Análisis Especiales

AWID es un organización feminista internacional de membresía, que brinda apoyo a los movimientos que trabajan para lograr la justicia de género y los derechos de las mujeres en todo el mundo.

Defensorxs de Derechos Humanos

Lxs defensorxs se identifican a sí mismas como mujeres y personas lesbianas, bisexuales, transgénero, queer e intersex (LBTQI) y otrxs que defienden derechos y que debido a su trabajo en derechos humanos están bajo riesgos y amenazas específicos por su género y/o como consecuencia directa de su identidad de género u orientación sexual.

Lxs defensorxs son objeto de violencia y discriminación sistemáticas debido a sus identidades y su inclaudicable lucha por derechos, igualdad y justicia.

El Programa Defensorxs colabora con contrapartes internacionales y regionales así como con lxs afiliadxs de AWID para crear conciencia acerca de estos riesgos y amenazas, abogar por medidas de protección y de seguridad que sean feministas e integrales, y promover activamente una cultura del autocuidado y el bienestar colectivo en nuestros movimientos.

Riesgos y amenazas dirigidos específicamente contra lxs defensorxs

lxs defensorxs enfrentan los mismos tipos de riesgos que todxs lxs demás defensorxs de derechos humanos, de comunidades y del medio ambiente. Sin embargo, también están expuestas a violencia y a riesgos específicos por su género porque desafían las normas de género de sus comunidades y sociedades.

Por defender derechos, lxs defensorxs están en riesgo de:

  • Ataques físicos y muerte
  • Intimidación y acoso, incluso en los espacios virtuales
  • Acoso judicial y criminalización
  • Agotamiento

Un enfoque integral y colaborativo de la seguridad

Trabajamos de manera colaborativa con redes internacionales y regionales y con nuestrxs afiliadxs

  • para crear conciencia de las violaciones de derechos humanos contra lxs defensorxs y de la violencia y discriminación sistemáticas que enfrentan
  • para fortalecer los mecanismos de protección y asegurar respuestas más oportunas y efectivas para lxs defensorxs que están en riesgo

Trabajamos para promover un enfoque integral de la protección que incluya:

  • remarcar la importancia del autocuidado y el bienestar colectivo, y reconocer que el significado de cuidado y bienestar puede variar entre las diferentes culturas;
  • documentar las violaciones dirigidas contra lxs defensorxs usando una perspectiva feminista interseccional;
  • promover el reconocimiento y celebración social del trabajo y la resiliencia de lxs defensorxs; y
  • construir espacios ciudadanos que conduzcan al desmantelamiento de las desigualdades estructurales sin restricciones ni obstáculos.

Nuestras acciones

Nos proponemos contribuir a un mundo más seguro para lxs defensorxs, sus familias y comunidades. Creemos que actuar por los derechos y la justicia no debe poner en riesgo a lxs defensorxs, sino que debe ser valorado y celebrado.

  • Promoviendo la colaboración y coordinación entre organizaciones de derechos humanos y organizaciones de derechos de las mujeres en el plano internacional para fortalecer la capacidad de respuesta en relación a la seguridad y el bienestar de lxs defensorxs.

  • Apoyando a las redes regionales de defensorxs y de sus organizaciones, tales como la Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensorxs de Derechos Humanos y la WHRD Middle East and North Africa  Coalition [Coalición de Defensorxs de Derechos Humanos de Medio Oriente y África del Norte], promoviendo y fortaleciendo la acción colectiva para la protección, poniendo el énfasis en establecer redes de solidaridad y protección, promover el autocuidado y la incidencia y movilización por la seguridad de lxs defensorxs.

  • Aumentando la visibilidad y el reconocimiento de lxs defensorxs y sus luchas, así como de los riesgos que enfrentan, a través de la documentación de los ataques que sufren, e investigando, produciendo y difundiendo información sobre sus luchas, estrategias y desafíos.

  • Movilizando respuestas urgentes de solidaridad internacional para lxs defensorxs que están en riesgo a través de nuestras redes internacionales y regionales y de nuestrxs afiliadxs activxs.

