Sabriya Simon
Marcha da Mulheres Negras 2016
Marcha da Mulheres Negras 2016
Marcha da Mulheres Negras 2016

Priority Areas

Supporting feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements to thrive, to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression, and to co-create feminist realities.

Co-Creating Feminist Realities

While we dream of a feminist world, there are those who are already building and living it. These are our Feminist Realities!

What are Feminist Realities?

Feminist Realities are the living, breathing examples of the just world we are co-creating. They exist now, in the many ways we live, struggle and build our lives.

Feminist Realities go beyond resisting oppressive systems to show us what a world without domination, exploitation and supremacy look like.

These are the narratives we want to unearth, share and amplify throughout this Feminist Realities journey.

Transforming Visions into Lived Experiences

Through this initiative, we:

  • Create and amplify alternatives: We co-create art and creative expressions that center and celebrate the hope, optimism, healing and radical imagination that feminist realities inspire.

  • Build knowledge: We document, demonstrate & disseminate methodologies that will help identify the feminist realities in our diverse communities.

  • Advance feminist agendas: We expand and deepen our collective thinking and organizing to advance just solutions and systems that embody feminist values and visions.

  • Mobilize solidarity actions: We engage feminist, women’s rights and gender justice movements and allies in sharing, exchanging and jointly creating feminist realities, narratives and proposals at the 14th AWID International Forum.

The AWID International Forum

As much as we emphasize the process leading up to, and beyond, the four-day Forum, the event itself is an important part of where the magic happens, thanks to the unique energy and opportunity that comes with bringing people together.

We expect the next Forum to:

  • Build the power of Feminist Realities, by naming, celebrating, amplifying and contributing to build momentum around experiences and propositions that shine light on what is possible and feed our collective imaginations

  • Replenish wells of hope and energy as much needed fuel for rights and justice activism and resilience

  • Strengthen connectivity, reciprocity and solidarity across the diversity of feminist movements and with other rights and justice-oriented movements

Learn more about the Forum process

We are sorry to announce that the 14th AWID International Forum is cancelled

Given the current world situation, our Board of Directors has taken the difficult decision to cancel Forum scheduled in 2021 in Taipei. 

Read the full announcement

Find out more!

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to Reduce Poverty & Strengthen Human Rights

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🏢 Church Center of the United Nations, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, 11th Floor

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Chapter 6
Anti-Rights Trends in Regional Human Rights Systems

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Why should I take it now?

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Feminist, women’s rights, gender justice, LBTQI+ and allied movements around the world are at a critical juncture, facing a powerful backlash on previously-won rights and freedoms. Recent years have brought the rapid rise of authoritarianism, violent repression of civil society, criminalization of women and gender-diverse human rights defenders, escalating war and conflict in many parts of our world, continued perpetuation of economic injustices, and the intersecting health, ecology and climate crises.

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Our group, organization and/or movement is not registered, should we take the survey anyway?

Absolutely, we want to hear about your experience with resourcing.

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Always be willing to explore new experiences!

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How much time does the survey take to complete?

The estimated time to complete the survey is 30 minutes.

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Portrait of Zuhour Mahmoud

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Snippet - Intro WITM - PT

Com base na nossa história de 20 anos de mobilização de mais fundos de melhor qualidade para a mudança social liderada por feministas, a AWID convida a participar da nova edição da nossa pesquisa principal:

"Onde está o dinheiro para a organização feminista?"



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لجعل الواقع المركّب لتمويل الأشكال المختلفة من التنظيم النسوي، مرئي

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Об опросе

  • Глобальный и разнообразный: Размышления о ресурсных реалиях феминистских организаций в глобальном и региональном масштабе.
  • Контекстуализированный: Объединение голосов, точек зрения и опыта феминистских движений во всем их богатстве, смелости и разнообразии.
  • Совместно созданный: Разработка и апробация опроса в тесном сотрудничестве с членами AWID и партнерками(-рами) по движению.
  • Дополняющий: С помощью активисток(-тов), феминистских грантодательниц(-телей) и союзниц(-ков), дополняет и усиливает имеющуюся информацию о состоянии ресурсов организаций, занимающихся вопросами феминизма, прав женщин и гендерной справедливости.
  • Многоязычный: Доступен на арабском, английском, французском, португальском, русском и испанском языках.
  • Конфиденциальность и безопасность прежде всего: Мы обязуемся обеспечить конфиденциальность и неприкосновенность ваших данных. Ознакомьтесь с нашей политикой конфиденциальности, чтобы понять, какие меры мы принимаем, чтобы защитить полученные от вас сведения.
  • Доступный: Доступен для людей с различными нарушениями слуха, зрения, движений и когнитивных способностей. Прохождение опроса занимает около 30 минут.
  • Воспроизводимый: Может быть воспроизведен различными организациями в специфических контекстах; инструменты для проведения опроса будут доступны для широкой аудитории для проведения дополнительных исследований и адвокации.

Chinelo Onwualu Snippet | AR

تشينيلو أونوالو، مستشارة في الشؤون التحرِيرية، مع 10 سنوات من الخبرة في صياغة الاتصالات الاستراتيجية للمنظمات غير الربحية في جميع أنحاء العالم. من بين عملائها منظمة ActionAid Nigeria و BBC World Trust و Open Society Initiative for West Africa و AWID. حائزة على درجة الماجستير في الصحافة من جامعة سيراكيوز. عملت كاتبة ومحررة وباحثة في نيجيريا وكندا والولايات المتحدة. وهي أيضًا محررة في مجلة Anathema والمؤسس المشارك في Omenana، وهي مجلة من قصص الخيال الأفريقي. ظهرت قصصها القصيرة في العديد من المختارات الحائزة على جوائز، ورُشّحت لجوائز الخيال العلمي البريطانية، وجوائز نومو للخيال الأفريقي المضارب، وجائزة يوم القصة الافريقية القصيرة. تشينيلو من نيجيريا لكنها تعيش في تورنتو مع شريكها وطفلها.

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الأسئلة الأكثر شيوعاً

Curatorial Note by Rula Khoury

Feminist Art Walk

Curatorial Note by Rula Khoury

As part of our commitment to engage more deeply with artists and the practice of co-creating Feminist Realities, AWID collaborated with an Artist Working Group to advance and strengthen feminist agendas and realities in their communities and movements through their creative expression. Our intention here is to bring feminist creatives together in a powerful and brave space where they grow and live freely, and where they shatter toxic narratives to replace them with transformative alternatives.

This exhibition gathers the work of artists and collectives from across the globe, those who are actively creating the difference that we want to see in the world. These feminist creatives include Upasana Agarwal, Nicole Barakat, Siphumeze Khundayi, Katia Herrera, Ali Chavez Leeds, Colectivo Morivivi, Ika Vantiani, and the curators behind the #MeToo in China exhibition. Their voices stand strong in their refusal to accept the limitations imposed by patriarchy, and amplify their commitments to the communities they are working in and with. In their own way, each artwork represents daily acts of resistance, untold stories and identities, connections to land and ancestry, and most importantly, the solidarity that exists within and amongst feminist movements and struggles. These artists are both inspired by and inspire creative strategies of feminist resistance and initiatives that show us how we can all live in a more just world - a world that centers care and healing.

أنا ناشط/ة فردي/ة ولا أعمل مع أي مجموعة، منظمة و\ أو حركة في الوقت الحالي. هل عليّ تعبئة الاستطلاع؟

كلا. نقدّر عملك لكننا لا نطلب من الأفراد تعبئة الاستطلاع في الوقت الحالي.

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Storytelling: From the Heart of the Commune

by María Bonita 


watch storytelling

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