public universities. 

Some years later, Nilcéa headed the Special Secretariat of Policies for Women in the government of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. In this capacity, she led the first National Women’s Conference. Over 12,000 women from across the country participated and the result of this collective work was embodied in the National Plan for Policies for Women. 

Her commitment to women, Afro-Brazilians and indigenous peoples was also strongly reflected in her work to promote their rights through initiatives of the Brazil Ford Foundation office where she was a regional director. 

The feminist activist Manoela Miklos recounted Nilcéa to be "a woman without equal"

At the age of 66, Nilcéa passed away in Rio de Janeiro on 29 December 2019 of cancer.

"Without words for the news of the death of dear Nilcea Freire. It is too sad to know that she left so early. She was always part of the ranks of those who do not settle for the injustices of the world. She was the Minister of Women, an activist, always active in the feminist cause. Much missed!” - Jandira Feghali, Federal Deputy

Watch Brazilian feminist Nilcea Freire on why we need to show solidarity with Brazil

CFA 2023 - Suggested Activities Format - EN

Suggested Activity Formats


Panel: In Panel discussions, explore an issue or challenge from different perspectives, or share a learning or experience, followed by audience questions if time allows.

Talk Show: Have a more spontaneous conversation in Talk-Show style. Talk Shows can be a conversation among several people, facilitated by a talk-show host. Audience questions can determine the conversation’s direction.

Discussion: These can take the form of world cafes, fishbowls, and other methodologies that facilitate participants’ active involvement in conversations. Highly participatory.

Workshop: Interactive sessions that invite participants to build new skills in any and all areas of life and activism.

Strategy Session: This is an invitation to think through an issue or strategy, in depth, with others. A space to learn from each other: what works, what doesn’t, and how do we develop new and collective strategies to create the worlds we dream of.

Sharing Circle (also known as “Birds of a Feather”): Ideal for small groups, in a more intimate setting, to hear from each other, spark discussion and carefully address topics that may be specific, sensitive and complex.

Arts – Participatory Workshop: Participatory activities involving arts and creative expression. Whether through visual art, theater, film, mural, dance, music, collective craft or artmaking, etc., we welcome all ideas celebrating feminist art and creativity as forms of social change, healing, expression and transformation.

Arts – Performances, Installations and Exhibitions: We welcome submissions that offer Forum participants new experiences and perspectives, expand our horizons, and challenge and inspire us to think, feel and organize in new ways.

Healing: Diverse activities tailored both for groups and individuals, from learning relaxation techniques to discussing burnout prevention, from trauma-informed practices of care for our body, mind and soul to healing rifts within our movements.

Join the Feminist Realities journey (Forum page)

Join the Feminist Realities journey

The AWID Forum is just one stop in the Feminist Realities journey. Let’s travel this path together and explore our power in action!

Join us now

CFA 2023 - Hubs - ar


محاور جديدة: السفر إلى الفضاء عبر الحدود

سيجتمع المشاركات/ون فعليًا في عدد من المواقع خارج مكان انعقاد المنتدى في بانكوك، في أجزاء مختلفة من العالم، في كل يوم من أيام المنتدى. وستكون جميع هذه المواقع ذاتية التنظيم مرتبطة افتراضيًا لموقع انعقاد المنتدى في بانكوك. كما هو الحال مع الأفراد المتواصلون عبر الإنترنت، سيتمكن المشاركون/ات من تسيير النشاطات والمشاركة في المحادثات والاستمتاع ببرنامج غني ومتنوع.

سيتم الإعلان عن مواقع التجمعات في عام 2024.

FRMag - Esmeralda takes over the Internet

Esmeralda takes over the Internet : How social media has helped Romani women to reclaim visibility

by Émilie Herbert-Pontonnier

Remember Esmeralda? The exotic "Gypsy" heroine born under the pen of the French literary giant Victor Hugo and popularized by Disney studios with their Hunchback of Notre Dame. (...)


< artwork: “Si las marronas lo permiten” by Nayare Soledad Otorongx Montes Gavilan

CFA 2023 - breadcrumbs Menu _ cfa-forum-ar

Film club - Finding Sally

Finding Sally (2020) Amharic | English with English subtitles

A personal investigation into the mysterious life of the director's Aunt Sally, an Ethiopian aristocrat-turned-communist-rebel who disappeared after the revolution that lead to the overthrow of Emperor Haile Selassie.

Live Conversation with Tamara Dawit, the filmmaker of “Finding Sally

June 23 at 12:30pm EST on IG Live

Will there be any support for materials or other preparatory costs for workshops?

You can expect all the standard materials for workshops and presentations: flip charts, markers, sticky notes, in addition to projectors and audio-visual equipment. Any additional materials are the responsibility of the activity organizers. AWID’s logistics team will be available to answer questions and advise.

Comic: Feminist Superhero Busts Anti-Rights Myths


Feminist Superhero Busts Anti-Rights Myths

Follow our feminist superhero as she reclaims the narrative from anti-rights actors across the globe and saves the day, in this comic by illustrator Sophia Andreazza.

Get the comic!

กลุ่มของฉันหรือฉันควรจะเข้าร่วมในฟอรั่มที่ถูกยกเลิก ฉันจะเข้าร่วมในฟอรั่มนี้ได้อย่างไร?

เราจะติดต่อกับองค์กรพาร์เนอร์ในอดีตเพื่อให้มั่นใจว่าความพยายามที่เคยเตรียมไว้ในอดีตมีความหมาย หากองค์กรของคุณมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงข้อมูลติดต่อจากฟอรัมครั้งก่อนหน้ากรุณาแจ้งให้พวกเราทราบเพื่อให้เราสามารถติดต่อถึงคุณได้

Snippet Kohl - Intro EN


Feminists have long asserted that the personal is political. Crear, Resister, Transform Festival created spaces for feminists to discuss issues around body, gender and sexualities, and explored the interconnections of how these issues are both deeply embodied experiences, and simultaneously a terrain where rights are constantly disputed and at risk in society.

The power of feminist movements lie in how we organise and take coordinated action, not only amongst our own communities and movements, but with allied social justice causes and groups. This space provided opportunities for movements to share and strengthen organizing and tactical strategies with each other.

The COVID-19 global health pandemic has made the failures of neo-liberal capitalism even more apparent than ever before, exposed the cracks in our systems, and highlighted the need and opportunities to build new realities. A feminist economic and social recovery requires all of us to make it together. This journal edition in partnership with Kohl: a Journal for Body and Gender Research, will explore feminist solutions, proposals and realities for transforming our current world, our bodies and our sexualities.

Explore the articles online or
Download PDF

ฉันจะสามรถหาทุนสนับสนุนการเข้าร่วม AWID ฟอรัมได้อย่างไร

ถ้ากลุ่มหรือองค์กรของคุณได้รับการสนับสนุนเงินทุน คุณสามารถพูดคุยกับแหล่งทุนของคุณได้ตั้งแต่ตอนนี้หากพวกเค้าสามารถสนับสนุนการเดินทางและการเข้าร่วมของคุณได้ หลายองค์กรวางแผนงบประมาณปีหน้าในปี 2566 จึงเป็นการดีกว่าหากสามารถพูดคุยกับพวกเค้าก่อนภายในปีนี้

#2 - Sexting like a feminist Tweets Snippet EN

Who doesn’t like a visual cue?