Contenido relacionado

I can’t attend the Forum in person, how else can I participate?

More than just an event, the AWID Forum is part of our Feminist Realities Journey, with many spaces to come together, online and offline, for sharing, discussing, strategizing and co-creating feminist realities.

Learn more about the Feminist Realities Journey and everything that will happen before the Forum. Join our mailing list to stay tuned for Post-Forum announcements!

We are exploring options to participate virtually at the Forum and we will share information when we know what we can offer.

Snippet - WITM to claim - RU

Чтобы заявить о себе как об эксперте по вопросам ресурсного обеспечения феминистских движений

En su lucha por los derechos humanos enfrentan la injusticia en América Latina

Este año honramos a 19 defensoras de la región de América Latina y el Caribe. De ellas, 16 fueron asesinadas, incluyendo a 6 periodistas y 4 defensoras LGBTQI. Únete a nosotras en la conmemoración de  sus vidas y trabajo,  compartiendo los memes aquí incluidos con tus colegas, amistades y redes; y tuiteando las etiquetas #WHRDTribute y #16Días.

Por favor, haz click en cada imagen de abajo para ver una versión más grande y para descargar como un archivo.



Snippet FEA NSS uplifts and grows (EN)

Nous Sommes la Solution uplifts and grows the leadership of rural women working towards African solutions for food sovereignty.

Will the AWID Forum still be in Taipei in light of the COVID-19?

AWID is closely monitoring the global COVID 19 situation and for now anticipates continuing with the Forum as planned.

If at any moment the situation demands  something different, we  will let you know right away.

The 14th AWID International Forum is scheduled to take place 20-23 September 2021 in Taipei,.

More information

Snippet - WITM Why now_col 2 - RU

Обеспечение ресурсами феминистских движений имеет основополагающее значение для обеспечения более справедливого и мирного настоящего и свободного будущего.

За последнее десятилетие спонсоры выделили значительно больше средств на обеспечение гендерного равенства, однако лишь 1% средств на благотворительность и развитие был направлен непосредственно на поддержку социальных изменений, проводимых под руководством феминисток.

В солидарности с движениями, которые по-прежнему остаются невидимыми, маргинализированными и не имеют доступа к основному, долгосрочному, гибкому и основанному на доверии финансированию, данный опрос освещает фактическое состояние ресурсного обеспечения, выявляет ошибочные решения и указывает на то, как необходимо изменить модели финансирования, чтобы движения процветали и решали сложные задачи современного мира.

Пройти опрос!

WHRDs from the South and Southeast Asian region

7 Women Human Rights Defenders from across the South and Southeast Asian region are honored in this year’s Online Tribute. These defenders have made key contributions to advancing human and women’s rights, indigenous people’s rights, and the right to education. These WHRDs were lawyers, women’s rights activists, scholars, and politicians. Please join AWID in commemorating t their work and legacy by sharing the memes below with your colleagues, networks and friends and by using the hashtags #WHRDTribute and #16Days. 

Please click on each image below to see a larger version and download as a file


Snippet FEA Avellaneda, Gran Buenos Aires (ES)

Avellaneda, Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina

Cooperativa Textil Nadia Echazú



Why did AWID decide to change the Forum location from Bali to Taipei?

Events in Indonesia, in late 2019 - in particular, signs of intensifying militarization and backlash against LGBTQ rights - led us to question AWID’s ability to maintain a reasonably safe and welcoming environment for the diversity of participants we aspire to bring together at the Forum.

After careful consideration the AWID Board of Directors decided to change the venue for the 14th International AWID Forum, in November 2019 from Bali to Taipei.

Taipei offers  a strong degree of logistical capacities, and is accessible for many travellers (with a facilitated e-visa process for international conferences).  

For more details:

Snippet - WITM Acknowledgements - RU

Слова благодарности

AWID выражает признательность всем тем, чьи идеи, аналитические работы и вклад в развитие легли в основу исследования «Где же деньги?» и его дальнейшей адвокации.

Прежде всего, мы выражаем глубочайшую благодарность членам AWID и активисткам(-там), которые участвовали в консультациях, и провели этот опрос вместе с нами, щедро поделившись своим временем, аналитикой и сердцем.

Мы выражаем признательность феминистским движениям, союзникам и феминистским фондам, включая (но не ограничиваясь ими) Black Feminist Fund, Pacific Feminist Fund, ASTRAEA Lesbian Foundation for Justice, FRIDA Young Feminist Fund, Purposeful, Kosovo Women’s Network, Human Rights Funders Network, Dalan Fund and PROSPERA International Network of Women's Funds , за ваше тщательное исследование состояния ресурсного обеспечения, вдумчивый анализ и постоянную адвокацию для достижения более объемного и эффективного финансирования для феминистских организаций и движений за гендерную справедливость во всех контекстах.

Присоединяйтесь к глобальному феминистскому сообществу, которое освещает состояние ресурсного обеспечения, требуя большего финансирования и влияния для феминисток(-ов) во всем мире

Before you begin

Before starting the WITM research methodology, it is important you prepare the background and know what to expect.


With AWID’s WITM research methodology, we recommend that you first review the entire toolkit.

While this toolkit is designed to democratize WITM research, there are capacity constraints related to resources and research experience that may affect your organization’s ability use this methodology.

Use the “Ready to Go?” Worksheet to assess your readiness to begin your own WITM research. The more questions you can answer on this worksheet, the more prepared you are to undertake your research.


Before beginning any research, we recommend that you assess your organization’s connections and trust within your community.

In many contexts, organizations may be hesitant to openly share financial data with others for reasons ranging from concerns about how the information will be used, to fear of funding competition and anxiety over increasing government restrictions on civil society organizations.

As you build relationships and conduct soft outreach in the lead-up to launching your research, ensuring that your objectives are clear will be useful in creating trust. Transparency will allow participants to understand why you are collecting the data and how it will benefit the entire community.

We highly recommend that you ensure data is collected confidentially and shared anonymously. By doing so, participants will be more comfortable sharing sensitive information with you. 

First step

1. Gather your resources

We also recommend referring to our “Ready to Go?” Worksheet to assess your own progress.

Snippet FEA trans and travesti people in Argentina (FR)

Cette illustration montre une main droite brune avec du vernis à ongles blanc tenant un papier bleu canard sur lequel est écrit en jaune : « Accès au travail formel ».

Seul·es 18 % des trans et travestis en Argentine ont accès à un emploi formel.

O nosso grupo, organização e/ou movimento não está registado - devemos participar no inquérito mesmo assim?

É claro que sim, queremos saber mais sobre si e sobre a sua experiência com o financiamento.

4. Collect and analyze your data

This section will guide you on how to ensure your research findings are representative and reliable.

In this section:

Collect your data

1. Before launch

  • First determine the best way to reach your survey population.
    For example, if you want to focus on indigenous women’s rights organizers, do you know who the key networks are? Do you have contacts there, people who can introduce you to these organizations or ways of reaching them?
  • Determine if your key population can be easily reached with an online survey, if you need to focus on paper survey distribution and collection or a mix of both. This decision is very important to ensure accessibility and inclusiveness.
  • Be prepared! Prior to advertizing, create a list of online spaces where you can promote your survey.
    If you are distributing paper versions, create a list of events, spaces and methods for distributing and collecting results.
  • Plan your timeline in advance, so you can avoid launching your survey during major holidays or long vacation periods.
  • Make it easy for your advisors and partners to advertize the survey – offer them pre-written Twitter, Facebook and email messages that they can copy and paste.

2. Launch

  • Send the link to the survey via email through your organization’s email databases.
  • Advertize on your organization’s social media. Similar to your newsletter, you can regularly advertize the survey while it is open.
  • If your organization is hosting events that reach members of your survey population, this is a good space to advertize the survey and distribute paper versions as needed.
  • Invite your advisors to promote the survey with their email lists and ask them to copy you so you are aware of their promotional messages. Remember to send them follow-up reminders if they’ve agreed to disseminate.
  • Approach funders to share your survey with their grantees. It is in their interest that their constituencies respond to a survey that will improve their own work in the field.

3. During launch

  • Keep the survey open for a minimum of four weeks to ensure everyone has time to take it and you have time to widely advertize it.
  • Send reminders through your email databases and your partners databases asking people to participate in the survey. To avoid irritating recipients with too many emails, we recommend sending two additional reminder emails: one at  midway point while your survey is open and another a week before your survey closes.
  • As part of your outreach, remember to state that you are only collecting one response per organization. This will make cleaning your data much easier when you are preparing it for analysis.
  • Save an extra week! Halfway through the open window for survey taking, check your data set. How have you done so far? Run initial numbers to see how many groups have responded, from which locations, etc. If you see gaps, reach out to those specific populations. Also, consider extending your deadline by a week – if you do so, include this extension deadline in one of your reminder emails, informing people know there is more time to complete the survey. Many answers tend to come in during the last week of the survey or after the extended deadline.

If you also plan to collect data from applications sent to grant-making institutions, this is a good time to reach out them.

When collecting this data, consider what type of applications you would like to review. Your research framing will guide you in determining this.

Also, it may be unnecessary to see every application sent to the organization – instead, it will be more useful and efficient to review only eligible applications (regardless of whether they were funded).

You can also ask grant-making institutions to share their data with you.

See a sample letter to send to grant-making institutions

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Prepare your data for analysis

Your survey has closed and now you have all this information! Now you need to ensure your data is as accurate as possible.

Depending on your sample size and amount of completed surveys, this step can be lengthy. Tapping into a strong pool of detail-oriented staff will speed up the process and ensure greater accuracy at this stage.

Also, along with your surveys, you may have collected data from applications sent to grant-making institutions. Use these same steps to sort that data as well. Do not get discouraged if you cannot compare the two data sets! Funders collect different information from what you collected in the surveys. In your final research report and products, you can analyze and present the datasets (survey versus grant-making institution data) separately.

1. Clean your data

  • Resolve and remove duplications: If there is more than one completed survey for one organization, reach out to the organization and determine which one is the most accurate.
  • Remove ineligible responses: Go through each completed survey and remove any responses that did not properly answer the question. Replace it with “null”, thus keeping it out of your analysis.
  • Consistently format numerical data: For example, you may remove commas, decimals and dollar signs from numerical responses. Financial figures provided in different currencies may need to be converted.

2. Code open-ended responses

There are two styles of open-ended responses that require coding.

Questions with open-ended responses

For these questions, you will need to code responses in order to track trends.

Some challenges you will face with this is:

  1. People will not use the exact same words to describe similar responses
  2. Surveys with multiple language options will require translation and then coding
  3. Staff capacity to review and code each open-ended response.

If using more than one staff member to review and code, you will need to ensure consistency of coding. Thus, this is why we recommend limiting your open-ended questions and as specific as possible for open-ended questions you do ask. 

For example, if you had the open-ended question “What specific challenges did you face in fundraising this year?” and some common responses cite “lack of staff,” or “economic recession,” you will need to code each of those responses so you can analyze how many participants are responding in a similar way.

For closed-end questions

If you provided the participant with the option of elaborating on their response, you will also need to “up-code” these responses.

For several questions in the survey, you may have offered the option of selecting the category “Other” With “Other” options, it is common to offer a field in which the participant can elaborate.

You will need to “up-code” such responses by either:

  • Converting open-ended responses to the correct existing categories (this is known as “up-coding”). As a simple example, consider your survey asks participants “what is your favorite color?” and you offer the options “blue,” “green,” and “other.” There may be some participants that choose “other” and in their explanation they write “the color of the sky is my favorite color.” You would then “up-code” answers like these to the correct category, in this case, the category “blue.”
  • Creating a new category if there are several “others” that have a common theme. (This is similar to coding the first type of open-ended responses). Consider the previous example question of favorite color. Perhaps many participants chose “other” and then wrote “red” is their favorite. In this case, you would create a new category of “red” to track all responses that answered “red.”
  • Removing “others” that do not fit any existing or newly created categories.

3. Remove unecessary data

Analyze the frequency of the results

For each quantitative question, you can decide whether you should remove the top or bottom 5% or 1% to prevent outliers* from skewing your results. You can also address the skewing effect of outliers by using median average rather than the mean average. Calculate the median by sorting responses in order, and selecting the number in the middle. However, keep in mind that you may still find outlier data useful. It will give you an idea of the range and diversity of your survey participants and you may want to do case studies on the outliers.

* An outlier is a data point that is much bigger or much smaller than the majority of data points. For example, imagine you live in a middle-class neighborhood with one billionaire. You decide that you want to learn what the range of income is for middle-class families in your neighborhood. In order to do so, you must remove the billionaire income from your dataset, as it is an outlier. Otherwise, your mean middle-class income will seem much higher than it really is.

Remove the entire survey for participants who do not fit your target population. Generally you can recognize this by the organizations’ names or through their responses to qualitative questions.

4. Make it safe

To ensure confidentiality of the information shared by respondents, at this stage you can replace organization names with a new set of ID numbers and save the coding, matching names with IDs in a separate file.

With your team, determine how the coding file and data should be stored and protected.

For example, will all data be stored on a password-protected computer or server that only the research team can access?

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Create your topline report

A topline report will list every question that was asked in your survey, with the response percentages listed under each question. This presents the collective results of all individual responses. 


  • Consistency is important: the same rules should be applied to every outlier when determining if it should stay or be removed from the dataset.
  • For all open (“other”) responses that are up-coded, ensure the coding matches. Appoint a dedicated point person to randomly check codes for consistency and reliability and recode if necessary.
  • If possible, try to ensure that you can work at least in a team of two, so that there is always someone to check your work.

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Analyze your data

Now that your data is clean and sorted, what does it all mean? This is the fun part where you begin to analyze for trends.

Are there prominent types of funders (government versus corporate)? Are there regions that receive more funding? Your data will reveal some interesting information.

1. Statistical programs

  • Smaller samples (under 150 responses) may be done in-house using an Excel spreadsheet.

  • Larger samples (above 150 responses) may be done in-house using Excel if your analysis will be limited to tallying overall responses, simple averages or other simple analysis.

  • If you plan to do more advanced analysis, such as multivariate analysis, then we recommend using statistical software such as SPSS, Stata or R.
    NOTE: SPSS and Stata are expensive whereas R is free.
    All three types of software require staff knowledge and are not easy to learn quickly.

Try searching for interns or temporary staff from local universities. Many students must learn statistical analysis as part of their coursework and may have free access to SPSS or Stata software through their university. They may also be knowledgeable in R, which is free to download and use.

2. Suggested points for analysis

  • Analysis of collective budget sizes
  • Analysis of budget sizes by region or type of organization
  • Most common funders
  • Total amount of all funding reported
  • Total percentages of type of funding (corporate, government, etc)
  • Most funded issues/populations
  • Changes over time in any of these results.

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Previous step

3. Design your survey

Next step

5. Conduct interviews

Estimated time:

• 2 - 3 months

People needed:

• 1 or more research person(s)
• Translator(s), if offering survey in multiple languages
• 1 or more person(s) to assist with publicizing survey to target population
• 1 or more data analysis person(s)

Resources needed:

• List of desired advisors: organizations, donors, and activists
• Optional: an incentive prize to persuade people to complete your survey
• Optional: an incentive for your advisors

Resources available:

Survey platforms:

Survey Monkey
Survey Gizmo (Converts to SPSS for analysis very easily)

2011 WITM Global Survey
Sample of WITM Global Survey
Sample letter to grantmakers requesting access to databases

Visualising Information for Advocacy:
Cleaning Data Tools
Tools to present your data in compelling ways
Tutorial: Gentle Introduction to Cleaning Data


Previous step

3. Design your survey

Next step

5. Conduct interviews

Ready to Go? Worksheet

Download the toolkit in PDF

Snippet FEA Trans and Travesti people (EN)

This image represents a faceless person with short dark hair, and dark skin, with a navy blue shirt, and yellow sweater, working behind a burgundy sewing machine on a navy blue piece of fabric

sanctioned by law is not being respected by companies and employers